I thought it was about choosing a name you liked not a name that fit?
Yes you can change it.
It costs about £100 or more. Quick and easy with a solicitor.
I get called Court or Lee or Clee. Why Clee you may ask? Because the first letter of my name is C and my middle name is Lee… hence Clee!
Of course you can change it. She won’t remember it.
Why, what is her name and why do you truly dislike it.
My mom’s name was changed when she was 6 months old
You can change it anytime you want.
Give her a cool nickname
Named my son Jeffrey and people said it’s childish. We call him jeff
You can change her name
Yes you can but you have to go to court ti do it.
You can change it though the courts
Call her by her middle name.
No problem at all. Go to courthouse and apply to change it.
Tayla Mudge don’t fuck it up
Haley Smith your middle name is Beth now
I would think you should be able to "legally " change it through your local court house
You can but it will cost you.
find a lovely nickname
You can change it. Just have to pay for it now
Call your local county clerks office, they can tell you the steps to take to change it!
Yep. My youngest is a year old and his name is Cole. Really wanted to name him Logan but we knew someone who had a son named Logan so we didn’t. Still love the name Logan and I don’t feel like Cole fits him!
My daughter is 5 I didn’t get to name her what I wanted and I still don’t feel like her name fits her
All the comments about “my spouse or family wouldn’t let me pick the name I wanted” really confuse me. As a mother you risked your life to grow and birth a human being. Ignore what others say. You worked your butt off to bring that child into this world so you sure as hell should have the final decision on what to name them
Find a nick name you do like
Mine are 7,4,3 and 7 months and I’m sick of saying their names(except for the youngest) if that counts!
She’s one if you change she’ll be fine. Babies are wonderful as adjusting to change and new things.
What’s her name? Just come up with a nickname for her
Change it…
Just file the paperwork
I only feel bad because my kid’s name isn’t on a keychain.
When she gets a bit older let her choose her name.
I feel this way about my son! He’s almost 7, his name is Alexander and I absolutely think his name should have been Andrew. My husband didn’t like the name tho
Call her whatever you want. Give her a nickname. “This is Sarah, but we call her Buffy.”
My firstborn is 10 and I still regret his name
I feel ya on that. My youngest doesn’t fut hus name either
You can change it I believe through the social security office for a fee.
Yes i do. I regret naming at least probably the youngest after my mums middle name. Dont know why i didnt think of it when she was born . Her name would have gone nicely with Margaret which was mums middle name or even the other two Donna and Janine. Would have been a nice tribute as well.
If you can change it for free now, begin the process. But if you can’t, go ahead and call her what you want to and tell everybody that’s what her name is. That’s what her name will be. Then when you can afford it, you can have it legally changed, but right now you can just call her whatever you want…she’s so young she doesn’t have any legalities like a checking account or anything so it doesn’t matter legally. Like others have said, change it while she won’t remember her original name. I just went back to my maiden name 21 years after my divorce and it wasn’t that hard…and that’s WITH all the legal stuff of being an adult.
You can change it as long as both mother and father agree.
I never worried about it as my kid has so many nicknames anyways lol
Not me but i know someone who hates her daughter’s name. There was a name they agreed on, even though the dad didn’t like it. After she gave birth to her first born and was resting… he changed the name, without her even knowing. She was heartbroken & angry. Her daughter is now 10-ish. She has grown to be ok with it.
I absolutely love my daughters name. She’s 1 now and fully understands her name and even mimics me when she hears her name. Her name is Ember and it’s 1 of the 7 words she can say.
What im getting at is I think it would be confusing at first for the child if you changed the name but honestly if it really weighs on you that much I’d say change her name.
People change their names all the time. And it’s a little confusing for some people but they get use to the change and then they’ll forget all about it.
Do what you truly feel is right for you. I wouldn’t want you to constantly regret her name the rest of your life.
Screw it now that I’ve written all this out I say just change it!
Make yourself feel better and I’m sure she will love her name regardless of what you choose.
Have you registered it if not change it and if you have then find a pet name for her
Change it. You’ll regret it for the rest of your life. Where I live you have til they are one to change it for free so look into that. You could just call her something else but at school and the doctors and anything official they will call her by her legal first time. I go by my middle name and that’s annoying enough.
Yes, you can change it… She’s only 1.
I know someone who changed her son’s name. I think he was about four months old at the time. She just felt he wasn’t a *****. I can’t remember his original name now. It was about 18 years ago.
My grandmother was named Margarita when she was born, but my great grandparents changed her name to Molly because they felt the name didnt fit her. Just cause you choose a name at the hospital, doesnt mean u cant change it. I think that as long as the baby is not old enough to understand and respond to their name, it’s safe to change it.
Depending on the name can you make a nickname or shorten it. I have a Wilhelm but he goes by Will
Next time is her turn to choose. Attitude about her name will affect her.
You can have any name change you choose it doesn’t have to be done legally you just let people know what you want to be called but can’t change the birth certificate
U can change a name by deed poll on the Internet I done it for my daughter cost £15.00 just need someone to witness it and boom done then u send legal docs to whoever like the doctors banks and universal credit and passport ordered in new name. But her real name will always remain the same on her birth certificate
You can certainly change her name. I have friends who did it.
My son didn’t suit his name for awhile and it felt weird to say it but when he got out of the newborn phase he grew into his name
K k k k m m. M m m m m m lk
Just don’t name ur newborn ABCDE.
You can go to local courts to petition a name change
I do know, since someone told me what people use her name for, its Anna and there is a town called Anna in Texas that i was told it stands for Aint no n**gers allowed, I instantly got pissed and wanted to change her name