Do teething necklaces work?

Do they work? How do I know I’m not buying a fake? Never used with with 2 older boys but teething is getting the best of us with little man so this mama is wanting to try anything


They work with a lot of kids however there are exceptions as with anything… You will want raw baltic
amber which will also come with a certificate to prove it is authentic and raw. With the raw amber the oils will be more accessible to the skin verses the polished. They also won’t nessesarily be as “pretty” or cool as the man made or polished. I prefer the raw look myself. I had one custom made and we have loved it so far for teething. Also has so many other benefits.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Do teething necklaces work? - Mamas Uncut

I used them and wasn’t sure if they worked. Till I lost the bloody thing for 2 weeks of hell!!!

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They’re a choking hazard so youre safer to look at amber anklets or similar , but yes the amber properties deff do assist with teething


My daughter has used them with all 4 boys and yes she says they work.

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There is no real evidence that these necklaces work. Plus , they are not at all safe. Strangulation, choking , mouth injury & infections. There was a baby who was actually strangled to death. Not at all worth the risks. So many more alternatives.


I bought a silicone teething necklace that I wore for baby to chew on. Best thing I ever got!

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Yes they do. I was so skeptical at first as they were not around when my older kids where younger. My sister in law bought me one for my youngest and holy shit do they help with more then just teething. He went from runny nose rosy cheeks and fussy to no more of those symptoms. He is 7 almost 8 and he says it helps with his growing pains as well. We forgot to put it back on one day after a bath and he woke up with sore legs the next morning and an hour after we put it back on they didn’t hurt as much. I get mine from a website called Art of the cure and she sends certificate with each one. And they have ones that help with other things as well. My pediatrician loved that he still uses it. He showed me how to wrap it around his ankle for bed time when he was a baby so there was no chance of accidental strangulation and now he wears it around his neck full time except for baths and when we recharge it once a month.

They’re unsafe, a choking and a strangulation hazard. There are a lot of other methods of helping with teething, drops, granules etc. It’s not worth the risk.


My son choked on his so I never used it after that. A mesh food holder with frozen watermelon in it, wet wash cloth put in freezer, and a popsicle made from breast milk worked for us.

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My go to is always zarbees massaging gel & ibuprofen or Tylenol. The massaging gel helps numb and soothe, where as orajel will harden the gums and actually make it more difficult for the tooth to pop through and essentially making them teeth longer. Camilla liquid doses were always a hit for us as well! I’ve seen people put a raw egg in a baby sock and hang it above the door. The reasoning for this is cause carbon dioxide allegedly adds pressure to sore gums. Eggs absorb carbon dioxide, so less carbon dioxide = less pressure and pain. :slightly_smiling_face:

Amber beads are amazing because the natural oil helps to reduce pain.

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Vanilla on your finger to rub on the gums helps

Real amber floats in water. If it sinks it’s fake. I can’t believe people think these necklaces work though. The Truth About the Safety of Amber Teething Necklaces


It worked for one of my boys but not for the other one, they are twins

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Teething tablets work lol

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I never tryed the teething necklace was always too afraid for them to choke on it but getting one for you to wear sounds like a great idea never thought of that

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Something about a necklace on a tiny baby just doesn’t sit well with me…


I’m also a mama who doesn’t feel comfortable putting any kind of necklace on my babies.
However, for my first daughter, these worked wonders. And I will use them again when my 2nd baby arrives.

Please do not put a necklace on your baby!!!

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They are a chocking hazard.


Best teething thing that worked was the carrot teether from walmart!!

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No they don’t work and they are both a strangulation and choking hazard.


All yall saying they are a strangulation and choking hazard do realize the incidents were the parents weren’t following the instructions. They aren’t suppose to sleep in them. They are suppose to be supervised. My son’s screwed together and was up close to his skin, not loose. Parents who don’t follow directions cause things to be unsafe. I stand by the fact that Amber is a natural pain reliever. I personally wear an Amber bracelet daily due to joint pain. I no longer have to take pills to relieve the pain. The Amber pulls toxins from your body relieving the pain.

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No. The science “theory” is that it heats up and releases a chemical that alleviates pain but in order for amber to release it it has to get much hotter than humans will ever get. I do love silicone teethers though and i really like this teething gel…
Dr. Talbot’s Baby Tooth Gel for Sore Gums, Naturally Inspired, 2 Pack, 1.06 Oz, benzocaine Free, Belladonna Free


Amber bead necklace has worked very well for my granddaughter!! She still wears them at almost 2. Momma got them from Amazon

Baby Oragel if you can find it …my daughter and grandson have both been up at nights crying

All 3 of my kids had amber necklaces and teething was amazing with them!!! Just don’t let your child sleep with it on and everything will be fine :roll_eyes:

Wet washcloth in the freezer was the best thing for us when my kiddo was teething real bad


l get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $13638 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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It works wonders used on my daughter and on one of my boys

YES!!! I was babysitting my granddaughter and gave her a bath ,I had removed the necklace,after I got her out she became fussy. I called my daughter and she reminded me to put it back on. When I did she became playful and happy. No drooling or chewing on anything. I was a believer after that. Before I was afraid it would choke her but it never bothered her.
I fully recommend them.

Yes! We get ours from Baltic essentials, it’s a website. I can’t say for sure that it worked but my baby had zero problems with teething. You just have to make sure you get the right size and I always take it off for naps and bedtime. Never had any issues with strangulation or anything like that

My youngest had one and I swear by it. We also kept a well stocked frozen ice tray of pured fruit and juices. The teething net sucky was amazing. Just drop a iced fruit cube in the net, close it and let the little guy go at it. Cools and numbs the teeth and gives a healthy tasty snack.

No they do not work.