Did your 3rd baby come early if your first 2 did?

If your first two babies came early what happened with your third?? Delivered at 37 weeks and 35, wondering what to expect with my third

First 2 were 7 and 10 days late, 3rd was nearly 2 weeks early. But he was born 4.5kg so he was properly cooked and ready!

My third was actually 38 weeks so pretty much full term and my other two were 37 weeks

1st came late at 40 weeks and 6 days, I had to be induced. My second one was due 6 days before my first birthday so I asked to be induced early I had that at 39 weeks and a day

1st late 2nd one was late and I had 3 and 4 early cuz twins was 3rd and 4th had the twins at 34 weeks which was my 3rd and 4th

1st wasn’t, 2nd not so much. 3rd on due date.
1- 41+5
2- 40+1
3- 40
4- 41+1
Your baby and your body decide when it’s time unless you have complications and a doctor needs to intervene.

1st was 41+5
2nd was 37
3rd was 41+2

They were all boys :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: good luck :crossed_fingers:


First was 38 weeks second was 38 weeks but I was induced my third was 37 weeks 5 days