Do I have to give my daughter her child back?

I think each state has abandonment laws

First off is she on drugs? Homeless? Unemployed? Find out all the info on the new boyfriend? Good guy? Has a job? Has a house? Is he planning on supporting them both? Or are they planning on using the baby as a Meal ticket? So they can get AFDC? Who’s the baby daddy? Maybe he will sign over his rights to you to avoid child support? It’s Worth a try. If you can’t find baby daddy and Momma isn’t in a stable place? Then pull out all the stops to protect your grandbaby. Good luck Its heartbreaking for you, remember if she gets the baby back? She’s the keeper to the gate, so you must try to keep in the good graces of your daughter to keep seeing Her baby.

Go to ur local law library get a copy of custody for minor child take it to ur County courthouse to fill it out an file it ask for the earliest court hearing u can even ask for a ex-par-tay custody, that’s what we did we had temp.custody the day we filed and permanent custody 5 weeks later, u will be ask for parents address I gave the last known address, it cost us 20 dollars to do this
Good luck

In the state of PA if you abandon your child and have no contact you can lose your rights for abandonment, I would contact a lawyer and push for emergency custody.

Do not give her the baby back. File for custody

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I would call a lawyer and get her on child abandonment.

If you have a legal aid office near by in your town, give them a call! Maybe they can point you into the right direction? Best of luck! 🫶🏼

Abandonment! Get a lawyer.

After 6 months it’s considered abandonment call CPS

It’s her child. Give it back

She doesn’t get to see the baby until you’ve spoken to a lawyer

Get. A. Lawyer. She abandoned her child. Just because she has a new man means nothing. He could be a child molester. Protect Your Grandchild.

No no no no, no again. Call a lawyer

I wouldn’t just give the baby over. I may let her visit but that’s about it. File for guardianship because of abandonment. Be prepared to show proof that you have been the one raising her for 6 months.

Get a lawyer and hotline child protective services

No paperwork in place on either party. Yes she can take the baby

Can you prove that you’ve been financially and otherwise responsible for the baby for the past 6 months? If so, get your butt to court for an emergency interim order that will give you temporary custody for a brief period, until you can talk to a lawyer and figure out exactly what your next steps are moving forward. You do not need a lawyer to go to court and get the emergency interim custody order, here in Canada…. I’m not sure how it works where you are but I cannot stress the importance of your timing. You need to get on this immediately if you believe your daughter abandoned her child and isn’t a fit parent.

Don’t know what state you’re in but in Oklahoma 6 months is considered abandonment. You have to show proof they abandoned the child tho.

That’s child abandonment. Get a lawyer, and tell her to get one. You can’t just leave your child with someone for that long and just expect to come back with some stranger to take the kid. Nope

So many here would totally flip what they’re saying if the mother had abandoned it with the kid’s father and then came back

You all would be all about the mother’s rights then and I’m sure most laughing at the mention of postpartum would be the first to use it as a justification.

The answer to your question is it will most likely depend on the state but I’m going to say most states well side with the mother.

I’d still make some documentation of it incase it’s habitual behavior.

File for emergency custody and tell them she abandoned the baby 6 months ago

Emergency custody get a lawyer

File for grandparents rights

How awful. Unfortunately, yes, you do HAVE to give HER child back. As awful as it feels and is, there’s no legal rights established. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. I pray you’re not in CA. If she wanted, she could end up pressing charges on you. Ugh, please seek professional advice.

Could your daughter have post postparum depression?

If she were to call the police they would ask you to hand over the child. You can still tell her no, until they showed up. But next time because there will most likely a next time she abandons her child. You call the police when she decides to disappear and go through the procedures.

You can ask for a temporary order of custody to hold her off until you get full custody

Get in touch with cas right away, she abandoned her child and you have been taking care of the baby

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File for emergency custody for abandonment and get a lawyer

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Emergency custody…… file immediately.

She abandoned that baby call a lawyer

Lawyer and child protection services to help you.

She abandoned that baby !! Protect baby & you as the caregiver

Call CPS immediately…get an emergency custody order!

You should’ve filed court papers a while ago. It would be considered kidnapping without anything filed or a judgement

File for emergency custody and get a lawyer.


Don’t do it. Call a lawyer.

Look up abandonment laws in your state. But she can come take the child unless the court sees her unfit. You should have went straight to court after she dropped the child off especially with what she said


Maybe file a temporary emergency custody order? I hope you’ve well documented everything!!

You need to get the courts involved. File for custody, explain the entire situation, and do whatever they tell you to do.


Nope. File for abandonment and get emergency custody ASAP


They’ll play house for awhile and then reality will hit them. That poor baby will be back in your home. Any mother that can give up their baby for 6 months has serious issues


I’m on year 14 of raising my grandson.
Tell her if she can provide a clean drug test and a steady income with Dr and school resources, you will consider. I’m the meantime , call CPS.

I would call an attorney. Honestly you should’ve filed abandonment charges on her 6 mos ago and you could be in the adoption process now. But she did still abandon her baby. You definitely have the right to keep and care for your grand baby. She can’t just treat the baby like he/she is a toy. Get a lawyer. That baby belongs to you now.

Definitely lawyer up ASAP. Texas based here. My parents raised my niece since day 1 (my sister lived @ home during this time). 7yrs later, she up and withdraws her from school and they were MIA for a good month or so. My parents lawyered up. They had enough proof that showed they’d been financially responsible for my niece since day 1. Judge ruled in their favor and my parents wound up with custody of my niece.
If you have proof you’ve been providing for this baby, that should help your case a lot.

Call child protective services and family court and let them know that your daughter abandoned her child and you have been caring for the child in her absence for months. They may be able to guide you on how to file for legal guardianship.

This is what I was told by an attorney. She did a wonderful job taking care of the child. She stepped up and made a decision to have someone else care for it when she knew she couldn’t. That is what a responsible parent does. If she is able to take care of it now than it has to go back

Depends. If she abandoned her child call a lawyer. In the state of NC grandparents have no rights to their grandchild so I’d call a lawyer and see what they say

Take it to court. Unless there was something in writing then she abandoned the child. The court should/ will give you custody of the child seeing as you’ve been his or her caregiver for the bast 6 months. Take any and all receipts that show you were caring for your grandbaby. Show all the proof she hasn’t been around or active in their life

If you haven’t already filed for custody not much you can do. Most grandparents don’t have right, and unless u can prove her unfit or that she abandoned them for so long.

You need to call the police and social services and charge her with abandonment. As of right now yes she can come get her child at any point because there’s nothing in writing, it’s your word against hers.

Get attorney shoe where you support child get child’s Dr involved do not turn child over to her

If you don’t have custody and she’s fit, you give it back.

Honestly it depends on so many factors. Age of child, state laws, how long you’ve had the child. Talk to a lawyer

Call lawyer I think that’s abandonment

Please keep us all updated

Get emergency temporary custody now and then go back for custody. She will never change and you will regret it. It’s hard though depending on what state you are in. Prayers
My daughter wanted nothing to do with her daughter until a new thing came into her life and she wanted to play “good mom” when in reality she was a pos mom. Sorry :persevere:

Take her to court asap.Ask for an emergency custody hearing.You may have to wait for the judge for a bit to talk to you but,she doesnt get to abandon her child and then act like she can just come back.

Dont ask here on that one. Phone a lawyer.

Go get an emergency custody order, otherwise you do not have any rights


No, you need to contact social services, you should have as soon as she abandoned the baby with you. They will be on your side I’m sure