Do I have a right to be upset?

Are you a grown up or are you 14? :sweat_smile:


I think you’re being petty move on. Yeah I understand being upset about it for a bit but to let it ruin your future anniversaries is down right ridiculous.


It really isn’t that big of a deal. I think you’re making a mountain out of a mole hill. You can celebrate any day…we didn’t have money for my birthday or mother’s day, it wasn’t a huge deal. Once we had the funds he made me dinner. Life is to short. Let the man fish.

No. You honestly need to get over it. Throw away the plunger and quit brining up old sh*t :woman_shrugging:


As a guy, all I can say her husband should run, and he should run fast. Completely pathetic and petty. Here’s a thought ladies, STATE WHAT YOU WANT, WHEN YOU WANT IT!! DONT PLAY GUESSING GAMES and then be a petty dipshit. Dear lord, people wonder why men hate marriage and/or dating


Okay, yeah. He hurt your feelings. But put your grown up pants on and act like an adult. Tell him he pissed you off but he’s your husband. He can’t try and make things better if you’re not going to try and work on it too. You’ll stay forever mad bc of one choice to go fishing ?
Grow up.

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I spent my first wedding anniversary at a dmv all day

Holding a grudge isn’t going to help. You can celebrate your anniversary any day, things like fishing tournaments are not something he can change the day of. Have some compassion and get over it.


You sound like a spoiled brat, and he’s not doing to be around for much more anniversaries if that’s how you treat him

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Do you have a right to be upset? Yeah, sure. However in a world of picking and choosing your battles I’d that one missed anniversary celebration worth allowing it to dampen every day going forward? You can’t change the past but you can choose if you’re going to let it rain on your future.


He’s trying to make it up to you. Let him.

I feel like you’re only making yourself suffer.

Ok so I can understand about being upset for that instance. It’s ok to feel that way, and it’s valid, but don’t unpack and live there. Would t you want to be forgiven when you made a mistake? How about you communicate your feelings and give him a chance.

You both have screwed up. I don’t know if the fishing tournament was sprung on you last minute or if you had prior knowledge, you should have discussed it beforehand, and if the tournament meant a lot to him you could have made plans around it. He should have planned better or opted out of the tournament, then again if it is a once a year opportunity you are being a little selfish by not wanting your husband doing something special to him. He wants to make up for his mistake why not let him? Why waste all this time and energy holding a grudge and being angry. If you cant get past this move on so he can find a woman who loves him unconditionally instead of him being stuck with one who is angry at him for a stupid mistake. Also anniversaries are usually more important to women than men, most men only do things because that is what the woman wants.


Never gona make it with that attitude


I had similar situation our first anniversary. I spent a lot of time being resentful & in hindsight it just wasn’t worth it. Express your feelings, let him apologize and start fresh. My grandmother told me before I married to never keep score! She was right! Married 27 years, happier now than ever! Good luck!


Look forward to doing something with him at next anniversary, we were married 49 years and 2 months, although we didn’t celebrate on every anniversary (other plans) we were so looking forward to our 50th anniversary , my husband passed away suddenly, we were both looking forward to our 50th. Don’t lose out on another day just one day out of the blue do something special together, could be as simple as going out to dinner just the two of you.


Forget about it already!

If you stayed 12 more months then, no you shouldn’t be upset. But you need to communicate and talk about boundaries and how close you were to leaving because you felt like what mattered to you meant nothing to him. Speak your mind without attacking him

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Was he like this before y’all got married or did it start after? I mean, y’all have been together for 11 years - before it was wrote down on a piece of paper, y’all were basically married already. If you say that nothing was ever discussed on him fishing or dinner, don’t you think that is BOTH of y’all’s fault? So why putting all the blame on him? It doesn’t seem like you attempted at all to try to plan ahead with him, but more waited to see if he will do something out of the blue, like a surprise of some sort - the same goes with the uneventful Valentine’s Day. Truthfully, by the sounds of it all, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was one of those “on and off” relationships. Let it go - to be so PO’d about it a year later is pretty ridiculous.


If you want a marriage full of resentment, you’re on the right path :grimacing:


It’s been a year… let it go honestly.


This is RIDICULOUS. You sound like the little 6th grade girls in my son’s class “it’s the anniversary of the day he asked me out” “it’s the anniversary of the day he sat next to me the 1st time”…:rofl: You are a married legal adult with children and you expect to celebrate all of these random days with the same excitement, and feeling as the day you got married. Calm down.

As for him choosing to go out on your anniversary you said you hadn’t discussed it so what’s the problem. Now he’s trying to celebrate with you but you want to be petty. Grow up and communicate what you want, also cool it with the anniversaries.


Let it go and move on. Holding grudges will ruin your relationship


May as well divorce him if you’re gonna stay all bitter!


As an angler myself … tournaments dont happen everyday :see_no_evil: , you should have went to dinner w him after tournament :woman_shrugging:

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I mean I personally would have love to go fishing for My anniversary . but more details are needed is this a yearly tradition thing . If you were a newer couple I could maybe maybe see it being upsetting. Atleast he didn’t go for the whole week/weekend .

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No if u don’t forgive u will never get anywhere.


I feel like this is mild. Open up communication, you both need to do better.


Let it go! Thank your lucky stars you have a husband! You will regret it if something happens to him!

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Wow. Petty Patty. …. let it go! You may need to get y’all into some marriage therapy.


Get over it! Move on

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I look at it this way. Let it go. Why move forward being upset/angry and missing out on making wonderful memories. He knows you were upset. Let the past stay in the past and start making memories. Enjoy life. It’s too short to hold a grudge.


If you plan on staying married I would let it go because I damn sure wouldn’t want to stay and be angry. That’s not going to work :confused:

Yes I understand your upset and hurt but when he mentioned the going fishing you should have communicated hey its our anniversary and you two should have communicated and worked something suitable out for both of yoh

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You have been together 11 years ease up a little, let it go and communicate in order to move forward remember to compromise and pick your battles. I tend to remember the little things throughout instead of a designated date when the guy is forced to be sentimental. Good Luck :four_leaf_clover:

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Get your priorities straight. Be grateful he hasn’t left you for being so petty. Talk to him unless you no longer want to be married. Work on your relationship obviously you both need to get together. You have no idea how lonely life can be without a partner. Your pettiness is going to get you to a place where you will know what being alone is all about. Forgive and move on.


If you can’t get over it then don’t keep him tied down… fishing tournaments don’t happen all the time and he tried to still take you out in the evening. The man is trying !!


I get being upset. My first anniversary was less than grand. I went to bed super early and my husband stayed up all night with his brother and a friend. It bothered me for a long time. However, don’t let it ruin every special occasion to come. You will regret that immensely one day. You told your husband how it made you feel, and it sounds like he is trying to rectify the situation by planning for you 2nd anniversary, let him. Forgive him, and let it go.

Also when he called and ask you to dinner you should have not been petty. Marriage is hard and I had to learn the hard way that reacting to anger doesn’t help you and when your hurt and you use anger it makes it worse. You need to let him know how bad he hurt you and communicated what you need from here on out and be sure to let him know if something hurts you another way other than anger

If you want the marriage to work you need to forgive and forget. TALK to him. Do you still love him? Move on.

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Sounds like he made a mistake, though it is a hurtful one, but has tried to now do things with u and celebrate special days and u refuse. So not sure why he wouldn’t plan fishing since it sounds like u shut him down. But then he reached out about dinner, showing I interest in celebrating and u shut him down again. So u either move on and communicate how u would like to celebrate special days and what u expect or u stay stuck in the past anger and leave him because u are not going to have a happy life in that mindset. People make mistakes and some people can’t forgive certain things. Our thresholds for that are all different. Its ok either way but right now ur in the middle saying u don’t do this or that then shut it down when offered. That’s no place for either of u to find joy in life.

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Wait . But he did ask you to go out to dinner last year, after he was done fishing. ?? You said no. We’re all adults here. He’s allowed to have hobbies, you said it was a tournament, that sounds like it was important to him as well. I get that it was your wedding anniversary but you didn’t need to spend the ENTIRE day together…? And he’s trying to make it up to you this year. You need to let it go.


Let it go if you want a successful relationship. My husband has had to travel for business on Valentine’s Day, my birthday, our anniversary. At first it bothered me but I realized they are just days. My husband shows me he loves me on all the non special days of the year. We have been together 38 years and married 34 years. You can either be mad and hold a grudge or you can continue to build a future with your husband but you can’t have it both ways.


Drama Queen much? :woman_facepalming: get over yourself


You both have some issues to work out. Sit down and talk about them. If you keep being petty you may no longer have anniversaries

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Sounds like he is making an effort to make it up to you!
I would forgive and forget and enjoy your life with your hubbie!
Good Luck!

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Idk for our first anniversary, we spent it with our kids at the fair and I was right where I wanted to be. Happy as can be.

Marriage is hard. And you’re holding on to something that will help destroy your marriage.


No you don’t have a right to hold a grudge for a year when it sounds like he is trying to make it up to you. Your marriage won’t last with that behavior. If he’s trying to do better let it go and allow him to do right by you. Forever is a long time. If you aren’t willing to forgive and try again go on and get a divorce now because harder things will come and you will fold each and every time being a hard ass. The first 5 years are the hardest. Plus it sounds like you expected him to read your mind last year instead of communicating what you expected to happen which is why you got left sitting around all day. Just because you got married doesn’t make him a mind reader.


Wow. This sounds a bit high school. Let it go already.

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Move forward. Put more of an effort to communicate and make things better or dont. This isn’t even a real problem, it’s something you’ve been unwilling to change. Grow up the world doesn’t revolve around you and your feelings.

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Did you two think to celebrate the 1st anniversary the day before or the day after? My wife and I often celebrate ours on the closest weekend. I agree that better planning should have taken place for the 1st. He clearly realized he hurt you or he wouldn’t be trying to make plans for the 2nd anniversary, let it go and let him.


why even be married then if there’s no compromise or forgiveness …


Was he taking you out before yall got married

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Young lady…let that go! I get it I do. My husband has never made a big deal out of our anniversaries but I know why. If it hurt you that much tell him. If he’s tryn to make it up to you let him. If you don’t it will set the tone for the rest of your relationship. I about died when out of the blue my husband bought me a car for our 20th Anniversary a very nice car. Instead of telling him to take it back I said heck yea I’ll take it…it made my day. My husband is not a romantic guy If yours is tryn to be…hands down let him. This must be your first marriage…hopefully it will be your last…but honestly with that attitude :smirk: hmm


you need to move past it

For my clients that come to me with similar issues I tell them several things.

  1. You can forgive but not forget…don’t make it a big deal unless he continues with the same thing.
  2. One of you be in charge of the celebrations, putting them on the calendar, making sure you are both on the same page for budget, babysitter, type of celebration, clothes to wear etc. BUT choose the type and place to go to together.
  3. Neither men nor women are mind readers be sure to let your partner, wife, husband, SO, Bestie know how important it is to you and what you look forward to.
  4. Day before look the part of excited and express appreciation to each other for help doing this to keep the fires burning.
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Hi. Been married for almost 17yrs. Your feelings ARE valid. Let’s get that straight. You feel some type of way about what happened & no one is going to tell you you’re not allowed to feel the way you do. However… Holding onto grudges is not the way to build a life together.

None of us is perfect & if ever you make a mistake I’m sure you wouldn’t want him bringing it up at every opportunity? I encourage you to choose forgiveness & choose, also, to allow him to make it up to you.

Do let him know you felt hurt. It’s important that he knows what is important to you & it’s equally important to know what’s important to him. Being able to keep a hobby, like fishing, keeps him happy, content & keeps his batteries charged to come home to you. What things do you do (activities/ hobbies/ sports) to refresh your mind & spirit?

Anger & holding a grudge are usually by-products of the real issue, which is that you felt hurt that “it seems” he chose to attend a fishing tournament instead of what YOU wanted… Which was assuring you that he was also super excited about your 1st wedding anniversary. The way you feel about what happened on the day is not HIS issue. It’s YOUR issue. You need to dig deep & figure out why you felt abandoned because if you don’t figure yourself out you will spend the rest of your marriage holding grudges for even the smallest slight. No one wants to enter a home where they have to walk on eggshells.

Choose what’s more important; the anniversary date (dictated by a calendar) or the special person you share that date with? Let go of what doesn’t help you both to move forward… You might find you have to drop your pride.


To me that is a little petty. I have been with my husband total of 18 years, this May will be 15 year anniversary he is out of state, and out of the 15 years he has been home for a total of 5 anniversaries, he is military so a little different but still hurts but I don’t hold it against him, because why do you need 1 or 2 days a year to show love. He shows me every day when he’s home and we talk all the time when he is gone. Not trying to be rude but I would let it go.

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Well first off I think you need to forgive and move on. Still being angry over something like that is extremely toxic to a relationship. While to some anniversaries are a big deal to others they are not and its important to sit down together and make sure you’re both clear on what you both feel. My husband is autistic and thing’s do not mean the same to him as they do to me… and they most likely never will. So the first couple years he really didn’t do anything for any holiday. Which hurt me and it sucked but I voiced those concerns and tried to help him understand. I didn’t just shut down and say forget it every year after. Communication is extremely important and it seems you both need to work on that. Make plans together and express to him that its important to you, put it on a calander… tell him exactly what you want he can not read your mind. … but let go of something like this it’s not worth destroying your marriage over.

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I can totally empathize that your feelings were hurt, and I know how much that sucks. But…People are not mind readers and typically take things at face value. If you didn’t clarify the importance of your anniversary than you don’t get to penalize him for making other plans. I can totally understand being disappointed that it felt like just another day. But now, a year later, you’re continuing to punish him when he’s asked you about plans for your anniversary? That doesn’t seem very fair. He obviously heard you when you said you were upset, he’s now trying to celebrate the occasion as you wanted him to, but your still punishing him. If you intend to live all of your marriage with a scoreboard things are going to go downhill very fast. Specify to your husband which holiday’s are important to you and how you would like to be treated, ask him the same. Not everyone feels the same about every occasion. For me; my birthday isn’t that big of a deal to me, I prefer to spend it with my kids making me dinner and dessert, but Mother’s Day is where I want to be spoiled. To other people that’s weird, but that’s what makes me happy. Everyone is different. Don’t assume he “knows”! Good luck!

You’re being petty af


Wow you sound awful!!! For one you shouldn’t have been upset with him in the 1st place. Just because it’s your anniversary it doesn’t mean y’all have to spend the whole day together. Secondly he did call you that night & ask to take you to dinner, but because you couldn’t get over yourself so you refused his offer. So in all truth it’s technically your fault too that you had a lousy anniversary. So in my opinion get over it because both screwed up your anniversary. Although even though certain dates are meant to be remembered and celebrated don’t forget the rest of the year to show each other your love for each other.


Let. It. Go.

He wants to fix it this year, don’t be petty.

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Lmao. How old r u? Jaiz

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He is trying to reach out so meet him half way and plan an anniversary dinner. We are fine with having a special dinner at a time we have available. It doesn’t always have to be on the “specific” date.

No need to hang onto the past. Move forward from it!!

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You sound like an upset toddler :person_facepalming:


No. You need to let it go. You’re being petty. You had a right to be upset. You don’t have a right to hold it against him for the rest of your marriage.

Is it working for you? He is trying.

This is how you loose your man . If my man wanted to go fishing and he brought fish home any day i wouldn’t give a shit .The fact your holding onto to the past means you werent ready for a marriage much less a relationship . Fuck is this even real life ? He literally still wanted to take u out to dinner ! Wow

Actually being a little petty

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Nope life is too short to be petty and unhappy.

I can definitely see why you were upset, can’t say that I wouldn’t act any differently if my husband did that on our first anniversary, BUT he is making an effort and if you keep rejecting his offer to take you out on y’all’s anniversary then it will never be a special day to you and you’ll both be miserable whenever your anniversary rolls around every year.


you are creating distance between u and your partner pathetic !

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He can’t fix it if he doesn’t know what’s broken. Communication is key in any relationship without it there is no point. My SO and I have never celebrated an anniversary and we have been together for 16yrs. Now if I wanted to go out or have certain meal all I have to do is tell him, and if the date isn’t open we make sure we do it the next night. I personally don’t need that day to be special. As long as we are happy and healthy that is all that matters. I highly recommend sitting down with him and explain how it felt and what he could do going forward. I find most men are horrible with important dates.


Let it go you sound like a child

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I don’t blame you. But also you need to be loud, clear and vocal as can be about how you feel and what you need

Yes leave him. He doesn’t love you. This is Narcissist behavior


Petty and childish holding grudges and not moving on

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There is no room for grudges in a marriage. He wanted to take you out, so give him that chance. If he starts feeling like no matter what he does it won’t please you and that he is damned if he do damned if he doesn’t he will stop putting effort in all together. I can understand you’re hurt but it’s not healthy to carry it to the grave. Celebrate being together another year and enjoy some time together. It’s so important.

If yall were together for 11 years and just got married why would you be upset for him going out on yalls 1 year wedding anniversary when yall were already together for 11 years?


To me, it sounds like a gap in communication from the get-go. Maybe the 2 of you have completely different ideas or thoughts regarding anniversaries or “romantic” holidays. Sit down together, have an open table discussion, come to a mutual understanding of each other. THIS is a very important factor.

Communication Communication Communication


Your petty, he offered dinner he did try

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Aren’t you fun!

Seriously though lighten up. You are going to be the cause of your marriage breaking down due to irreconcilable differences and the constant need to bring unhappiness into your home.

The temprement of a woman depends on the happiness of her home! Read that again.


Exactly how do you expect him to make it up to you if you reject any effort to fix his mistake even a year later?


Life is too short to hold grudges. Just let it go

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Why didn’t you go fishing with him…


Get over it and stop being petty it’s been a year. He’s saying he wants to do something this year but you don’t so why whinge about it 12 months later

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Move past it. It’s not worth it. Life is too short to hang on to hurt and anger. You have let him know it hurt you, he is aware now move on and make amends.

Um ya I think u should get over it, your feelings are valid but it’s time to let it go. Is this really how u wanna live your marriage, holding grudges?


Ummm GROW UP!! You have been with the man for 11 years… why did it take you all so long to get married!

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He probably needs to just leave your ungrateful ass. You still in high school?

No. You don’t. That’s ridiculous

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Um. Grudge needs to die or your relationship will.


Let it go,as long as he stays on track lol.I’m sure you were hurt but,it is for better or worse so…let him make it up and honestly be glad he is willing to.

You’re being petty he offered to take you to dinner after his fishing tournament and this year he also offered dinner do you love him if you do then stop being petty or you will end up getting a divorce

Honey, you is PETTY.