Did you get the covid vaccine while pregnant?

Hello! I’d like to know if any pregnant mamas out there got the Covid-19 vaccine. I got the 1st round before I knew I was pregnant. Found out I was expecting the day before my 2nd dose. I decided to opt-out on the 2nd until a bit later. I’ve heard some women wait until after 12 weeks. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. I’d like to add that I did talk to my doctor, and he gave me all the stats and seems to think it will be fine, but I’m still pretty nervous.


I was instructed by my OB not to get it while pregnant. She said there hasn’t been enough studies to prove that it doesn’t effect the baby. My daughter is now 7 weeks and I still opted out of getting it.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Did you get the covid vaccine while pregnant?

Big nope on any shot while prego. Any insert will tell ya it’s never been tested on pregnant women


I’m waiting till after my baby is born

I’m 33 weeks and opted out till I’ve had the baby

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Nope, i had my baby 6/1 and Im still not getting it.


Personally wear a mask around people. I haven’t believed anything the CDC has said. I got really sick from 2nd shot.

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I haven’t got it, I just wear a mask plan to get it after having my baby

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I’m pregnant now and I just had blood screening done and found out baby is high risk for defect. I have to go get more screenings done at later appointment. I am also high risk because of my other pregnancies. So I have opted to wait until after birth to get vaccinated which was recommended. My job hasn’t made it mandatory. Also, I’m in Reserves and so far hasn’t been made mandatory yet. I do take precautions in public and all as best as I can. But no vaccine yet.

I got my first shot at 25 weeks and second at my second at 28 weeks! Baby still growing and perfectly healthy. I will be 35 weeks tomorrow. Only side effects I had was a bit of a sore arm and really tired for about 2 days. I got the Pfizer vaccine.


No long term studies on what it does to the development of the baby and that’s a human life you’re growing…it’s not worth the risk to me whatsoever. The government isn’t going to compensate me or my child if it damages them. So no.


My doctor recommended to wait as there is not enough data. I opted out and wear a mask everywhere.


I got my first dose without knowing I was pregnant… spoke to my ob about the second one and he said to absolutely not skip the second one. So I got it. It made me feel like complete death :sweat_smile: but I think it was worth it. Idk. If you don’t feel comfortable doing so then I wouldn’t. I’m currently about 6 weeks pregnant.


I thought they advised against it while pregnant. ?

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I’m 30wks and will never get it, period, even once baby comes. like someone stated above, there has been zero long term studies to how it will affect the baby in the long run. I would never let my child be the guinea pig for a vaccine that’s being pushed entirely too hard, in my opinion :woman_shrugging: to each their own when it comes to it tho!


Nope. Most definitely not while I’m pregnant


My doctor asked if I’ve gotten it or if I wanted it, I told him no. With my pregnancy being high risk he said it’s the safer option. My niece is also pregnant and due next month and she’s been vaccinated. If you want it and your doctor thinks you’ll be fine then go for it. If you’re unsure for any reason then I’d say skip it.


Nurse here, personally I wouldn’t get any shot while preggo



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I’m 34 weeks and have decided to wait until after baby is born.

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I got pregnant between my 1st and 2nd round. Did it knowingly ad my husband and I were doing IUI

They recommend against the vaccine while pregnant. I know they did some studies and claim it safe but I wouldn’t risk it. Not enough studies done.


Not pregnant but wouldn’t take any shot while pregnant and won’t ever take this one either :woman_shrugging:t3:


Please speak with your doctor , not Social media . Please research on your own … And make an educated decision …


I got the 2nd dose of Pfizer without knowing I was pregnant. I had some swollen lymph nodes in my under arm that got poked but that’s it. The baby is fine and I’m happy that it will likely have antibodies against COVID when born. I see ppl saying that it caused miscarriages but I have not seen any reputable sources that show that. I would do what you feel comfortable with and do your own research and speak with your dr.


I wouldn’t get any shot while not pregnant, let alone pregnant.


I got vaccinated while pregnant and I’m a nurse. No longer term studies, but nothing to prove that it would cause harm either. There are other shots that are recommended to get while pregnant (Flu and Tenus to name a couple) so why would I not get vaccinated?


I was about 13/14 weeks pregnant when I got my first and about 17/18 weeks pregnant when I got my second. Baby is great. Growing like (s)he is supposed to be. Heart beat is strong at every dr appointment. :woman_shrugging: it’s really up to you. Just because I had no reactions doesn’t mean everyone else won’t/ will.

I’m definitely waiting til after I have my baby. It isnt worth risking losing her. I can always get it after and i plan to.


Why would you even think about putting an unsafe experimental drug into your body whilst carrying your unborn child ?? Madness


I’m 25 weeks and have refused mine. My midwife and doctor weren’t very happy with me, but the safety of my baby is the most important thing to me. There just haven’t been enough studies and trials done for my liking. I’ll happily have it once the baby is born, but the risk of myself or my baby dying of Covid seem lower to me than putting an experimental drug they know nothing about into my body.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Did you get the covid vaccine while pregnant?

Uh oh big mistake. not enough research I wouldn’t even get it after my pregnancy. Hopefully you don’t get the second dose the whole vaccine is irreversible and it’d be stupid to get it in general when COVID has a high recovery rate and more people are gonna die from the vaccination itself.


My Dr told me that the risks for anything happening to the baby after getting the vaccine is significantly lower then if you are to get covid while pregnant. She also said that everyone’s situation is different. She said if I am out and about a lot and am I’m direct contact with people every day then she would suggest I get but if your not then you can weigh your options. I am a stay at home mom and my son is immunocompromised so I opted out because we are not around people on a daily. My husband is beyond careful at work and usually outside. I really think it’s up to you and your beliefs. :slight_smile: Hope that helps and good luck to you :blue_heart::heart::purple_heart:

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Yes. My doctors and research supported it.


To each their own, its your preference.

I got my first shot at 25wks and I’m going back for my 2nd shot on the 15th. The anitbodies are passed to your baby and give them protection until they can get it.


My OBGYB recommended waiting because there’s not enough data out there to really know one way or they other. But he also said that I’m not at high risk for major covid complications which was a factor in his recommendation.

It’s a personal decision. I’ve decided to wait until baby comes and /or there’s more data. I would definitely recommend waiting until you are through the first trimester. They don’t recommend the flu shot until after that at my practice because the risk of fever. Which I think is also a side effect for some with the covid vaccine.


Two of my coworkers got there’s while pregnant and they ended up having healthy normal pregnancies and deliveries! Both babies are perfect!
I got my covid vaccine a couple months after having my baby. I was breastfeeding at the time and my OB/GYN and pediatrician both ok the vaccine.


Me! Just got my first dose at 16 weeks

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My dr said it was completely up to me and my comfort level. My main concern is passing immunities to baby so I was personally considering getting it shortly after baby.

Sooooooooo normally I’m like yes totally but there hasn’t been enough research and tons of recalls on certain ones that I would just rather not, be clean, wear your mask, don’t surround yourself around people who are sick or were sick recently, take your vitamins and prenatales

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I would not get it, look into the write ups from the trails. Pzfier has there’s ready available online. What most people don’t understand is that this is not a vaccine, it’s mRNA therapy which is still in active trails until 2023.


I am a retired nurse and I don’t trust anything doctors say. I have heard them just straight up lie. The covid has a 98% recovery rate. A vaccine is not needed for a recovery rate that high. Most of the deaths they said was covid, was something else. I worked surgery and mask were only good for around a half hour, in a sterile room, as long as you didn’t talk much. So if talking in your mask in a sterile surgery room, decreases the 30 minutes that it was good for, how do you people think that a mask helps anybody walking around shopping with a hundred other people ??? If that doesn’t make any sense to you, then you should stay home, but make sure you wear that worthless mask at home alone.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Did you get the covid vaccine while pregnant?

I’m 27 weeks pregnant and havent gotten it. I’m a stay at home mom and I expressed to my Dr I didn’t feel safe taking it while pregnant with little to no research on how it’ll affect the baby. She didn’t try to force it or anything. Its more I guess how you feel and what you want.

Yes. Get it! Your baby needs you alive to care for it and also to hopefully give them the antibodies!

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I’m in the same position and now way past the 12 weeks they say should have between 1 and 2

See I had my first before I found out I was pregnant also! So I was before 12 weeks due for my second jab. Two reasons I chose not too get it done was because I was earlier than 12 weeks, and I had the AZ considering I’m 26 and they’ve banned it for under 30s obviously does worry me! I’m the same as you, worried. But I would just say go with what you think is right for you and baby!

Can’t pay me enough to get that vaccine


I would follow Doc’s advice

I would trust my Dr before random people on fb. I had minor side effects with my second shot

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Did you get the covid vaccine while pregnant?

I got mine in the 3rd trimester. And delivered a perfectly healthy baby and had no side effects. My OB highly recommended it

I see 3 providers during my pregnancies- a midwife, an OB and a MFM team. None suggested it so I won’t be getting it, but if they did then I would. Baby would have some antibodies at birth!

Got Pfizer at 23 and 26 weeks. Delivered a perfectly healthy baby girl today.

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My ob told me they recommend not getting it in the first trimester.

My health care provider said to stay away from it. Can possibly cause birth defects. I didn’t want the risk or any more health risks that could have developed


Sure did! I got my Pfizer at 14 and 17 weeks…26 weeks now, baby is doing great! My dr recommended it to me. I’m an epidemiologist and spent a good month reading everything I could get my hands on regarding it. I also have friends who got it during their pregnancies and recently gave birth. No issues. :slight_smile:

My ob advised me not to.

I didn’t get it because we don’t know the risks. My OB advised me to opt out as well.

My ob told me not to get it, because it could cause problems.

One of my best friends got hers while pregnant. I got mine while nursing. She got Moderna I got Pfizer. Both of us are fine. I will say her OB suggested Moderna.

I didnt get vaccinated for covid at all, I asked my doctor about but since I’m high risk, I’m not risking any preterm labor. But you should make the decision on your own or talk to someone like your man to feel more comfortable


It’s crazy to me how many people trust our government and big Pharma :grimacing:


Friend of ours got pregnant right after her second one and OB asked why he said it it recommend mot to get pregnant for at lease 2 years after


Talk to to your doctor. That’s a medical thing. Women on the internet aren’t exactly qualified to speak on this, they use google and have their own opinions. I know women that have and they haven’t had an issue but they also spoke with their doctor about it. Only you and your doctor can make the decision about what’s best for you and your baby.


I was in the exact same position as you were. I found out I was pregnant the day before my 2nd dose and went through with it. Everything has been great and baby is growing and healthy. I spoke to my ob before I got the 2nd dose and they do agree with the cdc and recommended the vaccine as catching covid is so much worse.

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I really suggest talking to your ob.
My own ob doesnt recommend pregnant women to get it.
I wont be getting it while im pregnant & most likely wont be after my babies are born ethier


DO NOT take the vaccine while pregnant!!! ESP for a virus that is 99.9% survivable! -So many have lost their babies after taking the vaccine . And some haven’t . Better safe than sorry


I got vaccinated 1st dose before pregnant and 2nd dose while pregnant. Felt like garbage the day of the shot then nothing else lol, totally normal and fully recovered. Had ultrasound and blood drawn a few days later, baby bean is perfect and so are my labs :woman_shrugging:
I do everything I can to protect my children and that includes preventative care. I get the flu AND TDAP shots each pregnancy too. Anything for my babies to be healthy.


I didn’t even take Tylenol unless I absolutely had to… I personally would NOT get an experimental vaccine.

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Did he say if you had to start over or will the second dose still be effective after such a long time in-between 1 & 2

I have not but will be after

I got covid at the beginning of April and was in my second trimester and it was awful! I just got my first dose of moderna I get my second on the 30th. I’m due in August. I would suggest getting it in your second trimester.

Not worth it! Keep your baby safe. Too many miscarriages after taking it.

I was pregnant when I got mine and I got the johnson&johnson the day before it had been recalled n everything is going fine but I have gotten high blood pressure this pregnancy dont think it’s related to the vaccine tho

I’m 29 weeks, got both my shots while pregnant. Both after 13 weeks. My ob strait up said to my face the first time I asked her about it, that if she were pregnant during covid she would get the vaccine. For two simple reasons, one the antibodies are passed to the baby. And the vaccine doesn’t stop you from catching covid, it stops you from developing all the horrible things that could develop on their own when you catch covid. So I went and got the vaccine, of course I did my research and my brother is a biochemist. So he recommended the Moderna. The only thing that happened is my arm was sore and I felt tired for a day or so. That’s it. And I’ve been fully vaccinated for over two months now. Good luck momma!

I got mine (Pfizer) at 6 months pregnant and had no real side effects other than a night after the second where I woke up in sweats and a sore arm from getting a shot. Several high exposure job-having friends of mine got vaccinated in their 2nd and 3rd trimesters (as well as when 1 was breastfeeding) and had healthy deliveries and babies. My midwife was supportive if not encouraging. FDA has approved it and CDC is recommending as well. Congratulations on your little one!

Id wait but thats just me. My SIL had 2 completely normal pregnancies within the last 5yrs got the shot while with her 3rd. And is now in a high risk pregnancy with cord separating. Is it because of the shot maybe, maybe not there isnt enough research done to really kno but i wouldn’t chance it.

Your baby isnt 12 or older.

I got the Johnson and Johnson one done at the end of my 2nd trimester about 3 weeks after my flu shot

My OB recommended that I get it, especially being a high risk pregnancy. I had my first shot at 14 weeks and my second at 18 weeks. I’m 21 weeks now and fully immunized. I didn’t have any adverse reactions or side effects. I had the Moderna vaccine. My OB suggested waiting until 14 weeks because if I were to miscarry in the first trimester she didn’t want it to be unnecessarily blamed on a vaccine so advised me to wait until the second trimester when the risk of miscarriage was lower. I’m followed by an OB and MFM for high risk pregnancy related to maternal age and previous fetal heart abnormalities. I’m 35 and this is my 4th pregnancy. I hope this is helpful!

My ob did not want me to do it…

My ob hasn’t even said anything to me about it. Not once.