Do I have to get the Covid vaccine in the military?

Help. Military advice for anyone in or has someone in. Has anyone refused the covid vaccine and been in the military. Specifically national guard IRR. What happens if you refuse it? Will you go to jail? I have no one to ask. I’m in the IRR(due to chpt 8 pregnancy 4 years ago) and haven’t even had contact with any military personal for over a year since I had a seizure. Recently got an email saying it is mandatory to get the vaccine. And I’m currently pregnant now. I’m terrified to get the vaccine and don’t know what I can do


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Do I have to get the Covid vaccine in the military?

Do not let them bully you. No they cannot make you go to jail


They can’t make you go to jail but I do believe it’s like it was for us no vaccine no job


You don’t have to get it. The IRR is basically just a pool of trained people that may be called up as a last resort. IRR is considered out of the service and you do not have to comply with regulations placed on AD, R or NG. They can’t send you to jail.

Please don’t take advice from people who are not in or who have never been in the service regarding service related matters.


No, you don’t go to jail but they can kick you out if you don’t get the vaccine. We’ve had three people we know who have been kicked out. My husband’s been in the Marine corps for 12 years and still going. Usually now if you’re going to enlist a required, you have the vaccine ahead of time or in boot camp


I don’t think they can make you. I have seen several people fight this in court. Myself didn’t get vaccine but my parents have. I have never tested positive for it( I have a rather good immune system) . But it definitely helped my stepdad while he was sick. Do what is best for you. Definitely look into laws, any papers signed, etc.


I get paid over $ 126 per hour w0rking from home. I never th0ught l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 21905 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.

M0re lnf0…

You have to line up in for ALL vaccines in the military :person_facepalming: including COVID. You can not disobey a direct order. Or will be discharged


I get paid over $ 130 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 23006 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. M0re Info.


USCG boyfriend said to stand by for updated policies. On the federal level dept of homeland is withdrawing requirements for the covid vaccine. He’s sure there will be new policies for DOD coming soon due to the massive retainment issues with all branches. But considering you are IRR He said he would reach out to your local command for updates.

Talk to your OB & follow their advice.

What’s scarier the vaccine while pregnant or Covid while pregnant?

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I get paid over $ 130 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 19231 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. M0re Info.

I know someone in the military and he had to get it. He just did even though he didn’t want to. But since you are nation guard I’m not sure how that works. They may discharge you. But it may not be an honorable discharge.

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Pretty sure if it’s mandatory you’ll have to get it and if you refuse you’ll be dishonorably discharged I believe

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I got my booster while 9 month pregnant my high risk ob recommended it, boost that baby! He’s 5 months and thriving!


You’ll be dishonorable discharged

They made my sister while she was pregnant (end of first trimester) and she is national guard. They told her if she refused it would be against a direct order and she would have been dishonorable discharged. And my niece is alive and thriving. And my sister was also a high risk pregnancy.

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100% mandatory or you’ll be discharged. The type of discharge will depend on your CoC. They will tell you to get it while pregnant because you’re considered “high risk for serious disease”

Yes you have to or they will send you home. My son is in the Army and he was fully vaccinated before he went to boot camp thankfully.