Do I have a right to be mad that my in laws exposed my family to covid?

My in laws went on a 2 week international cruise. They returned late the night before Father’s Day. We had a get together at our home and they showed up wearing masks and said they had “colds”. I pointed out to his mom that this would be the 2nd time that she’s infected the family with Covid. (2 years ago she didn’t tell anyone she was sick and + for Covid and got everyone who attended thanksgiving sick- my family wasn’t present because I was pregnant). They ended up leaving our house because she progressively felt worse- they both got tested on Monday and were +. Neither of my in laws reached out to tell us, we found out because I texted to see how they were feeling. They knew majority of their cruise ended up sick during it and she posted on her facebook that they both felt symptomatic the last 2 days of the cruise. And I’m livid that they still decided to come to my house and expose my parents and my 2 small kids. To make it better, she called my husband and asked him “why I hate her?” I have never kept my children from her, never kept her son away and his family is always invited to any get together my family is at. I admit I think she is selfish and now toxic but how should I proceed? I just really do not want to be around her now. I’m extremely aggravated my in laws exposed everyone knowingly and now I’m annoyed mil caused friction between my husband and myself. Aitah?


If they have been known to do that they shouldnt have been invited so maybe next family event either dont invite them or dont show up as they obviously only care about themselves and they’ve proven that. You need to protect your family too, if my kids have a cough I can’t even send them to school or they get sent home if not feeling well yet they can’t even think of their grandkids welfare. You’re the parent, put them first and show that, it has nothing to do with hating them, you are doing your parental duty.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Do I have a right to be mad that my in laws exposed my family to covid? - Mamas Uncut

Your inlaws are the selfish ones :woman_facepalming: you must know this cos you feel this way. I hate people knowingly coming to my house sick as we try so hard to keep ourselves well, and isolated if we are in fact sick. You are not the AH


Don’t stress out! There is a lot people doing what she did. I can’t wrap my head around situation like that where you know you are sick and go around people.Some goes to family party knowing they can make everyone sick on the party. Some test + and get on airplane ( omg). Let it go and keep an eye on her. Ppl like that can’t be trust!

I stopped reading at " never kept her son away from her".


Hell NOT !!! I will not allow them in my house NEVER again , one thing is not knowing that you might have got sick , but if it a very different situation to go to your families house knowing that you have covid exposing everyone to get sick .
I will have words for her and for my husband as well if he doesn’t take my side .
This is completely unacceptable


Would you be as mad if it was the flu rather than ‘covid’? If not then get over it. Just sayin :woman_shrugging:t3:


She is selfish, entitled and doesn’t care about anyone but herself. I’m sorry but this won’t change.


I don’t understand how people like this think. I wonder if they think at all. Are they so afraid they are going to miss something that they are willing to risk the lives of their families, exposing them to Covid? People are still dying from this disease. Even some who have been vaccinated. Masks help, but the aren’t foolproof. They’re only 90% effective if both people have them on and are 6 feet or more away from each other. And this is only true as long as the masks are dry. When you’ve had them on awhile and you’ve breathed into them awhile, I’ll bet they get damp. Then all bets are off. I don’t know. I just don’t get it. If you’re sick, stay home for Pete’s sake.


I have a no touch thermometer and no one is allowed in with a fever

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Geez if she had any symptoms, stay home!! People are rude and inconsiderate.

They would never ever come to my house again!

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I would not have allowed them into my home till 2 wks after their arrival, symptomatic or not… I’m not risking anyone’s health (especially my family’s) for their selfish behavior.


Actually i think it’s a crime no joke to know you have covid or experience symptoms and than go around others purposely mask or not I’m being serious look into laws


How were they able to get off the cruise without being tested? They test you when you get on AND when you get off. They definitely shouldn’t have come over if they feeling sick without testing first.

Personally it would not bother me. To us covid is just another virus that needs to run its course just like the flu or a cold. So, to me no you should not be mad. However, if you want to be mad be mad and do what you have to, it’s ok.


Unless your have anyone in your family who’s critically vulnerable then I don’t see the big deal, you can catch covid from anywhere especially your kids schools and such. Although they were wrong for not informing you so you could make your own decisions. I stayed covid free for 2 year then ended up catching it from an inflatable park I took my kids too and even though I’m overweight (alot) and have various health issues it was no more than a medium cold for me. No fever, no breathing problems and no sore throat, just the sniffles and stabbing pains in the legs.


After she returned from an international cruise you should have not let her in your house or been around her for at least two weeks, mask or no mask.


First of all who are you to say you’ve never kept her son from her ?! He’s an adult you don’t have the right to control him. Secondly calm down Covid isn’t A big deal it’s the new cold / flu. Some of you are way too obsessed with it


My husband was sick and had a fever ,so I tested him for covid and came back positive, I myself had no symptoms but being that we lived together I tested my self. I to had tested positive. I called my boss right away because I work with children so we had to shut down and everyone had to be tested. Two other coworkers tested positive, so 3 of us. One coworker got tested Tuesday night for not feeling good, and Wednesday tested positive. My other coworker got tested Wednesday and Friday both times negative. Come Monday she was positive. My husband tested positive on a Wednesday and was negative Friday his only symptoms were headache and fever ( only lasted for 6 hrs) as soon as he took tyneol it never came back and he was tried. I agree don’t go anywhere if ur sick , I mean when I’m sick I just want my bed. But at the same time covid isn’t going away and it’s just like the flu . I think it’s time we all move on.


Dickheads simple as!!, No1 gives any fucks now apart from the minority like the immune compromised.

If your sick stay home!!


I can’t even with some of these comments.
Listen, at the end of the day, your MIL is %100 in the wrong and no, you arntah.


l get paid over $123 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17886 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

She should of known better be considerate of others


Not everyone cares if you or your children die. It might be time to accept this woman is one of those who simply doesn’t give a shit about you. The world is full of self centered, willfully ignorant people who think they have the absolute right to kill people. The entitlement is real.
If you want to be around people who value your children as much as you do, try surrounding yourself with people who care about your children as much as you do. Obviously this woman isn’t one of them.

She’s been rude and disrespectful to your family and I tell her that so yes I would be mad that she expose my family to this

All those saying they wouldn’t be mad…I would be mad if they were knowingly sick with cold, flu whatever and came to my house let alone covid. It’s just blatantly disrespectful to everyone else there.


I would never go around my extended family if I was not feeling well no matter of not was just a cold or whatever. To come over feeling sick knowing she was exposed to Covid….makes her selfish and the AH. And to not understand why you are upset??? She is stupid also.


Many on here saying its not a big deal,but if it was the stomach virus, the flu,shingles a damn roach in their pocket its something they can give to the household… its total disregard on their behalf for anyone they came near

Even before covid u didn’t want sick people in my home .it’s about having respect .


NTA whether it’s covid, the flu or other contagious illness people should have enough common sense & respect not to expose others. I would ask her why she hates your family so much she’s will to expose them to illness.

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She should have given you the choice
I sure would feel upset

If you seen her posting that they were symptomatic why let her in the house?


I would be pissed. COVID is killing people and for your in laws to be going around spreading it is trifling


Hum. You should be mad at yourself for having the get together.


Not the asshole. Didn’t need to read more than the headliner. Cut them out they don’t care about your childrens lives or yours. They’re selfish pos’s.

She selfish but all she does that s love and don’t want to be counted out she could’ve suggested to FaceTime selfish people am I right

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Get over yourself. You appear to be the toxic person. You caused the friction.


It’s disrespectful to show up sick. Doesn’t matter what kind of sickness. Sick is sick and they knowingly exposed others.


NTA- if they were sick they should’ve stayed home, period. I love when people say “it’s just a cold” because no one wants a cold either?? Wtf? They were irresponsible for showing up when they knew they were ill, regardless of what they were sick with.


I would be enraged! That is NOT okay!


In my opinion, if you’ve been traveling, especially on a cruise where you’re more confined, than you should automatically test when you get home, and probably a couple days after to be on the safe side. If you’re not feeling well, than you should be staying home regardless. My kids and I had covid. None of us are vaxed. Both of my kid’s were asymptomatic. My case was mild. No fever, no cough, no congestion. Just a headache, nausea and lost my taste and smell (for less than a week). Other people who are much healthier than I, have gotten it much worse. Some have even died. The sad truth is, Covid is here to stay. It is not ever going to go away. Thankfully the newer variants seem to be growing weaker, which is a good thing. Unfortunately it’s still a huge threat to some. We all need to hold ourselves accountable and just stay home when we’re not feeling well.


I’d be pissed. I don’t care if it’s covid, the flu, a virus, etc. that’s still so wrong of her to come over knowingly sick around your babies.

I have no idea why your husband isn’t in agreement with you and upset too.

Don’t talk to her through your husband. Call her and be very straight up that it’s not okay, that was selfish, you’re upset, and don’t ever come over again if she KNOWS she’s sick without telling you first.

If she gets upset, then she gets upset. You can’t own her emotions. I would be pissed though.




Umm yeah your overreacting because no offense you can get it at any place from anybody it’s not as bad as everybody making it out to be especially if vaccinated for it but to each their own


I get upset when my co-workers come to work sick. Let a lone my home. Girl I’d be mad as hell!! Don’t be bringing your cootie bugs in my house.


Nah you aren’t the ahole. I’ve had multiple family members do that not with covid but rsv and hand foot and mouth. My child had rsv 2 times before the age of 2 because no one bothered to tell me their kids had it until my son got sick. My dad even went as far as to blame me for it saying well I guess I need to keep an eye on my other grandchildren so I flat out told him that my sister (who’s kids he was referring to) was the one who didnt tell me that her kids were sick for a week and my 1 year old got infected. Needless to say they haven’t hardly been around my child again without answering questions about if they even have a cough. My son is 6 now.

Unfortunately, many people have no CONSIDERATION nowadays.
What they did is selfish.


Uhm… they knew they were sick and still put your small kids at risk. Personally I’d never talk to her again. It’s selfish and legitimately putting your kids in danger.


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Neither of them would ever be allowed back.


What does aita mean??

You would think she would have thought of exposing her grandchildren that could have caused their death


l get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18847 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

No you’re not the asshole! I would be livid. She wouldn’t be coming back to my house, sick or not. She is very selfish for doing it not once but TWICE. Your husband should understand where your coming from. I don’t like anyone around my son even if they have a slight cough/sniffles. Every time he get sick he get admitted to primarys. I would be mad as hell!

You have everyright to be upset. Covid/cold/flu, doesn’t matter. I don’t want anyone exposing my family to their contagious illnesses. And Why is this causing friction between you and your husband? He should be equally upset!


If they knowingly had it and didn’t say anything before coming around you guys then yes I would be upset

Your husband needs to step up and grow a pair. Let him handle his folks

I would need a very genuine apology!! Your hubby should be on your side with this!! How irresponsible and careless of them!!

I’d say you aren’t doing anything with them anymore if they can’t be responsible enough to tell you when they are sick and stay away. And since you can’t trust them then you won’t be around them.


Overreacting. “Covid” is everywhere. 99 percent survival. Gotta accept it. We literally prescribe NOTHING for it when testing positive.

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Tell your husband that they’re required to take rapid COVID tests anytime they want to come over now and must show you the results since theyve now knowingly passed it on to your family twice

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Your problem isn’t the in-laws, your problem is is your husband. The fact that he isn’t backing you up on this is appalling. If he was backing you up you wouldn’t feel so guilty for feeling mad, and the in-laws would have probably apologized by now.

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you do what you need to to protect your family and if your husband does not feel the same shame on him, your family comes first and protecting them is your job, stand your ground

You have a right to be upset. But why ask fb. You should explain things to your in laws. Let them know if they have been not feeling well to stay away. If they have been exposed to stay away. You will do the same for them. Then go forward.