Did anyone else struggle to breath while pregnant?

Any other manma’s have severe breathing problems while pregnant? I don’t have asthma or breathing problems and I was sent to the ER by my OB/GYN on Wednesday because of it. They found absolutely nothing wrong but but oxygen levels were low (~70%) and my fingers turned blue under the nails. They got it back to normal and ran all kinds of tests and even did chest x-rays to see and my lungs and airways are clear. I’m having problems again (I was fine and feeling normal after oxygen was given on Wednesday night up until Saturday) and they keep saying its nothing just a big baby pushing on my diaphragm and to relax, but even relaxing doesn’t help. Doesn’t matter how I sit or lay down (on my side, elevated or reclined) I’m still having problems. I’ve tried wearing a belly band and using pillows and still nothing helps. Idk what else to do and I called the after hours at my Drs (As they are closed on weekends plus she’s on vacation) and the Dr that was on call was useless and told me to go to the ER again which I did (luckily didn’t need oxygen that time) and got the same results. Anyone else go through something similar? My Dr said having baby push up on diaphragm is normal and can cause breathing problems but nothing like I’m having so it was why she sent me to ER. She will be back come this Wednesday so I will get to talk to her about my results and how I’m feeling, but idk what else I can do besides go back to the ER a third time.


I had the same problem & had to go to a cardiologist.

Have you been tested for anemia? I had some shortness of breath because of low iron during pregnancy.

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Ask for them to look at your heart, I devolped a heart condition right before my son was born and even after. It affected my breathing as well.

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I can’t breathe either, my problem is iron. I don’t have enough red blood cells in my blood to carry oxygen to me AND baby so I cannot do anything at all without going black and seeing stars because I can’t breathe. They’ve put me on weekly iron injections until I have her in 5 weeks!

There is asthma that can trigger by pregnancy. I needed inhaler during both pregnancies

Yeah I had breathing problems while I was pregnant. Found out weeks later there was a gas leak at work and I’d been breathing low levels of carbon monoxide for months. :unamused: #fuckers
Make sure there’s no gas leak…!

I had some issues breathing but nothing so severe. My oxygen levels were stable throughout. Just keep your OB up to date.

Call your OB/GYN get second opinion from pulmonary or heart doctor they worry about most people at 80%.