Disasterous household pet

My husband and I got a little 9 year old yorkie in December of 2020. I was reluctant at first but I gave in. The lady we got him from was forced to surrender all her pets after the sheriff was called there by her neighbors and it was deemed unlivable from the living conditions in the home. Urine & feces, everywhere along with an unbearable smell. Her friend came out with the dog, with her sweatshirt pulled over her face and said, “Thanks guys, it’s not liveable in there.” :face_vomiting: So long story short, 7 months later we have seen little progress in trying to house train him. I’m so tired of cleaning up after him. His urine and feces. We let him out like 20 times a day but nothing is working. Nothing at all. I should add that we have another dog, a pit bull who we got as a puppy who is house trained. I’ve about had enough of this BS. Literally. My husband doesn’t want to get rid of him even though it’s nonstop piss & shit. He’s even chewed up our four month old daughter’s clothes. He’s actually chewed them up and attempted to chew them up, another time. I don’t know how much more I can take. He makes it seem like if one dog goes, they both have to go. Which is not fair by any means. Any advice? I’m close to my breaking point. I should also add that the little demon tries to bite people whenever they come over.