Did anyone start labor naturally at 39/40 weeks?

Did anyone start to go into labor naturally at 39/40 weeks?


Yes I had all but one of my babies on their dates naturally my last I had major complication and heart issue from preeclampsia and had to be induced I was so sad and upset he wasn’t ready yet but he’s ok but wish he didn’t have to be forced if I could go back I would still do it because it was medically needed but I would have Absolutely done a very very long delayed clap for umbilicord and now vaccine " we didn’t know until later but he had major reaction to the shots has scars and now can’t have them at all they shot could have taken him away he does have vascular issue as well which I think are a big part of thag

Man I’m going thru contractions now the early morning of my scheduled c section. Like really? :joy: I’m 39 weeks 2 days.