Do I have to send my ex child support when he has our son?

We’re military and for the 2 weeks we get his daughter … the child support we send typically will get used for travel costs so technically for that month she doesn’t get CS

I agree with the father above that said if he only gets the child for 2 months out of the whole year its equivalent to every other weekend visitation in which case he wouldn’t be asking. You know your situation and what you can afford to do financially so its really up to you. I dont think you are greedy or using your child as a meal ticket if you decide to say no.

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Child support barely covers anything for a child. The mother provides a roof over the childs head a home food everything and gets a couple hundred bucks a month what does that pay for? A pair of shoes for the school year or a couple out fits.


He agreed while the child was with him for two months in the summer he would still pay child support.If I was her tell him let’s go to court no judge is going to give him two months back because he has the child.He should of not sign papers with a Lawyer agree to pay those two months

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Follow the courts order especially if he claims child every other year. 2 months doesn’t cost as much as 10 months


He gets to claim him for a whole year when he only had him for 2 months as well :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Child support is setup based on how many nights each parent has the child for the year…it’s yours…

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While I don’t think there’s too much he can do about it and I can’t tell you what to do, I can say that personally I would send the child support back to him for the months he has our child, minus the fees it cost to get my child to him for the summer

He’s an idiot. That’s not how it works. Child support is calculated on a yearly basis and broken up into 12 monthly payments. Tell him to take you to court. It’ll be thrown out.


No. The amount of support the court signed to you is averaged for the year. They first take into account the amount of time spent with each parent. If they intended you to pay him they would have assigned it. He could go bring it up to the court if he has an issue with it :unamused:


Nope u go by the child support order.You don’t pay him unless it’s court ordered.


Child support is paying you back for things already spent. No, let him waste his money to petition it. Idiot


If its in the order and he agreed to it then I wish him luck. He’ll have to take it to court and likely the judge wont be happy about it

Totally shocked by these responses…. Oh well I’ll be the odd one out and say yes by court order he should pay you, but morally knowing the child isn’t with you during these times the money should be with the dad in hopes it will be used on the child


No wonder so many kids are messed up his days. It’s sad parents arguing over money. Best,route … do only as court ordered.

In Ohio, child support is calculated to take into account the amount of time spent with the non custodial parent. So no, he has no legal claim to your child support.


He’s and idiot, let him take you to court, the judge will laugh! Don’t give him a penny

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No way you still have bills to pay to take care of that child. Remember child support is days per year not months. You still have to take care of that child when it’s gone. Plus the child support enforcements tool already gave him a discount for the days he has the child per year and x amount he pays you is for the days you have the child per year. Let him not pay those months and he will owe back pack pay.

Nope! You don’t have to send him anything!

Nope don’t do it!!! He already claims him on taxes every other year when he only has him during the summer so tell him go ahead and petition it!... The judge will just be pissed off he’s wasting his/her time and throw it out anyway! Curious though he moved out of state bc he’s in the military…. Who is actually watching your son than in the summer during the times your ex is working…. It’s not like he has off for the summer…… just something to think about.

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Child support barely covers anything let me ask you this how much help you get from the government for your kids l let me ask you this how much extra do you really think your kid uses in electricity heat and rent for real you how much water how many extra bills do you pay for I got 3 kids and I take care of all of them the child support racket is retarded cause here’s the dilemma. If your girl don’t get your kids nice stuff cause she spends her 800 a month on nails Victoria secret a walking around all done up on a 400 dollar a week check and you kids clothes aren’t even as nice as yours and mom knows this so when Dad says something oh you gotta buy them I’m broke so now I’m forced to buy the clothes if my kids wanted violin lessons guess what I had to pay for it if she wants to do it then daddy gotta pay and you gotta pay the ex and pay again so your kid can play sports it’s happened to me and I’m sure many more it’s sad how money hungry people are my ex asked me that I’d say I don’t care I hate child support and the hole system if you can’t take care of the kid by yourself then don’t have them period everyone needs to grow up n quit crien bout petty ass shit

Then these ladies like there’s nothing he can do and laughing at the Idea of money and a child that’s sickening for real I hear women saying I got his ass 850 a month that shit is sick for real and she probably gets housing vouchers food stamps and everything else under the sun

If the court didn’t order you then no. What did he do with the child tax credit money? Who is the parent who is going to buy his school clothes and school supplies? Maybe send the child support money back to him during the 2 months and tell him there’s your child support money

I’d think his summer time with the child was taken into account when child support was agreed upon, as was any difference in your incomes. Basically he is paying 10 months of child support spread out over 12 months. For him not to pay during that time he would need to pay more during the other 12 months to equal the same amount. If his time with the child was NOT factored into his support payments, I’d consider his not having to pay support then, but I’d think twice about your paying him. I think a judge would feel the same, but check with your lawyer.


So do whatever is best for the child that you keep saying is yours in capital letters is his too I think if he has his child and is trying to provide food and shelter one so on you should make sure he has that for the child and quit dwelling on the point of what the court system says and do what’s right bye making sure he is cared for

No you do not send it to him. Tell him if he has a issue to feel free to file a show cause and the judge can explain it to him.


You should be getting the child support every time your son is with you so if you have him all year round the payments go to you. When he lives with his Dad for the summer then let him have the payments. He should never be getting the payments in the months his son is not living with him! Your are 100% entitled to get those payments every year & should not be taking it in yearly turns with your ex so I would change that now if you can. You get the CS payments all year round every year except the months he lives with his Dad! Please arrange it that way if you can as that is what’s fair for you, your ex & your son

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Follow the court order. If the judge says he pays all year long then that’s what happens. He can go back to court to change it if he wants.


You get payments when he’s with you, dad should get them when he’s with him. You don’t have to worry about food, the extra power, water, running around etc that you’d have with him there, that now falls on dad.

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He’s wrong. He pays child support to assure the child is taken care of. You support the child when he’s not with you in the form of keeping the home & utilities. You can’t stop paying rent just because someone isn’t in the home or go to a lesser rate. Also of you receive any assistance they’re counting your child support whether you keep it or send it back. The $3000 he got for the child tax credit alone more than supports your child for 2 months since he doesn’t have to have a room for him during visitation. Let him petition the court. The judge isn’t going to order you to give him your money.


Why wouldn’t you send him back his payments for the summer when he has the child.The payments are monthly payments therefore if the child is with his father those months of course he should have the money there to support him…wtf​:roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:


You do what the judge ordered. End of story!


Check with your lawyer. Typically no.


That’s not how child support works . He can claim the kid on taxes but that’s it

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Child support is based on the amount of time he is with you… doesn’t matter if it’s all together or split one week a month… what if instead of getting him 2 months a year he got him one week a month would he expect you to send back 1/4 of his payment? Not how it works at all…


Follow the court order.


Put the summer support money in a savings account for your child’s future.

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If it’s not specified in your orders, then no.

Child support should be viewed as a yearly amount (Its based on yearly salary and the amount of time spent per year) that’s just divided into monthly payments.

When I got divorced, his child support payments were adjusted for the time he had my son.i didn’t have to pay.if you did, it would be in your divorce decree.

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What does the parenting plan say? It will be specifically mentioned there if you are suppose to do that(doubtful)

This sounds petty and no concern for the childs needs to be taken care of … This is over MONEY and that’s sad


Your child support is based on over nights. Check with your lawyer and do not give him a dime unless it’s court ordered

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If you’re not supporting the child at said time for an entire chunk of time, I get his point. Why should he double pay? That money is to help you raise the child, if the child is not with you for an entire month (or two) he shouldnt have to pay to “support” him when he’s already supporting him.
If you survive on your child support maybe you should look into some other options during the summer.


Honestly he has the kid I think it’s completely fair a judge would agree as well


Follow the court order that is what they are there for

Go by court order. At the end of the day, that’s law. Not him. Not you. If things have changed on his end, then he needs to pull his big boy britches up and take you back to court. Unfortunately custody and support laws change state to state and usually goes by income/time in most states. With that being said, unless we’re the ones signing his checks or writing out the schedule, we aren’t qualified to give definite answers.

Have you talked to your attorney? That would be my first call if someone was threatening court.


No! I’ve been in this situation, if his time with him is court ordered the child support is based off of that. Now, if your child is not having his needs met I’d help said child. This does not mean you’re being greedy! Don’t listen to bs! No one walks in your shoes.

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No, that’s not how child support works. If it states in custody agreement that he still pays you those months, you don’t owe him anything.

You shouldn’t have to pay but o don’t think he should have to pay you anything for those 2 months either :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Go by the court order. You aren’t to pay him for those months. I’ve seen where a judge will stop cs in the summer but not have you pay it. Tell him to kick rocks

Do not change anything unless it is court ordered, if he wants to petition let him!

I’d tell him to take you back to court then and you’ll ask the judge he not be able to claim him on taxes as he only sees him in the summer. I dont understand why ppl do the tax thing, even the irs says you can’t claim someone as a dependent unless you take care of them 6 months or longer.

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:thinking:Does he think the small lil amount of CS he is ordered to pay is a fortune? And does he think that your HOUSEHOLD bills stop bc your child is away a couple months… Child still has to have a stable home to come back to. Absolutely not. If the court wanted it that way they would have outlined it in the order. Don’t do it girl. I’ll be damned. Hes doing too much sis.

Tell him you have to buy school clothes and supplies with it!


Your his primary carer and must keep the lights on etc even when he’s not home. So no don’t. Altho for 2 months dad might struggle to feed house support him so it’s possible he needs it too not so much wanting it but then he got the tax. Yeah nah keep it mama bear.

Tell him if he feels like he needs to petition, nobody is stopping him. You’ll do whatever a judge says you should do. The end. :slightly_smiling_face: let him try , pay for a lawyer , etc etc. enjoy.


No, most likely dad was already in the military when child support and the summer plan was set up. That’s like saying if he gets deployed and she has him those summer months then she should get paid extra those two months because she shouldn’t have him. It would be in your documents if the courts wanted you to do that.


Seeing how he got to claim him on taxes I say he should still pay.

Nope you go by what the court order says period its one thing to ask respectfully and another to demand which he is doing

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Let him try to get it back!!! You might get an increase!!

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Nope you are his primary caregiver and it’s court ordered to you its not court ordered to him, keep those messages you will need them

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So being a military spouse and seeing friends go through this I’ll say this, he now has childcare expenses which will be outrageous because military has a jacked up schedule with duty days/nights (depending what he does), he has extra food expenses, clothes for your son, etc. The military is a set check, no overtime.

From a mom that has had her child more than the dad, I get what spot you’re in. You still have your bills, you still have things for your child you need to take care of. Do you have to pay daycare while your son is gone? (I’m not sure his age)

Me being in/witnessing both sides, I would ask if he needs help with daycare (depending age). If so I wouldn’t necessarily pay him I may pay directly to daycare. He’s now feeding another human as well. It’s a hard decision. I watched many friends have to get loans to pay daycare, etc because they didn’t factor in that bill along with extra food, clothes, etc. It’s his fault, not the child’s, but you don’t want your child to suffer.


Give him one the month June but keep July and tell you keeping it to help with school things. He can get June payments to do whatever for you son but not July that way you don’t have to hear his mouth.


One i would not send him the checks for the time he has him, second it is against the law to claim him on his taxes, because the child has to live with him six months out of the year for him to claim him, becareful that you don’t get in trouble ask the person whom does your taxes ve safe not sorry.


Don’t give the money back! You are still maintaining your child’s home even when he’s gone for the summer. That was already planned for when the amount of support was determined.


Nope don’t send him anything ur the child’s primary caregiver. And because it’s in the court paperwork and everything nothing changes just cause he has him for the summer time

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Unless the court order says that, no


Nope do not give him no money you are the primary parent

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What no why is he claim him when you have him most of the time. He should not claim him one and no do not send that man your child support. If he was in title to your child support at that time then the child support office would since it to him. What the hell…hell no your to nice. Stop letting him claim him

No, go by exactly what the court order says. If he wants to file, he’s free to do so, but he’s probably just saying that to scare you into giving him the money.


No, That’s ridiculous!! The number of overnights spent with each parent is already calculated into the amount. Don’t let him bully you. Also if you give in he’ll think he can do whatever he wants. Also I’d get it changed about the tax credit. You’re the primary provider and should get that credit.


His kid he pay don’t let him shit you

He shouldn’t even be claiming him

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Adhere to your parenting plan…that is the guideline to go by. Keep his messages to show the court what he is saying. Tell him to go ahead and petition the court and let him hear it from the judge.

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Tell him petition. That child support covers any and all school related expenses, extracurriculars, medical expenses, etc… If you do the math, he has him MAYBE 75 days consecutive. (I know you said 2 months but I’m being generous and some schools summers are a full 3 months) There are approximately 104 weekend days a year. So his time over summer is ⅓ to if he was more local and had him every weekend. Which in that case, it had a greated chance to adjust. But thats a whole different story because it doesnt apply. If the judge were to actually do anything, he would probably say I’ll drop it like $50/month thats $600 a year. There’s $300 a month for the 2 months he has him. OR the judge is going to tell him too bad, you have had all year to save.

Nope. Don’t send him a dime. The court ordered you child support from him. Stick to the order and ignore him. If he says he’ll take you to court for it. Ignore him. If he takes you to court, the court isn’t likely to grant him anything anyways.


Nope!! Follow the court order!

Of course send to him it’s more quality and fun adventures for child. Priority is child. Divorce is hard on every child . Courts . Courts courts


No way would I send him the money back, if you don’t “need it” while your son is gone then put it in savings because you will eventually need it and while yes, he can claim your son to get a dependent credit, Only the parent with whom the children live for more than one-half the year may claim the EIC for those children. Federal law prohibits parents from “taking turns” claiming the EIC unless the child actually changes residence each year.

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That’s not how it works. Ignore and let him do what he does. He will look the fool.

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No, that’s not how it works. The time spent with him was calculated into it when the amount was determined.

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Nope, it remains the same. If there is a parenting plan and child support was set on that then there isn’t much he can do. Now if he ended up with more than the parenting plan states then yes he can petition it.

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I mean he’s with him for the summer and you don’t have the child so what are you spending child support on🤷🏼‍♀️ send him the money so they can have a good summer


Follow the court order and put that support away into an account you can show proof of if he does petition and use it for school clothes and supplies for him save receipts with proof it came out of that specific account

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You still have to maintain a home for the child to return too. Yes - the child support continues.


That’s a big fat no on sending him back the money


Talk to your attorney


I can’t with some of these parents :woman_facepalming:t2: Do not send him the money.


Nope! He was ordered to pay it 12 months a year. Thats not how that works!


Either parent can can ask for a modification in support, have to show just cause and its up to the judge/ magistrate to change the court order.

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How would that be your money to keep if you DONT HAVE THE KID?
He should petition that, especially since he’s moving around because he’s military. GEEEZ . Why not just do the right thing without having to make it so hard? The money is to take care of the child.


I don’t think he can claim him on taxes if you have him more than 6 months out of the year. That’s fraud I think. Also you’re loosing out on money

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Don’t ever send money back on your own because in the courts eyes if someone comes up “he paid you” even if u sent it back … always go through the courts

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Idk why people don’t do it how we do it. His grandmother does our taxes to where we would get a little more out of it and I am head of household while he is the credit. We split the money I get from the federal so I give him half, even if we split up today, we’d still half it. It’s fair that way.

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My husband gets to claim his daughter every other year. The judge told us he did it that way, so dad could get some of his support payments back. We have 50/50. You do not pay him any support unless court papers say to do so.


The money is for the child not you. If you dont have the child you don’t get child support for those months


That’s your child support. It is not court ordered to give back to him! You still have bills to pay for your son to have a home when he comes back. I’d pack him with clothes and he can provide food and for whatever else he decides to do with him


No you unless the order states it!!

Summer has nothing to do with what’s was a-located by the judge. Someone is putting stuff in his head. Let him do whatever and you continue taking care of your son. Let him take you to court.

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