Do boys attitudes ever get better?

I have a daughter and a son… they both equally have bad attitudes on some days, it’s their bickering that I don’t understand. There is a 4 year age gap, I guess being winter now it’s alot harder to get them outdoors and do things with each other without fighting is the struggle that I’ve been having with mine recently.

I had two boys six years apart. You have to start early and be consistent. The majority of their is learned, it doesn’t come with them at birth. My youngest tried me more times than I can count. If you set rules and boundaries follow thru with the necessary discipline. Every child has something that will get their attention, the question is are you as the parent willing to follow thru even if it inconveniences you and your plans.


Wait till you get to the teen stage. They make you wanna go missing. Sell the house and no forwarding address. We raised 5 all one year apart. We prayed a lot. Happy they are grown. Never doing that again. Good luck to you.

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Mines 2 and a half and his attitude is just as bad as mine if not worse lol but talking to him calmly and letting him make decisions( what clothes to wear, what snack to eat, etc…) helps ALOT. We’ve definitely came along way since I started letting him have a voice.


My girls are WAY worse than my boy :grimacing: lol


My boys don’t give me attitude it’s how they treat each other that drives me bananas :banana:


Boys need a lot of discipline


Iv got 2 boys nearly 13 and nearly 14 and my god they really are moody men!! All I can do is try my best :exploding_head::see_no_evil: my nearly 14 yr old is the hardest he absolutely drives me bat shit crazy because apparently he knows best in every situation! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I thought it was ment to get easier as they get older but it doesn’t it’s harder in different ways!!

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Its hormones, most teens get a major attitude problem.


Mine is 12 going on 13 and I really feel your pain. The attitude is constant and he’s just plain mean to me most of the time. I’m at my wits end too. :confused:


Following: mine just turned 3…hulking out stinks for everyone

I always thought girls have attitudes :roll_eyes::joy:

Mine is about to turn 13 and nope his attitude stinks.

My 15 yo is nothing but Hoodies and attitude


Pick your battles. Stop nagging on every little thing. If it is isn’t world ending let it go.

My oldest son is gonna be 15 soon and the ages of 12-13 were unbearable once he started middle school! Puberty! We stayed on him to stop some attitude and he is a pretty mellow kid! Our youngest is 12 about to finish his 1st year of middle school and his attitude and everything is bad! I try and walk away and breathe, knowing these years of attitude won’t last and there is hope!

Trying not to nag so much makes a difference in his attitude and behavior! I also have made it clear I will not tolerate disrespect towards myself, hubby or anyone else. A few weeks ago I told my hubby, I won’t survive his teen years! :crossed_fingers:t2:

Hahahahaha my son is 4 and he’s allllll attitude. And my daughter is 3 and copies everything he does. They feed off each other… How I’m not grey with these two is beyond me… Plus my older girls are almost 18 and 11…

Girls attitudes are not any better lol it is more like a puberty thing than a gender thing…

It gets better when they turn 18 and move out.

Damn y’all stressing me out :joy: my 5 year old is just starting with the attitude

My son is 3 and its ALLLLL bad attitude. Idk how were going to survive the teen years :joy:

Doesn’t get any better… I have an almost 15 year old and while he can be the sweetest ever he’s also super moody just like a teenage girl!

Yes! My son 16. From about 10 on he had an attitude. ( still a good kid) We just kept telling him that is not how you speak to us.

Ahhh yes thank god I’m not the only 1 my son will be 13 in December and it’s hell!

I have a pretty mellow boy. He’s 3 1/2 Years Old. He’s got a lot of energy but, he uses he’s manners and is okay. He’s listening skills need improvement but, boys tend to switch off their hearing when they are doing things so sometimes I have to yell to get he’s attention.

It’ll get better. They will still he arse holes…but
Boys get a little peach fuzz on their berries and think they are grown.

Teresa Litteer Pfendler :grinning:

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When puberty hits… his and girls have non-stop attitude :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: my oldest 3 are 14, 15, and 17… the PMS with the girls is also killer…

I know grown men in their mid 30’s that probably should’ve been spanked at least once.

Three girls and one boy. Have to say girls much harder. Son almost 14 and never a bit of attitude or maybe its the calm before the storm​:exploding_head::exploding_head:

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Mine is 13 and his attitude is out of control!!

Hobbies. Sports… Wrestling helped my son(11) get some of his discipline. Gets the aggression out in a positive way and gets him out there with boys and girls his age… the coach is also hard on him like is he talking back at home he is going to run. If he is being disrespectful at practice push ups. I see the difference in him it was recommended by his school counselor to get into some kind of after school activities. And so far it has done wonders for his attitude

I read this as you were talking about a man. And not children :rofl: too funny