My husband and I watch porn together, but our sex life is healthy enough that I don’t believe he goes there by himself often. But if he did, I’d be grateful he was pleasing himself instead of stepping out on our marriage and cheating and or hiding things.
Porn hub accounts are free to make. There’s free profiles to watch and look at. Like wtf. My husband and I both watch porn all the time. Get over it. He could b out there cheating
This “site” is so phony
Please go to therapy. You’re with a man who says he doesn’t love you and flipping out over porn lmao
I watch it sometimes I don’t see the problem. I know you feel unattractive but he won’t be watching it cause he doesn’t find you attractive sometimes it’s a get away from stress and obviously with a nice release at the end lol
Lady, men watch porn. Period. It is normal. And holding onto something from 2017 in 2022? Girl, the real problem is that you’re not secure in your relationship. You need to figure out why you feel so insecure and address it. Otherwise, you might as well not even be in the relationship.
Always protect kids first, yourself second, relationship third, I’m afraid your relationship is toast so concentrate on 1 and 2
It is just a porn site. Not a hook up site. Just to ease that question. I used to be very insecure but watching porn can help change situations and can be a way to learn new things to try. It requires you both to be on the same page though. Some times people need to get off and their partners aren’t always around or have the time. I feel rubbing one out to porn is much better than taking up that work partners offer . I would rather him watch porn than eat elsewhere. . It’s a confidence thing though. I am comfortable in our relationship. Don’t get wrong I’m still a woman and have self doubt but I bring it up and we talk about it.
All I can say is as we get older we change. When I say change, I mean within our bodies and health. He probably is trying to spice things up. Have a talk with him and try watching it with him.
It doesn’t matter where he gets his appetite as long as he comes home for dinner
Porn hub is just amateur videos. You cannot actually chat with anyone in any of said videos. You can post your own of course but that’s all it is. I watch the stuff with him and critique. My commentary is hilarious.
Unfortunately I have experience with this. Pornography can be more addictive than Heroin. It destroyed my marriage. It destroyed my former husband. He has now been without ALL of us since 2014. I caught him in 2013. Did everything I could to get him help and hold him accountable. He knew he would lose his family but the addiction was more powerful that his love for us. He is now a lonely broken man. But he has his porn.
Sounds to me like your husband has other problems also. Anytime a spouse has to lie and sneak they know what they’re doing is wrong and I feel that they show you that you have no value to them. Only you can decide what to do with that information
It sounds like he has disrespected your relationship before. I am not sure how you worked thru the things in 2017 but it sounds like you haven’t felt loved in years and maybe it is time to move on. It doesn’t matter what strangers are ok with in their homes/relationships. What matters is that you are comfortable with it and that if you have set a boundary that your partner is respecting that. He clearly isn’t. You need to have self-love and move on if you are not getting the love and respect you need.
Its JUST PORN! The issue isn’t him. You can never fix him or anyone no matter how much the talk about porn. If it was an addiction that is ruin the marriage then that’s a whole other ball park. Dear, the only person you can fix is yourself. After 3 kids, self esteem and confidence is definitely not the same. You need to find a way to lift your spirit up, regain yourself. Your insecurity is the problem here. But it is the one thing you have control of and can fix before it ruins your marriage.
Don’t let anybody make you feel like your feelings are not valid and that you’re overreacting because it is not helpful. You are completely entitled to feel upset and nobody can tell you not to be. Your feelings are VALID and I hate these women who laugh react to things lime this. Just because they’re okay with it doesn’t mean you have to be. My exs porn use/addiction destroyed my mental health that I’m still paying for 5 years later so I HATE when people make it out like it’s not a big deal.
You have 3 kids? No wonder your lonely. You feel unattractive cause your tired and overwhelmed your husband can’t really fix that. Put the kids in care, and go spend some money on yourself. Buy some new makeup, get a new outfit. What do you need to feel better about yourself?
Pornhub shows porn. I don’t think there is a way to meet people on that site at all. Every man looks at porn. Men who say they don’t are lying.
Ok so no judgement, try giving him a good blow job. Like one of those epic ones with all the tricks. He won’t look at the porn as much. He’ll treat you better.
Pornhub is site to watch porn Lmao,
This all boils down to TRUST! Looking at people with clothes or naked … if you don’t trust him … that’s the real issue.
Ok …possibly…unpopular view here.
While your feelings are valid, I think you need a bit of perspective. You can’t help feeling feelings… but…Unless this was a pre talked about condition…
You can’t tell the man what he can/can’t masturbate to. That’s his deal.
I think its insecurity on your part causing the problem here. And that is something to unpack. Your response to him watching porn is not his fault or in his control. Only you can control how you react to things.
If you are still having sex, and he isn’t replacing sex with porn, you need to let this one go. It’s his body.
As for the rest of the issues you made a choice to work on it. Either you forgive him for it and trust him or you don’t and you leave.
Also the people who laugh reacted this poor upset woman’s post are garbage humans.
Please for your sake, move on from him
He can’t pick up women on there. It’s just porn.
But if he disrespected you and your relationship before I can understand why you would feel some kind of way about it. But it isn’t a dating app if that helps ease your mind at all.
Porn isn’t cheating, unless he’s talking to these women or hooking up. Yes, you can have a free account. Watch it with him?
I don’t have a problem with porn but that’s me… you clearly do, along with other justified trust issues. I’m fairly certain that guys just like watching pron and the majority aren’t cheating. Now, I don’t know what a paid subscription to prom hub entails because I’ve only been in the free area, I think the paid area is for “bettter” videos but I’m not sure as I’ve never looked into it. I don’t know if cheating (and I mean talking to others or meeting up) is possible through this site. But I do know that if your husband wants to cheat (no matter if he watches porn or not) he’s gonna cheat.
I think the important thing for you to do is talk to your husband about his past cheating and how when you see he is on a porn site it brings all of that up front and center.
Sometimes it’s easy to think that they are being dirty etc or staring at the beautiful women and you put yourself down . But I think honestly for most men it’s normal . Better him watch that then go out and cheat . Agree perhaps watch with him it might spice things up, might take a while to get comfortable with it . If not sit down and really tell him how it makes you feel xo
He already said he didn’t live you. That alone is enough to leave. The porn thing, I don’t see and issue with. But you still deserve better than someone who isn’t in love with you
Porn isn’t ok in our room. A lot of people are ok with it. If it was a boundary in your relationship and it was passed that’s a problem.
He obviously doesn’t respect you. I don’t know why people even need to ask what to do. I have very poor self esteem. If my husband ever made me feel anything other than the best…he would be gone. It goes both ways though. I’m very conscious of making sure he knows that regardless of how he looks, he’s my handsome man
Girl…watch it with him!! It’s 2022!! Porn is everywhere and porn hub is free.
Nothing wrong with watching porn but if you don’'t love Him anymore there is no point in staying with him you owe it to your kids and yourself to end your marriage kids deserve to see their parents in a happy, healthy, loving relationship.
Unless you specifically stated no porn this is an extreme over reaction. I hate this kind of logic. Not everyone wants to be intimate every time they are h0rny. Unless it’s effecting your s3x life just let the man jerk it sometimes.
No proof of anything except he’s watching porn and he didn’t deny it. Maybe you should be asking him how the site works.
It’s just a movie. You lust after some movie star, dontcha?
I never got why watching porn is so taboo. Watch it together…get some ideas. Ya might get inspired.
Well porn hub is just porn. The subscription is to get whole videos and what not. Now here’s the funny part not a nan one of these people has any right to tell you how to feel about that. Personally I don’t mind porn as long as there’s no contact involved, some sights allow you to spend money to chat with their stars. But that’s MY boundary, yours may be different. These things do need to be discussed prior to it becoming an issue however. I’ve learned the “what are we?” Question is more like “what am I allowed to do?” Because everyone has different boundaries. Take it with a grain of salt but in my opinion its just porn if he’s using porn to fill the rest of what you can’t wether it be in the bedroom or just the amount of times y’all are able to have sex vs what his sex drive tells him he needs, then it’s not the biggest issue. He’s not touching another woman he’s not reaching out for an emotional connection. It’s just a video. But if YOU feel differently you are most certainly entitled to your own feelings.
Your over reacting to the porn!
Wondering when watching porn became disrespectful to your spouse?
Is he watching it day and night? Is he contacting females on it or other sites? My husband won’t watch porn and I’m not a fan but sometimes I wanna be like go help yourself but we knew this about each other before we got married. If you’re uncomfortable with it and you have told him this and have solutions to help spice up sex then it’s disrespectful
It seems like he is just watching porn. There is no way he could cheat on you with these women. Maybe he is just wanting a quick release.
I agree with you I personally don’t like porn unless you are single. I’d feel the same way as you. I’d tell him to stop and if he can’t he’s not the one like how dare him do that to you especially. And to the women and men that think it’s fine check yourself just cause it doesn’t bother you doesn’t mean it doesn’t bother your partner. And the whole spice things up yes I did learn to do reverse cow girl on porn but if he ain’t using those moves on you he’s just cheating you out of a good time
Sometimes people want gratification without everything else that comes along with sex, for endless reasons. Plain and simple.
It’s literally porn… everyone has watched some kind of porn. Whether in a relationship or single.
Everyone has their feelings towards this topic. It really comes down to if you’ve told him that’s something you’re not comfortable with then he should respect your boundaries. To some people it’s a form of cheating. To others it’s totally fine and normal. You need to figure out how you feel about it and have a serious talk with him. It sounds to me like he has already crossed boundaries and been sketchy as hell before. There comes a time you have to put how you feel first, and do what’s best for you to be happy and mentally healthy for you and your kids.
You can watch porn on pornhub and not be a member. You can make an account to subscribe to videos and what not that you like. You can also upload videos too.
But its porn… hes never going to meet any of those women, at least he’s not out messing around. He’s watching porn… Some people have higher drives and need a way to help. He’s just watching porn of women he’ll never meet. Not even a chance.
I watch porn to get new ideas and other things. I’m not out running around on my husband. My husband watches porn-and hes not out running around on me. We have 5 kids and work full time. We are busy, sometimes sex just seems like a lot at the end of day. Haha
I’ll add watching porn doesn’t make myself think any less of my husband nor him think any less of me. When we have sex its amazing
There’s ways to message girls on thet3 personal profile on there. I joined out of curiosity and you can add other men and women on it and communicate back and forth I would just join and check it out it’s free to do so
Let the man watch some porn. Hell watch it with him. Porn can be pretty fun actually. Watch it alone every once in awhile. Might spice things up. Give it a try
- He had an affair with a coworker
- He’s told you he doesn’t love you…
Porn isn’t the issue here, the whole man is.
Hey, so sorry you’re dealing with this. I hope some of these resources can help.
Go to a therapist and have them help you work out your feelings and that you are worth more than you are now expecting
You trying to understand his behavior is futile - it’s betrayal! He has broken your trust. I would suggest individual therapy for you. Love, desire, respect and trust are needed in a relationship - your husband has shown you that he does not have integrity. Let him work on himself if he cares too. You need to focus on building your confidence and creating boundaries in relationships. His behavior has nothing to do with you. Be strong!
I’d be more concerned about the fact the coworker and him saying he didn’t love u to be honest.
I use pornhub its free porn and sometimes does help spice it up in the bedroom. I mean are you really mad that he watched porn and then came to you lady maybe it is starting to get boring in the bedroom and sometimes that happens. So go get some sexy underwear and pull up pornhub on the tv!!! Have some fun!!!
My ex husband was on that site and then I discovered he was with escorts. It took me years to leave him because I needed to save up to get myself and my children out . He lied about it all and it drove me crazy, I gathered proof, sent it to his friends and family. I stopped being intimate with him and was literally disgusted by him. I am in a better place now, met my soulmate and have been in divorce court for over two years now. He is making the process very difficult, but emotionally I am a great place and wont take any of his crap. Its better to be happy and loved then to stay in a toxic relationship
Yes it easy for him to be able to join cams and interact with them. But he has to pay for them. If you really want to know, check your bank transactions if you have a joint account.
I think alot if woman feel the same … About this problem … you not alone and you not wrong it’s immoral in God’s eyes …
Ok, as a woman I watch porn so it’s not accept for my husband to do??? If you don’t watch it that is your choice. However stop and think he watches porn to rub one out and not cheat so he is wrong???
You had problems with your marriage in 2017 yet
You keep having more kids ? Then he tells you he doesn’t love you and your still with him ? What is wrong with your ? I would be long gone by now
Now u can actually video chat w the ladies on there. If he has An account he’s doing more than just watching. There’s no reason to have an account unless u are chatting or video calls. U can watch for free without me account keep an eye out for those prepaid visa cards or another debit card he could have behind ur back and be using to pay so I don’t see it on ur account. They will send texts too when a call is starting or there r women in the area. It’s one thing to look at por n but it’s another if u chatting texting or video calling . That’s cheating bc ur interacting w someone else and ur hiding it. If he wants to spice things up why not watch together. Some get off on the fact that his wife is I the next to while he’s video chatting some escort. U know u can open ur own account and be that video girl. All shapes sizes and such get money . Only fans . Give him a taste of his own medicine. My husband worked in strip clubs for years and I’ve seen some dirty stuff
You can’t control a man wanting to pleasure himself, they are visual we are emotional. How they get themselves off is different than how we do. Controlling what he looks at or how he pleasures himself is just that controlling.
When men watch porn and then wants sex with you…they close their eyes … because it’s the woman or women in that porn movie he is having sex with in his mind…so if you got the ride of a life time with this guy last night… congratulations…but in reality it was not you at all in that bed…but another woman he saw while his eyes where shut.
It’s pornhub. It’s literally a website to watch porn on. Men look at things differently than we as women do. If him looking at porn I’d a deal breaker for you then it is. Everyone is different. The trust is a major factor and it sounds like you don’t have that.
Relax , let the man watch a little porn. Just asks that he respectfully close the page when done on his phone. A man could a small vice in his life to bring a little interesting spice and balance.As long as he loves, take care of his family don’t physically cheat let him have his little porn. He just owes extra attention in other ways to make up for the porn habit.
I just don’t understand women against men and porn look dudes just do that… I don’t know what to tell you a guy can have set all day and night and still look at porn and jerk one out in our minds it usually has nothing to do with the relationship honestly… but believe what ya want
Watch porn with him.
Watching porn is completely normal. Men and women both watch porn and it is okay. It’s not a Tinder/hook up site. Maybe he is looking to spice things up. Try watching together if you’re comfortable.
When me and my husband met 16 years ago it was on a swingers site. We did it for a few years till we got tired of bringing others in our lives like that. But within the last year I saw him looking at porn playing with himself twice. But I know he’s not meeting up with anyone as he leaves home with just enough time to get there and when he leaves he calls and is back in the time it takes to get back home (30 miles). On his days off he’s usually her or at his buddies house who I can hit up and see if he’s there and he wouldn’t lie to me he’s my brother from another mother and he stays at our house 4 months out of the year hunting deer and knows if he lies he will have to find some place else to go LOL. Plus you can track their movements on google.
One of the most common times husbands cheat is when their wives are pregnant. Pregnancy and adding a child to the family is very stressful for fathers and very few resources are available to help them. This doesn’t excuse the behavior; I say this to show that you two have experienced a lot of unspoken stress in the last several years.
Ultimately, you have to decide what’s ok for you. We can’t decide that for you. But I highly recommend couple’s counseling. There’s a lot stewing beneath the surface and you need a professional mediator.
You need a boyfriend,. See how your hubby likes that.
You know maybe his looking up stuff to spark things up in the bed room … dont go flying off the handle. Sit down and talk with him … i feel like you have some insecurity with your self. What the diffrent then going to a beach? Im a guy , my wife looks up ppl ( guys ) all the time . But one thing is i know shes not cheating. Never in my life do i think just cause she looks up porn she cheating. Maybe its your relationship with your god that makes you feel this way. And that fine. Everyone is diffrent. But reading the comments make me laugh and upset. If he has a addiction to this seak help. Bit if its just to so called get ideas then i dont see the problem.
Join one, not necessarily use it and say we’ll hay it must be a free for and see how he reacts.
Dude, people watch porn and it’s okay. It doesn’t mean they are not attracted to you.
He told you he didn’t love you. Why go back?
Well Porn sells a fantasy, not real sex, and one he may not necessarily want to act out with you being the mother of his children because maybe he feels it would be demeaning in some way. Porn is ok to watch for both men and women, and can be really thrilling to watch together. If you are comfortable, maybe ask if you can watch with him next time, and maybe talk openly about it aferwards… what did he like, what did you like, and would either of you be willing to try anything you saw. This can open up many doors in your relationship. I know there is such a negative stigma around porn, but there doesn’t have to be. Most of the time it has NOTHING at all to do with you or your relationship. It’s similar to women readi g an exotic novel and fantasizing about what’s happening. Cheating on the other hand is a completely separate matter… they aren’t mutually inclusive of each other. Most of the time men, just want to feel good, have and orgasm, while having some visual stimulation… I am sure not all women picture their husbands or significant other while they are masterbating…
Its just porn videos, hell I watch porn with my husband. And its better that he watch porn instead of cheating with real people. JMO
Most men and women look at porn. It’s totally normal… I would not punish him for that, it does not at all mean that he loves you any less or thinks your not attractive. Speak with him about your concerns so he can understand and reassure you but don’t make him feel bad for pleasuring himself. Maybe even try watch some with him.
Fun fact : every single man you have ever met in your entire life has been on Pornhub on multiple occasions
Kick him out. He is not going to change
omg people watch porn boo fucking hoo
If he’s just watching porn, it’s not a big deal. Most women would rather their men watch porn than cheat
I haven’t read everything so I don’t know if this has been repeated or not…
Is it the watching porn that bothers you or the fact you didn’t know he watched porn? Would it make you feel more comfortable watching if you were watching with him? My husband and I like to watch together and separately, while neither of us have accounts because you can watch for free it wouldn’t be my first thought that my partner was cheating on me if he did.
If you were having trouble in your marriage have you talked about everything honestly since you got back together? Maybe he would like to spice things up but doesn’t know how to or if you are comfortable with some things he wants to try. Have that conversation, talk about fantasies or things you want to try.
Otherwise I would just be done and walk away. You deserve to feel loved and comfortable in your relationship. You don’t and he isn’t trying to fix that.
Get you a good therapist to decide whether or not you want to stay in this relationship be a spy get your best friend to spy with you take pictures gather evidence in case you need to go to an attorney you’ve got three children to support obviously he is cheating by watching this stuff but he also might be engaging in some of it I hate to be the heartbreaker but I’ve been through this learn to be your own best friend get your evidence get everything lined up in case you need to you may need alimony and child support down the road I know it’s heartbreaking but some men are just sickos
If you can don’t stop having sex with him that will just make him visit those sites more and maybe take on someone for sex I would get him in the bed and tear his but up he wants kinky sex he wants it to be wild I would shut him that works two ways honey even if I had to take a Xanax to do it I would give it right back to him I’ll tie his high end up I’d blindfold him I’d give it all to him even a little torture wouldn’t help I say how you like that honey instead of watching it on your phone you can have it in real life might shake him up a little bit he knows how to play you play him
Y’all always be so negative on these posts to other women/mothers. Y’all have to much time on your hands so go get a job or actually clean your house and take care of the kids like a stay at home mom should be doing.
What the fuck if any of you responding to this question have ever gone and seen a striper then come home and taken it out on your husband then ok but if you didn’t then you are just as bad
Instead of getting upset why don’t you suggest you both watch it together I mean at least he isn’t out there cheating on you with these women it’s called porn for a reason.
In my opinion just looking on that site is cheating on you. You need to make a change in your life, to you accept him or move on, because I don’t think you can change him.
He’s watching porn ? Watch it with him
Every man has been on that site and most women.
He can also make an account to meet women on that site. I had a scumbag that cheated on me multiple times with women he had met from that website and he didn’t have to pay to be able to chat to them
Having just left my husband of 8 years and 2 children because of his cheating and hiding things related, I’d say evaluate what you want. do you want your husband or do you want to be happy? Right now you can’t have both. Counseling might help, but at the end of the day what lesson do you want your children to take away from you staying with him? That it’s okay for their partners to treat them like that because “love” or that they are strong enough to say no, I deserve better and leave a situation that is familiar but sorrowful? My hubs thought I was clueless to his extramarital affairs over the 8 years but I knew more than I let on and when I finally decided I wanted better for myself and my kids and that I deserved better, I kicked him out and made a happier life for us. It sucks and it’s hard but it’s so much better than spending every day wondering why I wasn’t enough.
Why do you keep having kids with him when you had problems with him in the past? SMH
Lol all guys are on there. Watch with him! It’s fun!
My comment might be indifferent, but eh
Me and my hubby split back in 2018. I admit it was my fault. But I apologized and never done it again. He forgave me and left it in the past. We’ve been back together since then, only split for about 3 months. If we didn’t really love each other, we wouldn’t have gotten back together in the first place. We worked pass it together. And I have 3 kids, two of which are my hubby’s.
It sounds like only you worked it out, but not him and n agreement.
Me, after having 3 kids, I think I look like crap. But my hubby reassures me that I’m perfectly beautiful for him.
That’s what your guy should be doing. Yea, during pregnancy, a guy can get distance because the baby bump is a turn off to most. Or that they are stressing about things for when baby is born. A big change does cause lots of stress. And that’s is something you two need to sit down and talk to each other. Listen not to reply, but to understand.
As for Pornhubs, yea, I’m no help. I watch it and other sites to. And idk about making an account on it, but I have a few accounts on other porn sites. … Sooo yea, I’m no help.
Just because he watches porn does not mean he is cheating. You either trust him or you don’t.
I personally have absolutely no problem with free porn in our relationship. If he was to pay for it, that would be a different story.
If you have a problem with him get off to other women you should make your own videos for him !
If I got upset every time my husband went on one of those sites I’d be screwed takes some pressure of me tbh and I use them myself. There is nothing wrong with fantasies
Regardless of what everyone else is saying… Your feelings are valid and if u don’t like it then its a problem xx
Looking at porn if definitely not cheating, please don’t be heartbroken and don’t punish him either, to the best of my knowledge almost all guys look at porn and most women too
Watch it yourself. Learn some nasty shit and do it for him. Get dolled up, let him record you. Saturate his gallery with your content. That’s how you spice things. Open communication and minds. Talk about it. Plan exciting things. Be open to his suggestions, fantasies and curiosities. Women have emotional needs, men have physical ones. Fulfill his without judgment so he can take care of yours without hesitation. Marriage needs to be constantly worked on and sex, communication and understanding is a very important part of it.
Pornhub is free. Give it up sweetie, no sympathy here. Men sometimes need that extra push, especially with wee ones in the house. He is not cheating.
I don’t view porn as cheating as long as it’s not excessive.
I enjoy a good romantic novel. That stimulates my mind & sex drive. Men are more visual… so looking at porn is their version of our 50 Shades of Grey. When my husband and were going through years of infertility treatments, I actually encouraged him to watch/read porn. I was so traumatized by the infertility treatments- it was hard to get intimate while countless nurses & doctors poked & prodded me. We’re all good now I’m the bedroom- so it was just a time period.
That being said- it’s contextual. If he would rather watch porn than have sex with you- then it’s not OK. It’s supposed to be an add-in to enhance. It’s not to make you feel like you need to get a book job, lipo, or lip injections either to look like those women.