Did I Take This Too Far?

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"I need to know was I in the wrong here. Both my mom and fiance are mad at me now. My boys go to public school and brought home head lice, so obviously the quickest way to get rid of them was to just shave their heads and clean their clothes to head off any spread to my house. Then of course I had to shave off my own hair because well… It itches and I was convinced I had lice. Now my mom and fiance are mad at me for cutting it all off…did I take it to far?"

RELATED: AITA For Refusing To Cut My Hair For My Father’s Wedding?


The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"It’s hair and will grow back."

"No it’s your head and head lice is super hard to get rid of if you have long thick hair. If I had the balls to do it I would too in that situation"

"At the end of the day you are mom and clearly did what you thought was the best and most effective way to rid the lice! Yes there are other ways that are effective but they can be expensive and take multiple treatments! It’s just hair and it will grow back! My only concern would be their bald heads in the middle of winter lmao"

"No do whatever you think is necessary for you. It’s your hair and hair does grow back!"

"No, it’s hair it will grow back, every couple years I get sick of my hair and shave it"

"I think it depends on how the boys felt about having their heads shaved."

"It’s your hair. It’ll grow back, so they really have nothing to say"

"Hair grows back they're your kids and it’s your hair"

"It’s just hair, it will grow back. Why are they mad, it’s your hair"

"It’s just hair, it grows back. I always have pissed my family off by shaving most of my hair off just for the hell of it. I used to have a Mohawk not once not twice but about 5 times now. I’m just now letting my hair grow out after about 10 yrs of randomly shaving it or just the sides or just the back, it’s hair and it always comes back."

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