Do I need to know my daughters blood type?

Asking out of curiosity. When my daughter was born they never said anything about what blood type she was or anything. My mom had told me that she only knew my blood type because it was done at the hospital after birth. I have asked my daughter doctor if they can do it and they said there’s no need to know. But I’m just curious, does anyone know a place that will get a blood testing done on a toddler?


It should be in her medical record from birth.


Call a hematologist. But they do have a point, there really isn’t a reason to know right now. Even though I know both my sons blood types when it came to needing a blood transfusion they will still test their blood first before giving blood.

Idk what type my kids are :rofl: hell I barely even remember what I am!


I didn’t know my blood type until I joined the Army. Then when I had my daughter on base she happened to have my same blood type. That’s how I found out hers.

I don’t even know my own blood type much less my child’s to be honest :joy:

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There really isn’t a need to know. I know most of us are curious. Should she ever need to have a transfusion, they lab would draw and type her at that time.

A health department should do it me personally I think it’s important to know your kids blood type

Family doctor would know

I know all 3 of my kids blood type because I have to because I’m rh negative


My daughters was in her medical records from birth.

Go to another Doctor.

It should’ve said on her discharge papers, no?
That’s how I knew mine and hers were different

It might cost about 300 but it’s worth it.

You should know. I had to press the issue with my boys. All 3 had dad’s type not mine

I was always told it’s super important to know your blood type and Social Insurance Number (im in Canada) so it’s weird to me that I’ve asked the hospital when he was born and our family doctor a few times about his blood type and I never get an answer

It wouldn’t matter they have to type snd cross everytime if anything were to ever happen can’t just take your word for it

I didn’t know my blood type until i got pregnant. I can’t tell you what my daughters blood types are

How didn’t they tell you? After I gave birth to my kids they let me know. It’s important to know in case of a medical emergency. I had to get a shot after I gave birth because I’m 0 negative and my kids are positive and it’s no good to mix blood.

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A family doctor would not know. If youve had surgery, donated blood, or had a kid Is usually the only time you get typed.

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It is important to know incase ur child has to get blood in the future

If your an adult you can donate blood and they tell you they tested all my kids when they were born…

I know one of my kids blood type- the hospital she was born at did it and gave us a slip. Others no idea.

No one told me my oldest. I had to buy paperwork to find out. Was only like 26$ but it came from the hospital.

Its better to know as some blood type are rare, im O negative so its very important for me to tell doctors or if i get any injures as i can donate to anyone but i can only receive O negative
Actually my daughters have to get it done as i need to get a shot during each pregnancy

There should be records of it. Mine i have on a health app from the hospital. And its under records or results.

My mom doesn’t know her blood type. My brother, dad and I do, because we donate regularly. I didn’t know my son’s type until he donated for the first time at 18

I was told straight away after giving birth both times what my babies blood type is


If your pediatrician has been the same since birth, they always check your infants blood type at birth and it will be on all her records. Just ask them to look back and see. Save you some money

My daughter was typed when she was born that’s how I know her and I have the exact same blood O+

Ironically I was talking to my daughter about this today.
I know all 3 of mine. Not sure if it matters? I’ve never (and hope I don’t) had an emergency situation where it was warranted. They usually type and cross any way.

They never told me my sons either, he’s 3 and I still don’t know

They don’t worry to much about it cause type O blood is universal from what I was told from hospital after finding out I was anemic but I do know my blood type from my first live birth

I’m almost 32 and don’t know mine or my daughter’s…

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I was always told it’s the same as the fathers…

It should be in here medical records at the hospital she was born at. Just go to.the hospital and ask for her medical records they usually charge like 35 cents a page

Contact the hospital she was born at.

I was talking about this with my husband earlier. I thought it was a little weird that they didn’t tell me.

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You can buy kits online.

It’s extremely important to know your blood type and your child’s. I have O-Negative blood which means I can give to anyone but can only receive O-negative blood. If I was to receive any other blood in a emergency situation it would kill me.


I was told because I was RH neg. So it was a factor on if I received rhogam or not. I’m sure the hospital would know.

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I found out when I donated blood to Red Cross.

Regardless if you know your blood type or not it is always tested before you would receive blood. It’s nice to know but not knowing would not cause any type of medical emergency


The only childs blood type I know is my daughters & that’s because in the hospital the nurse said she had the same blood type as me.

I was told my kids right away but likely bc it was a threat to our livelihoods as im RH - (the universal donar) and needed shots etc.
One of my kids is also RH- so she will face the same issues i did if she ever has kids

All 3 of my kids was written on their crib cards in the hospital

I asked the pediatrician doctor person on call at the hospital the day I left with both my sons. They came in to do the last assessment before we left, and I asked the doctor what blood type both of them were they have both have my blood type. I thought to ask cause you never know, even though I’m sure a doctor could tell you if you asked. Depends on who you talk to.

The hospital told me for both of my girls

They told me at the hospital with both of my kiddos after they were born. If you delivered at a hospital maybe try calling there, they should have it on file. I know our pediatrician was also sent their results from those first labs and so they have all that information on hand too. I don’t see why you shouldn’t be able to find out, you’re allowed access to those medical records.

I was never told either, I asked and they said they didn’t check for that at birth.

So depending on the state of birth is whether she was typed at birth. In the state of florida I was told they type all births. My daughter was born in missouri & they only type at birth if the mother is RH- and the father is RH+. I’m positive and so is my daughter’s father so she was never typed.

Found out at hospital after birth in Arkansas

They told me my son’s when he was born. They even told me mine. Id ask the hospital to look in the records and tell you.

I am 52 years old and have no clue what my blood type is. I’d like to know for donating blood when they are short on supplies of certain types. However, I’ve tried to donate in the past and was told my iron is too low.

I wish I would have known my blood type. Might have saved me a couple miscarriages because I’m Rh-, so i have to get a blood transfusion when I find out I’m pregnant, at 28 weeks & then at birth. I didn’t find out until they tested my blood during my 2nd miscarriage.
If you have a daughter it could be very important to know her blood type.

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I haven’t needed it. But I still think its good to know. Almost all my children have the same blood type as me except 1.

Where are you based ,.I’m in UK and it was noted down in baby’s medical book .

i know my oldest blood type . but come to think about it dont think i know my younger ones.

I’d rather know in case of emergencies.

I never knew my blood type until I donated blood when I was 17, and I’m not sure if my parents knew or not before then.

I don’t think I was ever told but I kind of lucked out because me and his father are O+ so he has to be too

Regardless if you know your blood type, they ALWAYS type and cross/screen before they administer any blood… they’ll never take your word on it…


We found out mine, my husband’s and my daughters.

It was on my baby’s band in hospital.

I know my blood type & I was told my kids blood type before leaving the hospital when they were born. I understand that type O can be used on anybody but a lot of times it’s not that easy to get, I’m thankful that I do know just in case I might need that info for any type of emergency.


I don’t remember them telling me on my kids. Mine I don’t know and I’ve had 8 blood transfusions.

I’m 22 and still don’t know mine

They always told me my kids before we left the hospital and the doctor always told me whenever I asked because I forgot. I think you should know incase of emergencies. Ask your doctor again and if they say you don’t need to know tell them you want to know. So look in her records and tell you. The doctor he’s it on file. No point in you paying extra for it.

I found out mine after I had my daughter at 24 weeks and 6 days gestation. I am A+ and so is she! Also found out its pretty rare that mothers and their children have the same bloodtype. Doctors told us that we both got an A+ on our blood tests lol

You can ask her doctor. They should know. I know mine and my daughters

I only know my kids because it’s the same as mine and their dads :woozy_face:

I only know mine and my kids blood types because of being B- so always have to have babies tested. :see_no_evil:
My first is A- my second is AB- and my third that I’m pregnant with has the same type as me :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m 30 years old and I didn’t even know my own blood type until 2 years ago and I’m rh negative which impacts pregnancy. I have three kids and have had one ectopic pregnancy and I never knew my blood type until now.
It’s not a big deal

I don’t know my own or my kids and I’m 42 I never new mine or my kids

They told me my daughter’s was O. We didn’t even ask. I’m glad she is a universal donor. I hope she decides to follow in my footsteps and donate blood!

I only know my daughter’s because when they tested bilirubin her levels were elevated because she had a different type than me and they told me.

All my kids are my blood group

All my kids I and dad are a+.

Due to the fact that I’m A- they tested my babies at birth. They’re both A+.

Definitely important.
I have o-negative blood and so do my child and in a situation where I would or my kids need urgent blood it has to only be O NEG.
can not be given any type.

I got told when she was born as they do take blood to track genetic disorders I think? The one thats in the foot or their hand.

You still need a pathology form from a dr to get a blood type done

Should be on her birth records in the medical records department at the hospital she was born in.Give then a call. I know there Is a
form to fill out by one or both parents. And
here you have to pick it up in person.


. Here you have to call and they

mine were done in the hospital my husband said she must have my blood type and the nurse said u better hope so. I was a little shocked she said that lilenis that what the society come too, ornu better hope so, like come on he is the father nurses shouldn’t assume anything thing else

The blood group should show up on your newborn screening x

A doctor telling you you don’t need to know is fact 1 I would question. In an emergency where your child can not go to your regular doctor would be the reason you need to know. Blood typing takes time and having that information helps save time if your child needs a transfusion quicky. I had to have my kids both checked because I have a rare blood type but they are both O+ the doctor never even questioned it. If they have drawn blood from your child they already have that information also.

Tell him it doesnt matter if you need to know, you want to know and its your child, some doctors get off on acting like they hold some authority sometimes. Remund him he works for you.


I didn’t know my own blood type till I was 21, pregnant with my eldest, I only asked out of curiosity after a checkup, as I didn’t know what I was, I’ve never needed to know… my mum & older sister are both O- so I wanted to know what I was, I’m AB+ and it turns out I’ve got the same as my dad. My eldest is 14 & my baby is 16months and I feel terrible cos I Don’t actually know what they both are, they’ve never needed blood tests done… all I know is my eldest will either be A/B+ after me, or whatever her dad is… (previous relationship) and baby is obviously either matched with me & my husband… don’t know what he is either - I think it’s something we should all know about ourselves - thankfully I knew mine when I had an ectopic pregnancy 3 years ago, as I had to have a Transfusion so I was able to tell them straightaway rather than them having to go check my records.

Our hospital doesn’t type at birth anymore. You have to ask pediatrician for a blood test. I couldn’t go through with a lead test for the kids.

I know my kids blood type because of NICU, trust me they’ll figure it out if they ever need it. I wouldn’t put your kiddo through unnecessary blood tests.

You can buy blood typing kits online. A lot if hospitals don’t blood type babies anymore.

I feel like it you would need to know. What if an emergency came up. (Pray that it doesn’t) but shouldn’t that be a thing to know? :thinking: I need to ask my doctor now

I’d be a bit concerned of him telling you that you don’t need to know! TF you do… you’re her mother!


I didn’t find out my blood type until high school when I first donated blood. There’s really no need to know, unless you need a blood transfusion. The doctor was probably just trying to ease your mind. Though idk why they wouldn’t give you that information if they do have it, that’s a little weird.

When I was born my mom asked the doctor and they told her they couldn’t tell her. They also never told me what my daughter’s blood type is

When my son was born - his paper work from the hospital had it on there. I would ALWAYS know my child’s type. If a medical emergency happens, you can bet I’m going to scream his type. I am OCD. I have a binder with all his paper work. Hospital paperwork when he was born. Social. Birth certificate. Shot records. My immediate family knows where the binder is in case of emergency.

It should be in medical records from birth you should be able to get from hospital or if you kept all paperwork given from hospital it shows mine on the paperwork I was given

They only usually tell you if it’s rare as in rhesus neg or pos, you can pay for it

I’m O- I know my first is the same because I need the injection to stop the blood crossing over my blood stream… my 2nd is dads but we have no clue what he is as they didn’t tell us!

I know only one of my sons blood types. They told me because it was the reason he was Jaundiced.
And then they made the comment as its probably why his brother was jaundiced too. (Me and baby having different types).

I know mine but I don’t know my kids or their Dad. I’m common ol’ O+