Did I do the right thing to get back on my feet?

In July I had to make the hard choice of staying where I was or moving to another state to start out. I was not able to bring my two daughters with me because I didn’t know where I was going to be living if it was going to be in an actual house or if I would be living in my van. I got here and did find a place to live, got a job, and started school. I signed over my rights to my girls over to my mum until I get back on my feet. I miss them like nonother, and I ask myself every day did I make the right choice in leaving them behind in order to better myself and make a better life for them? It kills me to see their lil faces on video chat and not be able to kiss them or hug them, and I don’t know when I will again.


If you have a place to live now why havent you gotten your kids back?


If you have your shit together (house and job) why haven’t you went and gotten them yet? I’m seriously confused :thinking:

Sounds like you are back on your feet… so get them back since you miss them like no other.


You made the right choice, once you get on your feet and have settled well please take them. Make sure you’re supporting your mum financially.


sounds like your ready get them back now

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Yes get on your feet to the point where you know you are not going to fall again, to the point where those babies don’t have to go through another time period like this again, every day those little faces are your motivation

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And yes help your mom out however you can as you build the life you want for your family, even if it’s just $$ for food or gas or whatnot. And thank and encourage that kind mother of yours


You made the wrong choice. It’s now no longer up to you if your children live with you again. It’s up to the courts and your mother. I hope you’re on great terms with her


I wouldn’t have signed my rights away. You could have signed a power of attorney while you’re gone. But that’s just me :woman_shrugging:t2:


Use. Every. Resource. Your. School. Offers. For. Mothers- ASK and advocate for a better way and life for yourself and your babies

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If letting your kids stay with your mom seemed like the right thing to than it probably was. If they are loved and safe while you take the time to get yourself together, then good for you for making sure they were in a good place. It’s hard to be away from them sure. But as long as you keep making the steps to get them it will all be worth it.

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Yes. Now go to work and focus on making as much as money as you can to bring home to the kids and your mom. You owe that to her for stepping up and taking care of your kids. It could take several months but you can do it!

Do everything you can to get them back I dont know why you would have signed away your rights just for your mom to help you out until you had stability for them but god I hope she supports you getting them back. Do whatever you can and do it quickly


If you gave up your rights then they are no longer yours. You should have given temporary guardianship to your mother. Now you will have to go to court to establish your parental rights to get them back.


I hope you’ve been sending your mom money to help support YOUR children. Idk why people have their parents raise their children. And since you’re stable now why haven’t you gotten them back? I never would’ve left my kids behind.


I’m going to say my honest opinion. If you are choosing to be apart of the kids life and raise them yourself, then that’s what you should have done. It’s hard for kids to bounce around, and have you leave like that. You should have stayed and got you’re on you’re feet with them. If you wanted to move still, save up then up to move with them… if you are not at a place that you should care for you’re kids, then I would seek help and keep what time and bond you can have with them


If you feel you’re ready to have them back I’d make take the steps to do so. If I had to I know I’d want what’s best for my little one.

Yeah but now your mom can fight the court system to keep your children.


Not trying to be rude. Why didn’t you live with your mom and daughters? Maybe it wasn’t an option. Hopefully you don’t have to fight to get them back.

You signed your rights away to your kids, you signed them away! I hope your doing the right thing and at least financially supporting your mum for your children! It may have been the right thing for you but there’s no way on this earth I would ever do that! I’d have a house/flat ready for me and my kids before moving and leaving them! But, well, that’s just me!


I don’t know that I would’ve signed my rights over! You could’ve done a temporary guardianship that YOU terminate when you are ready… Signing custody or rights over leaves that choice up to a judge and your mother. That’s too scary for me


Why did you sign your rights over ? That’s the part that baffles me … you’ll have to go through court to get your children back .


I wouldn’t have signed over my rights or left my kids anywhere. I also would not have moved with out knowing I had a place to live. You’re not bettering yourself if you think you’re gonna be living in a van…

I have four kids and we’ve been homeless but I had them. They are mine. We have a place to live now… There’s no way I’d leave my kids to better myself.


Did you sign your rights away or did you give guardianship? These are two very different things.

If you signed your rights away, then by legal standards you are no longer considered your children’s parent.
Signing guardianship over is different. You’re still mom but your mom has all the legal rights of a parent (doctors school ect) without having to consult with you or get your approval.

I would agree that signing guardianship over was the correct move for the circumstances. If you’re stable now; you either need to bring them to live with you or make sure you’re sending your mom some kind of money to help her support them.


WHAT!!! I would never ever leave my kids whatever the circumstances.


Why would you sign your rights away? That seems a bit much. Now you say you have a job and a place to live, what’s the hold up why not bring them? “Waiting for the right time” is never gunna happen it’s never the right time. I’ve seen some lady do this and then got pregnant and still didn’t have her other kids. Idk I’d bring them home

If you’re back on your feet get them?
Did you move state?
I did this, but in same state and saw him everyday or take him weekends .
It hurts, but is understandable in the long run. Its okay. But you have a place and job… go get them? Whys it taking longer than you expect? Seems like you’re making excuses.
You did what you needed to have them, now have them.
Ive done it twice, I get it.

You realized you could have signed for temporary custody right? But I believe if your doing what’s best your mother wouldn’t have a problem giving them back. Y’all are to quick to assume the worst. I think you did what you had to and I give you my respect.

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I have so many questions, like why did you have to move to get on your feet? Why couldn’t you take your children? If your mom is raising your kids, why couldn’t she help watch them while you looked for a job, went to school etc? There’s stuff missing from what you’re telling us, but IMO I’d never ever leave my children behind to “get on my feet”. My children are what make me strive to be better, to give them a better life. There isn’t a situation in this world that would cause me to ever leave my children. But we don’t know your full story so I’m not judging you. I hope you can get your children back someday, I’m sure they need you.


You could have given temp custody instead of signing your rights over. Signing them over just basically made them your mom’s kids and what she says goes. IF she puts up a fight to keep them. You would probably have to go to court in the state/county they live in to petition them back. All that is IF she decides to not give them back, but I’m not sure how easy it would be to get custody back since you actually signed your rights over. Good luck mama! I hope everything goes well for you.

I’m not here to judge you. I had the chance to sign over temporary guardianship for my oldest when she was first born and I said no. The struggles was real, I wouldn’t want to do it again nor would I recommend anyone else put a child through that…the not knowing if you’ll have a roof over their heads, lights, water, food etc…that’s a different level of stress. That’s one of the reasons kid up end up dead, not everyone can handle that kind of stress and kids.
With that being said, since you are back on your feet, do whatever you need to do to get your kids back home with you. It may or may not be a battle, I hope not, but be prepared for that. Your living arrangements/income etc all need to be on point IF you have to go to court. Good luck and well wishes to you.

Ignore any comments asking why you haven’t gotten them back yet. Between working and school, they’d always be in daycare and you’d be broke still so it’s better for them to stay where they are until schooling is done or close to done or you’re making more money. Enough that childcare and other bills can be covered without you stressing. They’ll be back with you before you know it! Just keep working towards getting to a completely stable place in life. They’ll understand and appreciate you for it later!


Um… Im sorry, what???


Did you actually sign over your rights? I wouldn’t have done that. I would’ve given gma POA so she can seek medical attention, register them for school etc but you’re still mom. You still make decisions. If you actually signed over your rights you’re not their mother any more, legally. You can’t legally take them back when you’re on your feet. You’ve opened it up for your mom to adopt them or for CPS to take them. I’m hoping you used the term wrong.

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100% no… you absolutely did not do the right thing…


If it’s just guardianship, then your ok, but if you actually signed over custody, through a court… I’m so sorry! Get on your feet and fight with everything you have

Why would the courts get involved if you both were in agreement

Smh wow horrible choices for a mother. Shitty mother all together.

I don’t know what, why, or even how you did that. Maybe more to the story then what we are getting but I would never sign my rights away to my children unless I was putting them in danger. I went through hell and back but my children were always with me, I figured it out. I made the decision to have them so I fought for them! Idk this makes me sad but at least they are safe and taken care of!


Nope, not a chance I would have made that decision.

Not sure why u couldn’t do those things in the state where your children are ? There’s no jobs or schools or places to live there I could understand that or even if all of u had to move in with your mother for a bit but to just leave the state without your kids for a job and school I don’t understand why that was your choice :slightly_frowning_face: maybe there’s more to this story I bet they want their mommy back even if u can only provide the bare minimum your missing out

This may sound harsh but I feel like if you’re the kind of mother that could leave your kids like that then yes you made the right choice for them. You sound too selfish to be a mother right now. Mothers can go to school and raise their kids at the same time. You could have also lived with your mother WITH your kids to get back on your feet but instead they are with her and you are on another state? When you have kids you need to make adjustments for them, not them making adjustments for you. They didn’t ask to be brought into the world so you can dump them off and “better yourself”. I’ll stop there.


U love them dearly,and you chose your mother to give your kids to! You know they will be protected.

Sounds like you’ve already gotten your life in order with a place to live and job…now go get your girls! This really is a no brainer

No. You don’t give up your kids. You find a way to get back on your feet without ditching your kids

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I could never. I would have stayed, saved money, got situated, and then moved as a family. I just hope that once you’re on your feet that you’re able to get them back without a fight. I also hope it’s temporary guardianship you gave her and not actual custody …

Do what you need to do to be healthy for them. I feel like I need the whole story to fully says yes or no. But no judgements from me. Sometimes people see they aren’t okay where they are and need to better themselves for others(like the daughters) and themselves. If that’s the case then rock on mom, fix you and go get your girls back!! Signing over rights to protect them I can respect but just giving them away because it was just going to be to hard then nope Im gonna have to bow out on that one.

Hey less judgment please being a happy healthy mam is better for her kids and they were with their grandmother not a stranger I hope you are in a place now where you can give your kids their best life x we never know what others go through and how bad it gets. So your best and I hope it all works out for you x :heart: build a brilliant future x

Me personally, I could never leave my babies. Ever. They are my everything and I don’t want a life without them even if it’s only temporary. I’m not judging you this is just how I feel. I don’t know the reasons behind you leaving and I don’t doubt that you did what you thought was best but your babies need their mumma.


I would never be able to leave my kids. They didn’t ask for the life we give them so whatever u do u do with them. You struggle together and they respect you more. I would def take them back now that ur situated no reason to leave them behind.


Do not dwell on the past but get your children back to you immediately. I’m sure they’re loved and well taken care of but take it from somebody who knows being apart from you will damage them go get your kids find a way

How sad for you. I hope you’re mum is encouraging your children to stay in contact with you. Doesn’t seem you had much choice. They will hopefully will be able to have stay over visits with you soon. I presume obstacles are not being used with your mum. And you get on. So lawers wont be required. Goodluck

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as a mom of 2 boys I’d say no. Your children only have you as a parent (I’m assuming since you didn’t leave them with dad). There’s help you can ask the state in order to have your kids healthy, have food for them, and a place to live. It’s better to see your mom struggling but trying to move forward in life by maybe selling treats or food, or crafty items, instead of them not seeing their mom at all. I couldn’t imagine leaving my kids and only being able to see them through camera. Sorry you’re going through this.


I. Could. Never. Leave. My. Kids. But. Being. A. Parent. Is. Not. Easy. Children. Don’t. Come with. Instructions. You. Do. The. Best. You. Can. Hope. You. Make. The. Right. Decisions. And. If. You. Make. A. Mistake. Don’t. Make. It. Twice.

If its to better yourself , do what you have to do. If you left them to have a better chance at getting laid and away from them then youre fucked up.
Sounds like u are doing what you can and THANK GOD you have the help you do from mom. Make the best of it

You ensured that your children would have a clean bed to go to, a roof over their head, and their stomachs full before bedtime. You did this before being able to ensure that you had the same for yourself. Parenting is nothing but making sacrifices and the people who are judging you for “giving up your children” obviously don’t see that it’s been a struggle and I couldn’t even imagine what an absolute heart ache to even leave them in the first place.


As long as you’re intentions are pure and you keep working at getting your life back together and eventually get your girls back, i believe you made the right choice. And to anyone judging… You can shove it up your ass. You dont know this woman’s story other than what she’s told you in this post. She’s doing what she feels needs to be done to make a better life for herself so she can inturn make a better life for her kids. It’s a lot different leaving your kids for a reason like than rather than leavinf your kids just bc you dont want to take care of them or dont care about them. She obviously cares. Just don’t lose site of what your goal is momma!!! YOU GOT THIS!!! I wish you the best and may God be with you

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Definitely need more details. But I was once a single mom with nothing but my last paycheck when me and my ex split and I wouldn’t have given her up no matter what. I feel there are many other ways you could have gone about getting back on your feet without abandoning your kids. :woman_shrugging:t3: but you were vague about things so I don’t know


I am very sorry you have to go through this. As parents we do what we have to. Stay strong and make sure you always let your children know you are there for them and trying to make things better so you can be together again. Always stay in touch and as soon as possible take them with you. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.


You did the best you could. Once stable you’ll be able to offer them a great life. Just be strong. It’s too late now to do the what ifs so make it count and do awesome for them.

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You did the right thing. Your girls are seeing that you are pushing through to better yourself and they will carry that with them for the rest of their lives. And you are leading by example. And kids are so resident. Be careful though because sometimes you may have to fight to get your kids back if your mom may feel like you cannot provide for them like she can and may try to get sole custody of your kids


You made sure your children weren’t homeless, even if you were. They are taken care of, and know their momma loves them and will do anything she can to make sure they are safe. That’s what matters.


I’ve got the opportunity to move to anothe country and better mine and my kids lives, yes I will go for 2 weeks without them first, but I could never leave them behind, being with my kids make me better, I suppose it all depends on how long you gonna need to better yourself as you say?


Many people get back on their feet with their children while raising them without giving them up. Id say no. No you didn’t.


It’s going to be no time until you are back together again.It sounds like you are on the right track. No judgement here and go easy on you.

I did this one time n it was the hardest part of my life too me I felt the lowest I ever felt :broken_heart: :pensive: :sleepy: I kept telling myself I was doing the right thing. Just to get on my feet. It took One month to get on my feet bc I was told I had to sign my right over to my family I couldn’t do it. My kids is my energy my happiness my life i asked God to help me get to his plans bc I couldn’t do my plans without my kids. I got my kids and if I had struggled time n I did we struggled together :heart: I will go without for my kids n still be happy :blush:. Go get your kids they need YOU and only you trust me you will feel better and make sure you ask GOD to help you trust me doors with for you.

U did what you had to do not everyone gets a nice deck of cards an your mom being there says a lot not everyone has someone so if u have an opportunity and have no other options left that u feel in your heart then your not wrong

I did this when my baby girl was a baby baby she was with my mom for a couple of months, it was hard but it worked out!! Not a bad choice, just got get them and bring them home!!

I won’t say yes or no for you. You are asking a question that only you can answer.I think you want permission, that you will not get. You need to decide what’s right for you.

Just because you chose to move with out them never sign your wrights over that was a big mistake she can go against you know . .sad

I need more back story like why did u leave the state

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Sorry you are going though this. I have been though I divorced in another state I’m not even from (he was miltary and I got stick here when he decided he wanted a divorce when we were going to out next duty station) and the ex husband forged my signature and didn’t even leave me with a family car. We had a lot stuff after 8 years and I worked in and out for years. I would go to a church ,women’s shelter people will help. I took a night shift job cna and I pawned things and went to college. Now I have an associate’s and still going to college with a full furnished home from nothing and two vehicles God is good !You can make it though the storm seek help apply for food assistance . There are churches that will help you. Woman’s and kids shelters will help, low income housing and also apply for daycare assistance. I pray this passes you can fight with your kids. You can survive this storm never give up the fight it’s worth it .:heart::heart::heart::heart:

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My sister from another mother I have a similar situation too. I am going through the ugliest divorce in history. I left and left my 5 kids with their dad just to get my sanity back stayed in my van for weeks got a job and got a one bedroom stayed in another country. I am very educated but hussled to eat and have a roof over my head. Now I am comfortable enough to finalize my divorce get my kids but there is a blockage of poisoning of the kids minds. Can’t talk to them can’t send special staff to them. They can’t come and visit. They don’t want to talk to me. I used to cry my eyes out. It’s 5yrs now they slowly coming around one by one. What I am saying is a mum no matter what will reconnect with her kids eventually. Just be prayerful and let got handle the impossible time will tell. Keep positive and continue your hussle.

Thry r cared for when u get on uour feet u can c them.

I’ll be the one to say it.
You’re trash.
You never deserved those babies and I’m sorry they got stuck with a mom like you.

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As a woman, babies are our calling… go back asap… with all this covid stuff going on you may get permanently separated… especially being out of the state… go back now.

Never judge a book by its cover, I had always talked rubbish about the spiritual healers because i was living a luxurious life with my husband and kids. I never believed that anyone can solve someone’s problems. I could rudely reply to the posts about the healers with insults little didi know that one day they will help me. It started when a strange disease attacked one of my kid for almost eight months. I visited all the hospitals in South Africa but the doctors couldn’t see the disease. I went to pastors, Sheiks, Sisters, and priests but couldn’t see any change. I sold all of my properties and lost my business because I was charged lots of money. I went back to Zero. My husband was used to a luxurious life since he was coming from a rich family. He started losing interest in me, disrespected me, insulted me in our kids’ presence, all my in-laws hate me. I had no shoulder to cry on.I was left with no hope. The most heartbreaking part is when my husband started cheating on me with one of the member of Parliament which I won’t mention her name. I got depressed and tried to commit suicide until when my friend asked me to contact papa marere . I had lost hope and besides didn’t trust healers. I called them scammers. My friend used his cellphone and called her. She gave him a date to go to her office and on that date, my friend picked me very early in the morning and took me there. I explained everything to her. She asked us to go back and bring the sick kid and we did so. She cast her spells and after a few hours, my son was healed. After 24 hours my husband came back home and apologized to me. he gave me a ring for my business and as I speak now am not complaining. I got back everything.+2348109805184 is his number for help. Email him via ( marerespells@gmail. com ) he is INCREDIBLE.

Contact a great spell caster today and worry no more, He is trustworthy and his spell has no side effects, my lover who left and was very angry with me and never wanted to do anything with me anymore changed her mind and we are living happily together now, I love her so much, all thanks to Dr osagiede , I love :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts: you so much email drosagiedelovespellcaster@gmail.com or WhatsApp him (+2349055874177) AND THANK ME LATER.

I can’t even imagine what a hard decision it was… I can’t imagine a scenario where I’d leave her with anyone… Unless there was another factor, but I’m pretty sure that where I go, she goes. Don’t give up, and work as hard as you have to. Your not on your feet till family is put together again… In the movies, when the mom has to leave for whatever reason, bad mental health or an addiction are factors… don’t ever be afraid to seek help, anyone. Not saying that’s the case, by any means… I’m just saying…

Yeah I would never leave my kid for any reason so I mean there’s that…

cant you go get them and bring them back with you?

just be careful. She may not give your kids back since you signed off your rights.

Ohhh they will be okay and they know you love them very much… You do what you need to do for them and everything will be okay…:sleepy::blush::hugs: