I just need advice. I work a full time job, and have a 3 year old that I watch during work since I work from home (medical scheduling) and daycare is too expensive so I make it work. The dad travels for work, but is currently home. When he is home he prioritizes his social life over spending time with child. I don’t do anything besides work, take care of child, and household things (we have 2 dogs). I have no friends, or outside socializing besides work. I’ve been in a relationship with tots dad for 8 years. Currently our daughter is sick. I had to leave work Monday to get her from my mother in laws (she watches her on Mondays to help me since it’s the busiest day of work for me.) meanwhile her dad was home and could’ve easily went and got her since I was working, but instead chose to hangout with friends it was 11am. So I left work to get her since her dad was “busy” just to come home and he didn’t leave yet until we got there. Not that big of a deal just could’ve used the help. I put her down for her nap and went back to work. He ended up being called into work so was gone from 12pm until 530am (friends then work). I always let him sleep in since he works late sometimes. The next day I went to work (7am) and managed sick tot and dogs until he woke up around 3pm (I work until 530pm). Fast forward and he got called into work again around 7pm. So again another night with a sick tot, I got this. She didn’t sleep, nor did I. We tried to go to bed around 830 pm since she didn’t nap all day. Finally got her to sleep around 11pm without coughing and then awoke every hour. She then wanted to get up for the day around 530am (please pray for me), and so we did. We then went to let the dogs out, just to find her dad on the back porch with his friend (besties since hs and they work together) not a big deal he’s over a lot and pretty much family, and I thought they just got back from work. So I asked what time they finished, and they said they were back at the house at 1am! I could’ve screamed and my frustration is now taken over. I didn’t yell I didn’t scream I politely said 1am, and you knew “keeping my daughters name private” was sick and didn’t bother to help but instead got drunk until 530am. He then got mad and said I embarrassed him, and then gaslighted me for being upset (don’t worry daughter was not near for the conversation we try not to argue in front of her) Since he was up drinking until 530am it will be another day of taking care of sick tot alone until he wakes up around 3pm. Did I overreact? Should I not be upset and frustrated? Just to preface I know he’s not cheating, and I’m not controlling at all. Relationships are supposed to be about partnership not ownership.