What does your costudy decree see?
So… you’re upset because he did what you wanted, just not how you wanted it? Hate to see how you’d react if he put her in his school district full time
I would hate to have to share my kids like this but if I did have to I would be grateful my children had a father who took his OWN initiative!
People go to different places all the time… great way to make new friends and get used to different settings and experiences. I think it’s good… we as individuals need to learn to adapt to different, not be so rigid…
Your daughter lives with him. He has more say than you do in that decision.
She lives with him and you’re upset that he’s got her going to the school he wants and yours too?? He could withdraw her from your school and have her at his school full time WITHOUT your permission. He’s an active father trying to help his child and make things easier for both of you. Be more appreciative. He doesn’t have to let her go to the school you chose.
I feel like you should ask your kiddo how they feel about two schools
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Ya but think of the child having her go to 2 diff schools and having special needs that’s not fair to child
See how it works out and if she is having trouble with the 2 schools, have a conversation with her dad. Since she lives with him, it may be beneficial to put her in the one closer to him if the 2 don’t work out.
If she lives with dad how do you have her 3 days in school and him 2 days?
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She lives with him not you so he has the right to make decisions that suit him.
If she lives with him he has the finally say. He may be doing it because the school she is in is only 3 days a week and he needs her to go to school the other 2 days so he can work. I know a lot of schools do that because 5 days is just too much for them at that young age.
I mean… obviously you don’t have custody. In that case you don’t really get to have much input on this. What are y’all doing as parents that grants him full custody and not you?
Yea there’s more to the story then you telling
If she lives with him, it’s completely his decision where he wants to send her really.
I don’t find a problem with it, only I’d let the schools coordinate what they’re going help her. Some schools do things differently. If she is being taught from this teacher something completely different from the other the child could be confused. So communication is key here.
If she primarily lives with him, he probably would win a court fight on where she goes to school.
How does she live with him? If she goes to school 3 days by you and only 2 days by him? Sounds like you have 50\50. What does your court papers say about who has residential custody and schools?
Do the two schools know? I would ask the schools to communicate about her development and socialization/behavioral development. It’s really important everyone is on the same page to ensure she’s doing well and not shutting down or regressing. Acting out can be a huge indicator that she’s not doing well in the new environment and would need to stop going there.
You said she lives with him, so it’s his choice where she goes to school. That school may only offer 3 day weeks or the other school may be closer, and if she has speech delays then 2 different school and more social interaction will actually HELP her more because she’ll have more social time with different people instead of being used to the same people always
If she lives with dad, I assume that means Dad has custody, which would lead me to believe that dad has say in where she goes to school.
Might be good to prep her for school if that’s only in a few months.
It does seem silly to go to two different kindergartens but I don’t have any answers but I’m certainly not going to put you down just because she lives with her dad . People can be so quick to judge yet so slow to praise
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Sounds like he tried to talk to you about it and you “brushed it off”
At least he talked to you about it.
Take moment to reflect on the fact that she has a father participating in her life and her education. And try communicating with him as the father of your daughter and not as your ex
I guess you should’ve communicated with him about the idea instead of brushing it off so he realized your concerns and why you didn’t feel it was ok.
What state do you live in where they will let your child to go to two different schools? I live in Michigan and as far as I know the State of Michigan wouldn’t allow anybody to do that here.
It’s common here in New Zealand to be enrolled and attend a Daycare and a Kindy. Different experiences, different learning styles and generally broadens the range of people the child knows and will attend school with.
In this situation you dont have in your care so it’s really not your decision. It’s for her well being and in her best interest.
You can’t go to 2 different kindergartens (public). She would go to the school she is zoned for according to where she lives which you said is with her dad.
If she lives with him, then it’s his choice. She should go to the school that’s closer to him.
And you said she’s delayed etc that’s why she’s still in kindergarten at 5… ummm… kindergarten here is 5 year olds so that’s normal.
The only thing you can really do is just go to court and ask about a change and seek mediation. If you want her at your school only you may have to ask for a change of custody since she is physically with dad
I’d be pissed. There should have been communication. Y’all need to pick one school and let her attend that one.
Dad has decided this is best. Talk to him about your concerns.
She lives with him and you want her in school five days a week. Let him enrolled her on his side of town for the five days and you and him both should look up the definition of co-parenting.
One school. I’m not even sure you can split kindergarten. No educator would recommend it.
Also, kids that age shouldn’t have a 50/50 custody agreement. It’s too much. Parents want it (often because it means neither pays child support). But kids hate it. Your child needs more consistency. You might have to go into mediation to work this out, but don’t wait another day to do so.
Isn’t your daughter going to be outside her comfort zone next term when she starts attending school anyway?
What custody do have. If you have joint legal it’s illegal for him or you to enroll her without the others permission. If he has primary custody then decisions are upto him & you have no say.
I’m a little confused. You said preschool then you said kinder. Which is it? Having her in 2 different preschools probably isn’t a big deal. I thought kinder was full day everywhere now.
Preschool… um okay but I don’t think you can actually do that for kindergarten
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If anything, this will benefit your daughter and help her grow and she will gain more confidence for school. It’s a good thing.
If she lives with her father I’m assuming he is the residential parent and she will be enrolled in school where he lives and im honestly shocked they enrolled her into both schools
“lives with her father” aka he is doing majority of the decision making. There’s nothing that you can do and there’s really no need for you to “go off”.
It sounds like she isn’t in America, I’ve had friends in other countries like NZ that have had kids in both daycare and kindergarten (or “kindy”) as a way to slowly acclimate a struggling child to the structure of actual school. The parents should either agree to disagree and pick one parent to make educational decisions or maybe appoint a middle person like a mediator.
If he can legally make a decision like this, I don’t think it’s a bad one.
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If she lives with him and he is the residential parent than she should be going to the school closest to him and in his district or the one you guys may agree to enroll her in if that’s a a decision that can be made.
She could be over stimulated and cause a delay
Have her global delays been formally diagnosed? How did you come to those developmental conclusions? Whoever diagnosed her issue should be included in the discussion of schools. Why didn’t you do that before reaching out to us? What does the professional who diagnosed her have to say about this arrangement?
Why don’t you give the arrangement a chance? Let your daughter attend both schools for 3 months and then arrange for a parent meeting between you, yourself, and the teachers separately. If they see a continuity issue, they would be the ones to let you know. She may have a better developmental chance attending a school where teachers are not already prejudiced against her by her development delays particularly if she has already overcome those.
I personally see this as a chance for your daughter to make more friends and be exposed to different teaching styles.
If you do not allow her father to participate in her educational process, you may find yourself in court every time you fight back against his ideas unless you have a trained professional agreeing with your position.
Pick your battles. Is this the battle you want to spend $10,000 in attorney and expert fees to fight? If the professional who diagnosed your child’s developmental delay does not see any harm in this, why do you?
Communicate with him as it was most likely in your child’s best interests… You’re co-parenting and should never ‘go off on him’.
Sounds like u just want things ur way and are gonna throw a fit if it’s not ur way.
Do the father have full custody of your daughter or 50/50 because it sounds like he the Primary care of your daughter
My kids live with me 100% I make the decisions for them without even telling my ex as I am the one that pays for everything and does the driving around.
I’d say be thankful he is looking out for her best interests. Maybe being in this school will help her with her challenges? Maybe the school has staff that are educated in her needs that could benefit your daughter.
Personally, I don’t think you have a reason to “Go off”. It’s about what is best for your daughter, not your power struggle with her father.
If he has primary care he doesn’t “need “ to consult you , and if you go off at him you’ll probably make things worse for yourself
If he is her main house then, you are no more entitled to your opinion of her education then what a deadbeat dad does just like you wouldn’t have to run it by him if she lived with you the majority, mothers have been enrolling kids without the father input for centuries good on him for actually wanting an input on her education and making sure she gets more of a choice in it then you just because your the mum. He’s her dad he’s aloud to act like it, and unless you have evidence and the diagnosing doctor verifys that a different schools is worse it’s an expensive battle when it just about him not telling you then if it could seriously benefit her.
See how it goes, hope u both can agree for what’s best for her, be patience
So you want him to drive across town To do what you want
Maybe her school is on his side of town?