Different ways to spell Isla?

Different ways to spell Isla? LOVEE the name. Hate how it’s spelled. Or any other ideas for pretty girl names like that? Her middle name is Brielle.


How do you pronounce LOVEEE? Maybe LOOOOOVE is more what it sounds like?

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My friend spelled her daughters name “Ayeila”

My daughters name is spelled Ayla :heart:

Esme Brielle is beautiful. Emersyn Brielle,Everly Brielle

Aisha is a beautiful name … Aisha Brielle flows and Aisha means gift from God

I knew one is spelled it Ayla and one who spelled it Aila

I know someone who spells it Illia

My daughter’s name sounds similar to Isla, except it has a L at the beginning, and no S in it. Her name is Lila.

Ayla, Aylah, lla, iyla, iylah

My daughter is called Isla-rose and I spell it the way it’s supposed to be

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Loved the sound of Isla but hated the spelling and all other variations of how it could be spelled so we went with naming our daughter Lyla :smiling_face:

Islay Brown most unique spelling of isla


A girl I went to school with spelled hers Ayla :heart:

Iyla is a decent alternative spelling


Sincere question…what’s wrong with the spelling? I think it’s a beautiful name and spelt as so…

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Eysla. Different, but looks kinda strange to me

Yes I hate it too, I was going to name my 2nd Ayla but I ended up having a boy.

My friend’s daughter is Iylah

Isla is the only acceptable spelling lol

Mila (mee-luh) is a similar name


My daughters names are Lyla Jordyn & Arlo Zayley :two_hearts:
Also love Hazel, Harper.

Svea is a beautiful name.

Love Olivia wanted Liv for short

I like the oshon and paris as girls names.

My daughters name is Isla but it’s the Spanish pronunciation (like eas-La) since she’s half Mexican.