Did you regret having your tubes tied?

Other than my cycle being unpredictable I don’t regret it one bit. I had my tubes removed july 2019 after I had my daughter, my 4th and final child

I was 28 when I had mine done. BEST DECISION EVER!
My periods took a little longer after birth go get back to “normal” but other than that perfect.
I had mine done during my last c section, so it was all done at the same time. The healing was the same but a little different I swear I could feel inside where my tubed were cut! But after 4 kids and 3 c sections it was best for me and my family.

Nope! I had mine done 3 years ago, I was 23 best decision I’ve ever made :relieved: I have 3 beautiful kids.

I’m considering it too and all the horror stories have me freaked out! But I’m pregnant w #6 and have ZERO doubts that I’m done. I wld almost rather a full hysterectomy so I don’t have to worry about all the horrible complications other ladies have had!

No best decision I made, had mine done at 20 after my 4th baby!

It’s a lot easier for guys to get fixed. Maybe have him get it done if y’all are serious.

I had mine done after my 4th child and I don’t regret it at all EXCEPT for the fact that after, my periods were STUPID heavy for about 2 years. After that, they became a lot lighter and shorter, always on time. I’ve experienced no pain, no weight gain, no hormonal issues.

I had my tubes tied at 26 I wanted them done at 18 after I had my secondary which ment I had a girl and a boy. But no doctor would do it at that time till I was 25. I was exactly like you on the birth control aspect. But to be honest I was glad my doctor refused my tubal after my second because I had another boy a few months before i turned 20 and i couldnt imagining life without him. But i was definitely certain after 3 I did not want anymore but once my doctor still refused to do my tubal he always told me he did care of I had 10 kids he would not do one on anyone under 25 as he seen way to many that done ot before hand regret it. Well thank goodness after our 3rd my husband and I managed not to have anymore. When I was 26 I was have lots of female issues bleeding 21 day a month with a week break in bet
between ended up having
having to have an exploratory
exploratory laparoscopic and I was also get
getting a uterine ablation
ablation done to stop my bleed
bleeding as it was causing other medical
issues. So since they where doing all that and you cant have children
After and ablation they went ahead and tied my tubes and to be honest I have
haven’t regretted it a day since. Dont get me wrong when I hold or see a new baby my mind might think for a moment that oh I’d love to have another but that passes very quickly. My baby will be 16 in a couple weeks and I honestly as much as I am terrified of an empty nest Its nice to be able to enjoy adult things again.

I was 24 with 4 kids when I had my bilateral salpingectomy (both tubes removed). I get baby fever every now and then but I have no regrets.

Honestly, I’m on my second IUD and it has been GREAT!! I could never remember to take the pill regularly and can’t do the shot and the implant was still super new when I got the first IUD. I’ve got nothing but good things to say about it and there are lots of different options! I’ve had two Mirenas’ but there’s also a copper non-hormonal one that some of my friends rave about. It may be worth at least looking into.

I had mine tied in 2015 at 27 after my 3rd. I regretted it only because my family has a history of endometriosis. Since my tubes were tied and I didn’t need birth control anymore, my OB didn’t inform me that this would be an issue… It caused my endometriosis to start and continue to grow. I had a surgery to burn off scar tissue and endo in 2018. It all was back by early 2019 and by Feb 2020 at only 31 I had to go back in for surgery, this time a total abdominal hysterectomy leaving my ovaries.

I swear by the IUD! It’s literally the best thing ever and doesn’t even hurt when they implant it! Just a little crampy during & afterwards! They’ll also give you an 800 mg Ibuprofen after! You will get your period for the first few months after it’s in, but in the last 6 years of having it I haven’t gotten it other than spotting every now and then! Just me, but getting your tubes tied is so permanent and you’re so young to feel like that’s your only choice in birth control.

I really think you should look into the IUD purely because it’s really not bad and it’s effective. I had my tubes tied at 23 years old after my 2nd child was born and now I’m 31 and kind of wish I could have one more baby, but I can’t.

I was 31 and did it when I had my 3rd child. No regrets. I’m 50 now.

I have 5 with my youngest being 8. I got mine done a year and a half ago and I wish I would have done it sooner…I just got the clamps so my recovery was like 3 days but I did rest for the 2 weeks the doctor ordered. I love not having to worry!

Also, I had a lot of the same issues with all the different BC and wound up with the Paragard after my youngest. I really liked that too for the 6.5 years I had it.

If you want to get it done then do it. Two kids is plenty. You’ve already got your legacy.

I’ve not had my tubes tied but if I were to do it, the only thing I’d regret is if I had complications further down the road.

I want mine done so bad but the doctors won’t do them :sob:

I wouldnt do it unless you are married… Sounds like the relationship is pretty rocky to start. Who knows you might break up again and you might meet some one and want to have a child with him. Idk I would never until I was married but that’s just me.


I had mine cauterized after my 4th at 33. We have 7 kids in our blended family. I regret it every day. Caused major hormone problems & I gained tons of weight. I would NOT do it if I had the chance to go back.


I had my tubes removed and I dont have any regrets I love my children but I dont want anymore and if I decide I do I will adopt :green_heart::green_heart:

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I know of few people who had complications after. We had decided way before kids that he would get snipped since I would birthed the kids and breastfed so it was his turn.:rofl::joy: He had it on Friday and was back at work Monday. :person_shrugging:


Still have periods. I’ve noticed no difference in my body since mine in March. And if you truly wanted another baby of your own later, you can do IVF because you don’t need your tubes for it.

I had mine tied after my second pregnancy( twins) because I just KNEW I was done have kids, everyone told me I would regret it because I was only 23. After my tubal I had the worst periods and I bleed so heavy which I never did before, the cramps which were BAD before managed to get worse, I have been to three different obs and they all told me “that’s impossible “ and I have asked around to every female I know that has had a tubal and almost all of them complain of the same issue. Now I’m 27 and really regret and have regretted my decision since I left my ex husband when I was 24. I choose to have my tubes tied because of very similar reasons the shot made me gain weight, I could never remember the pill, and the one in my arm wacked out my hormones to the point my anger which I have never had a problem with was terrible! But now I really wish I had NEVER gotten my tubes tied.


I had mine tied after my third child. When I married my husband he had 2 girls and I had a boy and a girl. We wanted a baby together, after her we had 5. I was glad I didnt have them tied after my second child because i got di orced and remarried. Just be sure that you definitelyn don’t want any more children, even if you and your boyfriend are not together. I never regretted having mine tied when I did but I was 31 when I had my daughter.

Had my tubes tied at 25 after birth of my second child. No regrets. Later, at 48, ended up adopting my first granddaughter. Husband died of cancer when she was 15 months. She’s now 25. My 2 boys are 50 and 48.

I had 5 at 23 years old. Got my tubes tied then. I’m 63 now. Never have I wanted another baby. Grandkids are fantastic!!!

I had my tubes tied at 22. I had a 2 year old and just had a set of twins. I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t have regrets. I’m now 39.

I have a boy and girl age 5 and 8. I had my tubes tied after my daughter, and now severe hot flashes when I get my monthly. Sucks but I just use an air conditioner lol

I had mine tied after 2 kids, a boy and a girl. Thought that was plenty. I was 23. Biggest regret of my life. I am 35 and would have another today!

I had mine tied after my third baby.5 years later I wish I didnt do it.

I had a hysterectomy at 32… Have never regretted it

DO NOT, and I can’t stress this enough. DO NOT get your tubes tied. Yes, every woman is different but from my personal experience, I had mine done at 22 after 2kids, and let me tell you: Periods? Gut wrenching horror clusterF* every month, sometimes twice. PMS? Haaa, The devil himself wouldn’t come near me. Gained so much weight that refuses to come off even after trying everything.

I’m fixing to turn 25, and I REGRET ever getting my tubes tied.


I had mine tied after my 4th child. 3 yrs later I kept having complications during my period an heavy bleeding. I had to have a partial hysterectomy at 31. I never regretted getting my tubes tied but I was more depressed after my hysterectomy because that meant no more child ever.

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From someone who doesn’t have their tubes tied, I was 21 when I had my second child. Got married to my kiddos dad shortly after. We decided we didn’t want more children and HE got “fixed”. Things did not work out with us and when I was 29 I decided to have another child and I was so thankful I wasn’t the one who made the choice for my body to have permanent birth control. I’ve had 2 IUDs now, and I know you said you won’t do it, but I also couldn’t handle any other form and it’s been pretty damn great to have this option.


DO NOT DO IT! I have the worst periods now. It’s like Carrie once a month. I lose so much blood I am anemic and exhausted. I would rather take a pill every day of my life than have this. :pensive:


I tried to in my mid 20s and the Dr wouldn’t after my second son. He told me to wait and make sure especially since I had 2 boys. I got pregnant with my 3rd son a couple years later. Again I wanted my tubes tied 3 boys I didn’t need anymore boys.lol. The Drs wanted me to go to counseling first because I only had boys. I did not go. 7 years later I was pregnant again and this time my late husband and I got our girl. I had my tubes tied before leaving the hospital. Just short of 2 years later my husband passed away. After some time I met my husband now and I wish more then anything that I hadn’t had my tubes tied because I would love to have one more baby, a child with him. Unfortunately I don’t have the money to get the surgery undone.
Also, my periods have become horrible since. I feel like I’m in full on labor for 2 days every month. It sucks.


Haven’t got my tubes tied cos it’s quite hard for women to get it done here.
So I sent the other half to the vets and got him neutered instead.
Best decision he’s ever made, besides getting with me obviously :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Joking aside. I can’t take contraception. It made me go frickin insane. Seriously, mental. Don’t like Johnny’s since I had my kids, (They feel like he’s wearing washing up gloves) and we decided we 100000000000000% didn’t want more kids. He called up the drs and was practically booked in straight away.
Operation took 15min? He was awake for it, and afterwards he went down town and bought himself a Xbox cos he deserved a treat :joy:

I did but I’m AMA. I got pregnant for the first time at 41. We had twins but I lost one. I would have to have gotten pregnant right away. My body and mind wouldn’t have been able to handle it. Turns out my son was trached at 2 months old and I honestly don’t know how we would have handled 2 kids with one having life threatening needs at the same time.


YES because my periods became worse and cramps along with it.

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I had mine tied july 2019 i was 29 and I’m having trouble since having it done been bleeding and clotting bad since may 17 and still going nonstop and have stomach pains lower back pain that feels like labor pain

Had mine done at 28 after 3 kids. Absolutely do not regret it! I split with kids dad, worried I’d never meet any one that didn’t want kids…didn’t worry for long, now been with my fella for nearly 8 years and we’re both happy I can’t have more.

Mine was done due to medical reasons AND because I absolutely hate birth control (it failed twice for me) but it gave me a new lease of life with out spending every month worrying!

I’m 22 and got my tubes tied when I was 21, I have two kids a boy and a girl and sometimes I would think to myself, what if I end up wanting another baby in the future then what am I going to do… and then I’m like what the hell am I thinking, this world is awful and it seems like it just keeps getting worse. I already hate that my babies are going to have to deal with this sick world, why am I going to continue bringing more children. So that’s my motivation to not have anymore kids. I do not regret it one bit. Instead if I do end up wanting another one I’ve always wanted to try adopting :slightly_smiling_face:

It didn’t affect my body at all, it was a very simple process, i got them tied during my c section after they took out my son. I read some of the comments and my periods are the total opposite. Mine used to be awful before but now they are light and my cramps aren’t as bad. just do your research and try not to stress about it too much!


If you’re gonna get your tubes tied and are positive you don’t want anymore children. Opt to have your entire tubes removed. It reduces the chance of ovarian cancer by a large percent.
I had mine removed a year after I had my son. There are days i regret it bc i would like to have a larger family - but my body just simply wasn’t made to have anymore. My pregnancy and labor were completely horrible and I was putting myself in harm’s way.


I was 27 when I got mine done and at the time I thought it was a great idea cause we had 3 boys. Now I’m 35 and for the last 5 years I have regretted it cause I want another baby with someone else. It’s a good idea to wait honestly. Plus ur periods are a lot worse after u get them done.

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My sons father has 2 girls we have a son together. When we were together we had decided we didn’t want anymore babies I had my tubes tied when we had our son. I don’t regret it I feel like it was the best decision for me bc I am currently a single mom. I can afford my son and I also enjoy our bond as just the two of us. It’s ideal for me but not everyone.

I have heard horrible stories similar to these about having ur tubes tied . I have 4 kids all together an personally don’t want anymore either . An like u I can’t remember the pill I bleed for 3 years on the shot did not want anything implanted in my arm and after my last child I had her at 28. … Decided to go wit an iud . I didn’t know how to feel about it at first but the more I heard the better it sounded . I am happy wit it and I’ve only had it a few months . My periods aren’t as bad an I was told after a year they may even stop completely … Which would be a blessing after being on the shot … I am protected for 6 years with out having to do anything . The way I’ve always seen it is if God wants me to have another baby he will give it to me … My oldest just turned 11 and my youngest is one . I really don’t want anymore … I’ll be in my 40s still raising kids . But if it’s meant to be it’s meant to be … But I love this iud and am hoping not to have anymore kids an tryin to make sure that doesn’t happen .

I feel like the birth control issues is a mirror image of myself. After 4 kids I chose at 24 (now 39) to get my tubes tied and cauterized. I bled for about 6 weeks and then resumed normal cycles. However on my first normal cycle I experienced so much pain that I ended up in the ER. My next was exactly the same and for many years fallowing. My right ovary would basically over produce eggs and cause a blood pocket. I was prescribed Vicodin at the time to control pain. Eventually your body gets used to the pain but it took years for the pain to subside. I no longer have pain as sever but the flow after getting my tubes tied has been almost unmanageable. My Dr advises a partial hysterectomy but I’m too scared lol. In all, it did prevent babies but I do regret doing it based off of my own experiences. For me personally it was disclosed that any of that could happen and I didn’t ask the questions. It has become more of a love hate commitment.

I live in arizona. I dont know that they tie tubes anymore. I had my tubes removed. I had it dont last august and i had just turned 33. I have 2 kids, they’re 12 years apart. We talked about having another kid… alot… but i was on the shot for over 2 years and the long term isn’t great so i was looking for long term birth control. We decided it would be best to go with the surgery. My first 3 periods were brutal (but I didn’t have a period for almost 4 years) and now they’re light and just a few days long. Every once in a while i will get baby fever but im glad it cant add up to anything because I want to raise my kids and live our best lives :heart:

I had mine done after my 4th. I don’t regret it at all. I knew that if I became a millionaire tomorrow, got divorced, got remarried, magically aged backwards I still didn’t want anymore children. If you are 100% honest and sure that you are doing it for you and not your partner or family you wont regret it.

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I had mine tied at 29 during my 3rd c-section. No regrets, because I didn’t want anymore babies, but I have experienced way heavier periods and worse cramping since it was done.

I had it done when i had my 2nd child at 25. Yes it nice knowing i can’t get pregnant but i regret it. I want another baby eventually and my periods are horrible. Ive had so much pain from getting it done. Unless you are 1000000% sure you are done having kids then don’t do it. My biggest regret

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I have 2 children 17 years apart my daughter is 1 year 1/2 … I had a C section both times… I had signed all paperwork for the procedure but my gynecologist couldn’t find my tubes :woman_shrugging: I’m going to turn 44 so I’m positive I’m done having kids, I was thinking of still getting the procedure done. But I have heard of the horrible periods and cramps… that happened to my sister also. So I’m still so confused.

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Like so many others have said… periods post tubes tied are crazy. Super heavy, super crampy, and super moody. For me, i now battle anemia and am just absolutely exhausted for about 4 days during my period besides being extremely irritable & bitchy.
Id definitely explore all your options before doing it.

I tried every possible birth control and begged for my tubes tied after my 3rd boy, but they said no so I have the mini IUD (have had the coppe​:confounded::sob: and mirena :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::sob: IUD too) but this one has been fab. Lower hormone dose and slightly smaller than the others. I still get a little PMT but no longer possessed by the devil and my periods are so light. Everyone is different but the mini IUD is fab (I think it’s called kyleena/kileena)

My husband and I are trying for 1 more and we decided instead of getting my tubes tied, we will have my husband snipped.
It’s a much safer and less expensive procedure with a faster heal time.


I’m 37. My tubes were tied last August when I had my second and I don’t regret it for a second BUT I’m 12 years older than you and was 100% certain that we didn’t want more. My age financial things etc.

With that said, you’re young and still have many fertile years left! Only do permanent birth control if you’re absolutely certain that you don’t want more because having it reversed can affect your fertility negatively. I don’t regret it at all. Hope this helps!

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Don’t do it!! My dr refused cuz i was so young he actually gave me a marina IUD i told him I refused to buy birth control it’s the best honestly no periods its amazing!!!

I wish I wouldn’t have had the procedure done. I’ve remarried and we want another child that might not ever happen now.

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I am almost 25 and Have considered it. Ultimately I decided that if I am questioning doing it for any reason, then I should just wait until I have no doubts.

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I would said it’s more personal if you was to split with him would u want another kid. just because together you have so many it may not work out

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Why do you refuse to get the implant? Yeah it’s a little freaky at first but mine was a 7 year implant.
Ffs how much more simple can you get?
Tying tubes can lead to all sorts of health problems and will be expensive to fix.
Not to mention that surgery is a LOT more invasive.
Trying to undo the surgery is even more expensive and comes with its complications.

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I had mine tied at 26 and that was the best thing I ever did. Just make sure you are positive you don’t want anymore kids.

IUD is awesome … thought I wouldn’t like it and it scared me … but I did it and I don’t regret it

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If your done having kid get a hysterectomy best thing I ever did. No more periods, don’t have to worry about any pain or cramps. I love it


See I’m thinking bout getting mine done even tho I just turned 20 with one kid we want one more but not right now but I want my tubes tied right after because I had preeclampsia with the first and it only gets worse by each pregnancy :roll_eyes:

Had mine tied at 28 after my 2nd. I’m so glad. Kids need a lot of energy and I can give them more of mommy because there are only 2 of them. I also have a step son. We are starting to feel like our family is missing a daughter, but plan to foster and someday adopt.

I had the essure procedure done. It was recalled…yay me! I do regret it. I am with someone I wish I could have a baby with and I can’t.

You know when your family is complete. I had c sections and was originally going to have my tubes tied with my second but changed my mind. We went on to have a third (planned) and then there wasn’t any question to proceed with the TL. I was 39 though :woman_shrugging:t3:

I had mine done cut/burned in april after 2nd child( boy and girl) so far very happy i only have irregular bleeding but no pain…i do not regret it as we only want 2 kids

I had my done at 22 …3 children no problems…no regrets best choice I ever made…my weight did not ch as neg my moods did not change live a full happy busy life now I’m 65…life is good if you are certain …no more children…it best thing…

I was 28 when I had my tubes tied and I regret it. I had it done after my ex and I had our last baby together. We had four kids between us. I regret it. My periods are awful even years later.

I had mine tied 6 years ago during a c-section, no complications or problems, have never regretted it, got 3 beautiful children but each pregnancy and birth was problematic so was the best decision :blush:

I have ptls now and nobody warned me about that and I regret it so much!

I very highly recommend it!! Breast and ovarian cancer run in my family and it is great and a relief to not have to be on birth control anymore, would do it all over again if given the choice

I got my tubes tied @ 26 after I had my twins. I regretted it. Very much so wanted one more. Actually ended up getting pregnant and miscarrying every time I got to 7-8 weeks three times!! I finally had enough and had a hysterectomy just over a year ago.

I’m 34 and have 2 boys 18 & 7. I got the IUD after I had my 1st son. It’s always worked no side effects or anything definitely recommend.

The idea of no BC was great, but I had horrible cramps, the heaviest of heavy flow, huge clots and in turn made me extra moody. And finally 3 years ago had a hysterectomy and pleased.

Had my tubes tied 7 years ago when I was 23 after having my 3rd c section. Made my periods extremely heavy. Other than that no issues.

I had mine tied at 21. I was a teen mom at 17 then had my second at 21. I knew I didn’t want anymore. My oldest is 19 and youngest 15. I’ve never regretted!

Wanted mine tied at 29 after having two children with complications. Military said NO; I was too young and didn’t have enough kids. Fast forward 7 years later…I had another baby. I requested to get my tubes tied by a civilian provider and they let me. My youngest just turned two and now I am having baby fever :cry::cry:

I had my tied at 25 years old after my 3rd c section. I am now 31. No problems and my periods only last 3 days and arent heavy like before my tubal. I’m very happy with my decision to get my tubes tied.

Get them tied , we have yours mine and ours here . I’m thankful but it’s a lot sometimes. But we do have all boys too lol.

I had a complete tubal removal so the egg can’t be fertilized only 6 week recovery. Just 3 small scars out the same day minimal operation no issues no chance of any accidental pregnacny.

I kind of regret it… I think to myself what would it be like to have one more maybe another girl we have 3 boys and a girl… our daughter has always wanted a sister but I got my tubes tied after my last baby :sob:

Had my tubes taken out after my second son was born via csection. Me n my hubs have our 2 boys n were good

I had mine done after my first only because I wasn’t planning on having any children. I haven’t had any issues since so no I don’t regret it. But everybody is different

Dont do it ! Is what I wish ppl said to me but I have 8 kids and definitely dont need any more but the cramps and flow is so super intense and now it’s so painful when I ovulate just wish I would have tried something else before this .
I’d say wait seriously wait until you are so super sure bcz there is no turning back.


Yes, eventhough I haven’t experienced a difference with aunt Flow, although I may not notice due to other medical reasons.

I’m 42 I have 6 beautiful daughters all c-sections …n yes I regret getting my tubes tied…I would have loved to have had more kids I would get baby fever :hugs:of want in other baby my youngest is 9 I’m single n I have had ex boyfriend r just men I would date once they new that I could in have no more babys they would stop have in to do nothing with me I talk to someone now n yes that’s came up baby’s yesss I do regret it

My mom had hers done after three kids, unfortunately my younger sibling passed at a really young age and she wanted more kids but couldn’t.

In a worse case scenario and you guys don’t stay together would you want kids still? I know 5 kids in total is a lot but you never know. Have him do it :sweat_smile:

Don’t do it! If things don’t work out and you two break up your later want a third with a new guy. Plus its really ficks up your cycle. Mine are tied (done at 36) and my periods are super heavy and painful now. Many I know with tied tubes have the same issues…

Agree with others. My periods after tubal was horrible. I ended up with endometriosis, idk that the tubal was the cause but it happened after. I ended up having hysterectomy due to cervical cancer.

Ask your husband to get the surgery. Is cheaper (around $600 and also is cover by insurance) and also reversible for them.

My tubes where tied at age 23, I had it done with my c section, I have 3 girls. My husband and I have thought about adopting as we wanted a boy. But we have became content with the three we have…

For the unbearable periods and bleeding…raspberry leaf tea!! I swear by it!! Started menstruating at 12 with awful clots and never stopping…I’ve now been off BC, including Depo for over a year and as soon as I start I drink a cup a day and I’m done in 3 days! (Done with that cycle) :raised_hands:t2: I’m 36 btw…wish I would’ve know this back then!!

I had no problems after my tubal like above did. I dont think her experience is norm. I was happy to get mine done and 10 years later I still am. No regrets.

I’m 21 with my third child and I am heavily considering it lol I just dont know if we are done having babies yet… I think I want just one more.

I regretted it as soon as came out of anesthesia.

Got mine tied just before i turned 26 & so happy i did!! We have 2 kids & i know i never want anymore. I love my kids but hated being pregnant!

I had mine done at 21 I absolutely regret it. I have had nothing but issues with hormones and periods ever since. Please research post tubal ligation syndrome! They say nothing will change but it is very much real I live with it everyday!! I am having a hysterectomy soon because of it.