Anyone else’s baby engage in their pelvis early? I’m 33 weeks, and the baby has made her way into my pelvis. Literally, feel like she’s gonna fall out there’s so much pressure. Also, I feel like there may be some burning going on. With contractions for the last two weeks and a positive FFN test. Thought my water broke the other day, but I determined just lost control of my bladder, so I never went in. Everything has been making me so nervous and freaks me out that I won’t make it to full term. This is also my 3rd pregnancy within three years my boys are 2.5 years and 11 months and never had this many issues with them.
Yes. I had my son at 35 weeks. He moved down into my pelvis around 32 weeks.
My last baby was down in my pelvis at like 16 weeks and the other 2 were very early down. Unless your dr has give you reason for concern I’m sure it’s fine. If you’re worried then call and ask
Yes. My last one was there FOREVER. And his head was a little misshapen for a month or so after birth from being in the same spot for so long
It does happen and especially because it is your 3rd in a short time. Just pay attention and stay positive. You’ll be all good
It didn’t happen to me but my labour and birth was anything but normal lol. I have heard from other mothers when I was pregnant that their children moved to their pelvis early on xx
Yes was pushing down at 31 tried to come. Flipped 24 hours before arrived at 33 weeks exactly on my birthday. Please speak to your Midwives as a few red flags in your post
My daughter was head down in pelvis till 28 weeks, then turned breech and I had her feet in my pelvis. Ugh
Yes my 3rd was the same way, I sneezed and thought I lost bladder control but…my water broke & 3 weeks early we were gifted a perfectly healthy baby boy!! Mind you from the time my water broke till his birth was 16 hours later!!
Go ask your doctor. Seems like they need to get you in asap
My little had been dropped low sense 29 weeks…
I personally would of phoned the hospital or midwife just incase it was your waters… my water went a week before and I didnt notice because mine broke slowly (few little dribbles in my knickers over a few days) and anyways we ended up getting sepsis and me and my daughter was very poorly in hospital for 5 days, had to have an emergency c section because of the infection… her head was down at 32 weeks stayed down also x
I would have the doctor check to make sure you’re not leaking any amniotic fluid. That’s how I felt around 30 weeks or so. It felt as if I was peeing on myself but I knew I couldn’t have been. I ended up getting induced early at 34 weeks 5 days due to low amniotic fluid.
I had twins and my daughter was so low when I sat I felt like I was sitting on her. It was insane. I could feel her head…there! Lol. They were born happy and healthy 38 weeks. Itll be ok momma…
I lost amneotic fluid early as well, slowly over the course of a few hours, it did not “gush” out all at once like it typically would when your water breaks. Go get checkout out by the doctor. you could be in early labour (I was as well at 32 weeks) I had my daughter at 37 weeks… As long as your not in full out labour you should be fine. I had to stay off my feet and not lift anything I still went in labour early but she was basically full term and 100 % normal
I was 2 cm dilated on 33 weeks, 3 on my 34 week and then had my lo at 37 weeks
If your water broke you should be talking to the Drs. Be safe God bless
I feel the same way… They keep sending me home cause i haven’t dilated but the contractions have not slowed down. So annoying
I thought I peed myself too…my water had broken. I’d definitely get off facebook and see your DR. That’s why you pay them
I’m 30 weeks and he’s already head down my OB said it was fine. I thought it was normal? Due Sept. 26th. You should see a Dr.
My first pregnancy my son was so low in my pelvis they couldn’t see his face hardly in my last ultrasound and my OB could feel his head very well when she was checking my cervix. It felt like I had a bowling ball sitting in there. I never saw him “drop” because he was so low. My water didn’t break on its own either! Everything was fine but to this day my hip hurts if I walk too long and I blame him because that never happened before
I’m 32 weeks with my third and at the dr yesterday, she made the comment that her head was very low… she said it happens a lot with the more pregnancies that you have. I also asked about pressure because I have been having a lot of it and she said wearing a support belt/belly band would help with that.
I was dilated at 1cm at 32 weeks. I am now 37 weeks and 3 days and at 3cm. I would go talk to your obgyn.
The first thing I have to say is any time you THINK your water may have broke go to the hospital, if it did in fact break you are not supposed to be up and moving around because it can cause harm to the baby. Second talk to your doctor about the rest of the stuff
Talk to your doctor for sure! If your water broke then it will probably continue to leak and you will feel it… (at least mine did) Braxton Hicks are common but if you go to the bathroom and wipe you may have “the bloody show” or be losing your “mucus plug” which keeps the cervix sealed and is a for sure sign that you are about to go into labor. It’s usually a stringy substance that can have little bloody streaks in it. My water broke at around 7pm on February 1st with my daughter, I continuesly leaked all night and began to loose my plug, and then was induced at 2pm the next day because she wasn’t coming fast enough. She was born at 5:06pm on the second :). If you are worried about preterm labor, don’t have sex as the action itself and a man’s sperm can soften the cervix and start labor if you are already close. Try not to dive in too deep and make comments like this on public forums about something potentially serious because you will get both ends of the scale… Some that went into early labor and had horror stories, some who did and did great, and some who were just worked up over a false alarm. You will never know unless you educate yourself and get in touch with your doctor as they are the most important person to get your specific needs and concerns met <3 I know you are worried mama but I am sure you and baby are just fine and you are just starting your journey of forever worrying. Even if you are going into labor soon, I don’t know you but am sure that you are tough as nails and you and your babe have got this! I wish you and your family all the best
Both of mine felt like they were literally trying to claw their way out down low lol… could feel their head pushing for weeks I still carried to term but it is uncomfortable
I was 3 cm dilated for almost 3 months in middle of July. They finally induced me at 37 weeks.
26 years ago I thought my water had broke and they told me to immediately come in to be checked.
I’m 4cm already just hit 34 weeks mines super low been ready since week 25 stopped labor already also
My youngest son (7th baby) I had on the 6th, he was 35/36 weeks. He dropped into my pelvis around 28/29 weeks. I lost my mucus plug about two weeks before I had him. But I also have a history of going into labor early. Babies dropping early doesn’t always mean preterm labor though either one of my kiddos dropped at 32 weeks and I ended up going over due with him. I was 42 weeks and 6 days when I had him! So I really wouldn’t worry too much unless your doctor says you need to worry.
Oh to the low babies. Myb1st and my 5th were low like this. I was assured baby wouldn’t fall out and kind of laughed at. And unless you had something they could test they would assume the same thing. Was it clear and sweet smelling? Usually amniotic fluid smells sweet. I’ve lost mine before with my first and also was laughed at that I probably just peed myself at 6 months. Turns out at 41w I had 1% amniotic fluid. My ob at the time commented that maybe it really was my amniotic fluid i lost. But with nothing to test they don’t normally call for an ultrasound to check levels. Now with future pregnancies I get an ultrasound if I mention and liquid loss. It’s very uncomfortable having them low like that that long. Even my IUGR baby was low and gave me horrible hemorrhoids. My first as well. I was told they would go away after birth. A lot didn’t. And with baby low it is easy for baby to push on the bladder. And at 33w baby kow and head down is common and a good thing, but yes very uncomfortable. Just keep an eye for any other leaking. You never know.
My daughter was in my pelvis by 32 or 33
Go to the Dr asap. You could have a tear in the water sack which can cause severe problems. rather be safe than sorry.
My baby did that at 37 weeks it felt so horrible trying to get up or walk to the point I was so much in pain I made it to 39 weeks my water broke baby came supper healthy
I have carried my last two low, 34 weeks today with this one and been head down and engaged for a few weeks now. Very uncomfortable that’s for sure!
Better to go checked out to be on the safe side. Your water might be slowly leaking. So just to give you peice of mind get checked. Im sure everything is fine
My first engaged early and she carried to term. I my doctor kept telling me I was going to go into labor any day for weeks and I didn’t. Also three pregnancies that close likely left you with a weaker pelvic floor which would would explain loss of bladder control.
Engagement around then doesnt mean much tbh.
As for waters if u are 100% it was bladder issue great. If your not 100% ring your midwife asap
I think baby be coming early I keep eye on it forsure and call Ur doctor.
My first baby engaged by 20 weeks but came at 41 weeks it doesn’t mean anything
You are at 33 weeks. Babies chance of survival at 33 weeks is very high (solid 98% according to google). Try not to stress. Long as baby isn’t breech or no other complications, things should be fine. My one son came at 36- 37 weeks.
Do you have a Dr.???
I would talk with the dr just in case! You’re at a point where labor is entirely possible. It’s definitely possible though where it’s your third that she just dropped earlier. If something feels off definitely call the dr.
My first was in my pelvis early. I also went into early labor but they were able to stop contractions. He was so low I felt like I was holding a bowling ball between my legs. So painful. Try to rest as much as you can! He ended up staying full term but because he was in the pelvis and crowned so long he had a major cone shaped head it went to a normal round shape over a couple week period.
I’m going through the same thing at the moment, I’m 35 weeks. I’m dilated and have had contractions for two weeks, leaking fluids and his head is really low. Ob checked me out though and said everything was ok, just keep on keeping on lol I would definitely get my fluids checked though if I were you.
With my second pregnancy my son was very low from an early point. It felt like he was going to fall out, I was so uncomfortable walking. He came out on time, weighing almost 8 lbs with only a one hour labor. My Dr said since he was heavier than my first he sat lower which also made labor easier because I just dialated around his head. So by the time I was at a 10 he was already crowned. Hopefully you have the same luck
32 weeks to the day my kid dropped and I was already carrying low so I was miserable
Yep. Had both my kids early too. 29weeks for my first one and he was incubated for 12 weeks 2 and a half pound but healthy, no complications and 36weeks for my 2nd. She was strong and healthy though, no issues at 5pound. Sometimes they just wanna come early. See a doctor. Good luck.
3rd pregnancy. My son was head down at 20 weeks. Started leaking fluid at 29 and he came two months early at 32 & 3.