Do I have a right to be upset?

Really? If my friend offers to buy me dinner and she didn’t have money I would have went out anyway and paid for us both bc it’s not about who’s lays for it it’s about the time you guys have together and celebrating together…not who gets the bill

I mean it’s normal to feel bummed but life happens . Maybe you 2 can do something else or u could pay for dinner so u 2 can still hang out .

Never expect anything from anyone and you will be happy

I don’t understand what there is to be upset about.

I would be like yeah girl that’s fine you need to keep warm feed the family whatever I’ll pay and we could go somewhere cheaper. Get over it u sound ungrateful

You can be upset, but that’ll get you nowhere. Instead take her to dinner, you pay, and your gift is a good friend!!

Life happens… You should have taken her out knowing the situation, if you really care…

Disappointed plans fell through, sure. But that’s as far as it should go. Reschedule or have her come hang out at home.

It’s ok to be bummed about something getting canceled that you were excited about. I just hope you’re not upset with her bc it isn’t her fault. You should have suggested free alternatives or to pay for yall yourself.

I kind of get being upset, maybe more bummed, but the way this world is you have to put bills and needs ahead of wants and luxuries and that’s what she did. Sorry it’s your bday but that’s life. Watch a movie and get a tub of ice cream. Life is too short.

Wow… entitled much?? Take yourself out to dinner. You’re an adult.

Disappointed sure but upset no .
At least your friend communicated as soon as she got paid and made it clear she wasn’t ghosting or that she didn’t want to, she just didn’t have the funds. She probably feels super bad. Why not suggest yall do something that’s free ? It should be about the company not the money spent

Maybe instead of dinner she can come hang out and you can watch movies and snack food, or do a spa/beauty day. Maybe get dressed up and go to the park or a free museum or art gallery. Maybe get some wine and do that paint each other challenge or play some games/cards/trivia. There’s always fun stuff to do that’s free or cheap to do.

So invite her over for your birthday dinner instead. Or make it an afternoon picnic or something.

My husband has a crush on Savannah Dexter she’s an independent rapper and Jasmine off Aladdin :joy: but it’s just a crush im like 90% sure he won’t get to meet them so I just let him have his crush lol


It’s inappropriate for him to say that to yalls child. That part would upset me. I mean, he has a crush on an WNBA player that he’s never going to meet and has no chance with lol , not a big deal to me. I’ve watched a show or movie before because it had an attractive actor in it. But so inappropriate to tell a child you have a crush on someone other than your spouse/other parent.


You watch men soccer and talk about all those muscles infront of him. Make sure say that you don’t like soccer but you love those muscles run around :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Men are literally so stupid sometimes… Lol

I’d probably ask him to not say that in front of the kids but its probably mostly harmless.

One time my husband SHOWED ME what he would do and say to win over Zendaya. And I di*d there. and I was reborn. And I gave him permission to attempt this at any time. :skull:


We all have a celebrity crush but I think it’s how he said it. It’s not respectful to you.


I have a crush on Chris Hemsworth & Jason Momoa & have no problem with who knows it!:rofl::rofl::rofl:


Inappropriate for the children but a celeb crush…everyone has one, my husbands is demi Lovato lol

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I don’t care he has a crush. We all have one. It’s the fact he is talking about it in front of the kids and also putting down the players abilities that’s where it becomes a problem for me.

  1. He is showing open disrespect to you
  2. He is setting an example that it’s okay to talk bad about someone but, make comments on their body.

Communicate it with him. That will let you know how deep it’s getting.


You’re making too much of this. Grow up. It’s a fantasy.


lol my husband has said Carrie underwood is gonna be their stepmother :joy: n intellnthem to just call rock dad too lol we know we’re kidding :woman_shrugging:

I think it is normal to have crushes. It is disrespectful to vocalize them, and more so to discuss it with the children. Not only is he disrespecting your marriage, but he is teaching your kids to disrespect their future relationships. Boys learn how to treat women from how their father treats their mother and from what their mother allows. Girls learn to respect theirself and to get respect in a relationship the same way. Make it clear to your kids that it is not appropriate and not allowed. Teach them that strong women who know their self worth are valuable and should be respected. And tell your husband, if he wanted to watch his little crush, he would have been smart to be discreet and show you respect. You have every right to be mad.


Talking shit about a team is normal. Ya maybe he should be saying that in front of the kids. As far the crush good grief we all have them.

That’s a big ick … totally weird thinking and actions and to your children literally disrespecting you and telling them about women he , their father finds attractive ? These are extremely talented hard working female athletes… no respect towards that ? Just their bodies ? Something is off with that there’s no way to slice the pie nicer. There must be other red flags happening to go with this mentality. He may need to go speak to someone or maybe a sex therapist ?

Degrading women on their abilities and suggesting they are only good for their looks…to your son or daughter (if you have one) is disgusting and appalling. :nauseated_face:

Lovely… what a strange man.
I’d get the whole “ooh she’s so pretty” kind of thing everyone does about famous people. But to then run your mouth, at your kids about another woman, in front of their mother… I’m going to go out on a limb and assume he’s not the most upstanding man in general.


Don’t be upset. It’s harmless.

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Are u 12? Grow up already.

He didn’t need to tell the children that.

My kids know who my husband’s crush is. You have every right to feel how you feel about it, but personally, it wouldn’t bother me. Have a conversation with him and let him know how you feel and that he may have unintentionally crossed a boundary.

Do it to him lol. My crush is Paul walker lol. He didn’t need to tell your children any of that. Just tell your children that isn’t how we treat others. Reinforce it so your children know right from wrong.

It’s normal to have crushes. However talking shit about their abilities is terrible. Why watch it if you’re just gonna complain? Also, I would like to see him do better than actual professional athletes :woman_shrugging:t2:

He’s objectifying the women who are playing a sport and saying they’re bad at it?? lmao what a loser, I’d leave someone over that it’s so cringey and weird…

This should be written, “Do I have a right to be upset that my husband is openly disrespecting our marriage and teaching our son that it’s acceptable to objectify women?”

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Ehh… teaching your kids that you talk bad about people you have a crush on… not fantastic. Everyone has a crush. Not a huge deal about that.