Did anyone dream about their babys gender?

Is it true when you know you know? Mommas that are/were pregnant when did you know what baby was? Did you feel what the baby was before you found out? Did you dream about it? I have this feeling I know the sex of my baby and it’s making me really depressed because it’s not the gender I want (don’t get me wrong a healthy baby would be great) but this might be my last baby and I already have a girl which I fell into a really bad depression with her as well because once again I wanted the opposite sex. What should I do? What can I do to help so I don’t fall as bad as I did before (I couldn’t hold my baby for 6 months after I had her because of how depressed I was) I don’t want to go through the same thing with this baby

I was convinced I was having a boy till the gender scan.

Start therapy now. Immediately. Get your mental health in order before the baby comes.

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Get into therapy.

And yes, when I’m pregnant with my first, ALL my dreams were about having two boys. I always knew I’d have two boys. And guess what? I have two boys.

I was convinced my second was going to be a girl. I kept dreaming about a baby girl… Very detailed… And I ended up having another boy haha

I dreamt boy I had a girl.

With my first I wanted a boy but something just kept telling me girl. I even dreamed of a toddler that looked almost exactly like she ended up looking! So I’d say it’s possible. With my second I guessed girl again and was right, the feeling wasn’t as strong that time though

My first one I felt and knew I was having a boy…this pregnancy I have no idea…thinking girl but idk haha

Learn to be thankful with the gift you are given. I get gender disappointment is real but we have to let it go at some stage.