Do babies need tummy time?

What do I do if my baby absolutely hates tummy time. He cries so bad when I pick him up hes literally shaking I feel so bad I even got him a little pillow to prop him up and he still hates it . Hes 2 months old


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We usually did tummy time with my girls laying on our chests and talking to them. Until they were around 4 months old and wanted to play with toys :smiling_face: all three hated tummy time until they could focus on something in front of them.


I don’t know if they absolutely have to have it. But it helps develop neck muscles so that the baby can hold his head up. He might be crying because he can’t see you? Try lying beside him and letting him see you while he’s on his tummy.

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Maybe just try alittle bit each day, but not on a full tummy, especially if he’s got a sensitive tummy.

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I usually put mine on his tummy when he’s sleepy lol then I lay by him n talk to him. I occasionally put a pacifier in his mouth as well. He will wake up and then lift his head to turn n see where the heck he is lol I think it helps alot with strengthening his neck muscles- he’s almost 2 mo.

I agree with the comments about putting baby on your chest for tummy time. Mine wasn’t a fan of being on the floor, but she loved spending that time with me…and at her 4 month appointment, her doctor commented on her strength and said she was meeting or exceeding all expected milestones.
She’s 6 months now and once she learned how to roll over, she stopped hating the floor so much.

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Prop him underneath the armpits so his arms dangle

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Yeah lots of babies don’t like it. I would just do it for a bit each day.

Use a boppy pillow! It helps some but some babies just don’t like it. Neither one of mine did and both required it for development reasons because they were preemie. We did it 3x a day in 10 minute sessions so it wasn’t so bad for him.

My baby don’t mind tummy time but for short amounts of time. He usually laid on our chests ut now he hates laying on our chests. He wants to sit up. At 2 months they said we should start tummy time. But we had already started. Hes 4 months as of July 3rd and just started rolling from back to tummy

Put your baby on your chest and do tummy time that way. Tummy time helps them develop the muscles in their neck.

My daughter really disliked it until she could roll over. My son hated it forever but he has acid reflux and laying on his belly hurt him as a baby.

Yes, they really do. It strengthens their neck and back muscles. Also their arm muscles. Maybe your baby doesn’t like tummy time because he can’t see you as well from his tummy. I wonder if you got down on your tummy with him, if that would help. Maybe place a few soft, small toys in front of him to reach for. You don’t have to leave him down for long. Just a few minutes. For now go ahead and pick him back up, but try getting down with him. He may surprise you one day.

Lay them on your tummy, with you laying on your back and slowly progress from there

I didn’t put mine on the floor, they just laid tummy to tummy with me ALOT

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Could be that he has a gas problem and the pressure of being on his tummy hurts. My son was colicky and did the same thing.

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Lay him down on your belly, belly to belly

My boy hated it too. We didn’t force him but tried for about 1-2 mins at a time. But until he was 3 months he’d scream occasionally and we noticed his “balls” swelling. I went to Dr every single time it happened except in middle of night and they just kept saying it was fluid in the sack he’d out grow it. I kept saying he would not be in this much pain if that’s all it was. Fought and fought issue. Finally ended up in er because they looked like they’d bust open. He had to have bilateral hernia surgery because his intestines were slipping in to them. Now we are have yet another surgery at 8 month old because one testie has not dropped.
So also talk to pediatrician about it make sure everything is ok with him. And something’s not going on and that’s why he can’t be on tummy.
It took about another month after surgery for mine to be ok with tummy time now he is rolling everywhere and is on his tummy and playing and push up and bring up knees too. Is is all good.

Just do it for short periods of time, tummy time is important for they development and getting strong

Don’t tummy time him

Mine didn’t like it and my son had really bad silent reflux and couldn’t bear to lie on his tummy on floor. They all held their own heads up from birth though so I was never concerned about them not doing it.

We did tummy time on our chests and talked to them

Tummy time can be any time spent on tummy. That includes; laying on your chest (this is thd best option early on), holding them on your arms on their belly, etc. There’s tons of good ways to get tummy time in without baby melting down. You might also look into bicycling his legs before tummy time to push out any gas, trapped gas can make tummy time painful.

He don’t like tummy time so don’t do it

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Chk This—>>

Slow and steady wins the race, even if it’s just for a minute morning and night.

My 5 month old is the same way 5 minutes tops of enjoyment before hes over it and starts crying i think its because hes more belly and its just not as comfortable as on his back or side . We just try to do it a few times a day in small time spands. My first born was the complet oposit she loved belly time and was an early roller because of it

Keep persevering because it is really beneficial for babys absolutely.


Yes, it’s really important, but tummy time doesn’t only have to be on the floor. Tummy time can be in their crib while awake and monitored, you can put a few toys in there. You can also do tummy time while holding baby. You can use your belly or legs as a surface. When my toddlers were little they used to love being “football” carried on someone’s arm on their tummy. We used to carry them all over like that and that all counts as tummy time.


If tummy time was a thing when mine was small I genuinely don’t remember it. Maybe we just played with toys or games that had them on their tummy anyway?

Holding babe chest to chest counts to anything that strengthens those core muscles counts


My daughter absolutely hated tummy time. Would scream and cry so we never did it. She was able to
Roll on her own from tummy to back and then to tummy without any issue. And has great neck control
We saw no difference in her than if we did and neither did her Dr.
Our second was the same.
Now our son will only tolerate it in short burst but dosent hate it.
It’s all about how the baby responds and reacts.

Yes but if they won’t let you put them on the ground you can do tummy time on yourself or your knees? Thats what my nurse said cause my daughter was the same. But good keep trying aye :upside_down_face:

Mine did to. Her dr said you kinda have to force it or their heads can go flat in the back


You can lay them on yourself , tummy time matts , blanket on the floor , make it fun with toys , or just talking to them. Its absolutely important.

Try it a few times a day I’m sure you’ve tried toys and noises etc to get them to look up etc

It’s important now that they are supposed to sleep on their backs bc they can get flat heads from being on their backs so much. Mine never liked it much either. There are different play mats that are fun.

All mine, kids and grands, complained, but its necessary…

Babywearing counts, or it can be on you.

No baby really likes tummy time. Most don’t.

mine 5 month old hates it to an less she is on my chest! then she will chill and enjoy for a while

Yes. It helps them get control of their head and muscles in their back. Should be doing it on your chest from day one till they can’t hold their head, then the floor ( so they don’t smash their face on a hard surface when they boh their head )
She’ll get used to it. She’s working her muscles and it’s probably uncomfortable. Get her attention with toys, lay on the floor on your belly and look at her face to get her to lift up to see you. Soon, she’ll use her hands or elbows to push up on. Then it’s just her knees that she’ll need to get control over. After that, the scoot/rocking comes and then crawling lol.