Did anyone else have experience with prodromal labor? I went in last night for contractions that were 2 minutes apart consistently the whole time I was monitored but only dilated to a 2. They sent me home and it seems the contractions slowed down but I’m still getting them. If something similar happened to yall, how long until you went into real labor after this? Did you do anything to progress it? I feel defeated I want this baby out of me. (I am full term but getting a c section)
Yep. It took 3 pregnancies for me to get a reason. I have an “irritable uterus.” My prodromal labor starts before I can even feel it. But from 34 weeks on, every other night is like that. It’s a freaking delight. I don’t know it’s actual labor until I feel the craziness of transition.
2 weeks with my 2nd. Then I was induced my last 3 and will be induced again
Yes….30 hours of it!!! They kept sending me home until my Mother flipped and made them keep me! I was at 2cm they broke my water and 2 hours later and two pushes later I gave birth. After the fact I realized that I had 2 full days of back labor prior to my daughter flipping and that is when the contractions moved to the front and were 5 minutes apart for about an hour then went to 2 minutes and stayed that way until they broke my water when they got closer. They were hard, strong and unmistakable as labor. I have never felt pain like labor pain. See if they’ll break your water.
2 weeks with my second and we both almost died my water never broke and I didn’t fully dilate until 30 mins before my emergency c section. Id be induced if I ever had a third …