Do I have a right to be upset that my husband hasn't told his family that I am pregnant?

His mom is adament about not wanting more grandchildren? Seriously? She does realize that she doesnt get to chose how many kids yall have, right? Tell him he has a week to tell them, or you will. And also make sure they understand that if they treat this baby any differently than the others, they can kiss seeing any of them goodbye.


I can’t even comment anything other than f*ck grandma. “she doesn’t want anymore grandkids” has me seeing red, as if it’s any part her choice. Please don’t keep that toxic shit in your life. Based on that sentence alone, I can bet that she wouldn’t treat this child the same as her other grandkids, and that would be the biggest NOPE for me.

Eh tell them.
It’s really none of their business how many kids you have.
Your hubby needs to just stand his ground. If they step out of line your hubby should be putting them back in their place. Goodluck

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My mother in law kept saying she didn’t want anymore grandchildren. When we told her we were pregnant she was the most excited

It’s your family , your life whether he tells them or not unless they have to financially and physically support you it’s not up to them it’s really none of their concern.


It’s not their say! Enjoy your pregnancy and baby!


Go together to tell them

Who cares what his momma think. Tell them. They have no right to an opinion on the matter honestly

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Your mil doesn’t want more grandchildren? Well, I guess it’s a good thing that it’s none of her goddamn business how many kids you have. Why are in-laws such fucking cunts?

I would be upset too but to be honest if my man didn’t have the balls to tell them you bet your bottom I would!

I didn’t tell my family or his with my last child. I mean its not their child and I didn’t need the drama. If he wanted to tell he could tell and he could deal with it if he chose not my problem.

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I mean if they find out, they find out. It’s not that big of a deal…


Tell them,piss on him

Ok, I want to know why the Grandma has problems with more grandkids… is she raising them, or financially supporting them? Only then would she have any kind of valid reason.


Stop hiding it and let them find out.

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I wouldn’t hid it. When his parents see you. And he hasn’t said anything to them. Then i guess they’ll find out. His parents can’t control how many children you and your husband have.


Why haven’t you told them? When you married him, his family became your family.


Just tell him tell them or I will just go round wearing a tight top showing off my bump :joy:. It’s none of his mother’s business how many kids you have it’s not up to her to decide how many kids/grandchildren she has. You could push out 20 kids and she has zero say in that.


Wait she doesn’t want more grandchildren? Who gave her the choice to choose how many kids you have? That’s insane. Give him a week if not you tell them yourself.


Why tell them? It’s not like it’s any of their business or it needs an announcement. Don’t stress just look after your family and enjoy this one and if they see your bump you can then say ‘oh this? Yes. Didn’t hubby tell you?’


Just start wearing mommy clothes.

I don’t even understand what “she doesn’t want more grandchildren” means unless she’s financially supporting them :see_no_evil:


No one has a say in whether you have children except you and your husband. I would not care what anyone else thought and that includes parents. If they are not supporting the child, it is none of their business. Your husband needs to stand up to his mom and stop trying to hide.

I wouldn’t be upset.
I’d be more upset about the fact the grandmother has told you she doesn’t want more grandbabies. That ain’t her decision nor place. If I were you, I wouldn’t hind that beautiful bump of yours anymore, let that baby show. And If anyone gives you problems tell them to buzz off ain’t their life or child.
Good luck mama


This whole post has got me worked up. Grandma doesn’t want more grandkids??? Who cares. Haha. Seriously. Unless she is the one supporting them, she doesn’t have a say. And changing your wardrobe to be sure she doesn’t find out is ridiculous. You where what you need to wear girl. And to be Honest, grandma probably knows already. They aren’t clueless. She has been a mom before, and she has already seen you pregnant a few times.

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You tell them. You’re married. They’re your family too

Screw them! I had family of both my children tell me that I NEED to get an abortion both pregnancies. At the end of the day it is my body and I told them that they don’t need to be involved if they aren’t supportive. Noone will EVER make that decision for me. It really sucks and I’m sorry that you are dealing with that. Unfortunately I will never forget those words from people and I still find myself letting it affect my relationship with them. As much as I want to be happy they decided to be supportive it is still soo hurtful that they would even try and get me to abort and honestly gross. I’ll find myself getting angry when they are overly involved or trying to tell me how to parent when they told me to get an abortion and feel like how can you really love my babies if you wanted me to abort them?:persevere:

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Grandma doesn’t get to decide whether or not you have more kids. Sounds like a bitch.

Stop hiding your bump… They’ll ask

With my 1st my husband kept putting off telling his older kids that they were going to have another sibling. I finally told him he either tells them by xx date or I will tell them, and he is fielding all questions on his own. I’d do something similar in your situation too.

Dont hide it. Enjoy the pregnancy and let it be out there. Who cares if his mother doesnt want any more grand kids, oh well…that’s not really her choice lmao

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Stop hiding. His mother isn’t raising the kids. So why does she get to determine how many you have. Also if your husband is ashamed ,he’s a buttface. He should get fixed.

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Dont hide it let them figure it out for themselves, I myself choose not to tell anyone till I was past 6 months, I enjoyed with our last it just being us who knew


I wouldn’t tell them but I wouldn’t hide it either. Who cares what his mother thinks. She’s not raising them.


Tell them,…sad a grandmother wouldn’t want anymore grandchildren. I’m thrilled to say I have another grandbaby, on the way…AND my first Great-grandchild in March 2020. So looking forward to more joy in my life.

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I’d tell him to aren’t hiding it anymore and he needs to tell them before they see your bump.

Why hide anything. Just wear clothes that fit you and nature will do the rest. Also you will be more comfortable and a lot less stressed :sunglasses:

Honestly, what does it matter whether your in laws know you’re having another child or not. This us your family along with your husband. As long as you & your husband Financially support your family & ask nothing of others no need to be telling or expecting anyone to know your business!

No more grandchildren? Is she raising them? If not, she can stfu cuz its none of her business. Why “hide” it? Who cares if she finds out? The world will not end.


Dont hide it dont say squat. when u start shaowing and he does a pop up go in and let them say something then look at him and tell him u never told her…other thing is maybe he did tell her and she had some stuff to say that maybe u wouldnt like or he got mad at amd just told you he didnt tell her


Why the hell does ur MIL think she gets a say in how many grandkids she has??? She does know it doesn’t matter whether or not she “wants” more, right?!


I would invite them to my gender reveal party lol


Who cares if she doesn’t want any more grandkids! It’s NOT her decision!! :person_facepalming: If he won’t tell them you should & you DEFINITELY shouldn’t have to hide it! If they don’t like it oh well! They’ll just have to get over!!

Don’t hide it. Your baby, your body, your rules. Tell them don’t tell them. But don’t stress about it bc that can be bad for the baby. As far as the grandmother is concerned, it’s not something she can control and shame on her for saying that.

…but seriously though. Whata heck is the big mystery? You’re going to have your baby either way. So don’t mind them and do you.

Why does it matter? This new baby has nothing to do with your family or his outside of your home. :unamused:

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My grandmother says she doesn’t want anymore great grandkids too. lol I have two daughters already, I’m on the depo shot, not fixed. I plan on getting pregnant again when I feel it’s time.

Be proud of your baby, don’t hide the baby just cause your MIL doesn’t want more grandbabies. Let her get mad, it’s not her body. Good luck mama

Huh? Your husband is afraid of his mom bc she doesnt want more grandkids ?? What the lol

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Am I the only one who would get a congratulations grandma get someone else to write congrats on your 4th grandchild in the card send it to grandma then sit back and wait f hubby for not saying anything and f grandma for trying to dictate how many kids i have

But my mother In law is amazing lol indont need to worry

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No way I would hide it… Don’t stress yourself out…

Grandmother doesn’t want anymore grandchildren :joy::joy::joy: as if she has a say in anything. Girl, you do you. Flaunt that bump, post all over your social media and scream your joy from the rooftops if you want. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says.


Tell them they will see it’s God’s blessings

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Lol who cares if "they want " anymore grandchildren. It’s not their choice … I’d just wear reg clothes and they’ll find out one way or another.


Omfg…the things people worry about.if it’s that important, why do u feel the need to hide…it ain’t ur first run! Do u depend on these people for help caring for ur children!

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Not wanting anymore grandchildren? :astonished: :exploding_head::wave: good thing it isn’t their body carrying the baby for 9 months :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Step up hubby, don’t be afraid of our family. Without u this baby wouldn’t be coming

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First of all, unless your mother-in-law is going to raise your children, it is not her business how many you have. Don’t worry if your husband hasn’t told them…they will know soon enough…if they do give you grief when they do find out, walk away…don’t stress over it…be happy, be strong and take care of yourself and that precious child.


It’s not your in laws thàts preg it’s you

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Your mil is an asshole tbh and your husband is a coward. Just tell them yourself he is too afraid of “mummy”

So what! Tell them or surprise em!!!

It’s none of grandma’s business how many kids you have. Stop trying to hide it. Tell your husband to grow a set of balls and tell his parents or you step up and do it yourself

My husband rarely tells his family when we’re expecting. In fact, with our stillborn they only found out because we took a trip to his home state for easter and they found out by seeing me at 6 months. Not knowing 2 months later my placenta would detach. And it’s really none of their business. Whether or not it’s wanted by them, its wanted by you and that’s all that matters. If my family told me they didn’t want any more family members then I’d probably disown them anyway and do what I want. And you shouldn’t have to hide it just because they don’t like it.


Nah he’s not wrong. …seems like they might just add negativity…So he’s keeping quiet to avoid any unwanted talks…better to avoid stress and if they gonna give u “another baby” kinda talks then they better ofd left in the dark

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Congratulations! And if you hubs doesnt tell only time will. You are half way through does he plan on keeping it a secret until you are having the baby?
And who cares if you MIL doesnt want more grandkids it is NOT up to her.

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Just tell them yourself. Why wait on him?

:woman_facepalming:t2: this is a husband problem.


Clearly your husband doesn’t think his family needs to know. Maybe he doesn’t value their input because his mom said something as stupid as she doesn’t want anymore grandchildren :joy:. I can’t even believe that came out of her mouth but that’s beside the point. I wouldn’t go out of my way to tell them but I wouldn’t hide. And if the old bat asks why you didn’t tell her just say you didn’t think she would be interested since she didn’t want him/her.


Honestly who cares what they think? So they don’t want any more grandchildren? How utterly pathetic unless you use them as permanent full time babysitters (which I bet you don’t) - as for hubby, I’d call him gutless myself

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Why don’t you just tell them?

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It’s not her baby, chin up, love them babies and Bubbie needs to get a backbone

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I’m 34 weeks with my SECOND child and my grandmother told me I needed to get my tubes tied because I don’t need anymore children. They’re already pushing birth control although I’ve gotten pregnant and miscarried on birth control (which they don’t know about, because I don’t want to hear negativity about it). But I feel your pain when other people try to dictate your life on the kids issue. Sometimes it’s better to keep certain negativity away, but I agree it can be hard to hide a bump. Just tell them he has a certain time to tell them or you’ll tell them. You can’t hide it forever. Good luck

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Good thing it’s not up to her if and when her kids have more children lol. Depending on how they are I would have already told them myself, or I could also just not tell them and wait for them to notice :woman_shrugging:t3: I wouldnt try to hide it tho just cause he hasnt said anything about it.


She doesn’t want anymore grandchildren? :rofl: she doesnt get to decide that.


Congratulations don’t sweat the small stuff they will know when they know. If they get their feeling hurt just be like sorry I didn’t need any extra negative vibes because I’m happy.

Just wear a small shirt. That says something about being pregnant when they come over. Boom. Done and tell the grandma its none of her da** business how many kids you have and if she has a problim with it she can go away and never come back.


Well what a b**** she must I love all my grandchildren and my great-grandchildren and the more the merrier however right now I’m no I don’t think there’s any more coming but the ones I have are all for my two girls my son hasn’t even started and he has four kids and the youngest is only 9

His mom doesn’t want anymore grandchildren? I’m sorry but why does she feel like she has a say in how many children you have? I would flaunt that belly if he doesn’t want to tell them let them find out on their own. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Omg :woman_facepalming:. Who tf cares. Just do you.


Get a shirt that says “#4 on the way, no opinions needed”


“Adamant she doesn’t want any more grandchildren” she’d better get her own tubes tied then.


If you support yourself and your kids no one gets a say how many you have. I would just tell them and if the have an issue we’ll then too bad. Get over it

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Not her choice. What a stupid thing to say. Once bub is here she will be all over him/her. Dont even worry about trying to hide it… better it come out now then later. Is hubby happy theres another on the way?

My mil doesnt know what she wants. One minute shes like “yous need to stop having babys” few days later its “when are yous having another one?”

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No I would be irritated too especially because you guys are married you are an unmarried couple. Sit down with and ask him why he will not tell his parents. Let him know and remind him that his parents with probably be even more upset if they find out by seeing you and he did not tell them himself.

Have you considered that he hasn’t said anything because you have yet to go see a dr and make sure everything is ok?


Clearly you’re very inconsiderate and should’ve asked your husbands mum for permission to have another baby! You didn’t even consider his dad or his sister… so selfish! :woman_facepalming:t2:


Why is it any of your MIL business how many children you have.


Who cares if don’t tell them move on

Just dont hide it. If he doesnt want to share with his family who cares? It might be better and less stressful for you if he doesnt seeing his mother is complaining about more grandkids( I mean really who does that? Does she only have so much love?).


Who gives a shit!? Stop worrying about what tf she thinks and do you! I hate that so many of these women feel that they need to please their significant others family. Like why would you even care if they found out? It’s your life, your baby, your body!

Don’t worry about her none of her business take care of yourself

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Thank God for your blessing that’s coming unless mom in law pays your way MYB
Love being a grandma best to you

The fact that you’ve gone half your pregnancy and couldn’t find a single hour in 4 and a half MONTHS to go check on the health and well being of your youngest child makes me think that perhaps when grandma says she doesn’t want anymore grandbabies, she really means y’all cant handle anymore kids and she’s tired of cleaning up after your messes (and perhaps the messes of her other children as well). If I’m wrong, and she has not ever once been obligated to help out or watch the kids, nor has she been asked to, or felt the need to, provide any type of financial assistance, in any capacity, at all, for any of your kids, at any point… then… she’s just a straight up bitch. If she is, in fact, just a bitch, then she has no say in how many kids you or her other children have. So wear whatever you’re comfortable in, and don’t say a damn thing to anyone unless asked, and even then, answer in whatever way makes you happy, cause fuck em. I REALLY don’t think I’m wrong, though… :woman_shrugging:


And sorry u have a B*** MIL

Who cares…I would flaunt it

It’s your not hers
Its ur children not hers

U should say… that is ur opinion
And ur opinions font matter to us…obviously which is why I have a baby bump

Be proud
Be u

Hes scared of the rejection…and controversy controlling remarks

Tell her…u do u
I’m living my life

If they ask when they see u…blame it ur hubby how he cant keep his hands off u …too much Netflix and chill…lol​:sunglasses::rofl:

Send them all a txt with planned baby on the way!!!
Whoever is going to have invading comments about controlling our lives is not invited to my baby shower

Then keep posting baby bump pics on ur fb so they can see how proud and happy u r

Ur baby can feel the rejection…so u have to be stronger than u think and love love love these months…no more being afraid

Coming from experience
I had a invasive MIL ahe was all up in my face…I was like yup I’m pregnant
We didnt plan it but we r happy and engaged
We want this and loving life.
She like why
U guys know what ur doing

Yup were adults and we dont have to ask u for permission to make babies
Why didn’t u tell me…we said becuz ur son thinks ur controlling and invasive…and feels that he doesnt need to tell u when he makes love to me so why dont u discuss this with ur son…fix ur relationship
That was that

After she realized that it’s out of her hands…then she became excited
But my don looks exactly like her son…then she tried to steal him from me…which we dont speak to her anymore
MIL are looney sometimes :smirk:

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You MIL sounds like a right arsehole! Just tell them yourself, if they have something to say, tell them where to shove their opinions!

At this point it shouldn’t matter what she wants or not if I were you I wouldnt try n hide it and when she notices and says something I’ll just say " didnt think you would care since you said you didnt want anymore grandkids" I’m petty like that lol but seriously mama congrats and goodluck .:heart::blue_heart:


Why are YOU hiding it?

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Every baby is precious wether planned or not. And you should be able to enjoy this bundle of joy growing inside of you no matter what anybody’s opinion is! Tell him you will no longer hide your beautiful baby bump!

If he doesn’t tell them soon they’ll figure it out for themselves then they’ll probably be offended for him not saying anything. Congratulations. I hope it all goes well :purple_heart:

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Why does it have to be him telling them? Tell whoever you want.

You literally answered your own question. You said his family has been adamant about having more grandchildren. Your husband is doing you a favor, I’m sure he knows that those who truly love you already know. Dont be to upset with him, this just goes to show how much he cares for you.

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