Do I have to tell the man I was dating that I am pregnant?

Do I have to tell the man I was dating that I am pregnant if I am not sure if it is his? it did NOT end on good terms.


You don’t HAVE to but it would be the ethical thing to do. You also should keep in mind the feelings of the child as they get older. If/when they find out you purposely kept their biological father out of their lives there will be issues. However, it would be understandable if there were physical or emotional abuse.


If you’re not sure it could be his I would definitely tell him then. Give paternity test, make better choices next time. 

Tell every guy you are screwing
That they may possibly be the father
Actually get them in the same room
And tell them all at once
Next time use a condom


If you’re keeping it then yes. He deserves to know if he has a child


You don’t have too, you should.

Ummm I would definitely tell him and also tell him that someone else could be the father. Keep everyone involved in the loop and get a DNA test at the hospital when the baby if born. Dealing with it now will save you a lot of frustration in the long run


That’s a choice you and only you could make. If it didn’t end good you will have to take that into consideration. DNA tests can be done while pregnant.

I mean you don’t have to do anything

I think so. it might be an awkward situation at first, but think of what your kid will want one day, I’m sure knowing dad is going important

I mean how bad did it end?.is he an awful person? Drug addiction? Dangerous? It all depends. Do the right thing.


Do you have to? No. Should you? Yes


I told mine. Though he told me to abort
But should be honest. I’ve decided to keep mine and do it alone but least I’ve kept him informed. He does have a right to know but make sure you tell him is chance not the father.

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Yeah you should if you have any morals left or self respect…

No, not until you give birth (if you decide to continue the pregnancy) and have ruled out other potential fathers. Every child has a right to know their biological heritage and it would be wrong to deprive the father of access to his offspring without due cause. Your relationship with the father is irrelevant to the parent-child relationship. Best to be honest and figure out paternity as soon as possible if you decide to carry to term.

No you are not obligated to tell him , if you need financial help and plan to file for child support then he will find out either way

I would it’s the right thing to do. Get tested for STDs too, to rule that out, so no harm to baby or yourself. If it’s easier just call and say “ I know it ended on bad terms, but I am now pregnant and there is possible other fathers. I’ll know for sure once baby is born.” If he reacts angrily just leave it at that and say have a great day.

Every child deserves to know who their father is , regardless . Get a dna test


You should tell him there’s a possibility.

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If you want child support you do

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The only time I would say no is if they were super violent, into drugs, alcohol or anything bad that wouldn’t be safe around a child.


Well you still should tell him in case

Yes of course! Are you for real??? His kid too

My money tells me he’ll figure it out on his own.


Figure out who the father is first and then tell whoever it is that your pregnant.
It’s not fair on the child if you do not inform the order parent regardless of how things ended.


How many guys are we talking about? 2, 3, or more? The baby deserves to know who their father is when they get older. I would let everyone involved know and have a plan in place for after the baby is born to get DNA done. You don’t have to be with any of them if you choose not to but they still deserve to know. And next time be a little smarter and more careful.


There’s a name for people like that.


Maybe note dates that you slept with each guy, you should be able to deduce which one by the dates. You probably have record of when within text messages if you look back. Don’t do this dumb stuff again, use protection. Imagine how antsy these guys are going to be and you as well. Make better life decisions its not hard its literally planning ahead, get on birth control or have a box of condoms in your drawer or something. You’ll have to get a DNA test I suppose as well after baby is born. Do not abort without telling your partners, that isn’t right either in case you’re thinking about it, that man may want his baby and be able to raise it without you if you don’t want it. Lots to think about. Next time wrap it up.

If the shoe was on the other foot, would you want to know?

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if u don’t know it’s his no.

Damn right you do. Doesn’t matter how it ended with you 2 but that man deserves to know that he may be a father and have a say in how his child is raised

Tell him and see what he says

How many possibilities are there :woozy_face::woman_shrugging: I mean if no more than 2 it’s only 50/50 chance so yes you should tell him…is this a serious question

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Yeah tell him it’s a possibility. It’s definitely not okay if you don’t tell him or if you don’t know who the BD is. I’m on my third baby daddy and they know and I they are the dad. Just saying girl.

Yes but tell him you’re not for sure it’s he’s but once baby is born you’ll have the other guy tested then him. You’re gonna want to know yourself because if the baby needs something from him health wise you need his health history for baby