I used it with my fourteen month old and it worked great
I use it. Its amazing helps so much
You can also hold freezer door open on them but it was better outside in the cold. Doesn’t take long
Sounds like croup, if that’s the case then may need a steriod.
Personally my family swears by Hylands
My child used it. We loved it!
We used it and loved it.
Yes it helps. Also do saline solution, elevate mattress so not sleeping flat if they don’t have a pillow, boil water or humidifier and baby vicks vapor rub or zarbees vapor rub on chest or bottom of feet.
All my kids have used it and it worked like a charm, try turning on a hot shower and hold baby in the bathroom while its going( not in the water just in the bathroom) and the steam will help make it more productive and loosen it up a bit
Do not ever use cough medicine on kids younger than 5. It does not work the way it works for adults. Drs dont know why but it doesn’t… It can also kill kids or cause severe damage. Use vapor runs, humidifier, shower steam, cough drops… Never use cough syrup or the sweat it out method
It sounds to me like she has croup. If the steam from the shower doesnt help, if it is cold where you are bundle her up except her face and take her outside for a few minutes let her breath in the cold air. You may need to take her to the dr. for meds to help her breathing. Both of boys got croup but my girls never got it.