Do grandparents have legal rights to their grandkids?

There are Grandparents’ rights and someone can fight for them in court

You should be careful you could be in her shoes one day Karma is real facts :100::100:


Grandparents play a big part when it comes to the moko,s


Not in the state of Ohio…not sure about other states

It’s the kids that suffer.

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she probs thinks your rude disrespectful sorry ive got 3 boys any bitch tried keeping me from my grandkids you would be getting high five in face with my foot


Nope, none.
Unless if they win a custody battle if the parents are deemed unfit. And thats usually when drug use and abuse is involved.

Just because you find her annoying to be around doesn’t mean the grandkids will feel the same, give the kids a chance. Enough hate in this world,
They don’t need more


So many toxic grandparents on this thread. :confounded: Y’all are some entitled ass people to think you have a right to someone else’s kids just because you’re related to them. Thank God my kid has the best grandparents in the world that respects us and our boundaries. Y’all need therapy. A lot of it.


Girl don’t listen to these comments. No one is entitled to your kids but you. No one knows what you’ve gone thru with this person all you did was ask a question. If she’s toxic and you don’t want her around your children for them to see that behavior do what’s best for your kids.


Grandparents don’t have legal rights unless you’re deemed unfit. If she’s rude, and disrespectful to you’re children or talks bad about you or their father to the children then snip snip snip, but if she loves them and they her, maybe have a designated time they get to see her.


I agree no grandparents don’t have rights when it comes to this I know my sister went through this with her grand daughter

In some States the grandparents do have rights for visitation if they choose to go through that legal process! Check out your states laws


So it depends where you live and whose mother it is. In a lot of states grandparents do have legal rights for visitation but certain criteria have to be met. For example, usually you have the right to keep the children away from your own parents. So if the child’s father is deceased and you are refusing to let that set of grandparents see the children, then in some states they can take you to court. I’d talk to a lawyer or even start with a quick Google search. Asking here isn’t the best route because most these answers are based on emotion and not legality.

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In most states, grandparents cannot even get court ordered rights unless of course the parents are legally deemed unfit and therefore given custody.
But typically they aren’t given legal rights to visitation.
I’m in Ga.

My Daughters grandmother and I, didn’t always see eye to eye. She would always say the most ubsurd things, tell the children probably more then they should know, and alot more. We are different and were raised differently. But when it comes to her grandkids she is the most loving, kind, thoughtful grandma. She loves everyone so much and sometimes goes about things wrong, but it comes from a place of love. Just because I don’t always understand or like what she says, I know my daughter loves her so much. It’s hard to remember sometimes because we get so mad, but if your children are treated right and are loved, why take them from that. I love that my daughter has many people that love her. Now if they do not treat your children right, or do not follow how you raise them and etc. Then no you may have to create boundaries, or maybe look into a safe place for them to visit. Where I live there is a center where parents or grandparents visit the kids under supervision. Hope it helps


Here where I am grandparents can fight for rights. Sad when it comes to that.


It depends on the states laws. Some states have grandparents rights and some do not.

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We don’t in Louisiana but we should

No. My boyfriends mama is in prison and when she gets out she ain’t having anything to do with our son.

Some states the grand parents can take you to court for visitation rights. And just because you don’t like her doesn’t mean your kids do also! You don’t keep kids away for your own selfishness. You can’t get back time.


no they don’t unless they file grand parents rights in court

Don’t put any kids into your adults situation. They’re young they’re innocent, let them feel love for relative as long as that relative has not done anything bad to them. Keep adult problems away from children as long as possible they will encounter that soon enough.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Do grandparents have legal rights to their grandkids?

No grandparents rights in NC. They can go for custody, but only if the situation warrants it. If the grandparents are toxic or go against your wishes then definitely stand your ground! Unfortunately not all grandparents care like they should now days.


I live in Texas an there is no grandparents rights. They would have to take you to court an even then there is still no law or rights to where you would have to let them see the kid’s. An if you have evidence of how toxic they are the judge will just dismiss the case. I’ve seen it don’t way too many times.


Just because you do not like her does not mean the grandchildren should be deprived of a relationship with their grandparent. The grandparent should not show up at your house with out checking with you first. I believe there are court cases where grandparents have sued for visitation and won. You may need the grandparents help someday, Let me guess you married into this family.


Grandparents may not have rights in most states, but that don’t mean they can’t take your butt to court to get custody. Never underestimate a scorned grandma they know all the dirty secrets that can gain them custody


Unless she is unfit parent then no you should be putting ur feelings aside and let them have a relationship it’s not the kids fault u don’t get on but also she has to respect your space and not turn up wen she likes she will need to make appropriate arrangements with u first


In Indiana there is grandparents rights by going to court…my mother un law done it for my niece because dad was overseas in military and divorced the mom

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… My mother in law has no contact with my kids
She rude and disrespectful so i wont have nothing to do with her been 7 years
But ive never heard if they can have legal rights


Never use kids or grandkids as a weapon. You’re only hurting thr child. When that kid grows up they will resent you for just your selfish thoughts. Think what is only best for the the child…you have put arrogance and personal feelings and ego aside…


Not in Oklahoma. Not even if they take you to court unless the can prove you unfit. My mom tried to take my son because she didn’t like the guy I am with and the courts said no so then her lawyer wanted my mom to have visitation as his grandparent cause they knew I was pissed and wasn’t gonna let her see him after pulling that crap but the judge said grandparents rights don’t exist in Oklahoma and she would have to make arrangements with me to see him if I approved of it.


That’s a per state issue, some states but not all have a code of law that’s called grandparents rights.
Look into your governments website for your state to find your rights under code of laws, hope this helps.


Tbh you need to do whats best for you and your kids. They dont need to grow up seeing you being disrespected and they dont need to be seeing her being the problem. :woman_shrugging:


In Texas, there are grandparents rights, only if son/daughter is overseas because of Military; son/daughter in prison; or if son/daughter is deceased. There is also a grandparent group for issues like this (every case is different, depending on the situation for ex: foster care, CPS, etc. Then, you need to go through the courts)
Hope this helps.


It depends on the situation and state in which the grandchildren reside.


Depends on the state. TX-no, they’d need to go to court

You don’t want CPS called so work your problems out for the kids .


It depends on what state you live in

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My son had the best grandparents. Even though my husband and I weren’t together, I still made sure he spent time with them.


Depends on the state. I’m in Illinois and there are no grandparents right. They have to go to court.

NY state they do. I forget what year this passed but it’s a thing depending on where you live.

My son and daughter in law passed away and me and the other grandma tried to get custody of their daughter but the great uncle and his wife stepped in and they got to adopt her and take her to Florida away from all of us. We have no rights in Illinois.


Depends on the state. In Indiana its up to the parents to give grandparents rights… Its not automatic.

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In Ky. grandparents have no rights. I sit here with a broken heart over not getting to see my grandchildren for nearly 4 years. They love me and I love them. But because of situations out of my control. …the mother is controlling everything since my son and her spllit ip


They are your kids. Some Grandparents do not help the marriage or family situation. They just cause trouble for the couple. They need to be out. If mama isn’t happy , no one is happy. Goodbye Grandma.


In CA yes if they go to court

In Florida grandparents Do Not have any rights!

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In my state (New Hampshire) yes they have rights and can take you to court.

They do.have legal.rights.if they take u to.court…

in New York State they do smfh

Some states do have grandparent rights and it can be granted if the baby was born out of wedlock, a biological parent of the child dies or if the grandparent has held a relationship with the child

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Depends. I kept my kids away from their fathers family because they are disrespectful and into criminal activity. In Ohio where I live I don’t think there is a rule. My kids my rules more like it and your rules


Depends on the state

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California no rights.

They are your kids no

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Depends on the state. Iowa is a no

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Do grandparents have legal rights to their grandkids?

My children’s grandparents tried to get rights and got denied but that could be just because they were facing child abuse charges and not because of actual grandparents rights laws. Regardless I’m so glad they were denied.


I was told my biological father tried to go after me for grandparents rights but he got denied (I think because I’m married to my kids father?). I’m in Pennsylvania. My biological father has never (and will never) meet my kids because the laws thankfully don’t allow him to get legal access.


No. My kid has two biological grandmothers that will never meet him because they are that toxic and I’ve been no contact with them for years.


Sad to say it all depends on what state you live in? Some states can allow grandparents to have visitation rights however, if the grandma is mentally abusive to you or your children then the judge can deny their rights to see the children.


Depends on where you are!

We live in WV & this state has “grandparents rights”
It isn’t automatic tho…

If the grandparents cannot see the grandchild because of a court order between the parents, parents in armed forces and stationed away, parents in jail, or deceased, etc etc — they can take legal action and get granted rights to the child IF IN THE BEST INTEREST of the child…


in WV DHHR and CPS told me that grandparents have no rights unless the parents are dead or unfit, that’s only if there is custody issues not other issues like wanting to see the grandchild, you don’t have to let your kids around anybody you don’t want too

Grandparents rights only exist if for example I was deceased my parents could go after my boys’ father if he was withholding the boys from my parents & more so if there was a relationship there when I was living and now not at all.

Depends where you’re from, in the UK grandparents don’t have a legal right to children but in certain circumstances they do. However, it’s unfair to keep your child from the grandparent because you don’t get along with them…the child can grow up to resent you. Just be civil, don’t rise to anything that she may say to cause an argument or anything like that but allow contact. In my opinion and from personal experience, I’d only stop contact if there was a concern to do with safety or health (including mental health, especially if she treats the children different to any others in the family).


Limited rights. Your plans for your children’s time supercede grandparents. But much of the time, grandparent’s interaction with children is helpful, caring, nurturing. and formative. The little gifts and money support are just icing on a sweet cake. It’s time well spent which matters. You don’t seem to have that here. Is there no way you could at least try to enjoy occasional meet up in a park, a restaurant, or mall to enjoy an hour or two with the g’parents? It could allow some less confrontational time and space so that the kids get some benefit out of it. If it’s truly negative, then no one can blame you for doing it without them. But you will need to go the extra mile with the children, to make up for what’s sadly missing because of this.

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Maybe it depends on where you live. My sons grandparents are awful people but a judge granted them visitation under my watch and my choice of location. It didn’t last long. The fighting between us all got the better of them and visits stopped.

I don’t think they do…but with that being said, they are the grandparents and regardless how you feel about them the kids should be able to have a relationship with them (just my opinion)


Whether or not you get along with she’s still their grandmother and somehow you need to find a happy medium in allowing her to see them. Just because YOU don’t get along with her doesn’t mean, they can’t have a relationship with her. You can’t just say no you can’t see my kids after all that’s your husbands mother, your husband should be entertaining this issue if she’s rude and disrespectful to you with his mother if not set boundaries on how she can see them.

I think that grandparents can attempt to get legal rights. I don’t know how successful they are. I, personally, think that grandparents should be allowed to see their grandchildren if they are not abusive to the children. I think it should be at the parents discretion as to when and where that occurs. I do have a hard time with parents who use their children as weapons against the grandparents.


Legal rights? No. Unless you lost legal rights to your children and they were placed in grandmas custody then no. She could go after visitation in a court room though.

You don’t get along with her…. What’s that got to do with your kids? Does she treat your kids bad? That’s a different story. Don’t punish her or your kids just because you can’t get along with her.


In most states including mine if the grandparents haven’t been involved from day one of the kid they have no rights but if they’ve been there they have every right as the father except medical and school.
Def look on you’re local child laws too find out or call an ask it versies by state

In some states, yes they do.

If they love the kids and the kids love them. You children can never be loved by too many people. Your opinion of them shouldn’t matter. My mom always said if you nothing nice to say then keep your mouth shut. I love my grandbabies and can’t imagine not having them in my life. Families fuss and fight at times. Leave the kids out of it.


Grandparents have zero rights in NY STATE

Comes down to who they are and if they are a bad influence/unsafe for the children. I think also depends on your partner also.

It’s disgusting how people normalize toxicity, grandparent uncle whatever I don’t care what you are, you will not be involved with my family if you can’t respect any of us kids feel that tension some adults can be petty and say stuff and kids repeat it how can you even trust a person like that around a child you gave birth to ? … it’s disgusting the environment people will allow their kids in because their still “family” I work with children and they tell me about how their grandparents are to their parents and they be 6-8 years old it’s disgusting.


It depends on the state…in TN grandparents have no rights.

In Indiana they do. If they are fit, they can get visitation rights. If you let them see them once a month at least, they cannot got through the courts. However, for many reasons, the judge can deny the rights but they can take you to court.

In Virginia, there is no grandparent rights. But stare will go to grandparents to keep grandkids from going into system

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Varies by state. In louisiana they only do if their child is deceased

Depends on the state. Wyoming they have to Have an existing relationship with the child and the child has to have lived with them for a minimum of 6 months.

Yes. Depending on the state. Here in my state there are grandparent rights. But they would have to go through the legal system. So technically you can deny all you want until the courts tell you otherwise. Research it!

I think it depends on the judge or like how much financially the grandparent has helped with the kid.I know how u feel.I’ve been with my kids dad 9 yrs and I’ve hated his parents since day 1 and they never liked me eithier and it’s worse in my situation because I’m stuck living in their house with them the whole time for many reasons.his mother constantly tries to overstep her boundaries in any way that she can and always trying to hog up my girls attention so they have less time with me and she puts things in their heads that aren’t at all true about me and their dad and it’s like she’s training them to hate their parents.she wants another baby even at age 62 and can’t have one so she’s constantly trying to play mommy to my kids.I’m so sick and over wouldn’t believe the things I’m forced to deal with.she threatens that me and their dad will never take the girls from her because she will drag us to court and she has rights blah blah :unamused: it’s just ridiculous.trying to tell us we can’t even move more than 40 mins away because she’s not coming to our new house so far away to see them but threatening us with court and all that.she’s a joke.but yeah I think it’s up to the judge and the whole situation.

Depends on the state and if both natural parents are proven to be unfit.

Nope :-1:t5:. Not unless you are neglecting your kids. California judge told me.

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So you’re keeping your kids away Bc she’s rude?:rofl: the judge will laugh.

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I’m in Florida and grandparents have ZERO rights here.

Ohio does. But I don’t know about other states.

Depends on the state but a grandparent can sue for visitation

I’m in Australia and don’t like my sons grandparents… as much as I’d love to say nope you’ll never see him again… I think of him when he’s a teenager etc, or if something happened to his father and I… I want my son to have a support network. Just some food for thought


No grandparents have no rights

It is a nice gesture so your child and grandparent are able to bond, but not mandated.

Here in nz, when I was going though court 5 years ago I was told that my mum had more rights over the child than the fathers parents on any rights to the children, if anything happened to me or I lost the plot haha (witch I didn’t) I have full custody of my son. But I’m so blessed to have his grandparents on my side and there to help out , we haven’t all ways seen eye to eye but they know how useless there son is so they have finally seen the light and have come to terms that I make the rules. They have my son holidays and just about every weekend, they in there 60s so I also respect they need time to there selfs. It’s not the children’s fault and grandparents should never be held away from there grandchildren, you will never know how long they have with them.

I love my grandchildren and great grandchildren. I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t see them

In Ohio they do. They have to request it in court but there is a revised code for it.

No legal rights unless court ordered.