Do you feel like you gained weight while on the Mirena? I’ve read that Mirena doesn’t cause weight gain, but I have gained probably 20-25ish pounds since getting it. But, I got it inserted not long before my son became very sick and was in the hospital for over a month, then the pandemic started a few months after that. So I’m not sure if my weight gain is from Mirena, from stress related to those life events and possibly eating too much, or maybe my metabolism has just started to slow down. But I have been under a lot of stress the last several years. I want to start working out to lose weight but wondering if I should get the Mirena taken out before I start a workout schedule. I am 31 years old by the way.
I’m on my 8th year and I haven’t had any weight gain. I just got mine redone because it’s the best birth control I’ve ever had honestly
7 years on Mirena (on round two) haven’t gained any weight from it I love it
I’ve had my mirena almost 6 months, no weight gain
Yes, and my hair fell out.
Yep. I gained 30 something pounds so quickly it felt like overnight. And it took a very long time to lose it after getting the mirena removed. I absolutely could not lose a pound while I had it in.
So I didn’t gain weight from the mirena but I gained weight while on it for other reasons and I couldn’t get the weight off until I removed it