Do you think I overreacted when I would not let my son’s father hold him? He lied and went out drinking and came home from the bar after 2 am. We were asleep of course. He was obviously drunk and stumbled and almost fell on top of our son in his bassinet while he was sleeping. What would you have done?
He was drunk.when he tried to hold the baby? Thats a no no. I had my daughters fathers cousin do this…
I probably would’ve pushed him out the room and made him go sleep somewhere else in the house. I wouldn’t care where, just not with me and the baby
Mine would have been on the couch for the night.
If the child’s sleeping and he’s drunk than no you weren’t wrong
Yeah no, absolutely not. You didn’t over react. It’s our job to make sure our children are always safe. You did your job, don’t let anyone tell you differently. And tell your husband if he’s gonna go out drinking to not come in the bedroom at 2 am sleep on the couch my guy.
I wouldn’t let a drunk person, Daddy or not hold my baby
If I sent this question in it would be
“Did I overreact by kicking my husband outside for the night after all this?”
No drunk person should ever hold a baby. Husband or any family members.
My daughter’s father left after my csection At 11 am and came back at midnight shit faced. I refused to let him touch her! The only reason I didn’t make him leave was because he had the keys to my car. I would have been devastated if he had dropped her because he was so drunk! Definitely did not over react.
He’s stumbling drunk, he shouldn’t be holding a baby.
He should of slept on the couch
Is this really a question?
Hes impaired. Of course he can’t hold his child until he sobers up. Hope this doesn’t happen often or else you have more than just a fight about whether or not you should let an impaired father hold his child.
No ma’am, not wrong at all!
And same would apply for you and anyone else too had they been inebriated🥴!
Can’t be mad at dad if he did the same to you because you had been drinking.goes both ways.
Mine is quick to “get in my shit” if he thinks x,y, or z:expressionless: I actually commend it. Let’s me know you handle things!, even when it comes to mom:white_check_mark:
no you didnt over react he was drunk dont need him dropping your son
My son’s father was high off of god knows what when our 9 day old son was going into surgery on his heart and the nurse took our baby off him because he was not stable, hell fucking no you anit wrong!! Protect your baby.
It doesn’t matter who he is… if your intoxicated you should not be handling children of any age no matter who you are to a child… your place or status doesn’t change the fact you are a danger and make poor judgment.
He wouldn’t be holding my baby.
I would have told him to get the eff out and to go say hello to his new bed THE COUCH.
Personally that raises some mild red flags, but he wouldn’t be allowed anywhere near that baby if I was in your shoes. Hope everything turns out ok for you momma
Hell no!!! You did the right thing hun x
No drunk parenting. If he wants to go out and drink and you’re good with that, but when he comes home he can sleep on the couch because I’m gonna be mad if you wake me or baby up. Or worse, fall on the baby.
Why did he lie first off and why was he at the bar drinking until 2 am? And you guys have a new baby? Sounds odd… He’d be locked out, sleeping in his car, after stumbling around my child.
Why was he wanting hold the baby at 2am, drunk or not he would not be holding the baby.
I would of kicked him outside lol
ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! I wouldn’t have let him near the baby in that condition let alone hold him!!! You were 100% right in that situation and don’t let anyone tell you differently!
I’d be kicking some ass.
He can cry assault all he wants, but he technically almost assaulted your son and you felt you needed to protect him. In the eyes of the law he’d be viewed as the aggressor due to his size and being intoxicated. Let him throw his fit, but remind him he became the child when he decided to lie about something like a bar and then come home drunk and almost hurt his child because of it. He can kiss your ass on this one! Xx
You did what you had to as a protective mother. Not in the wrong at all.
Why is this even a question??? Seems like common sense to me
I would have done the same exact thing. And the lying… That should definitely be addressed…That’s not right either.
I would be making him a place on the couch and would be locking me and baby in our room… that’s a whole lotta nope
Nope you did good mama!
Not even a question
No one drinking has ever been allowed to hold my kids. Whether it be me, their dad, or just family. It’s not allowed. I won’t take a chance of someone being more drunk than they appear to be and drop my kids and hurt them. You definitely did not overreact.
Not enough information?
Was your boyfriend drunk when you wouldn’t let him hold the baby? If so you 100% made the right call.
If it was after he sobered up and you refused…then yes. You were wrong. Despite your relationship issues, he’s still the baby’s dad. That relationship is every bit as important as your own.
I am starting to think these questions r made up I mean is there anyone that’s gonna tell u sure have ur drunk husband that can’t hold himself up hold ur baby like wth is going on I feel like that last few posts I seen on here have been just stupid the last one I know the guy is married should I go out with him anyway ya like sure ppl r gonna say yes go after a married man I’m sorry this can’t be real ppl can’t be this dumb and need so much attention smh
You did the right thing
Kick him out and you did right by your child xx
Your job as a mother it to protect your kids. Period. Whether that be from a stranger or in this case his own dad.
I see a lot of “kick him out” on here. Thats ridiculous. He’s her husband. I agree with not letting him hold the baby thats dangerous if he was that inebriated. Would it be ok of me to flip the script? Any ladies that came home drunk? Would you be ok with your husband/SO telling you to stay outside or be locked out? Hell even sleeping on the couch? Nope that wouldn’t happen. It would be “you should leave him. Hes an asshole i can’t believe he did that. You deserve better momma/sis/baby girl (< insert your uplifting name of choice)”
Does she have ever right to be mad? Yes of course. Relationships these days end to fast because there is no communication! Talk to your husband and see what’s going on. See if you guys can work TOGETHER to figure it out
Dad needs to get his shit straight period. Mom your doing just fine by protecting your baby. There’s nothing wrong with what your doing because it’s better to be safe than sorry
My husband did this once . Tried holding him after I put my son back in bed put my hubby on the couch and told him when he’s sober he can hold him until then sleep
I would’ve made him leave. You definitely didn’t overreact. He can hold the baby when he’s totally sober
Yep would have done the same and like everyone said let him sleep on couch
Nobody should be holding a baby/child when they are 100 sheets to the wind. A few drinks and you can handle yourself is fine.
I would’ve reacted pretty harshly. He wouldn’t be aloud to hold the baby. I would’ve freaked out on him for almost hurting the baby and he would be sleeping on the couch or floor.
Kicked his ass to the couch. Reemed his ass in the morning. No drunk should hold a baby. Pft.
Tbh i would have knocked him tf out. I’ve dealt with that sort of thing before. And it’s best shut down swiftly.
You both need help. Thinking you overacted when your husband Almost fell on your baby because he was drunk. If there a next time when
And if he falls on your baby, your baby may not survive, because you won’t be able to lift him off. Next time video it with your phone and both of you watch it.
I would have told him to go find a new address and relationship status. I can’t tolerate nonsense like that.
Kicked him out for putting my son in danger lol I love my man but my baby comes first. & I’d never let anyone drink holes my child, they can hardly hold themselves lol
Fuuuuck no you aren’t overreacting! He could drop him or fall on and crush his skull no drunk asshole is ever gonna hold my baby.
Made him sleep outside
Pi kex up the heaviest pan i had and beat him sober.
Nope. Not over reacting at all. And that’s bad parenting on his part. You don’t get wasted then try and hold your kid. That’s dangerous.
I would have made him sleep on couch for the night no way would i have let him near baby even if he is his dad .
Are you really unsure if this was the correct decision? Really?
Cast iron frying pan to his head! Dumbass!
Absolutely not. Someone who’s been drinking should never be allowed to be responsible for a baby’s safety.
I have had this happen… he slept on the couch and I locked the bedroom door!! I’m so sorry… it absolutely sucks
The same if he can’t see that you were looking out for the baby something is wrong with him tell him to quit drinking or hit the road maybe I was being too harsh on kicking him out but you definitely need to have a talk with him when he’s sober
Why are you asking .
Based on many of the comments, the boyfriend is clearly displaying many red flags for abuse. Op, please get out while you still can. If you aren’t ready, start making a plan for when you are❤
Never trust drunks. My dad had a son with a woman in BC and moved but one night, my brother was laying on the couch asleep and the mother just went to use the bathroom, my dad got back and sat on my baby brother. He died. Point of the story, drinking is not good to be around babies at all!!!