Did anyone regret their baby's name? But for like a really long time?

My daughter changed hers when she was 45 to an abbreviated version. Suits her much better. She asked us to call her that when she was a child. And we did.


My name was adjusted at 5. Probably the worst thing ever, it’s caused so many issues for passports, documentation and all sorts. And my name wasn’t change entirely, it’s going to be super confusing for her and everyone that knows her by her name, obviously you’re her mum and you can do it through the courts, but speaking from personal experience I wish mine was left alone.


My daughter’s name is amelia, but she’d been called ‘Millie’ early on. Everyone knows her as Millie. No formal document change needed. Millie knows her ‘real’ name is Amelia. Schools accomodate birth name and the preferred name they are known as. Often kids are given long names with cultural significance, but everyone knows them as something quite different and schools record the ‘preferred name’. No big deal.


Don’t do the nickname thing, now is the time to change it if you really don’t like it. I have a nickname and it’s difficult in every day life because my job gets so confused on what to call me and what’s actually on my ID. Save the hassle

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Oh I swear the should give you 3 months to name the baby! I love my daughter’s name but I wanted to change it to Bridget and no one would let me! 11yrs later still mad. I didn’t realize at the hormonal time she has the same name as my Dad! If I call her Jack and they both answer. But she is her name. Change it if you want!

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Yes we named our second born Everett and I still don’t like it he’s three months old. Even though I pick the name LOL I wanted to rename him anden before he was born

I’ve gone by my middle name since I was 13, My folks gave me a beautiful name ( Tiffany Alexandra…) But Alexandra/Alex always suited me better. The only time she would ever really have to use a first name is for legal purposes, i.e doctors and courts. Even back in the day schools were very accommodating about using my preferred name.

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Actually my granddaughter was called by her middle name for about a yr , maybe two and then decision made for her given name … no problem , like it never happened

i hate my sons. let my partner pick it cos i picked our first babies name, so thought it only fair he chose the second. he’s 17 months old and i wish every day i could change it. everyone else likes the name Coby but i can’t bare to say it out loud. i would change it in a heartbeat but my partner won’t agree and therefore i can’t legally. if you can, go for it. they are only little. do what makes you comfortable

I regretted my son’s name because he was named after his father. But from the time he was born the family gave him a nickname. I still call him by that nickname and he’s 30 years old. The only people that call him by his given name are people he works with

sure u can change it. she is too little to really know what is going on. or u could just leave it and always call by the new name. do it b4 she turns 1 and i think it is no big deal to change.

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Not yet but I’m afraid of that with this one. Im due any day and we still don’t have a name picked out! I dont love anything! :tired_face:

Yes u can. Mom changed mine. Just before I started school
From Connie- Koni. So change it before the baby gets use to this name.

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I love my girls name (Ebony-Jane) but we do call her pebs or pebbles or e.j Or recently we call her daughter duck xx

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My nieces name is melody and alot of people call her mel melmel or by her middle name which is faith. Unfortunately she has 2 last names which some of the family still does not like but :neutral_face::person_shrugging:

I would change it before she got older if that’s what you really wanted to do, the longer you wait, the harder it will be.

I use(d) nicknames for all mine, but I liked their names.
Drake- boogie, or Drakeycakes
Griffin- turbo, or Fin
Catriona- squishy, Nona, or honey (which is what my youngest calls her)
Aubriella- muffin, sweet potato, or Aubie

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My daughters middle name is Paege, but I feel it’s more of a Rose. She’s 7.

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Give her a loving nickname that u feel “fits” her better…use it for a while and it will soon stick …

I would wait and if she doesn’t like it when she’s older than she can choose one she likes and change it. I regret my sons middle and last name but that’s because it’s after his deadbeat dad. My daughter goes by both first and middle name but she prefers to be called by her middle name and she’s only 3.

All my kids have nicknames that formed when they were babies, but no name regrets either.

Better do it now or like the previous person said if you like the middle name call her that I chose names before birth, but was willing and ready to change them after birth if I needed too and I got lucky when my kiddos were born what was chosen just fit!

Yes you can. Google how many people changed their babies’ names due to the coronavirus.

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Change it now before she goes to school… my name is Elizabeth and I’ve been called libby for years and I honestly wish it had been changed when I was young as I hate it and it really doesn’t make a life complicated with doctors / schools etc

I get called my middle name, my mum must of changed her mind and not liked the name gillian :joy:

Nickname is fine but it’s up to you if you want to pay to change her name now.

I dealt with post partum depression and the dissociation that came with that made me reconsider her middle name for a long time and still catch myself wanting to call her that instead

I’m quite happy with my children’s names. I did switch calling my Jenelle from Jenni to Nells or Nellie which is what all her friends call her. My son is Joshua which is perfect for him.

Yes, it can be changed for a fee. Personally, I’d leave it as is. When she’s older she can decide if she likes her name, or not. Lesson here…

My daughter is 3, I wish I put more thought into her name.

Her name suits her but I should or gave her a more meaningful name.

I never felt like my first sons name fit him and still don’t. He’s 46 and I call him ‘Bung-holio’. Now that fits him.!:rofl::rofl::rofl:


I think legally you can change the name one time in the first year at no extra charge

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I changed my daughter’s at a month old her dad gave her the middle name that I didn’t agree with.

My daughter goes by her nickname so much so that her school has her in their system under it lmfao

Does she have a second name? If yes use that one. I know some people who do this

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We gave our 3 kids names that they can grow in to. I have an Eden, Nolan, and Lydia. They all have nicknames though. :blush:

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If she knows her name I wouldn’t ,it will grow on you however if she doesn’t I would than ,I regret giving my son his father’s last name but I live with it because I don’t wanna fight that battle ,if he grows up and wants my last name Im okay with that, my son knows his first name and he’s 18 month old so I would never change that

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Both of my girls and my son all have shortened versions of their names which were used when they were babies
When they were growing up both of my girls wanted different names Bobby joe and billie lee this was their choice
They both love their given names now and I’ve never regretted calling them what we did
My son just likes his name anyway so that was ok
All of my grandchildren have unusual names too but all shortened and all their names suit them I love them all x

You can change it but if you start calling her by a different name you are going to confuse the hell out of your daughter

I named my daughter Heather Lee and wasn’t quite right, so at 2 months old I went to the health department and changed it to Katie heather Lee, it so suited her, I’d do it sooner than later

My daughter only really gets called by her name when I’m trouble lol she has a hundred nicknames done she likes some me being a dad and teasing so I’d say call her whatever you like save the real name for when you mean business lol

Sometimes they grow into it.

See if you can think of a nickname, you can add this onto forms as a preferred name.

A nickname will work. I agree with others. Now would be the time. Do you feel she is to young to ask her? Hopefully it will work out for you.

We call our kids by different names, sometimes it’s their first, sometimes middle, and if we’re in a crowd and I need their attention I’ve even yelled out our last name. I wouldn’t worry about it, a lot of people hate their names.

Give her a name you think suits her. Call her that as a nickname. It can be fixed later

Let her change it when she is about 13 or so .

I changed my name at 20 years old ( always hated the one my mom chose. )

I feel all people should decide upon their own name as they grow up.

It is a legal now as I gave used it since age 20… I am now 67 .

As a joke I applied for a credit card in college under my chosen name … it showed up in the mail about 2 weeks later . From there I did a AKA at DMV and got it on my driver’s license. .
A lawyer told me you can go by any name you want . **As long as you are NOT using it to defraud anyone or any company.

She could even do a legal name change in court if she wants with her chosen name if she wants.

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Go by her middle name. That’s what they did with my sister. Instead of Stephanie it’s Ahnriel

My youngest daughter’s name is
All I heard was why that name that poor kid has to write that name it will go a-crossed the paper and down the right side (last name has 13 letters)

As she grew she loved her name I don’t think we ever pick the wrong name just maybe think we do

When we would all be at moms for dinner some one would say mark
Everyone would say what

My brother Marc markette his son mark and my grandson Marc

It was a little confusing

Welp… You named her so that’s kind of weird but you can always go by her middle name

I think it would be OK to change a Name.

If you are going to do it, do it now :heart: who cares what other people think. You have to live with the name forever.


You can either give them a nickname or change it legally!

Give her a nick name, lots of people have names that they go by their hole lives, leave the name on the birth certificate the same!

Change it. Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks; children are waaay more adaptable than we give them credit for.


The name does not matter. And what if you did not like the next name you choose either. Are you going to keep changing her name?

My parents changed my name when I was 5…no big deal.

F*ck what ppl think. If you wanna change her name, go for it. It’s easier while she’s so young


You can change it you can get the petition online and then change the birth certificate and social

Shes 1. She has plenty of time to make her name fit her. She should never have to fit her name.


I regret my name on behalf of my parents :joy:


My ex got my sons middle name changed court ordered.

If they can change genders we can change their names :rofl::woman_shrugging:t2:


I wish I hadn’t let my oldest’s biological father bully me into naming him Michael :sweat:

Call her whatever you want. Plus she may grow into it

Call her, her middle name instead

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Gave her a nick name you love and she can take with her all threw life . so make it a good one .

No I love the name I called all my girls would never have changed them …

Change her name now and start calling her the name you want as a nickname!

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Give her a nick name that you like.


If you truly don’t like it, change it.

Yes you can change it


Of course you can change it …

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I agree with the nickname thing. I really dislike my name for me. Jennifer suits other people but I don’t feel like it suits me. I’ve been going by Jennie for as long as I can remember. When my son got to be his adult size, I wondered if his name was the right one for him. For a while I thought it sounded like a little kid name but now I couldn’t see him as anything but Jayce.

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She’s one. She has no attachment to that name, you are more than welcome to change it.


Sure you can change it. Do it.

Very often at certain time you might not like your name such if you meet someone with same name that you don’t like
But then you move on and someone pronounce your name in such a way that you embrace it for life. My generation we did not question our parents about a lot of thing as they did not show any guilt even when they sure did go through it as nothing is new in this world and life was easy in a way as they did not burden us with it
This is my story and have met quite a lot of people like me
All the best to you

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When my daughter, Paige, (now 14) was about 2-3 she wanted to be called “Pam”. She thought it was such a beautiful name and “no one else has that name” … which, yes it is a beautiful name. But no, we happen to know a bunch of Pams including an aunt who we see all of the time.

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Change it if you want to.

if you don’t like the name that you gave her, then change it.


Will your daughter love her name ?

Yes you can. But to be fair most of the time I call my kids by their nicknames. Olivia is ollie, or woo lol and Charlie is chaz or chazzle I hated my name growing up. Hated my mother for giving it me. But parents today think it’s cute or original. It’s not. If a child wants a mad name then let them change it when older.

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Pick a cute nickname


I wanted to name one of my sons Conner but his dad didn’t like it so I picked another name. He is 33 and I still wish I had kept the first choice.
I had a friend that changed her daughter’s name at least 3 times lol.

I didn’t like my daughter’s name (Charlotte) for like a whole year of her life and I chose all by myself too :joy:. It just didn’t suit her but I just got over it, she’s nearly 9 now and I’m glad I didn’t change it.

My best friend’s government name is _______ but she goes by Sue which isn’t any part of her name. So heck call her what cha want to…:person_shrugging:

I have hated my name since I was 7 years old. I still don’t know what to change it to. Let her change it or give her a cute nickname in the meantime!
My sister’s friend prefers her middle name and that’s what she goes by!

You can add as many names as you like.

I go by my middle name which is RENE’ and I’ve always liked it I’m 72

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Is her middle name decent?

U have 9 months to choose a name :rofl:


Yes me i like other names not the one he has now

You still have time your little baby is still very small

I think Changing it is a little extreme because she probably knows her name but you could always pick a nickname. My niece we only really call by her nickname unless she’s in trouble :joy:


I went back to the hospital after agonizing for nine days and changed it to what I intended. Kerry Fe’ Caitlin. Nothing wrong with putting a little Faith in the middle. Plus it stick a thumb up my controlling husband’s arse. He’d filled in the name the way he wanted…for the second time, while I was in recovery. The first he named after himself, but I was allowed to add the middle name, Anne-Corinne. I told him this one’s mine, and she is 30 years later. My little one. She smiled at me in a dream, seven years before she was born. Every time I had a child I expected it to be her.


Yes. I’ve always regretted not naming one of my daughters middle name after my Mom. I still regret it all these years later and almost went in legally add my middle name changed to one of hers.

She’s only 1 . So I say if you truly hate it and want to change it , now is the time.

You can have it changed legally at a registry office or deedpole.

Does she have a grown up name now? Like, Elizabeth or Margaret? Yes, I know that feeling, I can’t cuddle a baby with an adult name.

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Why in the hell would you change the name your daughter has, and KNOWS? Don’t you dare

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