Do I need to know my daughters blood type?

They should have known at birth… Atleast in pa they do

Yes and no, if you have negative blood type and she has a positive if you get pregnant in the future you may need to get a rogham shot (i think thats how its spelled), its called the rh factor, its basically where your body can attack the baby thinking its a foreign body and you can have miscarriage


Is it not in her red book?

Sorry, thought you were in the UK. Here, we have a red book given to us after birth which gives us different info we need to know from babies milestone developments to general info about baby. Any health visitors etc update things in their red book too.

All my kids had it tested after birth. Its in their online charts.

I’m RH negative with my first pregnancy they had to give me a seried of special shots since we don’t know the baby’s RH factor with my second they were able to tell me after birth that he is RH negative and with my last 2 they told me their actual blood type. not all Drs type and screen the cord blood especially if there is no need to know. in the life threatening event they will always do and abo type/screen and cross match therefore your Dr is right that there is no need to do one now. I could not see subjecting a toddler to a unnecessary blood draw

My husband ask when he had a blood test they said they couldny tell him but he can pay to find out what a cheek years ago when I had my first baby I was given a card to carry with my blood group on it everyone should carry one but not at a price!

No no your doctor has to know your daughter’s blood type it has to be part of the record and yes you do need to know your daughter’s blood type I was told that by my doctor a long time ago if she’s ever in an accident you need to tell them her blood type right away!

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No need to know? Whaaat.

You can ask her PCP…They would know

Your child’s pediatrician should have that information on file you can just ask during your next visit I’m sure


I’m o+ my first baby :woman_shrugging: my second is o+ I asked his clinic and the hospital what type my first is. If there’s anything on record. Just to know. They said they never had any concern so they never tested him. So there’s no documentation of what type he is. My iron levels were low on my second birth so they had a transfusion on Jane just in case. I had a tear in my uterus that was hemorrhaging so I had to have it and they tested baby just in case. I’m 24+1 with #3 and thinking of asking them to check it when they do their bloodwork when its born just so I’ll have that info.

I was told there is no need to know not only my own but my children’s as well

They told me all of my kids blood types when they were born. But now I’m wondering it it’s just because I’m RH negative and needed to know if needs the shot post delivery. :woman_shrugging:t3:. It’s got to be on file somewhere. I feel like that’s important information to know.


All the babies info should be on the paperwork they give you when you are released from the hospital. I was given the paperwork that included her dob birth weight, blood type & any type of screenings they did, ie hearing test & also the first PKU done at the hospital after birth.

Look at your discharge papers

I was told at the hospital my youngest was not O- like myself & my eldest, Otherwise I have no idea :joy::woman_facepalming:t2:

When both my daughter’s were born I was given a card with name and blood type on

I don’t know my 1st daughter blood type but when I was in the hospital havin my 2nd daughter I asked the doctor her blood type and they told me. They said that if I ask my 1st daughter doctor her doctor would be able to tell me her blood type

I work for a blood bank and regardless if you know or not they will test you anyways just to be safe. Unless if it’s an emergency then they will just give you O-. It’s a super expensive test for a doctor to perform so that’s why they don’t really test for it anymore. But I know some places do it differently. That’s just how they do it here in my area.

I donated blood at a blood bank ,and they sent me a card with my blood type on it

it would be in the medical records but the reason ots not needed is because of they ever needed a blood transfusion they would have to test to see what it is . I only know because unfortunately I have had 4 infusions amd ever time they have tested me and have given me a special red band I needed to wear