Do I need consent from my childs father to travel?

Hi moms! This will be my first time traveling with son. He is turning 1 this coming October. Does airport/customs requires consent from the dad? He is not coming with us. TIA


Not that i know of unless it goes against any court agreements. If you have a passport a father will need to sign off but thats it.

If you’re trying to leave the country, then yes.

I read the airline rules and brought a certified paper signed by husband that I can travel internationally alone with my kid - but the airport (on both sides) didn’t even ask for it. I was shocked considering my last name is different than my sons on our passports.

If you are not together and have a parenting plan then whatever it says.

I’ve never had issue. I’ve taken my daughter local and international. I bring her birth certificate and only been asked once to see it

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I’ve taken my kiddos to Oregon, California and Hawaii. Didn’t need permission at all, never asked.

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No my son is 15 we share 50/50 custody I take my son out of the country every summer since we separated 8 years ago never had any questions…

If it’s international, yes. It’s always been that way. My mom took us girls to Canada back in the 80s and even back then, even though they’re married, my dad had to write a letter giving my mom permission to take us out of the country.

If you have to have a passport the father has to sign off on passport and will have to have knowledge


For a passport you’d need his approval. For domestic no

It really depends on where you live, where you’re going and what, if anything, your custody agreement says.

If you’re traveling somewhere that requires a passport, both parents have to consent to the passport.

If your custody agreement says something about consent to take the child out of state, then you need the other parents permission.

Traveling out of the country yes.

The airline does as well, you need a signed form from the other parent and notarized

No. Unless you’re trying to leave the country. Domestic travel is fine. I’ve done it multiple times

For domestic travel, I have never been asked. For international travel, I have been. According to parenting plans, the other parent has to be notified if you are taking the child out of the state.


The airport/airline will not ask if you have dad’s permission. I’ve traveled many times with my kids and didn’t require any of that.

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If within the US, only if you have a court order and it says you need permission. Outside of the US, you’d need his signature on a passport unless you’ve got sole custody.

Depends on where you live. I have full custody of my boys. Their father has taken them overseas several times during the holidays and I have never been asked if its OK by any official person nor been notified they had left the country

You need to ask your custody lawyer for actual advice. Otherwise listening to us could get you into trouble with the courts.

Your time no…as long as they are back for his time they are back.

This depends on a few things. Where are you going? What’s the custody arrangement?

I don’t know about consent. However we always told each other when an where we were going. They are his kids

Only if you are leaving the country.

Have you been married to him or is there a custody agreement

Only if you are flying out of the country. They will have a form online you can print up, fill out and then you have to get it notarized.
If flying within your country, then no.

I would think that you would want to let him know

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Yes unless you have full custody


If he needs a passport yes

I make him aware I’m traveling, but he does not need to give consent. They always ask my kids what their names are and who I am. My smart-ass son once said, “I don’t know.” My use of his first, middle and last name left the TSA agent cracking up.

Are you still married? Are you divorced? Do you have full custody? All that means something.

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I would get consent so that there is no issues at customs you don’t want to be going through customs and get pulled up becuase the father has an objection

You shouldn’t as long as you stay within the country.

To get passport u need his signature

No. If there’s no current custody order that requires it, or never been an order, you don’t need permission.

Yes you do need a legal document showing your partner has given permission to travel with child. Depends where you are going and where you live.

nope. only if you travel out of the country you’d need a passport. but i travel with my kids all the time and never needed this father’s consent on anything

No. I just flew with my 4 month old and 4 year old from Ohio to Florida. Heck, they didn’t even check to make sure it was my kid. Literally a random person could have bought a plane ticket for a child, made up a name, kidnapped a kid and flown with them, and never get caught for all the security there was to make sure she was who I said she was on the ticket.
It’s no wonder child trafficking is so common.

I’ve been through this recently, for travel within the United States you do not need any kind of permission. However, if you need to get a passport to travel outside the US, including Canada and Mexico you need a document signed and notarized giving permission to get a passport. Once you have the passport you don’t need permission to travel.

If you stay in the country no, my mom took me out of the country and she had full custody, every time she needed a notarized letter from my dad saying it was ok

I’ve never heard of them
asking a Mother for custody papers of a child.They may if your going out of the U.S.A.


Yes a signed document that is notarized if you share custody

Unless you feel he would get you for kidnapping, if you all have a order of parenting. Unless your leaving the country with said child

There’s so many variables and so little info in the post…no one here can give you a trustworthy answer