Do I have a right to be upset?

So you have been together 11 years. He decides to marry you make it official. Yet you get mad because he goes fishing? Poor guy. Marriage is about compromise and communication. Be happy if us men just remember the day we got married. Js


Maybe he didnt think it was a big deal. Did he ever communicate that it was that important to you? I tell me husband what i want and need

Together 11 yrs and youā€™re holding one date against himā€¦ sounding a little selfish, childish and ungratefulā€¦ if I were him Iā€™d plan fishing trips for every one of those dates going fwd. Who wants to sit around with a bitter Brenda all day


Grow up. You are being petty. So what if he missed one anniversary, there are plenty more to celebrate. You could have arranged to celebrate it the day before or after?


Been married 36 years, never celebrated an anniversary or valentines dayā€¦ doesnā€™t make us less married, and itā€™s the most petty thing to stay mad for a year about that I can think of


Get over it or get out honestly a year being pissed about that is a year wasted.


that is what is called holding a grudge does he show you in other ways that he is thinking and loving you are kids happy is your man happy or are you stuck back there when he decided to go fishing dates are usually more important to us girl then our men if you want something from him for a special day tell him and talk talk talk talk your man should be your bezt friend lover supporter and so much more

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He tried to take you to dinner. Isnā€™t that like the standard celebration? You threw a strop said no and a year later still hold onto that grudge and want to for the rest of your years? Holding onto that anger is going to make you bitter in the long run and itā€™ll only get worse. Eventually heā€™ll stop trying and start making plans on those dates and youā€™ll get angry all over again. You need to let it go. He made the effort that first year (dinner) but you just have different ideas on how much effort is acceptable. He could be on a manā€™s group now saying the same about youā€¦ together all those years and she made no plans at all, so I suggested dinner after she made no effort. She refused and now refuses to ever celebrate the day with me. Two sides to a story.


You have a right to be angry, whether it makes sense to others or not everyone is entitled to their own feelings, but not celebrating the love you guys have shown each other the other 364 days sounds pretty petty. I mean first off, who are you really hurting? Yourself mostly. And secondly, holding a grudge and making him feel guilty for a year when heā€™s tried to make it up to you? You guys arenā€™t gonna last if you canā€™t discuss a problem and then let it go.


Good Godā€¦ will you ever give him the chance to get it right?
Yes, he hurt you, it still hurtsā€¦I get it.

BUUUUTTTTTā€¦ heā€™s going to become resentfulā€¦ and THAT will be on YOU.


I think you need to forgive him. It sounds like he may want to make it up to you by planning something. In any case, you canā€™t keep dangling it over him and keep denying date nights. Ultimately, it will ruin your relationship.

There is no room for grudges in a healthy long term relationship. Address your concerns and give shin a chance to make it up to you and learn from the mistake. Youā€™re only hurting your relationship


Feel how u wanna feel you have a right to that. Although in my opinion hubby wants to make plans for anni #2 and ur still mad about anni #1 2yrs later ? That u donā€™t even want to celebrate now? Smh I donā€™t get it. I say if u love ur husband and he is a good man father etc. Let that man wine and dine you let go of 2yrs ago and grab hold of the here and now.

Wow, it only took one year to cut out all the future years to comeā€¦ Hold on tight, itā€™s going to be a spiteful marriageā€¦


My husband and I donā€™t celebrate our wedding anniversary on the day very often heā€™s away in a truck working most of the week, I donā€™t make a big deal about things because he missed out on so much watching the kids grow, birthdays, weddings, school graduations because heā€™s working his butt off and only hone for 24hrs in a week. I donā€™t complain at all I know he loves me and thatā€™s all that matters donā€™t take him for granted

be rgateful that you stil have a caring husband unlike some of us widows. Appreciate his kindness and his goodness. Good men are scarce

You had every right to be upset, but if heā€™s trying to make it better, let him. He ruined the first one, donā€™t you go ruining the rest of them.


You need to let it go, or you wonā€™t have any more anniversaryā€™s.


This is petty on your part. He offered to make you part of the day and you pouted instead.


Erm lucky you to have so little to worry about u can hold onto a grudgeā€¦ If it was that special and important and your THAT hurt leaveā€¦ But carrying that resentment is petty


Seems over the top tbh just move on


My feelings would be hurtā€¦

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Get used to it some men do not have a romantic bone in their whole body my late husband was one of them. I told him I would be happy to buy a case of White Castles a couple of Cokes and go down by the river front and watch the boats go by we never did, if that wasnā€™t a cheap date I donā€™t know what would be. I told him if you wanted to bring me flowers it would mean more to me if you stopped and picked wildflowers, that he would take the time to choose them himself. one time I got one flower because a friend suggested it. So get used to it.

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Stop sweating the small crap stuff.
What are you ? A teenager, ?
FFS anniversary yeap nice you made it, Valentineā€™s oh please are you 13.
Grow up


Noā€¦ you should be over thatā€¦ you can celebrate your anniversary and he can still do the trip. He even offered to take you to dinner and just ingore all your important datesā€¦ you guys have been together for a long time now. So to be upset over one fishing trip is kinda ridiculous. Let him know he hurt and let him make it up to youā€¦ I mean you made plans tooā€¦ poor guy.

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You had a right to be hurt and upset when it happened, but staying angry over it for a year and then opting out of your second anniversary, when heā€™s trying to make it up to you that he screwed up last year, isnā€™t going to do your marriage any favors. If you choose to skip out on it, like he did last year, then youā€™re only hurting him to get back at him, because he hurt you a year ago, which is kind of immature and not a good way to handle a relationship. From then on, itā€™ll just be a back and forth and ruin all of your wedding anniversaries and only cause more bitterness and resentments in your marriage. Have you considered couples therapy, to talk out why that hurt you as badly as it did and how he can fix it (it sounds like he is trying to) in a way that makes things better for your relationship, going forward? He canā€™t take back what already happened, so in my opinion, I think if heā€™s trying to plan ahead this time, maybe heā€™s changing and trying to do better and you should forgive him and let it go, to save your marriage from having bigger issues. Celebrate your 2nd anniversary, is my suggestion. Staying bitter, holding grudges and keeping score, is a quick way to destroy any relationship.


Im sure there will be plenty of more wedding anniversaryā€™s you will spend together.

If you guys have been together 11 years I think you should have better communication. My husband and I have been together 7 years and I donā€™t mean this disrespectfully but we are very communicative about our feelings. No guessing games, no pouting nothing like that. But also compromise. Fishing tournament is obviously prob one day event, but you guys could have celebrated the next day for anniversary. Regardless how you handle it, you canā€™t hold things over your partners head. Communicate how it made you feel like an adult, and then make an agreements for the future.


He is a Man quite a few of them are not romantic like woman the more you dwell on it the more it will eat it up as Linda M Wigger said let it go


Yea get upset at the time but a year later is abit dramatic lol

You wanna last in a long marriage then you might wanna start to work together and especially start to communicate better . .

Pick your battle , donā€™t sweat the small stuff and move forward


God and I thought I could hold a grudge :rofl:


After 11 years together. Yeah get over it.


I would have went with him. Fishing sounds like a great 1st wedding anniversary to me.


Pick your battles girl, youā€™ll just be causing more resentment. Talk it out & move on!

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You are acting like a child and not being a good roll model for your children. Itā€™s like you holding onto this grudge is bad for your mental health and keeping you from experience happiness. Give your husband a break because your anger may just drive him away.


I mean thatā€™s some dedication :sweat_smile: but to be this petty after a year??? Heā€™s gonna fuck up more than that you need to grow up!

Sounds kinda petty to me honestly. How do you maintain a committed relationship playing spiteful head games. Very immature.
Disappointments happen. Adults,. Discuss it, get over it. And move on.


No mam, you communicate and discuss your grievances and move on. He is attempting to make a mends forgive and move on. You are willing to hurt your own self to maintain a now pointless grudge.

Get over it for god sake.
He knows you were upset, heā€™s paid the price, why Forse him to relive it constantly. Youā€™re a grown ass adult, act like one.

No, he didnā€™t plan anything but you obviously didnā€™t either. In my experience men donā€™t plan anything :joy::joy::joy:

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Your feelings are valid. You have a right to be upset about him choosing a fishing trip over your anniversary. However, youā€™ve been holding this anger about it in for over a year now. This is obviously eating you up and the best advice I can give you is forgive him but tell him how much it hurt you, but allow him the chance to make it up to you and then let all that anger and hurt go and be released from your heart and your marriage. Do not allow this bitterness to continue to keep such a hold on you. But when you talk to him about how much it hurt you, you make sure that you make a point how you feel about special anniversaries and holidays or certain events and that you expect him to show up and be present. And you give him 30 days advance notice or 2 weeks or whatever and make sure he knows not to make plans on those dates/days/times. If you genuinely love him, and you work through this with him by giving him some grace for being an idiot that one time and then allow him the opportunity to fix or at least try to fix his foolish mistake, then you will likely look back on this many years from now and be able to laugh about it, but if you continue trying to punish him for one really dumb mistake, donā€™t be surprised if you end up destroying your marriage. Holding on to that much anger for that long and trying to continue to punish him is hurting nobody but yourself and your marriage. Ask yourself how you would feel if something happened to him tomorrow? Would you be full of regrets and sadness and anger that heā€™s gone and you canā€™t take back the way you treated him and tried to punish him, or would you be satisfied and happy heā€™s gone and feel justified and righteous in the way you treated him in those last moments together? We are not granted tomorrow or even 5 minutes from now, but obviously he loves you or he wouldnā€™t be trying to make it up to you. And honestly, how is he supposed to make it up to you or try to fix things if you wonā€™t allow him a change to try to do better? Youā€™ve told him youā€™re upset and hurt and angry, and heā€™s trying to plan something, but now itā€™s on you because youā€™re refusing to do anything, so thatā€™s on you now. So now youā€™re just punishing yourself and your marriage to get back at him. He canā€™t get the time back, he canā€™t do that day over. All he can do is try his best from here on out to never make that mistake again, and you either give him the opportunity to try to do better and forgive him, or you just go ahead and get divorced and let him leave in peace, because at this point youā€™re just being spiteful and youā€™re going to destroy your marriage if you donā€™t let this go. Also, I would probably get some therapy if youā€™re holding on to that much anger for so long. Thatā€™s extremely toxic, and especially in a marriage. I mean if he had lied about a fishing trip and went and cheated on you, I could definitely understand that level and length of anger, but this, nah, this ainā€™t worth all that. I promise itā€™s not. Give him some grace, forgive him, and let him make it up to you.


You have the right to be upset about anything that upsets you. It wonā€™t, however, make him care that you are.

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I thought I was the grudge queen of pettyā€¦ but nope. Itā€™s not me. You win. Let it go girl. Youā€™re making yourself miserable forever over a day. You guys have been together 11 years. He went to a fishing tournament then wanted to go out with you that evening and YOU refused the offer.


Sounds like he is trying to make up for ā€œhurting youā€ I mean itā€™s been a year cut him some slack and let it go


Wow. You are the queen of petty. I really have no words lol. I truly feel bad for that man.


Um you need to grow up maā€™am. I could understand being mad for a while but a whole damn year thatā€™s marriage killing holding a grudge like that. You need to be able to communicate with each other. Men arenā€™t as romantic as we are, need to also keep that in mind too. It not healthy keeping all that anger in for so long. Thatā€™s not me saying that your feelings arenā€™t valid because they are but being angry and holding a grudge for that long is pretty petty. Best of luck.

Honestly, itā€™s pretty petty on your part.
Like I get being hurt by it but at the same time, it isnā€™t an every year type thing, and you said youā€™d been together 11 years? Whatā€™s one anniversary with a lifetime more??
Like I get that itā€™s technically the first one married but is it really that big of a deal?
Pick your battles.
Looking at it from another perspective - he trusted that you knew he loved you enough that he felt comfortable asking to give up this one date night so he could go do something he was super looking forward to - go have a fun break with his buddies - which letā€™s be real - none of us do enough of ā€¦
And you completely back handed him ā€¦
Now he is going to feel uneasy and guilty every time he is gonna want to go out with friends and he probably felt guilty the whole time too.
Because you decided to fail at communicating what you actually wanted from him in regards to the trip / your anniversary.
So ā€¦ reality is this is your doing and from my perspective, Iā€™m not sorry, youā€™re in the wrong for it ā€¦ Your husband is the one who deserves a little mercy because from where I am standing it looks like you had given him permission to go on this trip and have fun with his buddies and thatā€™s just wrong. Also side note - if you wanted to spend so much time with him, why didnā€™t you ask to go fishing with him?! It may not be " your cup of tea" but it would still have been better than making everyone else around miserable beca6you have a distorted view of the situation. Good luck :heart: maybe therapy for you might help? Iā€™m actually not trying to be mean with that comment, at all. Like legit it might does sound like thereā€™s something happening beyond whatā€™s been said for this to be such a big issue.


So childishā€¦ you are clearly lacking communication in your relationship :woman_facepalming:


Wow your still angry a year later that he went fishing on your first anniversary ok itā€™s a tad annoying but you could have arranged something and then discussed it with him so that would have gave him the option of doing what you planned or go fishing, if you have mentioned it several times in a year least he has shown he has listened to you and now your throwing it back in his face wow talk about spitting your dummy out and being childish about it


Really, Valentines day is a complete rip off, he went fishing due to the time if year but asked you to dinner on the evening of your anniversary, did you think you should spend the whole day together. Your still holding a grudge a year later which is really petty, you come across as a petty, petulant teenager. Iā€™m sure youā€™ve done things that have hurt his feelings, did he hold it over your head whole year, get over it or leave, your going to make yours, his and your childrenā€™s lives miserable otherwise :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:t3:

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He wanted to make plans for dinner but because he didnā€™t spend the morning with you, you refused. Seriously, grow up.

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He went to a fishing tournament during the day and wanted to take you out that night but you threw a fit and didnā€™t go and now you are still throwing a fit and not going out with him at all? Get over it or youā€™ll have no one to ask you to celebrate any of that stuff with


Not going to make a deal about it but youā€™re still going on about it a whole year later? Sounds like you need to grow up because this mindset sounds very immature

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Just go out with the poor man and let him make it up to you. He obviously didnā€™t mean for his fishing tournament to be on the day of your Anniversary! Like seriously lifeā€™s to short to be holding a grudge as something as petty as thisā€¦.sorry to say. I wish I had your problems trust me! You should show love, and go out as a couple anyway, not just because itā€™s a special Anniversary/event that people celebrate. To make a marriage or any relationship work communication is key! Talk to your husband, donā€™t torture him for something he clearly wants to make right. I guess be upset when it happened, Iā€™m sure most would take offence over something like that. but to prolong it and cut him off ainā€™t gonna help.


Pretty petty. If I was him I would take you on a date to the courthouse and the 2nd year would be obsolete

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I would have went fishing with him.

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Why didnt you go with him to the tournament? Hell for my honeymoon and every anniversary we go salmon fishing together for 3 days. Marriage isnā€™t about fancy dinners and gifts in special occasions. Express to him how you feel and go do something together that you both would enjoy. Men are blind when it comes to Womens expectations, itā€™s not like they just do it on purpose to be hurtful.


It kind of sounds stupid the next year your gonna punish him for the year before and so on.

I happily packed my husband off for fishing trips on all sorts of speciaI occasions. Is he a good husband and Father ? Have you planned anything Special for him ?
Let him fish in peace and go out to dinner when he gets backā€¦or cook something special for you both in the evening after the children are in bed .

Feeling anger is a valid feeling but itā€™s concerning that youā€™re holding on to this anger for so long. What are you trying to achieve?

We all feel hurt from time to time, but you need to process these feelings, work through it and communicate and then move on. Staying in one place emotionally and using your pain as an excuse to behave in a way that will hurt your partner deliberately is probably not the best way to improve this situation.

We all make mistakes, errors of judgement. He offered to redeem himself by offering a second anniversary date - but you knocked him back, did that help to solve your problem or are you trying to teach him a lesson?

Both apologise, both admit you made a mistake, and move on, let it go. :sparkling_heart:

He TRIED to do something on the one year anniversary and you said no. No, an anniversary is not as important as the wedding. You have 1 wedding and tons of anniversaries.

You made a big stink to him that these are important so he tries to show you he understands by making plans with you and you shut him down. I feel so bad for him considering he tried to do what you asked him to and he still gets shut down.

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You have the right to feel any way you want, however, you are only a year in and there is a wedge that will only grow and fester to the point where you will hate this man and the marriage will end. Men in general donā€™t see the importance of these dates and donā€™t understand why we get so pissy about it until we explain it to them. I think you need to sit down with him and explain the significance of these dates, how it made you feel when he chose fishing over you and give him an opportunity to make it up to you. If you choose to forgive him and move forward, donā€™t bring this up again if he makes a mistake. We all make mistakes now and again. If you Love this man communicate with him and see where his head is at on this. Holding on to this for a year is not healthy for you physically, emotionally or for your marriage. The choice is totally yours, but if I Loved someone enough to marry them, I would definitely communicate what I was feeling and give them a chance to fix it. Think about itā€¦ it is not like he cheated on you on this day. Just a thoughtā€¦

Let it go! Youā€™ve made your point. Youā€™re prepared to let this happen every year for the rest of your marriage?? He must be so pleased heā€™s done this?!

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Money doesnā€™t grow on trees and bills only wait for so long. Does she have children, pets? Money is necessary to take care of things sadly. Give her a break unless she does that alot, then Iā€™d get why youā€™d be upset

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I mean, I can understand being slightly bummed outā€¦ but in the end, her priorities are much more important than your birthday. You have one every year, youā€™ll be fine.


Are you upset that she canā€™t afford to buy you dinner or because youā€™re missing an opportunity to spend time together? If I were you Iā€™d suggest doing something else that doesnā€™t cost much so you can still celebrate your birthday with your friend. If sheā€™s a real friend, the only thing that should really matter is spending time together celebrating your birthday, regardless of what you do.


Do you expect her to shit the money?? You arenā€™t 10, stop acting like you are. Your happiness is not her responsibility.

Being bummed canā€™t be helped. But if itā€™s sheā€™s your friend u buck up and deal.

Adulting is rough. Hopefully you guys can get together soon

Maybe just go hang out with her ? Order a pizza in and appreciate the time together šŸ©·

You sound like a spoiled brat!! Glad youā€™re not my friend


Id still go out and pay for us both

Itā€™s really not a thingā€¦ Pout about it for a little bitā€¦ And go on

Why do you feel like she owes you a birthday dinner? People have priorities and bills. If you want to hang out with her then invite her over and just watch a movie and have fun. Donā€™t make her take you out, thatā€™s a little ridiculous.

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Have a movie night with your friend.


Cook dinner togetherā€¦ then go to a park and have a nice walk! That would be a wonderful birthday presentā€¦ just to spend it with your best friend!!


Be a giver not a receiver Zzzz :expressionless:
Iā€™m sure your friend has given for every other birthday. Youā€™re not going to die if she misses one because her bills need to be paid.

I mean if I was looking forward to something for my birthday and it didnā€™t happen, id be bummed too. I think youā€™re reasonable for that. Your friend was being honest, she didnā€™t stand you up or anything. Sometimes things happen as adults. I get it. Youā€™re not wrong. All depends on how you react. If youā€™re just bummed and you tell her its okay, thats totally okay.

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Cook dinner together! Find some random shiiii in your pantry and create a meal!

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I donā€™t think so. This is real life and real world problems . Bills have to be paid. I canā€™t fathom not understanding when my best friend has no money


I mean , what are you upset about?
If my friend canā€™t take me out for my birthday becasue she doesnā€™t have enough money, I will ask her to go anyway and I will pay, we can just stay and watch movies , eat ice cream and just spend time together


Curious to how old you are? 5?


Youā€™re an adult itā€™s time to get over things like this. Life is hard and maybe doing something free with your friend is better than going out to dinner.


Being disappointed is understandable, but if youā€™re upset with her about it, thatā€™s NOT ok.


You are an adult. Things happen.


Time together is the best birthday present

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I can understand being bummed out about not ā€¢spending time together/hanging outā€¢ (which in that case, there are alternatives options I would think). But if youā€™re bummed out/upset bc she canā€™t PAY to take you out, thatā€™s not okay. She had good intentions, things come up, be an adult. She doesnā€™t owe you anything. Itā€™s more admirable if YOUā€™D taken you both out when she said she was unable to.


Boo hoo. People drowned this week, lost their homes and everything theyā€™ve worked forā€¦ sorry if I canā€™t feel any sympathy for your ā€œissueā€ā€¦


I guess you can feel bummed but bills come first. Iā€™m sure sheā€™s bummed about it also.

The fact that itā€™s bothered you enough to post online to ask a bunch of randoms for validation tells me you need to simmer down. Shit happens. Why not raid your cupboard and see if you can make something and invite your friend over for a meal and a movie.

You canā€™t be serious? Are we back in middle school? If youā€™re seriously that upset that your friend couldnā€™t take you out you have a lot of growing up to do. ļæ¼


I literally stopped being friends with my bestfriend of 14 years because she felt entitled to have my birthday with me over my partner and kids

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If sheā€™s already struggling to make ends meet, YTA for expecting her to take you out. Your an adult ffs. The economy is rough as hell right now.


Itā€™s time to pull your big girl pants up and get over it

Get over it. Your not a child . Life stuff happens

No you donā€™t itā€™s her money and her bills comes first make other plans with her some dont cost money have a movie nignt go for a walk etc mine stays 9 hours away and I would do anything to have that time with my bestie enjoy that time together

Being disappointed is ok. If you canā€™t help but feel upset then take a step back and ask yourself why sheā€™s your best friend. If she always comes through and makes herself available to you especially on special occasions, then this one time shouldnā€™t upset you. If you are the type of person who thinks birthdays are a big deal then thatā€™s ok because I believe the same thing. I put effort into my friendships and cultivate my relationships but I had to learn that not everyone is like that and thatā€™s ok. Look at the whole picture and not just your bday. You probably went all out for hers and was expecting the same in return.

So invite her over and cook a dinner together and have a blast.

I would never expect someone else to pay for my dinner if we go out somewhere to eat. For my birthday this year I went to eat lunch with my bestfriend. I wasnā€™t expecting her to pay for my meal or forcing her too, but she chose too. I was fully ready to pay for my meal regardless. I donā€™t ever go out anywhere unless I know I have the money to pay for myself. Things happen. Yall are adults. She has bills to pay.