Did anyone else have increased stress and anxiety after birth?

Can you ask if other mothers have had an increased stress and anxiety level after birth ? . I cant sleep at night anymore, I’m terrified to drive my car now. Am I the only one?


it happens more then you think make sure you tell your doctor

You are not alone. I had a panic attack about 3 days postpartum. It’s been really hard this time around. I called my Dr and she prescribed something for depression and anxiety. It’s okay to need help.

Post partum anxiety is an actual diagnosis. Talk to your doctor. :heart:

I had it, I didn’t even want anyone holding my baby.

It’s been 5 years and my anxiety still is bad, I was on meds but they made me feel sick so I had to stop. Good luck and def see a dr they can try meds that may help you better than they did me.

I’m 1 whole year pp and have really bad anxiety and paranoia now

Yes. I am on Zoloft bc of it. Please talk to your doctor ASAP.

Yes, never saw anyone for it and my youngest is 2.5 years. It has got worse

I am in Canada and when I told my family doctor how much my anxiety problems got worse after childbirth, the doctor referred me to a psychiatrist who specifically works with new mothers. I saw her for a year and it helped. Please see a doctor about it if you’re able. If you’re not able, meditation and exercise can help mental wellness.

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yes started right after my daughter was born 7 years ago… never went away.

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Definitely talk to your doctor. You are far from alone.

You are not alone at all!!! I am almost 9 month pp and I still have terrible anxiety. I would recommend seeing a doctor because that’s what I did and he prescribed me some medicine that has helped.

3 years and it has just gotten worse and worse get the help now dont wait :pray:t2: my mistake was waiting so long to finally get it taken care of

Hormones probably play a big part. Have a full panel thryoid check done. Many develop thryoid disease after giving birth…I did, as well as had a severe vitamin d deficient and have now an auto immune disorder…can cause many symptoms if you’re levels are off like depression, anxiety, insomnia, mood swings, etc

If this is your first child then it’s probably normal. Being a new mom makes people into a bunch of worry warts. (I think that’s the proper lingo) however always seek professional advice if it feels more off than normal or becomes worsening

It mostly hit me when i saw child abuse/child death cases on the news. It wasnt just oh i feel so sad. It became a mental problem for me even now i cant explain what went wrong with me. I had to stop watching news and read about that kind of cases for a long time. Now i seem a bit better

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Postpartum anxiety! It his me hard for about 6 monthsss

My anxiety level has gone up n ially

Not at all! Postpartum depression hit me like a brick wall for about 3 months after my daughter was born and I was terrified to leave the house and anxious when my husband went to work. My instincts told me that I needed to hole up at home with my child and husband where it’s safe. I knew that the things I was feeling were completely irrational but knowing did not make it any easier to resist those thoughts. What really helped me was making appointments (pp checkup, baby checkup and chiropractor) and having to stick to them. Eventually it went away and now I can look back on that time with some amusement but at the time it was very scary and real.

You are not alone, I’ve had anxiety after the birth of my twins that was over a decade ago, after much research I’ve found it’s very common but if you take the steps early enough like therapy and medication you should be ok

I didn’t, but my friend had it after both children. Speak with your doctor - her’s said it was part of her post pardom.

I have anxiety and stress and I can’t sleep at night. I’m at 35 weeks.
I talk to my counselor and he’s always reassuring. It’s very common. But it’s good to talk it out rather than keep your stress and anxiety bottled in.

I had it really bad after my first, couldn’t sleep and when I did I had horrible nightmares. I couldn’t leave her with anyone and the first five times I did I balled my eyes out even though she was with my sister (she was 6 months at this point) it lasted till she was pretty much year then it started dying down. I just had my second daughter 2 months ago and am definitely anxious but not nearly as bad

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I had horrible ppa. Don’t ignore it, get some help for it. It can be debilitating at times if left untreated, trust me. Good luck!


Talk to your doctor. I had anxiety all through my pregnancy and after giving birth it got really bad. I got meds when we went to the doctor for my daughters 1 week checkup because they take a while to work. Don’t suffer it out if you don’t have to.

Postpartum anxiety is a thing, talk with a psychologist and they should be able to help you.

Before I had kids I wasn’t scared of anything. I’m the same way I have anxiety about driving also. & always think about what if this happened then this happened… stressing myself out


Talk to a psychiatrist. I love mine. Ask about vistaril (hydroxyzine) for a sleep aid. It’s non-narcotic and also allows you to wake up with baby if you have too

Talk to your doctor… even if you only talk a little… or not at all just say “something feels very off” and allow her to ask the questions… it’s normal to fee this but you should do everything to feel BETTER

I highly suggest talking to your ob or a therapist. Post partum anxiety is real and can be scary. Went through it with my oldest 10 years ago.

I had it really bad after I had my first child I was so worried about Any and everything talk to your OB

Definitely really to psychologist, don’t let the OB try to manage it.

Nope! I have it too! Talk to your doctor!:slight_smile:

Yeah still have it at times and my kids are 3 and 2

Get your thyroid tested.


You’re not the only one…

It is very important to talk with your doctor about how you are feeling. But know that it is very common and many mothers feel that way but if it doesn’t pass or you feel that it is effecting how you can care for yourself and your baby you would definitely want to speak with your doctor. But don’t ever feel ashamed for those feelings. Our hormones are crazy after birth and we can’t always control how we feel.

My girl is 3 months old and i feel every single bit of this. I didnt have it with my other 2 but i also have other things going on in life that play a role in my anxiety right now also. But, the whole terrified of driving your car now, i feel that in my SOUL.

I was diagnosed with postpartum anxiety. It took a me 30 minutes to get to her first pediatrician appointment that was 10 minutes away because I kept stopping to check that she was breathing. Talk to your OB and also look in to therapy. My daughter is 5 now and I still deal with it. She was also born with a lot of medical issues I was unaware of so the day of her birth was very traumatic.

2 years later is still get it.
Over powering sometimes due to his routine, nappy changing etc. Especially now with the social distancing.
It does get better I’m not as bad as I was after I asked for help and he can do certain things himself xx

Visit child health. They have counsellors you can see for free