Did you regret having your tubes tied?

I wish I read this before I did it at 27 ( 33 now ) murder scene periods and sooo much weight gain

If was the worst decision i was ever pushed into. I feel less than, incomplete, broken…

Had my son last august got my tubes removed that October he’s my 3rd and I do not regret it one bit! Im happy with my two girls and one boy.

I regretted it deeply. Had mine tied at 26. I have 4 kids.

I had two kids early, i was 17 then 19. Several years later i wanted my tubes tied but things came up and i didnt do it. Well life changed and i got remarried and ended up having two more kids when i was 35 and 36. Then i did get it done.

Things change in life and u never know what u may want later.

Yesss I totally regret getting it done :person_facepalming:it’s been 9years n from day one I get the worst hot flashes omg I’m 42 n has the years go by their getting bad 3am in the morning I have my AC onn fullblast n I feel I’m burning inside it’s stops Tru out the day onn n off but at 3am it’s onn bad yess I regret getting it done n the heavy periods​:person_facepalming::person_facepalming:

Had mine tied at 25, Have a boy age 10 and a girl age 8, No regrets at all. I knew after 2 babies I was done.

I had my tubes tied at 27. No regrets here.

I had my tubal at 27 after 3 boys and I had to go to Mayo clinic because the two other doctors I saw refused. Haven’t regretted it once.

I opted to have my fallopian tubes removed. No complications. Best decision.

I gave birth to 3 handsome boys and had my tubes tied. I regret it because I wanted to have a daughter too.

I got them died at 26 and I regret it

I have 4 kids and regret getting tubes tied only because my kids are 16 13 14 and 8 .

I regret having them tied, even though I love my 3 beautiful babies.

Only if your 100% i thought i was and 9 years later had a change of heart and a tubal reversal i now have a 6 month old

Don’t do it. My guy got fixed, because I said nope I’m not getting my tubes tied.

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No , i have 5 kids had them done when i had my last child 7 years ago , no regrets and no morr babies

Yes I regret it…my husband and I have baby fever and we cnt have anymore. We have 3 girls…all teens and they want a baby brother :woman_shrugging:

I’m 33 with 4 kids. I had a girl 9yrs ago that we planned them became pregnant immediately after. Then 8yrs later we get baby fever and plan a new baby, and get pregnant immediately afterwards again. So I have to sets of Irish twins and I KNEW I was done. Can’t handle losing sleep and trying to physically keep up with babies in my 30s. Had my tubes clamped almost 4wks ago. Simple and low pain procedure but I have had bleeding and cramping ever since. Mild cramps and a light flow. Not sure what my first period will be like yet!

Best thing I ever did I had both sides tied and I dont regret it

Absolutely do not regret getting mine tied. Mom of 3 and I’m 40. Got them tied in 2011.

Also my period isnt any different than it was before

Look into a FB group called post tubal ligation syndrome.
I had mine done 5 yrs ago and have regretted it ever since. I’m currently on BC to help with my discomfort and other symptoms I’ve had since having the tubal. Research the hell out of it.
I asked my Dr if there were any issues I should know about before getting it done and I was told that there wasn’t. Bull shit.

Had mine done at 29 after my third baby. Best decision ever

Hellllll no. I had severe HG with both of my kids. I had both tubes and an ovary removed before my youngest was weaned. She’s 6 now. Still no regrets.

YES!!! I got mine done 14 years ago, and ofcoarse I didn’t want anymore kids. But now I have a 19 and 14 yr old and I want 1 more and can’t. And the periods are painful and tons of clots.

Don’t do it! Get the implant it last 5 years and if you still don’t want them get another 1!!!

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I just had a tubal ligation done 2 days ago where they take your fallopian tubes completely out 4 kids is enough hahaha

I have 2 boys. Always knew I only wanted 2 kids. Had my tubes tied during my 2nd c-section at age 32. No regrets here. I love not having to worry about getting pregnant and so does my husband. My periods are definitely heavier and more cramps. I think it’s due to tubal while my gyno thinks it was from being on the pill 10 years. Only down fall.

I did and don’t regret it at all. I have normal 4 day periods. I can freely have sex with the hubs without fear of pregnancy. And I feel better now that I’m off BC. Its the best choice I ever made.

Thank God someone posted about TL. I will not consider TL from now on. Maybe i will try pills.

Dont do it. I regret it everyday. I thought I was done I had 2 boys. Part me wishes I would have had one more.

How about a vasectomy for HIM.!

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I had vasectomy young. I didnt want anymore kids

I’m getting my tubes removed Next Friday, I’m 22 with 2 kids and I’m done. Never wanted many children and pregnancy is just too rough on my body anyways. I’m always very sick and this last time I had to be induced because of preeclampsia. I just dont want to do it again.

I regret it all the time

Yea. I regret it all the time. My overeries scream when I see babies! Dont do it

No best thing I did was turn the babymaker into a playground

I regret it every day

25 when I got mine done

I got 4 beautiful healthy children im 35 now… and my youngest is 7 I get baby fever all the time I would of loved to have one or 2 more but due to 4 c sections and being anemic other health issues doctor told me its best if I get them tied with my last c-section after months of thinking … i got my tubes tied after my last daughter although now I have huge regrets I even looked into getting them reversed but I know I can’t due to age and health medical side i have had better periods since my tubes have been tied 4 days second day heavy rest not so much and regular before tubes being tied i was all over the place I get the odd shoulder pain which I was told can happen when tubes r tied i know odd but I looked it up lol anyways do what in your heart and gut honestly.

I have an IUD due to very bad random rough periods. BEST DECISION EVER. If we decide (we wont) to have more I can get it removed. I feel it’s a permanent solution you can decide to reverse anytime I have a LOT of female issues it helps with but for 5 yrs I will not have a period NO CRAMPING BLOATING or any symptoms. My vagina is very LONG so it does hurt for about an hour after placement but after that it’s amazing. I would recommend it for everyone


Have your bf get fixed

Don’t. I regretted it.

I had mine tied at 23 had 3 babies 2 girls an a boy best thing I did now I’m 47 kids are grown an married I have 3 beautiful grandbabies an enjoy them to the fullest

I had 3 sons and I made my husband get a vasectomy. We have put our bodies through quite a horrendous ordeal so why don’t they get a vasectomy. Some men are so dumb and have a attitude of well I am not a man if I have a vasectomy.


No regrets. One of each… and i dont have to be as careful all the time with spouse. I dont miss the bc either

I had my tubes removed

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I had my tubes removed when I was 24, after my second child. No regrets at all. If you do decide you want another kid down the road, you could always adopt.

Mine were tied at 24 and I’m 38 now. My doctor was fully against it but I persisted that I knew I never wanted anymore children with the man I had married. I went with the filshie clips. I had 2 ectopic pregnancies in the first year after. They were very painful. Since then I never had any problems. Fast forward to about 30 years old, I divorced, met my now husband. We both wanted to have a child together, we have 3 girls blended. We considered our options. He wanted a natural way I wanted to do IVF with gender selection. I wanted a boy, obviously. He was not at all down for that. Once our daughters hit their tween years. They are 14, 15, and 16 right now, so as you can imagine that happened almost all at once. We had a complete change of heart. We knew that financially it wasn’t sound and that we’d be in our 50’s before a new child would be partway prepared for life. He at 40 and I at 38 are very glad we did not act on our emotions. We love our girls and would have loved another child but we look forward to the end of their teen years and having more independence again. We will love the time of grand baby’s in about 15 years. Having them tied was very beneficial I think because it gives you time to really think it through before acting on anything. With the clips there is a higher chance of getting pregnant on a reversal but you do run the risk that you have with the implant. They can dislodge and attach elsewhere.

I had mine tied when I was 23 and I don’t regret it for a second. I never planned on having babies, and when we were surprised with our beautiful daughter I made the decision that I only wanted to give my love to one child. I have no regrets about the surgery. Think long and hard about it tho, as in most cases it’s permanent.

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Don’t let other people tell you what you will regret. They aren’t you. Period. It’s your body. You know what you want and you already have children.

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Have them removed. Google the benefits

I had mine done at 22, one week after the birth of my son. (2nd child) I have never had regrets and I’m 50 now. I was certain I did not want any more children. Its totally up to you but just be sure.

I’ve had mirena twice and a skyla . . Loved them both😊

Tie thoes tubes lady! Best thing I ever did. I hated taking pills daily.

I did get my tubes tied the only it changed was my cramps more of them 1st day or so heavy but taper off quickly last like 3 or 4 days done before it was like almost 10 day cycle

Have you considered adoption to increase your family?

I had my tubes tied after my second child. I’m currently 21 weeks pregnant with my third. My tube on the left side grew back together. So it’s not always 100%. I am actually beyond thankful that they grew back together and I was able to give my boyfriend his first child :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I got mine done at 27 during my 3rd c-section. Afterwards, my periods are heavier and more painful. I have reoccurring cysts on my ovaries, it’s been miserable. I’m now 31, I’m glad there tied since it would be way too hard now to have another. But, apart of me wonders if it was the right idea. I was warned of the complications of tubal ligation, the most important to remember is ectopic pregnancy. Those are dangerous and women with tubal are higher risk for them

I don’t regret it but things have changed that I’m not to fond of. Heavier periods…bad back problems which iv never had before. No sex drive what so ever and major cramping !!

my bf got fix instead after our 3rd child we got

I got mine tied after #5, at 31. I had tried before, but it never worked out. I will never regret giving all of my energy into the children that I already have. The best part, 6 years later, is that I still get to see other people’s babies. And when they stink, I get to give them back! lol

Having my tubes tied didn’t change anything physically or hormonal. I had 4 kids within 5 years and was 23, so at the time I didn’t want anymore kids. My biggest advise for someone your age is that things change, you may have different circumstances in a few years, having your tubes is pretty much permanent; had I known then what I know now, I would have not gotten my tubes tied and used another form of long term birth control (like An IUD)

I had mine tied at 27. I only regretted it because they said it wouldn’t affect my periods and it did to the extreme! I would go months without a period and then bleed so heavy for 3 days I couldn’t move without Niagara Falls coming out! I found out last year that I had Uterine Cancer and when I had a uterine ultrasound done, the tech informed me that my Dr. had completely removed my right Fallopian tube- not just tied it. Something that was never mentioned to me!!

Had mine done at 24 after my 3rd child. Who is now 25 years old and never regretted it. But I was certain I didn’t want more children. I didn’t have any issues brought on by having the procedure.

I had mine tied after my three daughter but I really didn’t want to but my then husband had two boys from a previous marriage and then we had three girls so I thought I would be with him forever so I decided to just go ahead and do it. Well about two years later he decided that he wanted someone else so we got divorced. Now I am with a new guy and he really wants kids of his own but I can’t have them now. And it makes me really depressed. I really want another kid. And mu periods have been so bad since I had my tubes tied and the cramps oh my goodness the cramps, and the hot flashes and the sick stomach and the headaches and the bleeding. Before I had them done my period was only 3 to 4 days and i never had any cramps headaches or sick stomach with my period and i didn’t bleed much either until I had my tubes tied. So i really regret it i was in my 20s. So please please make sure you are really ready not to have any more kids. Maybe have your SO go have his sniped instead so in case you are older and decided to have another little one. There is a birth control patch that you wear for a month. You just change it every week and then after the 3 week is over you take it off and wait a week to put another one on so you will have a period makes it lighter and everything.

I had mine done at 25 after my 3 kid. My husband passed away and i remarried, i regret having mine down. And worse worse cramps ever now. Never use to have any.

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I know somebody who had their tubes tied burnt and cut and still got pregnant. I tried to get mine tied after having twins at 25 and was told NO by the Dr because I was to young.

He needs a vasectomy ! It is major surgery to have tubes tied. A vasectomy is not major surgery. You did your part carrying babies…it’s his turn


I had mine tied after my 2nd child at the age of 28. My husband and I have 2 biological and we also have custody of my cousins 2 kidos. In my opinion this was one of the best choices i have made. There are times that i would like to have another one, i also enjoyed being pregnant, I’m glad my tubes are tied otherwise I would have another one (not that it’s a bad thing) but here is a little of our background: I am already exhausted all the time. Our 4 kids range from 5-13. We have activites at least 4 days a week not including church. Our work schedule: I work from Home full time 7:30 -4:00, Husband works a rotation of 2 twelves on 2 off, then 3 on and 2 off. Oldest girl has scholios, last year alone she was in the hospital a total of 4 weeks between June an July for surgery and due to an infection. My husband just completed school in may of 2019 with his Bachelor’s, I start school in August 2020 for my associates. If things were different I might not have had them tied but I knew I would have custody of the oldest 2 forever and just had a feeling of what the future would hold.

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I had my tubes tied when I was 28. I have had absolutely no regrets and no side effects.

I had mine done 6 months ago after my 3rd son. We have 4 kids together a daughter from his previous marriage and 3 boys we wanted another daughter but 4 is enough kids for us! I am 25 also!

Let the bf do the vasectomy. He is a much easier surgery and less trauma on your body! Same result no babies.


I had mine done at 23 after work the birth of my second child. My husband also got snipped never regretted it.

I was 22, and no regrets :upside_down_face: I love my two boy’s. All I need

Buts osmetimes im wondering if i did would i regreat it???

i have 2 boys and no i dont reget getting my tubes tied

No caise i never did yet

Best decision ever! I got it done 7 months after my last baby and it was fine. Not much pain. I was up and walking the same day. First period was a bit heavier but now they are as they were before and no cramping. Scars are tiny.

I’m 27 with 5 kids and had my tubes tied 2 years ago after my last child and my only regret is that I actually still want more babies but it’s a really good thing I cant have any more. It’s been a huge stress relief and I feel good about it overall. I’ve never been a fan of birth control in any form.


I had my 4th son 8 months ago and considered getting my tubes tied since I definitely do not want anymore children. But I couldn’t do it because the thought of permanently changing my body like that didn’t feel right. I decided to instead go for the copper iud which has no hormones. I have been having cramping and heavier bleeding when I have my monthly period but it’s not something I can’t handle. Consider the copper iud, no hormones and no daily pill.

I had my first and only daughter last year at 37. I had my tubes tied a month later. I have NO ISSUES. I didn’t even have pain after surgery. Just my legs ached! Very small scar. Don’t regret it at all

I had mine done a little after 25… I think I was 26. Now I love kids and my ex didn’t want anymore but I did. I went ahead and closed up shop. It’s hard because I would love another child but when my boyfriend and I get married I’ll gain a son. He will gain 2 daughters!

Girl I’m 24 about to have my 4th baby in december. Thought about getting my tubes removed but honestly looking at my beautiful family and then thinking that I’d never be able to hold such a beautiful, innocent soul let alone bring one into the world for the rest of my life broke my heart and decided that my SO will get a vasectomy and if we decide to have more then at least its reversible! :upside_down_face:


I am 33 with 3 kids. And I got my tubes removed with my last baby. And it is soooo freeing and I do not regret it. I keep thinking one day I will. But I’m spread too thin and no way I could imagine another baby. Its the best choice I made. Birth control made me whacky and hubby hated condoms

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Just had my second child a month ago, and got my tubes removed during my c-section. I’m 28. So far no regrets. I have degenerative disc disease in my lower back and my daughter was conceived while on birth control. Thankful for my son and daughter but also glad I have no chance of getting pregnant again.

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I got my tubes tied at age 33 after my daughter… i have the lightest periods now! Sometimes only 2 to 3 days! Best decision i have ever made!!

I got mine done almost 2 yrs ago. I was 38 when my dr finally agreed to do it. Check with your dr about your options. Most drs wont do it if you are you ger than 30. It has helped my periods tremedously. Everybodys experience is different.

Get him fixed they have a process to reverse it now as well for men it’s cheaper one day surgery but for a women it’s serious surgery more expensive too.

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I was 36 .my 3 kids are 7 years apart
I don’t regret doing it
I have had no problems .I was depressed at first .but still didn’t want anymore babies .

I don’t regret it because of its effectiveness. I do regret the side effects that came along with it

I’m looking into having mine removed I just wanna talk to my doctor about the hormonal side effects first. Before I decide, I’ll be 24 when I have my second but I don’t want any more children. Pregnancy is just not for me at all.my second was a big surprise and I was so mad and upset for the month after I found out lol

I wouldn’t do it at 25 I did mine after my last at 37. But my oldest was 18 so was like I’m done hahaha. Considered it when I was 30 after my middle child and glad I waited

At 30 I had my tubes removed. So far no regrets. My period pain is a bit stronger the first day but not enough to make me regret it.

My periods were the same. I was 27 and it was after my 3rd child. I have been with my husband 28 years. We have adopted children and have been just as thrilled to give a life a chance. Children adopted were 6 and 8.

I would tal km to your doctor about semi-permanent birth control methods to explore all the options.
I have the bar thing in my arm- took away periods, lasts for 4 years- and it’s one of the most reliable. 4 freaking years of great birth control, all for a small bruise in my arm for a day.
Best choice I ever made, i used to have HORRIBLE heavy, crampy, dizzy, pukey, headachey, exhausting periods. Now? Rarely I get a little when I wipe with no other symptoms.

I had my tubes tied at 19, after having my daughter and son. And I have never regretted it. I also could not take birth control pillsw.

I had my tubes removed… best thing ever… my doctor strongly advised against having them tied.

I regret having my tubes tied, gained lots of weight and remarried…wished I could have one with my husband now but I cant…should of taken birth control or used condoms