I couldn’t imagine not seeing my grandkids. I have 14 and I see them all often. I’m blessed and would do anything to see them
I have heard that here in the States, it can happen, but it is rare that it does. Whether that is because of a lack of awareness or a lack of need, I do not know, but I would say it depends on the reason why if it would be granted or denied.
If it is because you personally do not get along with her, even if she is actually an amazing grandmother otherwise, I would think the courts would back her.
HOWEVER, if you can convince the courts that it is detrimental to the kids and you are trying to protect them, then they would probably side with you.
In some states they do have grandparents rights but of course they would have to take you to court for visitation in order to enforce them. So it really depends on where you live.
(I’m in the UK) Grandparents don’t have rights to their grandchildren unless decided by court. Should probably see how the kids feel about her and if they feel she’s rude too before cutting her off without speaking to them.
IF this is the in-laws and you are NOT together with the father, yes, they can go for grandparents rights.
If this is your parent OR you’re still in a relationship with the father, nope! You’re choice.
My brothers baby mama is keeping my niece from us because she taking him to court for him to loose parental rights and we have never let him see her with out her permission, some times people do this out of spite,
There are multiple states and all of Canada that have Grandparents rights. I’ve sat in on many Grandparent right trials for clients
Is your issue that she is disrespectful to you and y’all don’t get along personally or does it have to do with with your children? Cause a judge won’t care if you just “don’t like” her
Check ur state law on it every state is different
Why would you keep your kids away from grandma I your the one with the problem , I would avoid her if thats what makes you happy , let them see grandma until there old enough to decide whether they want her around or not , my opinion…
Indiana is a grandparent rights state. It is easy to get with an attorney.
only under certain circumstances. if the child lived with them for mlre then 6 months, one or both parents are dead. or parents are divorced. thays for PA tho…idk how it is in other states
Wether I get along with my parents or my in laws I wish they would want to come see their grand kids it’s like pulling teeth to get them to keep them.
It depends on state…and it’s usually just a visit on holidays.
Contact a lawyer where you live to ask.
Depends were u are in ireland they have grandparents rights now and can take you to court not sure about other country’s
Then let grandna take kids for a few hours a week out to play or lunch
You dont have to go but no oerson should keep family from family
My morher did this to me and I resent her alot ! I missed out on alot of love
Now, if grandna is taking shit about you too your kids and they tell you then, time to lay sown hard core rules and if she does not comply then pull the plug explaining it in kid terms to your babies
This is like a mom keeping kids away from dad ot vice versa
DON’T turn the tables and make yourself look like her
Depends on the state
Depends on the state rules if you are with him they are not allowed of you are apart they can go
Sounds like you’re doing it out of spite. If she isn’t hurting the child you’re wrong to keep her away😡
It depends on the state you’re in and the circumstances. Look up the law and parameters for your particular state.
Let her take u to court
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Do grandparents have legal rights to their grandkids?
Nope. My father in law lives 20 min from us and because of his wife he hasn’t seen my daughter in over 2 years. She is now 3 and has no clue who they are
Nope. Not a thing. Grandparents rights were done away with a long time ago. Really only the mother has legal rights unless paternity is established with the father.
Honey NO. The ONLY TWO people who have any legal right over their child is who is on said child’s birth certificate.
Depends what state you live in and if it is for the child’s best interest. You would have to take it to court, but above all , it is the parent or guardians decision and there is no legal obligation.
In Montana they do if the child is blood and wants to see them. They can go to court and request visitation.
Depends on what state you live in and the child has to be blood related!
Some states do have grand parent rights - unfortunate circumstance. But it could very on why and legal things
Depends on the state
I do not know a single state where grandparents rights supersede living or present parents rights.
In some states if a parent is incarcerated, passes away, or loses custody of the children, that parents parents can ensure access to the child. In other words, mom goes to jail, her parents can still see the child
IF mom has the legal right to give consent. ( if her rights have been revoked, it is moot. nobody asks her)
a lot of parents try to use the scare tactic on their adult children. Many of them fail to realize that their rights are not prioritised over the parents rights. It is simply if the parent is not available, the other parent is not allowed to keep the grandparents from the child.
you can keep your parents away from your kids. you have every right to decide who does and does not have access to your child. just keep in mind that if there was another parent with legal decision-making, that parent can choose to allow your parents access. It sucks, but if you guys have equal rights, you each have equal say.
I have had to explain this to my own parent multiple times when he threatened to me with “grandparents rights”. I can’t get him to understand that he doesn’t have any. The only rights he has are what I or her father choose. he seems to have given up for now. He only threatens every few years or so.
Yes grandparents have right wow don’t listen some of these people if she took you
To court yes she could get custody and or visitation
Some states have grandparents rights but they have to be blood related and prove that they have played an active role in the child’s life for a certain amount of time.
Colorado hd grandparents rights
Grandparents are a really important part of our kids lives. I couldn’t stand my ex mother in law butt I would never have denied her a relationship with my kids. It’s not about me.
Depends on what state you live in, you should be able to go to your state legislature website and find some answers or most attorneys will do free consultations. Good luck momma
This is different state to state.
Some states in the US they do.
Not in Washington State
Check your state laws. In NY they do not.
Alabama doesn’t recognize grandparents rights only if there’s a death of a parent
In Illinois they have no rights.
Depends on the state you live in. Here in Illinois they only do if they have custody and/or they covered more than 50% of the cost of living for the child.
Not in Tx unless one parent is incarcerated but then they have to file for grandparent rights and go to court
Every state is different. In pa the parent has to be either in jail (for longer then a couple months) or dead. They use to have grandparent rights here but it changed a few years back.
As everyone has said, it’s a state by state family law. It’s also going to be the state the child resides in that takes jurisdiction.
My X daughter in law didn’t care for me because I called her out on her drug use. Dcfs was called in many many times even by the school and police. Dcfs didn’t do shit. She kept me from the kids for over a year. Finally someone competent from dcfs and a judge took the kids from her. Guess those heroin needles scattered through her house meant something. We took the kids in and she continued her drug and alcohol abuse until that and covid took her out of this life a few months ago. Unless those grandparents are total assholes to the kids don’t keep them from them. You will live to regret it I promise you that. I never forgave her for that. She tried to apologize to me…the only grandparent who cared!!! I never forgave her. Her death didn’t come as a big surprise but it sure hurt the 3 children. She was 36. I do hope she is resting in peace.
In WV the grandparent can take you to court for visitation. My coworker just did this. Took a year, but he got visitation rights to his 3 grandkids.
Reading this makes me so sad, every child should have the right to see their grandparents…They shouldnt be stopped because the parents don’t get on with them xxx
Most states who do recognize grand parental rights make grandparents qualify for those rights with conditions like “must have already built a strong bond with the child over 6 months or longer” kinda stuff. Alot of states will not rule in grandparents favor if they have never met or have only met a few times. If the child is young or do have a small bond started the court COULD give them supervised visits/calls and such. But in order to get more than a short visit they would have to have something on u to make u seem like ur unfit.
In NZ yes, they can go through family court if they need too
Depending on which state you’re in you can request grandparent visitation which is once a month.
Not whenever they feel like it!
Demon House featuring Zak Bagans
NM doesn’t have grandparents rights, BUUTTT they have visitation rights. We had to file for them and we won. You have to meet 1 of the 10 criteria and we met all but 2. It depends on your state.
State of Tennessee has no “grandparents rights”
Georgia nor Alabama have grandparents rights.
I believe it can vary by state. As far as I know, there are no “grandparent’s rights” in IL, except in extreme circumstances such as death or incarceration
You said you dont get along with her and she is rude and disrespectful. Is she that way towards your children or you? If it’s you then you should let them see her. Their relationship with her doesn’t have to be dependent on yours. She can love them and they can love her separate from you. If she is mean to them then it’s your job to protect them.
In most cases, the grandparent has no rights.
If they go to court to let ordered visitation rights, that’s a whole other ballgame.
It honestly depends on the state. I was told my biological father tried to go after me for grandparents rights but he got denied (I think because I’m married to my kids father?). I’m in Pennsylvania. My biological father has never (and will never) meet my kids because the laws thankfully don’t allow him to get legal access. In my state,I think rights only exist if a parent is dead or not married and even then it has to be proven to be in the child’s best interest to allow visitation.
Not in utah or idaho
Legally, no grandparents do not have rights in most states. Ethically, most of the time they do have rights to their grandchildren. Do you just not like her? Or is she legit disrespectful to you and/or your kids? You can’t just cut someone out of their grandkids lives over disagreements. But if there’s legit reasoning, then go for it.
Nebraska No. My mother in law has no rights to my children. She tried, there is no grandparent rights here.
If they aren’t neglected or in danger…grandparents have rights
Kids shouldn’t be put in adult situations
My mom passed when I was very young. My dad’s 2nd wife (Our stepmonster) tried keeping us away from my birth mother’s family after she married my dad. She was cruel & abusive. If not for grandparents rights we would’ve never got a break from her. Be careful whose side you’re on …
I’m unsure where you’re from but either way if it’s you and her who don’t get along then she has every right to see her own grandchildren. You and her are separate to her and the children.
Louisiana doesn’t have grandparents rights, not even through the court system.
In Minnesota yeah but I don’t have to worry about that. My dad is dead and my egg donor somewhere in ga lol If my aunt and uncle adopted me they would have rights but anyways it all depends on the state you live in so I think we would need more info to actually help you. Hell worst case scenario ask Google lmfao that’s what I did
No, and in order for them to get custody something has to be seriously wrong. I’m talking about proof of neglect and abuse. Even then they’d probably go to foster care first
Don’t let her run you over, what you say goes. Especially when it’s the best interest of the children.
Not in Louisiana unless a parent is deceased
Depends on the state you live in
In Montana Biological Grandparents do have visitation rights due to family preservation efforts. Contact your local CPS.
Some states do yes !!! but just because u don’t want her doesn’t mean ur child doesn’t !! UNLESS THEY ARE A MURDERED, EVIL PERSON DO NOT KEEP KIDS FOR THERE FAMILY!!!
Just a opinion. But in my book a good one. A Child Cannot Have Too Many People to love them
Sounds like you need to learn to like her or fake it for the kid’s sakes. It will turn around to bite you. Grandparents are a big part of your children whether you like it or not. You called her rude. Maybe you’re selfish & self centered just a bit… read this gracefully, not bitterly. Best of luck. Been there …Done that.They need to be given the chance to learn where & what they come from so they can grow into happy healthy adults one day. No matter the situation. Children are smart and will distant themselves without your help if the situation is harmful or unhealthy. Pay attention to them, not her. Knowing is better than not knowing.
This isn’t the answer to your question, just unsolicited advice from someone that was in your shoes. I’m sorry. Check State laws.
I can’t stand a bitter ex that uses their children as tools. If they have a second loving home why be bitter and make them sad by taking it away… If the grandparents are loving and have been there since day 1 why do that? I don’t think they realize how much hurt that is causing their child. U don’t have to like each other but at least be amicable in front of the children. A good grandparent that has been there for their grandchildren deserves some kind of visitation to continue bonding with their grandchildren.
Probably depends on the situation and whats best for the kids
No and “grandparent rights” normally are only rumors and don’t actually exist
She may be rude and disrespectful to you but how do your children feel ? If they’re happy to see her maybe you might be able to grit your teeth and tolerate it ??
Obviously let someone else do the arrangements and too-ing and froo-ing…
Only if they have a good lawyer…
Every state is different. Alabama laws state grandparents do not have rights.
No they don’t. You are the parent and get to choose who they are exposed to.
She owes u nothing but she does have a blood relationship with those kids
Depends on the state. I live in Indiana where they used to believe they were important and deserved equal rights. Thankfully, that got over turned some few years back and they deemed them trivial so they only get what you say and allow and if you say no then sucks to suck for them lol
In my books, you are the parent, you decide who you want your children to see, whether they are family or not. If you feel they will have a negative influence on your children, then let them know your feelings
It is according to what state you live in. Some states have grandparents rights
What’s BEST for the child(ren) is to have as many people love them and care for them – with strong family bonds. That is a GOOD thing!! Surrounding children with love is the bottom line! You don’t have to like, or even respect your partner’s family…but you SHOULD encourage close relationships with grandparents. They can help out, teach and play with the children, and be there for them in a different, but supportive way. Not only are there legal rights, but if they have been around the children since the beginning they already likely have a strong bond with them. These are all great things for your children. Knowing that the people who are caring for your children sometimes, love them so much - is a real blessing and should provide you both peace of mind! Family ties can help as kids grow up. And Grandparents have valuable experiences to share…and often the quality time to spend with them. Sometimes we have to put our own personal feelings aside to do what is right for the children. You don’t have to like who you interact with…but don’t let your feelings override what the child wants as well! Families can really give children a sense of place in this world. <3
Grandparents do actually have rights legally to see / spend time with grandchildren .
depends on the state and their laws on the subject. I know in Kentucky they don’t have legal rights. They can petition for visitation rights on the grounds they actually know the child and have proof of a relationship with them.
In Massachusetts grandparents rights only become a thing if their child is deceased and the remaining parent denies them visitation.
They can apply for rights legally ….
I do not if it’s legal or not but your spouse was raised by your in laws and you love him if you love him you will let his parents be a part of the grandkids life. The more love your children receive the better for them if you don’t like his mother it is okay you don’t have too.
Wow I can’t believe you’ve actually wrote this!! Just cause you don’t like them doesn’t mean you stop your children from seeing them!! That’s not fair at all!! My grandparents made my childhood have such amazing memories…
So don’t take that away from your children!! Just come to agreement that you will drop your children to them,so then your children can spend quality time with them!! Don’t be the shit person be the good person!!
Any family member does not have a right to see your children and nor do they necessarily deserve to.
It is completely reasonable to cut off any toxic person that overstep boundaries or disrespects you and/or your children.
If it was simply that I did not get along with said person but they were good to my child then I’d bite my tongue for my child’s sake. However I wphpdmt tolerate being disrespected in front of my child by that person either.
Blood relation or not, if she’s rude to the parents of the children they will see it and it will affect them too. Children do not need to be around that environment. We cut his mum off because she is toxic and our kids deserve better than that.
Toxic is toxic. End of story and grand parents rights aren’t a thing. People like to use it to scare people into doing what they want. Most states they can get visitation UNLESS the PARENT shows the judge they are a burden on there family dynamic. Believe it or not how the parents feel about someone wether or not its blood matters. If shes disrespecting you she’s disrespecting the kids.
The grandparents do not have legal rights to visitation and are at the mercy of the custodial parent. This changes If the parent they are the parent of has deceased. Then they have that parents legal rights and can take you to court and fight for visitation and even joint custody.
You had the chance…otherwise grandma wouldnt of had them…Grandparent has the same rights as parents…