Daycare isn't listening to me, help!

With a Dr. Order they should be able to provide meds, just like a school can. I’d talk to the director of the daycare

Go ahead and drop kick

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Daycare isn't listening to me, help!

Your baby needs a steroid cream by sounds of it from the doctor , they’re probably questioning your parenting as you call it because it’s unusual to give pain relief for a rash if the actual rash itself isn’t being dealt with


On a side note, one of my boys would get horrible diaper rashes and after trying several different things I finally found that athlete foot cream worked amazingly well and helped clear it up and keep it away. I got the $1 tubes from dollar tree and put some on any time I saw any red dots even starting on his butt.

I had an in home daycare and the label had to be very clear— not as needed or for pain. It had to say “give every X hours for X amount of days”

She is not a nurse legally she cant administrator meds.I get what you are saying its very frustrating but this could be why shes said this


Nope day cares can not give meds in the US. It’s much of a liability and personally I don’t let anyone give my child medication besides my husband.


Also nystatin cream pediatrician can get it.
It may also be the diapers
Any bubble bath
Any bath soap or laundry detergent


Daycares are allowed to give medication. There has to be paperwok filled out and a signed Drs note. But yes, legally you are allowed to as a daycare provider.

My daughter had it bad for two months straight after i put her on milk. I finally called to doctor and said i need to do something, he told me to give her lactaid instead of milk, it was gone in 12 hours. Not sure of your situation but figured to throw it out there just in case. Good luck, its so hard to watch them in pain and i hope it goes away soon

As far as I know… child care providers and daycares and such can’t give meds to kids… I remember having the same issue with my daughter (not the rash, but having to give her Tylenol for her teeth) and I had to leave work to come give it to her. I think it’s a liability thing… prescription meds is a different thing though… they were willing to give her eye drops when she needed them… so I don’t know.


Ill never understand why daycares can’t give meds.

I know where I work with kids we are not allowed to administer any medication either

Since the rash has been out of control for some time, I think the suggestions for ways to treat it are of value because even if she is using some salve or whatever there are numerous options and one of these might work better.

Every state has laws regarding giving medication to children in daycare. Some require any medication given has to be prescribed by a Dr with the dosage instructions labeled on the container. They could loose their license if they don’t follow the states requirements.


Ok most of you ladies sound like Karen’s and don’t know what state she lives in. Or the policies and laws of her daycare and state. When my daughter was in daycare all I had to do was sign a waiver form and myself or mostly when she needed med’s her pediatrician would put on paper the medicine name, dosage and time. Pediatrician would sign and myself or just myself. They would administer the med. And put on paper the medicine name, dosage and time and the worker giving it would sign her name. So yeah.


She most likely isn’t allowed. Way to be mature and “drop kick” someone for being bound by their job rules.


Try mixing 2 oz of lotrimin a d desitin maximum strength use at every diaper change for 3 days should help heal and relieve yeast and the pain at the
Same time and ask them to change jis diaper eveey hour they could be leaving them on too long at the daycare.


No Tylenol for a rash. Sounds like yeast, I’d do OTC for a few days and if that doesn’t clear up, I’d go to your doctor.


As long as you signed a paper at the daycRe when signing him up stating they have permission to give your child meds. Then they can give him meds,if they aren’t doing that then they aren’t doing their job to take care of your child

They can’t give him any medicine unless you sign a dosage chart.

It’s a legal/liability issue. Unless they have a script that says specifically how much is to be given and specifically when to give it, they can’t. It’s an inconvenience for us parents, but I’d rather have to get a script from a doctor than have a dead child. Children die at daycares all the time from being given OTC medicine incorrectly. I took my kid to the doctor to get him “diagnosed” with a cold so the doctor would write a note saying he could/should be given OTC cold medicine at school.

I think addressing constant diaper rash should be your main concern. I can count on 1 hand the amount of times all 3 of my kids combined had diaper rash. There is always a cause and it should not be ignored or just accepted as the norm for your child. Nor should it be so severe they need pain meds. If you are an RN that is a bit concerning. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I used to work at a daycare. There should be a waiver form you fill out that lets you sign that daycare staff can administer medication as long as it has the name of child and proper dosage on the bottle, but that could be a state by state regulation. Not sure what state you’re in.

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They can’t. You would have to leave work and give it to him

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Speak to the manager of the daycare

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Are pediatrician always told us to use this for my kids diaper rash. It worked wonders

He shouldn’t require Tylenol for a rash. If it’s that severe you need to take your child to the doctor.


Tylenol is only treating the symptoms of the rash, not the cause. Hope it heals up.


In my experience with the diaper rash that bad 1.) yeast infection…I always bought OTC yeast infection creams…if in 3 days you don’t see any improvement I would 2.) use secret deodorant on the area and within 3 days it was gone


If the doctor prescribes it they can give it to him, if it’s OTC they can’t legally. That’s how it is here anyway. They can barely give them anything at school either, even after having you fill out the paper about what they can and cannot give them, they usually just call the parents and send the kid home if they complain about anything. :woman_shrugging:t2:

As an RN why have you not gotten him steroid cream? Why give him medicine for it?

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Withold payment until they listen. Why pay them if they aren’t doing what you pay them to do.


Jesus Christ KAREN, calm down. If you were really in the medical field you’d know that there are laws and policies about who can and can’t administer medications. None of the daycare centers my kids went to would give any medication other than an asthma inhaler in an emergency. So maybe instead of bashing the people who work their asses off to take care of kids all day you could figure out a way to get your kid the medication he needs during the times when you’re available to do that. And while you’re at it, learn the difference between telling you “no” because of a policy and questioning your parenting. You sound extremely unstable. Oh and one more thing, as a nurse shouldn’t you know that you don’t treat a diaper rash with Tylenol? :roll_eyes:


As an RN you should know that Tylenol doesn’t solve a diaper rash :roll_eyes: If it’s so severe that he is in pain, use an OTC yeast infection med like others have stated. You can also brown some flour, to use in addition to an OTC med, to help keep moisture from the rash. You can’t just drop your kid off and expect a daycare to give him Tylenol for a rash. They are “questioning your parenting” because that doesn’t make any damn sense :woman_shrugging:t2: Your pediatrician would give you a cream for the rash itself not Tylenol for the pain of a rash :woman_facepalming:t2:


Shoulda just drop kicked her. Sounds like it would have gotten the point across.

Seriously tho, change child providers.

Here in Australia, Any medication to be given needs to be labelled by the chemist / pharmacy for that child. Maybe same where you are?

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My daycare doesn’t distribute meds, even if it’s what you want. They have a strict policy when it comes to medicine and sickness ever since Covid happened. If the kid needs medicine, the kid needs to stay home. :woman_shrugging:t2: it’s irritating but it is what it is.

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Daycare usually won’t do over the counter medication unless a doctor note is provided since it could masked a different illness.

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I thought most daycares don’t do that. Unless it’s an actual condition, especially since so many daycares have been getting in trouble for giving children medication. It depends on your state and their policies. It’s to prevent being sued but you would need to look into their policies and how to go about it, legally they probably cannot give your child medicine. They aren’t trained or certified and with the deaths of children in daycare because of medication being given at the wrong dosage,I wouldn’t want someone else giving my child medicine with a mistake like that. It’s policy so don’t get upset at them for doing their job and informing you that they are unable to do so. Most daycares here have that rule where I live.

Our daycare/ preschool won’t administer any type of drugs unless you go through paperwork and have a pediatric sign off on it. It’s a whole process and it’s mainly for legal reasons, our district is really strict on what they can and can’t give kids until they reach middle school or high school age I can’t remember which it was.

Warm baths, warm rags and LOTS of baby bum cream applied on thick. Tylenol may mask the pain but it won’t get rid of it.

most daycare places with a drs note are obligated to give it to them due to the fact they are legally responsible for the kids in their time. With a note from a dr there is no reason they cannot…as long as dosage and time stamps for the child medication. If its gonna be a huge problem, triple paste has worked great for my son’s diaper issues. Call the dr and get the fax number for your daycare. They cannot ignore a medical diagnosis