Do I have a right to be upset?

Get over it! You will destroy your relationship if you keep letting it fester. Communicate with him as an adult!

Childish my husband never remembered any of the special days except for our 16th anniversary and he got me a Seth Thomas grandfather clock one year I told him I wanted a Boston rocker birthday came and went two weeks later he said letā€™s go get that rocker I told him if you canā€™t get it on my birthday forget it and if he brought one home Iā€™d through it out it took him 35 yrs to remember the important days but their never celebrated on those days but plans before or after thatā€™s OK been married 54 yrs so get over yourself and grow up

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Noā€¦ life is too short to carry that anger aroundā€¦ Love that he is asking and move onā€¦

ELEVEN YEARS TOGETHERā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ PLAN THE CELEBRATION ON A DATE THAT WORKS BEST FOR BOTH OF YOU. No communication was done here. Heā€™s allowed to enjoy himself too.

YES! You DO have the right to be upset about it a year laterā€¦ if similar things happen and keep these memories fresh in your mind. NO you shouldnā€™t decide right now that youā€™re going to be upset next year and that youā€™re not going to leave him any option to repair hurt that you are feeling.

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This type of pettiness pushes men away lol. Get over it or let a woman who will value his attempts to make amends have himā€¦


Let it go :joy: he tried to make plans for next time and you shut him down. Heā€™s not going to try again and youā€™re going to be pissed about it. If youā€™re not going to let this go itā€™s going to hurt your marriage.


Why you holding on to this so long ā€¦?

That sounds like a lot
Of energy wasted.

Let hubby make it up to you already


Oh come on. You was with the man 9 years before you married him so itā€™s not like you didnā€™t know who he is. Fishing tournaments are a scheduled event planned way in advance so why not make your plans on a different day? It doesnā€™t have to be the exact day. Itā€™s called compromise. Does he throw a fit and act like a brat when he doesnā€™t get his way? Youā€™ve already expressed your decline for ever doing anything again with him because he ā€œhurtā€ you so badā€¦really. Be glad he had a date with a fish and not another woman! You need to get over yourself and stop looking to start problems. I feel sorry for him. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Noā€¦ get over yourself. Stop being dramatic, act like a grown, married woman and stop being foolish.

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Go out! Your life is to short to hold grudges! Make memories instead!

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Um ā€¦ He asked you to dinner and you said no ā€¦there is compromise he went fishing then wanted to take you to dinner or make plans for another day if your not willing to give a little this will never work


Yā€™all are married. Are you going to stay mad forever to the point he doesnā€™t ever want to do anything special for you or are you going to let him fix his mistake to prove youā€™re his priority? I understand why youā€™re mad I would be pissed to but donā€™t give up!


I beg you to let it go. The same battle over and over again will do serious damage.

Men remember nothing! GET OVER IT!
Besides if your going to be a pansy over this, how many other sulks will you have?

You have every right to feel how you feel. He was wrong. You havenā€™t allowed him to make it upto you though. Are you going to hold on to that hurt from his 1 mistake?

I only remember our anniversary because my husband reminds meā€¦ā€¦ the day ofā€¦. Grow up.

Just let it go. Its not worth it. Youā€™re both wrong him for not acknowledging your anniversary and you for being a cry baby over every little thing. Whats gonna happen is that youā€™re gonna get each other tired and end destroy your marriages for dumb stuff

Omg, no :unamused: this is why women stay unhappy, because some of us hold too high expectations. Iā€™ve been with my SO for over 9 years. Not married but it wouldnā€™t bother me in the least if he went fishing on our anniversary, he was obviously done in time to go to dinner?? And then you turned him down :woman_shrugging:t3: also, we did nothing out of the ordinary for Valentineā€™s Day lol you may end up with no husband if you continue to act like this.


Youā€™re being childish. Let it go and start anew. Your husband may feel like you donā€™t care and heā€™ll stop caring. Being together is more important than receiving something.


Communication is important in marriage and holding a grudge for a against your husband is not healthy.

Omg, are you even asking thisā€¦after an entire year, girl, are you grudgy. I think there are biggger problems than foolish and petty things like these. Sorry to say, you not punishing him, hes trying and he wil make other plans, you punishing urself


Noā€¦ Get over yourselfā€¦ What nut tree did you fell out of


Girl, let it go. If he is trying his best to make up for it this year and you obviously didnt feel like it was a reason to leave him and forgave him then you need to let him make it up to you this year. You can not hold onto grudges like this and expect a marriage to last. I understand he hurt you last year but its been a year and you can not punish someone forever or for even a year and expect your marriage to work. Im sorry, but you kinda owe your husband an apology and tell him you will give him the chance to make it up to you. Just use your words and explain to him how hurt you were and obviously still are. But in the end you need to let it or or move on because keeping this is up is gonna destroy your relationship.

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So Iā€™ve been with my husband for almost 18 years. We donā€™t need a certain day or ā€œspecialā€ day to show our love. We do it every day. After almost 18 years my husband will come Home with flowers or something he saw that made he think of me just because it was a Tuesday. And I also do the same thing even if itā€™s as small as picking up his favorite ice cream. You donā€™t need valentines day to do something special. Also do you like to fish? Thatā€™s something that my husband and I love to do together. Our kids have grown up loving it also. Or find another hobby yall can do together. Good luck


What I see time and time again in 99% of posts on here is lack of communication. Too many people get mad/upset after the fact, while already knowing whatā€™s going to happen. Speak up! If you canā€™t communicate how you feel with your partner, thatā€™s the real problem you need to address.

He upset you and hurt your feelings, you told him how you felt and he is trying to make it up to you. Accept it! Forgiveness is for you, holding that grudge will eat at you destroy your peace of mind and your marriage.


Curious. Did you plan anything for you guys to do on your 1 year anniversary? He asked you to dinner and you declined.


No you donā€™t have a right to still be mad. Sounds like you wonā€™t be celebrating many more

Why keep bringing it up and making it an issue if you wont let him even try to make it up to you? Yes you have every right to be upset when it happened. At this point you should be upset with yourself for dragging it out.


This is kinda petty. You keep holding onto a grudge a year later?? And he has tried to do right?? But you are so closed minded. You are going to ruin your relationship and continue to feel hatred against something that may have upset you at the time but itā€™s unhealthy to keep holding onto it. Itā€™s not like he cheated


We never celebrate those days as itā€™s every day that mattersā€¦ He brings me flowers because he thinks of me not because itā€™s expected :smiling_face: he does things for me and helps around the house because he wants to help, itā€™s not expectedā€¦ Love is shown in many ways not just on designated daysā€¦ Married 36 yrs


Actions speake louder than words

Itā€™s so early in your marriage to be holding a grudge like this. Iā€™d hate to see what kind of grudges you have for more serious problems.


pick your battles, not every battle is worth the fightā€¦


Seriously? What will you ever do if a real problem arises!?!? Crazy!


Youā€™ve made your point get over it or your anniversary date will signnify misery hon make up


I wouldā€™ve been upset also but donā€™t let it ruin all of your other anniversaries or special occasions. I would definitely tell him you would like to celebrate your 2nd anniversary and tell him you want it to be extra special because of what happened last year and see if he goes out of his way to make it specialā€¦.he might surprise you but you will never know if you keep holding a grudge


Thatā€™s petty. If I was him, Iā€™d absolutely never take you out. Seriously, grow upšŸ™„


Many men donā€™t understand about anniversaries/birthdays/ etc. I married one of them too.


Get over it. Youā€™re only hurting yourself


So, you said you didnā€™t want to go out for your 2nd year Anniversary; so next year heā€™ll just make another fishing plan because you didnā€™t communicate your exact feelings? Nothing like being passive aggressive to get your point hard :roll_eyes:


My ex husband went fishing the same day I brought my middle child home from the hospital. I wouldā€™ve thought forsure since I literally just gave birth to his child couple days prior that heā€™d actually want to stay home with his family instead of going night fishing with his brother. Our marriage failed miserably because he didnā€™t care about forming a bond with his kids, not because he failed to woo me on an anniversary or Valentines day. Marriage isnā€™t all roses and sunshine and expecting it to be will cause immense disappointment while putting a serious strain on the marriage. Holding something like that over his head when he tried making it up to you, and especially after a year, isnā€™t ok. Iā€™m sure youā€™re just as imperfectšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

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Not everyone can get over it. I couldnā€™t. Donā€™t listen to people on this post theyā€™re just being rude.

Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Work it out, then let it go.


No, there are many reasons to have a difficult time in a marriage. This is NOT one of them.

Be upset and frustraited that it happened then let it go and move forward. Its not healthy hanging on to that kind of negativity & will ultimately end up causing issues in your relationship and future

My husband and I were married 63 years when he passed away.
This year if he were alive it would be 67
He was not one to buy presents or to suggest going out but he did not need to buy my love
He was a wonderful husband and showed how much he loved me by always being faithful and loving.l
I miss him every minute and would be happy just to be with him and have his company.
Learn to love without obligations


Let it go and enjoy and embrace the small things. They in turn will actually be the most important and memorable. Pick and choose your battles. I am sure since you have been with this man for 11 years then you knew he likes fishing and goes to these tournaments. Maybe you are wanting him to put you before everything and that just will and cannot happen or you will have the dull boring marriage. Let him go out and have fun and you do the same. If not then yā€™all will never make itā€¦

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The key to a happy successful marriage is to Set your bounding and expectations low. :+1:t4:
Youre married to a man, not a woman :sweat_smile:. On a serious note, If you continue to hold bitterness in your heart instead if forgivenessā€¦your marriage is going to eventually fail.


Yes. But women donā€™t forget & forgive like guys do.

Honestly, I feel youā€™re being a little petty about itā€¦

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I wouldnā€™t stress about it!!! Perhaps you could in the future organise a weekend away for your anniversary months ahead so he is aware of the importance of it to you. My husband is the opposite, he stresses about anniversaries and I couldnā€™t really care less lol :joy:

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so youā€™re upset he didnā€™t do anything for your 1st wedding anniversary and now your going to boycott doing anything couple related. continue to punish him for that one day, and you can throw the rest of your relationship away. Itā€™s been a year and youā€™re still holding that over his head? not a healthy thing to do.


Carry on if u enjoy being bitter :wink: ur only hurting yourself ā€¦enjoy!

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My ā€œEXā€ husband went camping for a week of our anniversary for the last 12-13 years of our marriage. I shouldnā€™t have stayed as long as I did. You have every right to be upset. These women saying to get over it are full of crap. You decide if you want to put up with his disrespect and selfishness. Iā€™m sure you deserve better.


Completely understand you being upset, it is a special time. Maybe that just isnā€™t his love language, but it seems that he has heard you and wants to fix it. I would let him. Donā€™t let something like that be the end to a long relationship that you have. Out first anniversary we went to chiliā€™s and the whole night we kinda argued lol we had just had a baby, and he was having issues with his family. I was upset the night wasnā€™t about us and it was more of him being upset and then I wouldnā€™t let him fix it when he tried. I blame it half on the hormones of just having a child three weeks ago and a little but in pettiness :grin: I wish I would have let him fix it. This year we are booking a little cabin for the weekend!!! We cannot wait! :heart: if you plan to stay married just let it roll off your back and get on with things! Teach him how to love you and you vice versus :heart:


You can still celebrate an anniversary even if itā€™s not on the exact date ā€¦ I mean would you stop everything if it was on a Wednesday vs a Saturday? You would most likely wait til the weekend. So compromise to make it special AND let him have a life tooā€¦ My husband and I are workaholics so if he ever wants to go do something, I encourage it! Been together 20 years, married almost 15ā€¦ Communicate about it first of allā€¦ If he were to continue to not care about anything ever, thatā€™s one thing but I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s the end of the worldā€¦

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My anniversary was valentines day 19 years we have a 2 and 16 yo both work full time and normally money is tight. We chatted all day on and off that 19 years is insaine but seems so short and were both very blessed we had our normal family dinner that eve but both worked all day spent the eve with our kids and that was perfect for me. Communicate over and over how important these dates are to you hopefully he will also realize and be able to validate your feelings and do better in the future. Its contradictive however to want to celebrate but boycott future dates if he tries you would have to be open to it

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If he has gotten your point, forgive and move on.


Yes you have a right to be upset but to throw it in his face this long is a bit extreme and petty. Youā€™re being childish. Life is way to short to drag things on like this. If you love him, show him. Maybe have an adult conversation about why you feel the way you do. This pettiness is why marriages fail. Itā€™s give and take. Let him have his fishing trip but then you get him for a weekend alone after? Thatā€™s what I would do. Then you both are happy.


Forgive and forget! Especially if you plan on until death do you part. Forgive. It doesnā€™t hurt to humble yourself. It actually makes you more attractive.


Ok so holding grudges is not healthy, we need to understand men the way we expect them to understand us. Itā€™s a partnership. If you canā€™t forgive him and are giving him crap a year later, you need to ask yourself what the real problem is? Communication is key.

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Iā€™m the wife that would have showed up at weigh ins proud and supportive. Probably screaming I love you baby happy anniversary. But Iā€™m an outdoorsy girl and support what my husband enjoys. :woman_shrugging:t2: holding one thing over his head a year later is a little messed up in my opinion. Hell I missed ours two years ago to drive halfway across the state to help my cousinā€™s wife deliver their baby. He wasnā€™t pissed at me. In fact he was proud of me for doing something like that. Sorry if you donā€™t agree but I think you should get over it.


Stop it if you want your marriageā€¦you made your point and Iā€™m betting he donā€™t forget it!!!


You have a right to be upset, but now you need to get over it unless you want to hold a grudge for the rest of your life/marriage.


Been married almost 12 years, Have two little kidsā€¦. I buy myself presents because gifts arenā€™t my husbands love language. But heā€™s an amazing provider and father. Choose youā€™re battles lol.


Honestly you drug it out for this long. Thatā€™s your fault. Heā€™s still trying and your choosing to be mad this longā€¦Over fishing :fishing_pole_and_fish: :woman_facepalming:t4::rofl:


Leanne Correia Itā€™s is the future lol a whole year later from when he went on his fishing trip and she said he suggested they go out for there second one which it does say they are going on 2 years of marriage. Sheā€™s choosing to be md for a year over it.

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If you want to celebrate more anniversaries let it go.


SO WHAT!! itā€™s like any other day i would never make a big deal out of this itā€™s just same anniversary just a different year like so what get over it.


Anniversaries are, broadly speaking, important to women & not important to men, especially introverts. You have to be clear about what you need, what you want and never assume anything, especially about what heā€™s thinking. When they say ā€œnothingā€ they really ARE thinking about nothing.

No hinting. I canā€™t stress this enough.

My ex hated all celebrations and holidays, dressing up, and going out, so I would do all the work and heā€™d go along with most of it because he preferred I be happy than b!tchy. Iā€™d make special dinners & heā€™d eat them, make dinner reservations and heā€™d pay, once I surprised him by secretly packing a bag for him & making reservations at a B&B but told him we were just going to dinner. He crabbed the whole way about how far it was, but was happy once he found out we had a quaint room & would have a relaxing weekend away from the stresses of the city.

I had to gradually teach him that I LIKED presents at Christmas, even if he didnā€™t. Then I eventually got him to put presents in a box, another year to get him to use wrapping paper, and finally some ribbon after a few years. I gave up on cards.

It was torture to meā€”who likes to celebrate everythingā€”to just leave him alone to watch TV or whatever on his birthday because thatā€™s what HE liked. He did allow birthday cake after we had kids, because it was mostly for them.

Think of it as his taking you on the fishing tournament and talking about lures, reels, different fish all weekend and assuming youā€™d LOVE it all because HE does. See how that works? Men feel like they married you, no further jewelry or going out is required. Iā€™m sure if you bought him a Mercedes heā€™d feel like you never had to get him anything else or do anything else for him the rest of his lifeā€”ask him. Iā€™ll bet itā€™s true. And you would be a legend among his male friends.

Just be really straightforward and say EXACTLY what you want in advance & with sweet reminders (he will go at the last minute anyway, because, men).

Tell him you want flowers or lingerie or chocolates or dinner on Valentines; jewelry or dinner or an outing on your anniversary; dinner & a present for your birthday, or whatever. So you donā€™t get a broom or a vacuum, just give him the link on Amazon, the page from the catalog with size, color, and the item number circled, or show him the item when you go to the store, or tell him what jeweler to go to after youā€™ve picked something or a few things out and arranged it with a salesperson. Most men arenā€™t that creative and donā€™t flex their intuition muscles much.

Get therapy if you have trouble letting go of grudges, get mad at your husband for just being himself, and couples counseling so you two learn how to communicate better. Learning how to speak to be understood and learning to listen, and learning how to discuss things without fighting is essential for a happy marriage, and for life among other people in general.


get over it. you have a long road ahead.

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Let it go! If your marriage has no other issues, youā€™re lucky. Stop being dramatic and move on. You made your point and heā€™s doing what he can to make up for it.


You have a right, but itā€™s not healthy for you or the relationship. Youā€™re being childish about it and it seems like he wants to do something this year. He probably does realize he screwed up. Know what I did my first wedding anniversary? Nothing cause we didnā€™t have funds and I had just given birth. Itā€™s not a big imho, but I know it is for some. Youā€™ve spoken your feelings and he probably gets it. Move on, go to dinner with him and respect your relationship cause being this way will only destroy it.


It sounds petty. Is one day worth ruining your relationship over? Sounds like heā€™s trying to do better and youā€™re not letting him, eventually heā€™ll stop trying.


You were together a long time before you got married . He wasnā€™t like this before the wedding with significant days ?

Nope you donā€™t have a right to still be upset. Your living with a man that you are punishing everyday for the same thing. He will eventually stop making any effort to do anything with you because you use it as an excuse to punish him. Should you have been upset, yes but you have to choose to either forgive him or leave him. Put it in perspective and stop continually punish him for the same thing.


You are immature asf and this relationship will fail if yall donā€™t grow up. This relationship sounds exhausting. Clowns make an average of $51K/year, and youā€™re out here doing it for free.


Iā€™ve been married 13 years, my parents 47, and shit happens on the anniversary date that makes it hard to celebrate. You said yourself the date was because of the season. Nobody conspired against you. If you really love him, you celebrate love every day. You donā€™t know what tomorrow brings, and you want to hold a grudge over nothing? At least he is trying. Shame man. Make peace and move on.

If you want to keep your marriage, you are going to have to forgive. And let him make up for it or at least try to make the 2nd one the best ever. Or start fresh and dont count that one year you 2 were married. Count this one as your first one. But with all relationships and marriages, comes compromise and agreeing to disagree. If you guys cant get past one little glitch, then, it probably wasnt meant to be or you two were not mature enough or not ready for that kind of commitment. And im not calling you immature, im saying as a whole, and saying your relationship wasnā€™t mature enough.


I feel like if he is trying to plan to be with you and take you out for you 2nd anniversary, then he obviously understands how he has hurt you and how important anniversaries are to you.


Sounds like youā€™ll be upset the rest of the marriage. I would have cancelled whatever plans I made and had dinner with my husband. Sounds like youā€™re the one making a big deal out of it. I feel bad for your husband.


You are being ridiculous

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Iā€™ve learned in marriage. You have to be willing to forgive your partner.

Itā€™s a man thing let that man fish you in his head he chose fishing over club thatā€™s another man thing

No let it go. Let him spoil u now. Sure its the first one but you have so many more to look forward to

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Speak up or shut up. Tell him how you feel or donā€™t. But donā€™t get angry at him a full year later and expect him to just know what you mean, men donā€™t think like women.

Holding a grudge wastes time and energy. Nobody deserves to live under the bus.

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Forgive you are just hurting your marriage making yourself miserable. He wants to celebrate your marriage


Dude seriouslyā€¦ heā€™s trying to make up and be better and you shame him and be petty. Thats toxic as fuck.

I hope you see how wrong you are and if you wanna keep him as a husband its now your turn to make up for wrong doings you were so petty and rude.

my husband is like yours. but he shows me EVERYDAY that he loves me so i donā€™t mind it when he doesnā€™t remember or celebrates our milestones and holidays


And Iā€™m not one to usually voice that but God damn

You have every right to feel how you feel thatā€™s one thing nobody can take from you is how you feel ā€¦ life is short and if thatā€™s important to you then stand your ground ā€¦ ppl on here saying your immature no itā€™s that kind of shit that makes ppl crazy ā€¦ like oh I better not say anything Iā€™ll just hold it in over and over again obviously you can have a constructive conversation which you will do Iā€™m sure when ur feelings are less hurt ā€¦

You do it meant something to you and to him like it was nothing

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Sounds like you have a lot deeper problems then celebrating anniversaries


If youā€™re mad a year laterā€¦ Might as well sign the divorce papers! Relationships are about give and take. Forgiveness and moving past things. Iā€™m not gonna even ask why youā€™ve been with him that long and just married almost 2 years yet now youā€™re super hurt and itā€™s a year later? Did you act like this the rest of the times you fought or he hurt your feelings? Poor guy is like weā€™ve been together another year and youā€™re upset cause he made other plans. I do not understand why people are like this! Youā€™re your own person so act like you wish but Iā€™d I did this, I wouldnā€™t be able to be married until my sedond I promise Iā€™d be divorced from my spouse. And heā€™s trying to make things right so obviously you mean the world to him! In Elsaā€™s wordsā€¦ Let it go!!!


we also show commitment to each other strongly and every day, it is not dependent on a wedding anniversary - which, last one, we actually both overlooked. arenĀ“t we both bad. but i also sink myself into my ā€œmanā€ things and my wife knows, had to learn, it is never meant as act ā€œagainstā€ someone. you want to celebrate with him, go along on fishing trip, be there, fry fish with him, thatĀ“s definitely what i would do in your situation. iĀ“d say, screw it, let me fish some too - i am only married once so how does the fishing rod work. you got to get some team spirit into this.

I was married for 38 years and my husband passed away. On our first year Anniversary we went to the Rolling Stones, I first said No. Then they put out more tix and he called me. Basically begged. (at the time I hated the Stones) So we went. I Loved them ever since. Ok like I said my Husband passed away almost 5 years ago. I would give anything to go to a Stones concert with him again. GET OVER IT!!! It is not about those Anniversaries or Valentines day. Itā€™s about the love you show each other EVERY DAY. Stop acting this way so early in your marriage, We women give up alot for our men and our children. Get used to it. It will happen again and again. If you dont he will NEVER make those days special again, Is that what you want? I suggest you learn how to fish! And love it!