Do I have a right to be upset that my husband hasn't told his family that I am pregnant?

I am almost 20 weeks pregnant with our 4th child (we have a 6 yr old, 3 yr old and 1 yr old) due to circumstances and me ending up caring for my grandmother who was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, I’m just now having my first Drs visit tomorrow. My family is aware that I am having another child, and they are supportive. However, my husband has yet to tell his parents or sister; his mom is adamant about not wanting any more grandchildren. I’ve been pushing the hubs to tell them because I’m a tiny girl, and I am starting to show and it’s very much a hassle to try to pick clothing that hides the current baby bump, especially when he will randomly just swing through, knowing that I like a heads up since he hasn’t told them yet. Am I wrong for being irritated that he has not? I’m literally about just to tell him he has a few weeks, and then I’m going to tell them myself because I always show very quickly once I hit the 5 month mark and it stresses me out even going there because I’m worrying the entire time about whether they can tell there’s a bump or not


Just wear what you want. And they will find out Anyway. Or he could grow a pair and tell them lol


It sounds (to me) like he’s afraid to tell them…

And it’s not for his mother to say she’s done wanting Grandkids :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

Who does she think she is???


Girl, fuck him hiding it. That baby is a blessing and the grandma aint the mama so she doesnt get a say as far as I am concerned

“adamant about not wanting any more grandchildren” well, too bad grandma.
The only people who have a say in your family planning is you and your husband.


How the hell does your MIL think she gets a say in how many grandchildren she has? She isn’t raising them.


Stop hiding that you’re pregnant-simple🤷🏻‍♀️


Don’t hide it. If they notice and say something, just tell them that you thought your husband told them already.


Grandparents don’t really have a say on how many grandchildren they get🤔 … just tell them yourself if it’s stressing you out


If you and your husband are happy about this child (which it sounds it :woman_shrugging:t3:) who is your mother-in-law to say you can’t have any more kids. As long as you are feeding those kids and keeping them safe and warm then that’s all that matters. She has no right to tell you or your husband what to do.


Don’t go out of your way to hide especially if you guys are supporting yourselves. Hell, wear a maternity shirt with the word baby on it and an arrow pointing down.


Just wear what you want, if they ask you about it say “ oh I thought you knew, I asked him to share that with you awhile ago”.


I’d be pissed too I say do what ever you want it’s his issue not yours your happy with this blessing don’t hide it show it off all you want it’s your body and you shouldn t feel like you have to hide your blessing on account of your husband your both grown :smiley:

either way in another 20 weeks a BABY is going to show up. his mother has no say in how many grandkids she wants lol y’all the ones producing and caring for them. he sounds scared to tell them, probably cause they’ve already told him to not have anymore kids and bam, y’all having another kid. I agree, tell him he’s got a set time to tell them or you will. he’s a grown man that shouldn’t be scared of his family, all they can say is words.


Tell them yourself and tell them to fuck off if they don’t like it. It’s your baby, not theirs.

Excuse me but who is your mil to dictate whether or not you will have more children? Unbelievable how self centered some people are.


Who cares about if she wants more grandkids ? Wow


Haha I would be very clear when telling his mom where she can stick her opinion on not wanting anymore grandkids. Not her right to decide when y’all are done and just rude


My husband hasn’t told his family besides his mom bc I told her that Im pregnant either with our second but his 4th child. And I’m showing A LOT so I just don’t go anywhere. It’s annoying and I told him when he goes over next time he needs to say somethinb

Let her ask. Don’t worry about it live your life

Fuck hiding it. He needs to grow a pair

Uhm, you are married…lol. just dont hide it! They have absolutely no say about how many grandchildren they have…lol.


There’s no reason to hide it. You’re an adult. Tf? Why does it matter how many kids y’all have.

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My youngest bio father didn’t tell his father I was pregnant until after the 20 week gender scan… I didn’t even realise he hadn’t told him yet… We weren’t together from when I found out I was pregnant but regardless, I don’t know what he was waiting for… it’s not like the baby was going anywhere… also his ex, mother of his other child, found out due to me being too pregnant to hide my belly (which no one should ever have to do) and ran off to tell his mother… I was the bad guy for flaunting my belly :expressionless::expressionless::expressionless: mate i was pregnant and so excited, im not going to hide my body because you’re too gutless to tell people

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Just wear your normal clothes and when they ask if your pregnant say yes

Your body your choice. Flaunt that belly​:heart::heart: when they ask id be like well I told him to tell you. They have no say in the number of baby’s you have :blush:

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She may be even more pissed that y’all waited too long to tell her as if you purposely left his side out of the loop.

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Having more children is a decision that you and your husband make together. I dont see why your mother in law should have any say so as to how many children you will have. Its not her decision.


Considering it’s not the grandmother’s decision…Congrats on the new baby

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It’s not any of their business what you guys do. They aren’t married to you or your husband and it’s not their family

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First off he needs to grow some balls, man up and tell them. Second I would care less what his mom says about not wanting anymore grandkids. It’s your and hubbies decision not hers . Third if I were you I wouldn’t care . Wear what you want and be comfortable and enjoy it. They will find out regardless.

My MIL told my husband and i that we “aren’t aloud to have more kids” found out i was pregnant like 4 months later when i was 6 months lmao. Neither of us cared to tell her. We live with her and neither of us has told her :rofl: and im due now


My mother is the same about saying how many grandkids she wants! I get it. We are talking about having baby number 3 and the first thing my husband said was your mom will be mad :rofl: I laugh about it now that is how she has been my whole life. Once the baby is here everyone will be happy :heart:

As for the mom not wanting anymore grandkids. She has no say. As for his family. I don’t see why you can’t tell them yourself.
I get that your pissed about it. I would be to.
I’d take matters into my own hands and just tell them. Ripe of the bandaid so to speak. Oh and wear what you want. I wouldn’t even try to hide it. It shouldn’t matter who tells them. Your together.


I mean… what’s he gonna do when the baby arrives? Also, who cares if she’s adamant about not having anymore grandchildren. Not her uterus. Not her money supporting them. Not her say.

Quit hiding the pregnancy. Its just going to make things worse when the truth does eventually come out.


If they find out then they find out. Like the other mamas said it’s not her choice whether she has anymore grandchildren! If you and your husband want more kids then too bad for her! And he may not have told them, but if he stops in without warning knowing darn well they could see that you’re expecting then he really isn’t that concerned about her not finding out. Wear what you want. Relax. You shouldn’t have to stress about this mama.

I don’t know why hes being so weak and I’m sorry to say acting like a little Pansy! Him and your mother in law act like they’re the one to take care of the babies 24/7, Sure your husband may work but no one will take care of those kids the way that you do. And since when did you ever need your mother in law’s permission to have another child? You need to do whatever you want to do in your husband needs to act like a man istead of a baby

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You are definitely allowed to be irritated about him not telling his parents, I would be pissed. My partner and I also didn’t tell my parents or in-laws or anyone that I was pregnant with my 4th :joy: we eventually told everyone when I was about 30 weeks along :rofl:

It’s your baby and body …not grandmas


I would tell him that if he doesn’t tell them by the end of the week, I’ll be doing it myself. Who cares is his mother doesn’t want more grandchildren? Good for her, but it is absolutely none of her business unless y’all are living off of them or they are raising your other children.


Tell her she’s not obligated to buy gifts for this one.

Going through the same thing… Hes hiding it from his friends … Mine had no issue knocking me up then moving his kids into my home without asking or consent… Now this baby is being hidden…
Sorry for you too through this… Men suck …

I would just invite everyone over for dinner or to visit the babies, maybe? Tell them together. They can be happy for you guys or they can choose not to be. You could always post the ultrasound on Facebook and tell everyone that way if you don’t wanna say it in person :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Unless she’s the one watching/ raising your kids all the time she doesn’t or shouldn’t have a say.


You have every right to be upset but I would say just live your life and when they find out it’ll be his problem not yours, he should tell his family but you shouldn’t have to hid anything. First, you guys are married and second, you both made this child and third, as long as you both are providing for your children then it’s no ones business how many kids you have

Ha I’m such a bitch I would just #1 wear whatever the fuck I want and then 2 , wait for them to say something and be like ooh yeah Mark didn’t tell you? I’m 6 months pregnant hahaha :fu:

Isn’t her choice if she doesnt want anymore grandchildren or not.


Uh you’re pregnant. What if you were with them and something happened? Tell that man he has less than a week. You will be letting them know before the weekend is over. It doesn’t matter what your MIL thinks. They need to know what is going on.


It’s not their buisness what you do with your life. If you want 4 kids or 50 kids you do it! His mother can mind her own. If he doesn’t tell them then you have every right to do so.


Its not really up to the grandmother to say she doesnt want more grandkids. :joy::joy: tf. Sometimes I wonder what world ppl live in. :joy::joy::joy:


I’m not sure why it’s any of her business how many children y’all have. Tell hubby to grow a set!


Blessings to you and your precious baby. No one is entitled to an opinion. No mean words for a blessed event. Enjoy your time and your darling babies.

Why are you waiting on him to tell the news? I usually started to show under the third month. Your lucky to have hid your baby this long. Also for your health’s sake please take a long break after this baby.


Just tell them or not, stop hiding it,what truely matters is how the both of you feel about it

I would be irritated too! Babies are exciting! And as far as his mom not wanting more grandchildren… she had the say as to how many babies SHE brought into this world, her time is over. Its YOUR time now. Don’t worry about what she wants. Especially since there is nothing she can do about it.


Yes I’d be pissed… but also i would’ve already took matters into my own hands and just told them myself… I think it’s kind of bizzare that half your pregnancy is over with and his family has no clue your pregnant… Why is it such a secret? You keep saying he won’t tell them but your also stressing out trying to hide your bump…This should be a happy occasion for everyone. And I’m sure his family will be pissed and confused NOONE told them… Most importantly … you should be ENJOYING your pregnancy…not stressing about dumb stuff…who cares what anyone thinks. Babies are awesome :heart:


Yes yes you do! His moms option isn’t relevant if she does or doesn’t want more grandkids. That’s not her choice. I get people not saying anything to anyone till past the 12 week point, but you’re half way there if you go to the full 40 weeks which usually don’t happen. My fiancé told his family before I even got to mine he was so excited and that’s would have been baby 8 for us, unfortunately we lost that baby at 8 weeks. So that makes me more mad about what he’s doing to you. He don’t understand how lucky he is that his baby made it past 12 week, I’d give anything to have my baby back and he’s hiding yours. Maybe put it to him say “listen if you don’t tell them or we don’t tell them together next time I see or speak to them I’ll tell them myself”
Your baby is a blessing and a gift. Sorry he’s not seeing it that way

It’s none of granny’s business :roll_eyes:
I would tell them yourself if he won’t. I don’t get why married people think that only the spouse can deal with their side :thinking:

I’d be furious not just irritated!! It’s not her choice to bad!! He needs to tell them or you need to just do it you shouldn’t be stressed about telling people it’s not good for you or the baby

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I’m not sure the issue with telling or not telling this exact moment, if you’re being asked to hide I can see that getting irritated but we didn’t typically tell people until we had at least the first apt.
Also, it’s not written in the post what he has said or thinks, but it is possible that you think this is an issue and he hasn’t even given a thought to it. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I’d be irritated too! What does it matter that his mom doesnt want anymore grandchildren?!


You dont have to explain you choices to no one not even family. I had 4 kids my baby girl was about 4 months old when I found out I was pregnant. It was a shock my hubby had an appt. For a vasectomy a week after I found out. We to lunch with my best friend an my mil. My friend told her she was so mad she left me in the resterant. An wouldnt talk to me all the way home. I was so upset an crying. Well story short we had not 1 but 2 boys lol twins so you can imagine how happy she was. We support our own children no help from state or no one.i am truly BLESSED


His mother doesn’t qant more grandchildren? Someone should inform her that it’s not her body so not her choice. Wear what you want! If he won’t man up and yell them, then do it yourself. What’s mom gonna do…only care for the previous kids? Doubtful.


Sounds like he is afraid of his mother as for her if she notices just say I thought husband told you and as for her not wanting more grandchildren that is not her decision to make as long as they aren’t supporting you guys financially otherwise that is for you and your husband to decide no one else


Too bad if they don’t want more grandchildren that isn’t their choice!!! I do understand your husband being nervous because I get not wanting to upset/disappoint your parents but he needs to tell them no reason you should be uncomfortable stress yourself out over trying to hide it. Just let it out girl!!! Also I’m very sorry to hear about your grandmother prayers for her


Every right.
My ex didn’t tell his other children (from a precious marriage) that I was pregnant till they came to see him and he couldn’t hide me any longer.

All at the same time that he was pressuring me to tell my family (we weren’t married and I’m younger than him so I was scared of telling my mom)

Yes you have every right to be angry and you should not hid your baby bump you should be wearing clothes that proudly show your baby bump


Grandma has no right to voice about how many grandchildren she wants. Not her business, she got to choose how many babies she had.


Just quit hiding it. If they find out, it’s on him.


Stop trying to hide it. When they see you someone will ask “are you pregnant “ and then it’s all out in the open.


Who cares what they think?


Quit trying to hide it.

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Why don’t you just tell them if it’s bothering you?

I’d be pissed! I had to beg my husband to shut his mouth lol! We are on number four as well. (5,4,3) he told them before I was 8 weeks. I just was worried about miscarriages since we’ve had 3 and several chemicals

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None of her business how many babies you have , but yes I think your right to be annoyed with your husband. It’s you that will look after and raise these children .
When I was pregnant with my last baby , 3rd baby to my husband 5th baby for me /us . His mother fell out with him when he told her and they didnt speak for months .she even told him to leave me .lol . None of her bees wax if we were having an other she had nothing to do with grand kids she has already. So really couldnt understand what her problem was .
But then again my own mum always jumps in and answers for me saying no when people ask Me if I’ll have anymore . Has done for past 3 kids . But as much as I love my mum it’s got fuck all to do with her /anybody how many kids we have .
Husbands works all hours , I’m the one always with the children, never go out so it’s not as if people are asked to babysit etc. So other people should mind there own :grin: x

First of all, 20 weeks preg and you’re just now having your first appt…I really am hoping all is well with baby! :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Second, (like everyone else has said) Mother in law doesn’t get to pick when she doesn’t want to be a new grandma anymore. Tf? :joy: Pay no mind to someone who thinks that way.

I wish you, mama, the very best…for you, your growing family, and your little one that you’re carrying. :two_hearts:


So is it Up to his Mother when you guys get Sexual too? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: OMG, enjoy your Pregnancy, wear a Crop Top, ask Grandma in law to contribute to the Diaper Fund :money_with_wings::money_with_wings: and I hope u have a Healthy smooth Labor.:baby:t3:
And your husband owes you some respect.:100:


Wear something that SHOWS your baby bump! Stop hiding your pregnancy! Gramma is ridiculous if she thinks she can tell you how many children to have. But obviously your man is afraid of their disapproval or he would be man enough to tell them about it himself. I wonder, is he spineless all the time like he is now? If so, send him packing back to his mama and you be on the look out for a grown up responsible MAN who is there for you!! I would be furious, hurt and tired of playing a stupid kids game when you are a mother of young children & one on the way who needs all your energy to raise your children!


Who cares what your mother in law wants. It’s your child. Why does he have to them. Quit stressing over something so nonsensical. You’re pregnant.Be pregnant.


I’d be mad as hell. You should not be made to feel ashamed or embarrassed or anything else but happy about your family. You are raising those children so no one else has a say in anything and if they aren’t happy about it too damn bad.

Wait what? Are they financially supporting you guys do they take care of your kids full time? If no then why the heck do you care what they think? I would never allow myself to feel uncomfortable hiding my pregnancy from people who contributed nothing into creating. Are you two under the age of 18 or something? It’s non of their damn business.

just ware your regular clothes and f they say anything say oh yes I am pregnant. is he a mommies boy? and does not want to upset her.


So I’m confused on why tf it matters if they want more grandchildren it’s not their choice and your husband not saying anything shouldn’t matter he could be avoiding drama


You are an adult it’s really none of their business


Wtf! The grandma doesn’t want more grandkids??! That’s not her decision :joy:


Who cares that Grandma is adamant about not wanting more grandchildren? Seriously?


Just text them right now and let them know. Then live your life not caring what they have to say about it. And what kind of grandma doesn’t want more grandkids to love?

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Tell them yourself? Stop trying to hide your baby bump. It doesn’t matter if she wants more grandkids or not. I mean really


Jus grow that baby --it ur life not mil -she will love ur bb anyways --ppl always say things they dnt really think about --it not up to her how many grandkids she gna have

Show up at their house flaunting you’re belly. They’ll figure it out. I don’t understand why your husband hasn’t told them when you are HALF WAY through your pregnancy…


It’s irrelevant rather she wants another Grandchild or not. He should step up and tell them. I’m currently pregnant and my family says they are supportive, but there actions speak differently. Fact is it’s you guys life and what others think or say doesnt matter. I’d definitely be upset and would absolutely not try to hide it from them.


No one is in charge of when or how many grandchildren they get. That being said, I was reluctant to announce I was expecting my third because certain people were going to make bitchy rude negative derogatory comments about my ability to handle it according to their standards…set without having ANY children if their own of course lol.

Who cares whether she wants more kids or not? Also, stop hiding your body, if they see they see. Also is this really something that is worth being pissed off about? Does your husband support you and your pregnancy, if so that is what is important. Your husband, your children and your little bun. :heart:


MIL is adamant about not wanting more grandkids? Who the hell does she think she is? It is NONE of her business if you want 10 kids.


Unless she will be expected to babysit, what does it matter what your mother in law wants. Even then, she is free to just say she does not want to babysit.

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wth does your mil think she is?? she dont get to pick how many kids you have!


Pregnancy is something to be enjoyed. Not hidden… rejoice that your having another little sweet bundle of joy soon! If it bothers you so badly that your hubby hasn’t told his family… come up with your own cute way to show them or tell them. If they are mad they are mad. They will get over it. It’s your life, your choice. :heart: good luck momma


Really… I have 14 Grands and 1 GREAT Grandson. The more the merrier!!


I’d wear whatever I wanted and not try and choose something that “doesn’t show” and if they bring it up just be like yup, oh he didn’t tell you yet?


My ex in laws never knew i was pregnant until after the kids were born. Our daughter was 3m old when they found out about her

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