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"After 5 years of not receiving any child support. The state finally took my ex husband’s taxes for back CS. My adult son (20) called and told me when I get the money I need to send him half of it since half is his. I am flabbergasted and really don’t know how to respond. I did raise 2 children without any help from their father."
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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
"Be straight up with him and explain how it works before he becomes just like his sperm donor."
"He’s lost his mind. It’s to cover your costs."
"Thar was suppose to be there to help you take care of them not for the adult child to take I wouldn't give it to him"
"I wouldn’t. Because you paid for What he needed when you didn’t have any help that’s to repay you"
"Absolutely not, child support is to help YOU with things to raise your children"
"No, it’s pay back for all you did to raise him"
"Not a chance. That money is from when he was a child and you cared for him alone."
"Um nope that’s 100% YOURS he already grown and is raised by u with YOUR money so its payback!"
"That’s really ballsy isn’t it? Does it sound like it came from his Dad?"
"Unbelievable he would even ask"
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