Did anyone else have issues with nexplanon?

Can you post anonymously? I’m not a mom, but I was wondering if anyone else has a problem with their nexplanon I got mine almost a year ago and it’s been great and my periods have been regular up until about four months ago I’ve had my period for about four months now it will stop for a day or two but no longer than that and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what I should do it’s been light and very heavy on and off


Side effects from what I remember that my doctor mentioned was depression with all the hormonal changes. The first 6 months I was a mess… I got past the rough patch… I got up to 2 years with it when my periods started changing. They started to get heavy… my cramping got worse… The last 5 months that I had it I had 2 periods in 1 month!!! I decided I was done with that thing. I went to my appt for the removal and mentioned to Medical assistant about my crazy periods the last few months and she said girl!! I had the same thing happen to me. After the 2 years I was having more than 1 period in a month and also got it out. She mentioned she has heard alot of people say the same thing that I was experiencing. Hope this helps!

I got pregnant with my daughter 4 months after getting the nexplanon implant.

I had my first one for 3 years with no problems. Had 2 kids after taking it out and then got IT in again after my 2nd pregnancy. I had my cycle for 1 year with a total of 7 days off with in the year if even! I had to get it removed.

Mine did that it didn’t stop I thought mine was defective somehow so I had it removed and replaced and i still didn’t stop bleeding I had to take it out I’m on the Nuvaring and love it

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My sister in law’s broke in her arm somehow. She said she wasn’t doing anything strenuous, that scared me outta getting it

Had slightly increased heavier cycles, nasty mood swings, gained a crap ton of weight. And severe migraines. Once removed, lost alot of weight, cycle was late to return but it returned, and migraines decreased as well as mood swings. Couldn’t wait to get that mofo out.

Girl my friend and I got it the same day and when her husband went to go kiss her goodbye in the morning she didn’t kiss him back and he thought that was strange so he turned on the light to catch her having a stroke… it caused her to get a blood clot in her brain!!

For me my periods were so horrible and heavy and lots of tissue I had to end up getting it removed myself.

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Caused me to gain 40 lbs I was always hungry… Even when I was full… I was emotionally and irrationally pissed off and would just cry about everything… It made me very sensative to tasting plastic in bottles, acne like crazy, I bled 50-75% of the month off and on, it migrated and caused constant pain in my arm. Lowered my sex drive, my sweat smelt bad, my pH was off.

I had to have mine removed because of this same problem.

I had it for a year, no periods but I had severe cramps assuming around the time my cycle was due. Took it out due to gaining 60 lbs!!!

I got my nexplanon put in after my best friend and sister told me how great it was… i had my period for months and months My doctor insisted I give it more time. After 6 months of nearly constant period I finally had enough and said take it out!!! Then they tell me some people just have bad reactions to it and that is just how my body reacted to it

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I bled non stop also, had it taken out and dr put it on my allergies to medicine, but I think it was my hormones

I’m guessing here but the smart thing would be contacting your dr

I would consult your doctor.

I do that a lot and then some time it for 4 to 5 day

I had issues with it at first but now I absolutely love it…

I haven’t had a period since mine was put in October 2017, but I have gained a lot of weight. When I told the Dr I wanted it taken out due to weight gain she said it doesn’t cause weight gain :roll_eyes: Also I was diagnosed with fatty liver disease about a year after having it, and I don’t drink so I’m wondering if the nexplanon caused it since it mentions liver problems. My doctor refuses to take mine out till it is time, she also said fatty liver disease doesn’t cause weight gain :roll_eyes: so I’m looking for a new doctor that isn’t stupid :joy:

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I had that demon seed removed from my arm about a month in of having it. It literally made me a fly off the handle kind of angry/crazy. I made an emergency appointment and told them to get the SOB out of me stat!

So I bleed for 91 days straight, had it removed and then developed problems conceiving.

Gained weight, always hungry, cannot loose it, period 20-28 days of the month its ridiculous. It works for some people others not so much. I’m looking into get mine removed.

It effects us all differently, I’m on my 3rd implant and iv had no problems and no periods, I would ring your doctor.

GET IT OUT! I’ve had that and my periods were ALL the time. I bled for a year, never had cramps a day in my life until that thing. It was great at first. Then, i was in constant pain and didn’t know why. I have several medical problems from it now and have been medically put through early menopause! I no longer can have children. I am scheduled for a full hysterectomy this summer.


Everyone’s bodies react different, not always the same. Mine has been up to 2 weeks max but only maybe once a year. Some mild depression/anxiety and gradual weight gain at first that has maintained the same since. I love mine this is going on 8 years with it (changed every 3years)

I did have issues, but got a solution other than removing it.

July 2018 I got my implant. Did not bleed till October 2018. Then bled for 3 months. Since then I’d been irregular and even got several get serious uti’s that led to kidney infections but didn’t seem to correlate that they were connected. Until now. I took a very low dose of estrogen prescribed by my obgyn and it cured my issue. I’m now regular as can be.

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When I had mine in, I had my period for almost a whole month. I figured it was my body adjusting to it, which my doctor confirmed. After that, I mostly spotted, but definitely had light periods than what I normally had. The worst part was getting it removed. The doctor I use now, no one at her office has gotten the certification to insert them because they remove them so much. But I had tissue(muscle maybe) grow around mine so she she had to kinda really pull to get it out. Which she apologized for afterwards. She told me there would be some bruising, which there & I still have a mark where it was at. She recommended Ashlyna(?) where I only got my period every 3 or 4 months. Loved it very much, except that was a pill🤷🏽‍♀️

GET IT OUT NOW. At my appointment to get it removed at year 3 I was told it was good for another year. Same thing happened again when I went back the 4th year. It’s year 5 and have had TWO failed ultrasound guided removals. Have two scars on my arm and the DR nicked my nerve and to this day I get shooting nerve pain down my whole arm. I have my consultation with a surgeon next week so I can be booked for an OR to get this thing out!


Yes it happens alot to have continues bleeding. With my first one I had it for months and I went to the doctor they said it was very common. After that it was very irregular. But it’s completely normal. Once it stops you might be in a better place my last year of my first implant it was very regular and easy to manage I do recommend a menstrual cup. The free bleeding really helped vs a tampon.

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Yes! I bled the WHOLE first year on it. The doctors acted like they didn’t want to take it out. Said it’d get better after the first year. It did only a little. After the first year I had like 2 periods a month but sometimes the bleeding would last a couple weeks. And anytime I had sex it would start the bleeding. Bad mood swings too. I had it 2.5 years and finally went into the doctor crying and they took it out that day. Also the reason I went to the doctor was to check up on my iron which was low because of all the bleeding

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I have had a nexplanon for about 3.5 years total. First time I got it I started bleeding very heavy (more than a tampon/ pad every hour). They put me on a pill birth control for a month and have not had a period since. Got my nexplanon removed and got an IUD since it lasted longer and had very undesirable side effects. Got the nexplanon again and it’s working great for me again. Not every birth control is for everyone. I notice a lot more negative for nexplanon in many. I’m thankful it’s an option and works well for me. There is a birth control out there that will work well for you but nexplanon might not be it!

I had it and bled continuously for 6 months. I eventually became anemic and ended up having a D&C to “reset” my uterine lining and get rid of the tissue I had floating around. Doc said I was way too young to have that much tissue inside and once I had the thing removed, I had no issues

I had it in when it was the Norplant and the entire time I had it in I had a period every stinkin day so after 6 months of that they decided to remove it. I gained so much weight like over 100 pounds. It took 8 years to conceive a baby and I have had nothing but hormone issues since having it in.

I had the implanon. I had issues with it for the first 2 years and then my periods went to every other month to sometimes every 2-3 months. Sometimes at first they would be super heavy but then went to very light like 90% of the time. I would take cheap pregnancy test in between just to be safe. It’s only good for 3 years but I had mine in for 5. It took me a almost a year to get pregnant again after having it out and I had a miscarriage but now am pregnant again and everything is fine. If I had to do it over again I would not get the nexplanon. I also had issues with keeping weight on as well and it made me feel horrible during the months I didn’t get my period but should have.

Yes. I’ve had mine for about 1.5 years and have bled more days than not. Most days it’s just spotting but some days it’s heavier. My period was super consistent until Dec 2018 but I had some health issues the month prior and chalked it up to that. Got the Nexplanon in Feb or March od 2019 and it’s been more problems than it’s worth in my opinion

Omg yes! Back in 2012 after I had my first son I had decided to get the nexplanon and it was still new people hadn’t yet heard too much about it well, I bled for 6 months straight heavy I told my doctor about it and she said my body is just adjusting to it and then after that it just stop suddenly I kept it for the rest of the two years and then decided never to do it again cause I’m scared I’ll have to go through it all over again. My sister however never has she just doesn’t get her period at all or if so for like a day or two and that’s it.

I got nexplanon in September 2019 and had my last actual period in October. Since then it’s been barely there spotting at random. However, I was only getting 4 cycles a year without anything. I was told it would either kick start my period to be more regular or stop it completely.

I had it exactly a year. Worst decision ever. I bled more time than not. It took 45 minutes of digging to get it out too. Wouldnt reccomend it to anyone

I had my first one placed in 2013 after my first daughter was born. Bled for 7 months straight. Had it removed. Tried it again in Feb of 2019 and it has been 10000% better this time! Bled for about 2 weeks and havent had a period in over a year now!!

I have had my for 10 years yes i get it changed. At first my period lasted for a month but once it stopped it never came back. I have never had a problem with it at all.

I didn’t have a period for 3 years until I got off of it. I immediately gained 40 pounds in about 2-3 months that I’ve NEVER been able to get rid of and it’s been 6 years. I also had many suicidal thoughts and completely uncontrollable emotions.

I don’t get mine at all. This is my second time with nexplanon and I love it! I got it after having my oldest and had it nearly 2 years with no periods or issues, took it out when we were ready for baby #2. Took about a year and a half for it to leave my system. Still had no period during this time. Got pregnant with my first period post removal. Had baby and got it again immediately after. No periods still a year and a half later :raised_hands:t4: I was worried my body would react differently to it the second time around!

My daughter had horrible side effects. Irreg bleeding. White cell increase. Heart palpatations. Thyroid levels elavated. Headaches anxiety attacks

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I’m currently on my second round of nexplanon. First time it was great bc it seemed to reverse the negative effects from me being on the depo shot. It was great for about a year, I had no period and no pain. I gained my weight back and my appetite from losing it all during the 6 months I was on the shot. Then I only had maybe a collective 30-45 days in the last two years of having it where I wasn’t bleeding. Constant clotting, bad pain. Nothing helped and my doctor wouldn’t replace it early even though I kept telling him what was going on. I finally got it replaced in December 2019 and now I’m already cramping daily again and clotting.

Yup. 2013 or 2014 ish… i had it in for 6 months. every symptom you “could have” I had…

Weight gain, acne, mood swings, cramping, heavy periods, AND I bled every single day the ENTIRE 6 months it was in my arm.

I had that sucker taken out at the 6 month mark. My doctor asked me if I wanted to leave it in and give it another couple of months to level out and I said HELL NO!

I had it for like 5-6 months in that time span I gained 60 pounds that I to this day cannot loose. My hair fell out and I had migraines so bad I could barely get off the couch. Never ever again.

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I am so sorry to hear that it hasn’t been smooth for so many people! I have had mine in for about 2.5 years… Haven’t had even any spotting with it. No bleeding or anything. The only menstrual products I keep in the house any more are junior pads for my 12 yr old.

Yup my problem was I got pregnant 2 times with it still in my arm. But I wouldnt call it problems I have 2 awsome unexpected duaghters and wouldn’t change it for the world.

Same with how mine went. Get it taken out. I had no problems till i had this put in after my second son was born. Everything was fine for 3 months then it went down hill. I let my bleeding issue go on for 6 months. They kept telling me by the 9th month my body would be used to it and well it ended up with my body completely out of wack. Severe back cramps, heavy 2 inch clots almost daily, migraines. They put me on depo after removal in hopes to help but that made the bleeding even more painful and heavy. So ive been on a pill 3 times a day to stop the bleeding which finally has. Unfortunately I also have scar tissue from the nexplenon in my arm which causes intense upper arm and shoulder pain along with that I found out I have adenomyosis from it which is where the lining grows into the uterine muscle.

The first couple of periods I had with nexplanon would literally last a month. Then one day they stopped. What really caused me issues was about 6 months after it had been put in I started have the worst panic attacks I’ve ever had. At the time I blamed them on the recent death of my father but they kept getting worse and more frequent. Finally after it being in a year I had it taken out. I just couldn’t deal with the anxiety anymore. Within a month of it coming out the panic attacks had greatly lessened and now 4 years later I barely have them anymore.

I had similar issues my first year with it. My doctor prescribed me the pill to take when on my period. It has different levels of hormones and helped off set the nexplanon hormones while my body got used to it. I’m on third one and havent had any issues since

I had Nexplanon. I had no periods for 2 years and then all of a sudden they started again. Even my doctor said it was unusual and agreed to remove it. I would recommend talking to your doctor and seeing what the best option would be.

I got the nexplanon after my twins were born in 2013 and bleed for a 1 1/2 years straight I went to have it removed because I was tired of dealing with it and the almost had to surgically remove it then i had baby #4 and have had the mirena for 4 years and love it

I had it back in 2012 and I bled for damn near a year straight after having it in for two years. Doctor said spontaneous bleeding and that the lining of my uterus got too thin. Well, I took it out, have had no issues since I took it out.

I STOPPED having a period for some reason in like November last year :confused: and I’ve checked I’m not pregnant so :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: but IM MOT PREGNANT and other than this I haven’t have any issues personally. FOR ME it’s been awesome this is the 2nd round I’ve done with it, so year 5 for me

Absolutely hated mine I had periods for months at a time so annoying.

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First, every birth control will act differently with each woman.
I had Nexplanon for 5 1/2 years then got pregnant with it still in my arm but it was diluted no longer functioning.
I had weight gain, mood swings like crazy. for those 5 1/2 years my period went from normal to shifting schedules, from heavy to light…
If it’s much of a concern to you SPEAK UP WITH YOUR DOCTOR

Seriously, I’ve known women who’ve hag issues with all forms of bc from the pills, to implants and rings to even the depo shot causing issues
No woman is the same that’s why is important to speak to health providers with any questions and concerns
Good luck!

I never did thankfully. It even took away my period. It was great.

I have had the nexplanon 2 times now. The first time for 3 years with only some bleeding off and on the first 6 months and then after that it was just my normal periods. Then I took it out to get pregnant. Got a new nexplanon in last July and I have had no issues at all this time. My period hasn’t even returned yet. Some bleeding is a common side effect.

I had one and had a period for 9 months and then it regulated it works differently for everyone my sister got hers and she’s loves it just talk to your doctor if your concerned the will give you the most helpful advice

I had that and would bleed every two weeks for 12 days. I felt more emotional and crazy than I did when I was pregnant. I got the lileta and its amazing

I’ve had mine for a total of 5 years and never had an issue like this.
Sometimes I do go long periods of time without a period but when I do get my
Period it typically is very light and only for a couple of days.

My did the same I had a cyst on each ovary I had to get it taken out but it caused some damaged.

I had mine and hated it! I had my period ALL the time. I gained weight and broke out constantly. I’ve never had issues with any other birth control but that one was horrible for me.

I got on mine in December, and I had a period and finished it then was done for five days and started another period. And I’m having arm pain.

It happened to me too, it eventually stopped and then I didn’t have periods at all anymore

I had it for almost 6 years and didn’t have periods at all. You should definitely talk to your doctor about it.

I had mine 6 months and it broke in my arm and I got pregnant, periods were terrible

Did anyone arm itch constantly where they implanted the nexplanon?? I had it for 3 years and had great results with it …except where my implant was it always itched and hurt

turned me psycho. severe mood swings, violent attacks on my s/o. i had it for 5 months. never again.

I’ve had 3 over the past almost 7 years and I’ve never had problems, but everyone’s body is different

whenni had it the first time i didnt have a period from april to November and then i would have it 6 weeks for the most part. it would start out heavy and then i would spot and nothing for a week. then 6 weeks off. i had it in 4 years. got it out and was pregnant immediately. when my now 15 month old was 8 weeks old i got ot put back in ans have had no problems this time and my periods are regular and light for the most part.

I have it now. Period maybe every 4 months. Only last 3 days. No issues at all. Get another one put in next month. Had this one for 3 years

Mine was horrible from the get go i had every single symptom you could possibly get

I had it kept it 1 1/2 year been unable to have children since

I was on my period for 6 months. Got it taken out.

I gained a lot of weight and my mood swings we’re crazy af and I still ended up pregnant

What happend with me is they perscribe an oral birth control pill for a few months and I didnt have a period then for the nextv4 yrs.

I had it for 3 months! I bled the entire time!!! My husband was like, “well no wonder this bc works… you can’t have sex!” 3 months was enough for me.

I had mine in for 5 years and I had only one period and that was when it was implanted and I’ve had only one period since having it removed :pleading_face:

No period but bad mood swings

I have been on depo provera injection. It’s a once every 3 month shot. And no periods

I gained 30 pounds in 6 months on it

I had my period about the first 6 months then nothing.

I’ve had it for about 6 months and stopped bleeding for the first time 3 days ago, my estrogen levels dropped so that was most likely why, I’m now on an oral contraceptive for the next month to help regulate my hormones, the best advice I can give you is talk to your doctor and see what course of action is best for you

Same thing happened to my daughter. We had it removed.

Call the gyno i had it for 6 years it stopped my married I took it out cus I starting getting headaches I think it was from it

Yes I had to get mine out. Now mine are like clock work again.

I literally bled non stop for months

I no a girl who said she had a cycle for 25 days of every month😳

I got mine removed 2 months after I got it

I got pregnant on it. :woman_shrugging:

See your doctor !!!

My periods have been abnormal as hell since being in it. But I had my doctor give me these as a sample, and it really helped balance it out.

Only had to read 6 comments or so about women bleeding heavily for 6 months straight to know this is definitely NOT for me! I’m pregnant with my second child now and am exploring my options for bc which are limited due to my blood clot disorder. I had a copper IUD for 8 months before any kids and it caused very heavy bleeding and pain so I definitely don’t want to go thru that again! I haven’t been on bc in almost 6 years anyway so maybe I’ll just keep it that way

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Brooklyn Nicole read these comments

Oh my gosh!!! I’ve never had one of these and reading the comments are so sad, and terrifying! I got pregnant young (15) and had never been on birth control. Well after my son was born my mom and doctor both tried hard for me to get this implant. 1 because I am crappy at taking meds.
2 its good for 3 years
3 supposed to help with my sever pms :unamused:
I refused to the pills. Then this option I said oh hell no im not going to be cut open for some damn baby stopper :joy: I told them I wanted an IUD because its low hormones and a ton of great benefits. Let me tell ya I’m so happy I went thay route. Im so terribly sorry all you ladies have went through some bullshit for birth control. :frowning:

For me the first year was great. After that I had a period for 3 weeks straight. Said fuck this and made my doctor take it out. That’s when I got the copper IUD!

Go to the doctor immediately

Elizabeth Monroe, share your story.

After i had my nexplanon removed i had heavy and light bleeding for a year straight. When i had my nexplanon ( which i had 3 in the course of almost 4yrs) i didnt have a period at all. I would call they dr because they may want to run blood work just to make sure everything is normal