Do I have to keep anything from when my daughter was homeschooled?

If my daughter homeschooled for a couple of years but has since returned to public school, do you think I need to keep any of her worksheets or workbooks from her homeschool days?


I had to test back into public school but this was way too many years ago.

It depends on what state you are in.


I live in Mississippi and I homeschooled for a year, they did not ask for anything. They did test them to see what grade level they would test for and out them in the grade according to their testing score.

State dependent most likely, but it never hurts to keep transcripts or documentation of what was taught/learned

I homeschooled my daughter for 1 year. The school district never asked for anything.

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Yes, there needs to be evidence. I worked at a school

In my experience public schools feel so negatively against homeschooling that they don’t even care what you taught. They put my son through weeks of testing. When they didn’t like the results they make him do it all over again.

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