Do I need to tell my childs father I am moving?

If you’re moving out of state yes you do no need to tell. Don’t need to get charged with kidnapping your own child.

First you have to establish paternity and custody. You do not have legal custody. Get child support established, do you know how to contact him…you needcto legally. You are like so many other stories I have read on here y’all wanna make babies, then get lazy when it comes to protecting them legally.YOU ARE NOT THAT CHILDS ONLY PARENT!!! Do things the right way.!!!

Just my own opinion here.
Even though the father isn’t consistent in the child’s life you should still tell him that your moving away with the child
I went through this with my oldest. I was young when I gave birth to her, she was less then a year old when her father and I separated, we didn’t have a parenting plan and he never ask for visits with courts or anything. I just allowed him to see her when he wanted too, he was in and out of her life and come around when it was convenient for him. When I moved from one state to another, I still contacted him to let him know we was moving 12 hours away and ask I he would like to see her before the move, at that point he’d not seen our child in over 2 years anyways. She was then 4. He was upset we was moving but we was in the same town as him all that time and he never wanted to come around often, maybe a 30 minute visit every 5 or 6 months. so why would he be upset, Right?
He seen her 2 days before the move for about 20 minutes. My reason in contacting him was I didn’t want him to make it my fault as to why he wasn’t able to find or see her. So out of respect for your child I would contact him to let him know you are moving.

You need to contact a lawyer NOT Facebook. Half of these people will tell you not to contact him but they’re wrong you need to contact a lawyer asap. usually when there’s a minor involved you can’t just up and move without the other parents approval. Please be smart and contact a lawyer.

Why would you not? Just because you think he’s a pos doesn’t mean you should be too

If he is listed on the birth certificate as the father
Yes you should tell him
Even though you were never married (which shouldn’t matter)
And there isn’t a parenting agreement
He still has the same legal rights to your child that you have
I’m guessing you don’t a custody order (from a court order)
In place
Hold off on moving until you get legal advice and a formal order in place
I’m sure the last thing you want for your child
Is to have a court order to return with your child back to the child’s home state
Please don’t put your child in the middle of all that
Its time both you and the father
Grow up and start putting your child’s needs before yours

I would honestly contact a lawyer or court and ask. I know you stated there is no parenting plan, but if you tell hum your moving and he has your child and decides not to give them back, he can legally do so. Are you moving out of state or within state? I know in my parenting plan I’m “allowed” to move anywhere within state without his permission


If you have a custody agreement, yes you likely need to. I’d reference that

I don’t think legally you have to tell him anything but he does have a right to know. I would hope you wouldn’t take a child that is not just yours and move away with her.

You need a parenting plan, or get him to sign away his parental rights. You should also keep him informed of your location, so he can visit or send things for your daughter, he may not be a good father but he still is her father.

My son and his ex went through this. He could not move more than so many miles from his daughter’s mom. I think it was like 50 miles but I may be wrong on the distance

100% would contact a lawyer who knows the laws instead of asking fb.

Short answer: No. Long answer: you’re only required to inform them if you have a parenting plan and visitations set through court. In my case, my daughters father and I did have a parenting plan but he had his visitation rights taken from him. 3 months after I moved to another state. I’ve been out of that state 4 years. That being said, after you move he could try to fight you for visitation rights, but would have to file in the state and county the child resides in (normally residents in a state requires that you reside there for 30-90 days depending on the state) but even then the likelihood that he could take physical custody of her (would be ordered by court that she live with him) would be slim to none with his inconsistency in her life. At most he may win visitation rights which would require that you meet him half way either every weekend or every other weekend and also that by law he pay child support (in every case this is done when noncustodial parents have visitations) But again with him being inconsistent even if that were the case, once he missed so many visitations you could file to have visitation rights taken from him all together.

Yes. You should. It will backfire on you if you don’t. He might file a kidnapping lawsuit against you.

If there’s no parenting plan and he hasn’t had any contact I wouldn’t stress over it personally

Depends on the state you are in. In VA the state is the child’s legal guardian until they go thru the courts, if the father is on the birth certificate he can take the child and not return and she would have to go to court and try to get the child back. The best thing she should do is go to court and get temporary custody and say she is going to move out of town, then go to where she is moving, find out how long they need to be there to get residency and change jurisdiction

I’d contact a lawyer he can possibly get you for kidnapping.

How could you even ask? He is her father and you say he has been in her life. Do you have full custody ordered by the court? You will damage your child for life by cutting her dad off. I speak from experience.

Leave a message with a neighbor or someone he’ll ask - and go be happy - if he really cares he’ll find you.