Do we need a lawyer to get divorced?

File for a no contested divorce that means you’ve already agreed to terms and visitation I think that’s what it is called no lawyers involved

My ex and i did NOT use a lawyer. We agreed on everything. It was supper easy.

Save your money and give it a try on your own. You can always lean on going to a lawyer down the road.

I’m from Ky!! We had one lawyer, we had the papers drawn up to specifically state everything we had agreed on such a visitation and support. We met and signed and that was it. Sixty days later I got the papers in the mail that it had been granted.

I didnt use a lawyer. They just ask questions and if you can agree to them then it wont need lawyers.

I got a book with a divorce decree in it and types it up and filled it out we went and got our signatures notarized and filed it has to pay for that and go before a judge and he finalized it

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Depends on state, but most states don’t force you to do a custody agreement if you can work it out between yourselves.

A lawyer is for your son and your protection. Get some good advice and tell him what you want.

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Go to the same lawyer for a mediation, it’s the cheapest route.

I live in ky, and when I got divorced you had to have a lawyer to file

My ex Husband and I divorced without lawyer. It was simple and cheap. In Missouri

My first divorced I had a lawyer but thats just b/c he refused to divorce me so if yall are civil and splitting up everything and custody agreement I don’t see why yall would need one

My ex filed and did the paperwork online in Va and sent em to me in Tn to sign and return and he filed em with the courts we never had a lawyer and we have children involved. I have a best friend going through a divorce in KY right now with kids and they aren’t required to have a lawyer they are doing online as well.

I bought the book and did all the paperwork since the ex and I were in agreement

Mine charged $400 as long as both sides agree and no disputes over anything. Southern Ohio.

My husband & his ex wife did their own divorce. We live in Iowa & there’s a website that has instructions on what you’ll need to file, when, & explains it step by step. They just had to pay filing fees.

How does Fl divide property inherited by the wife in another state? No children involved.

Get a lawyer protect yourself and your child

Better get a lawyer. He may end up with a woman that may change his mind about things or you a man.

I’ve been through this…IF children are involved…GET A LAWYER!!!

You see someone’s true colors when you divorce them. Get a lawyer.


You don’t need a lawyer if you are already in agreement on everything

I had to go to court for the hearing but we only went in for him to sign off on it.

In order to be legally divorced you have to get the court involved
But you can both come to a Agreement to dissolve you both need to provide in writing to the court what is agreed upon and the court certify the divorce
Both parties have to agree in person and writing
Check legal zoom for more

If there is nothing to be fought over then you just pick up the paperwork from the courthouse. It’s a lot cheaper that way. I tried to do that but my ex didnt want to make it easy so I had to get a lawyer. Which was funny because the judge ruled and barely gave my ex anything. I was gonna be alot nicer than the judge :joy:

Use a mediator. Much much cheaper.

Each state is different. Some state require a lawyer and some don’t. Go to the court house and ask for a divorce packet. The packets are pretty easy to fill out.

If both of you are upset about the divorce can I ask have you tried marriage counseling? My ex husband and I did our divorce ourselves no lawyers and we co parent well but there are times I wish we’d tried a different way.


I got divorced, no lawyer. For less than 200 bucks, you can download all your court documents and file through the courts. I have a child, there’s a child support calculator form. If you both have agreed on who’s taking what debts, equity and property, child support etc. You don’t need a lawyer, mediation, etc. He signs you sign, you submit, and in about 30 days you’re done. There’s even a waiver for court appearance. Biggest thing is make sure you agree on everything.


My ex and I got a divorce about 3 years ago… we found a lawyer to draw us up papers and neither of us stepped foot in court… we have 2 kid and we’re able to do everything “civil”. I never went to court… but I do recommend having your own attorney or at least do your research. My ex had the lawyer draw up the papers in his favor and I did my research and made many revisions to make it something I was comfortable with. Every situation is different… but in my experience, look out for yourself… he is looking out for him… but there are ways to get divorced and never step foot in a court room!

If it’s uncontested, meaning what’s in your name stays with you and what’s in his stays with him then there’s no need for a lawyer. I did the same thing in KY. BUT, if you guys have shared assets like a house etc, lawyers will need to be involved just to ensure everyone gets what they’re supposed to. Plus with the kid a lawyer would be your best bet.

I’m in SC, I got divorced with my ex husband and we had our son. We agreed on everything as well. I knew for sure he would not try to screw with me when it came to our son. We got divorced without a lawyer and dealt with our child on our own. It’s been 9 years and we get alone amazingly. If you want to keep custody arrangement between the two of you try to write something up and have it notarized. My ex husband has paid child support every week since the day we split. We rotate Christmas and Thanksgiving the other holidays my son spends with which ever parent he is with. I pray you find the answers you are looking for and strength to get through all this🥰

You have to go through a court house. But you don’t need a lawyer. I got divorced with out a lawyer. It still costs around $300 dollars. Custody and child support or alimony are completely separate

Not sure of law in KY, but in CA my ex and I agreed to everything and gave a list to a paralegal. She typed up a Stipulated Judgement and submitted it to the court. We were officially divorced 6 months later without lawyers or going to court.

You can, but I got a lawyer to just make sure paperwork was in order. We went in together just in her office and agreed on everything and signed. Then we got a letter in the mail showing it was final. Cost $600 and was easy and in office. She said most are never like that and was shocked we actually drove together.

I know it’s expensive, but if it’s at all possible, get your own attorneys. A lot of divorces start out amicable, then become not so when custody and child support start getting written down. My ex wanted a divorce for a long time, telling me he knew what he was getting into. I finally filed, and my family helped me pay for it. Didn’t cost him a dime. I told him I would use the state-mandated support to purchase things for the kids, which I always have, and if they need anything for his house let me know and I’ll use it for them over there to help out. I told him I would show him where every dime went if he wanted to see it. It’s expensive. Well, he didn’t pay any support the first 5 months and refused to help with medical expenses or pay any marital debt, so no help with property taxes and house payments (for a home we had moved out of together several years before, but it didn’t sell) one of our credit cards, etc. just saying, it gets really ugly really fast. And he was happy when I finally filed. We were very amicable at first. He had the idea we could just kind of “break up,” like high schoolers and just go our own ways and all we had to do was sign off to make it official. Get your own counsel, and DON’T try to handle custody and support alone. There are sooo many things that have to be planned, like how long each of you has to give notice of you need to change days, rules for taking the child out of state overnight, like on a vacation or to visit family. What years you and he get which holidays. Who must provide insurance? How do you split medical costs? Who has say in what decisions? Can anyone have a significant other spend the night? If you have your child, and you need a babysitter, do you have to ask him first or can you ask a friend or family member? There’s A LOT that can get very heated.

You can file yourself. I’ve done it twice. There’s no such thing as a divorce without getting the court involved. Just file the papers jointly and it’s smooth. One hearing if that, and you’re done.

Although I’m a lawyer but no advice fr u accept prayers for three of u. God bless u and re affectionate u all fmly members and may remove all the misunderstandings which hv ruined ur relationship.All the best dear.

i used a lawyer for an absolute divorce. used one online $395

Yes definitely get a lawy

send me a private message

This is what I’m using and so far it’s been extremely helpful. It gives you all the documents and instructions on how to file each and every one. I am in PA, and am unsure if it is for every state, but if it works for KY I highly recommend it. I’m getting the most basic divorce (no custody, no assets to divide, etc) which made it easier.
The papers still have to get filed at the courthouse, but you don’t actually have to go to a court date or anything. I hope that helps and best of luck with your divorce mama!

The divorce itself should scare the shit out of you. He’s going to change his wonderful attitude the second he doesn’t get something he wants. Don’t fall for his nice guy act…


Oh but you really should get a lawyer

If you both 100% agree you can sign the papers asap however, you still need to go through the court system. It takes a minimum of 90 days to get a divorce but you absolutely can do it without a lawyer. I went to a paralegal because they are much cheaper and help you fill everything out. However. You can create them yourself but its much harder.

Court has to be involved but u dont have to have lawyers.

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Some cities have lawyers who specialize in Amical Divorces. Its a mindset that is less adversarial. Its a form of Mediation. This lawyer will look out for your rights. And thats important where custody and Visitation will be involved.

You can get all the papers and fill then out yourselves. As long as you agree on everything fill it out, turn it in and you will get a court date. They just ask you both if that is what you agree on and the court approves it and you are on your way.

I didn’t have a lawyer for my divorce. I thought we could be peaceful for the kids. Of course he made that hard the day of court and I kind of wish I got a lawyer just because I was so hurt over the divorce At that time so I didn’t fight for things i should have. Ever since I have been raising my kids 100% alone. So help emotionally or financially. I could take him back to court but i won’t force him to be apart of these beautiful kids lives. He will regret it someday

I would get a lawyer… I wouldn’t trust them not to screw you over…

I think you need a lawyer…just as you need a Minister to get married, or any other officiating person. I wish you peace thru the process :pray:

It kind of sounds like you both jumped to divorce with out seeking other options first. Most people who decide on divorce are not extremely upset about it especially both people. Maybe try marriage counseling or legal separation for a little while before you jump to the conclusion of a divorce is all that’s gonna help. And maybe you do need time apart to find happiness but that doesn’t mean you need to just jump to divorce.

I live in TN and was told I didn’t need a lawyer. I filed papers it’ll sit technically for 60 days since there’s a child involved and then I’ll go in front of a judge feb 24th. It’ll be done then.

You can do it! I did it after 25 years of marriage - right out of high school. You’ll be surprised how strong you can be. Good luck!

I highly suggest getting a lawyer and having everything for custody in court orders! I’m not sure where you live, but my sons father and I didnt get a court order for custody when we split after 10 years and 6 months later he moved in with a new girlfriend and because of not having a legal custody agreement he took my kids and didnt have to give them back until we got a court order!

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With children you have to have a lawyer. Even if everything is agreed upon. If all is agreed ya’ll just need one attorney to write everything up.

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As far as single mom, you’ll be fine. It takes time to get use to it and learn to also deal with one income but you learn and become fine and dandy. I’ve done it with 3 children.

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I literally had to reread this because I thought it was about me :sweat_smile: I’m going through the same exact situation. We are having a civil divorce, everything agreed on, and are not taking it to court. We do have a lawyer, but we got one lawyer and split the cost. We don’t need separate lawyers since we are agreeing on everything. But I definitely suggest having one to keep everything legal.

As far as being a single mom, I’m not going to lie to you. It is hard. I have more bad days than good. I only see my son 50% of the time now, when I’ve spent every day of his life with him. But, it is rewarding in so many ways. What I have is mine. Everything I provide for my son, I know that I did that on my own. Even if I have to go without, I have a sense of pride and happiness knowing that I’m giving my son what he needs all by myself. And the peace of mind you will have from being on your own, is a level of happiness that you can’t describe!

Good luck to you momma. It will get easier!


In Maryland I did it without a lawyer. The key is get a mediator. You will need someone to help write up the documents that pertain to your child. They can help with the child support paperwork, you need to consider alimony also.

I did it without a lawyer, initially, but had to get one anyways that dealt with custody and the divorce. I paid the fees, we signed the papers, and it was done. My exhubs got everything except our son, but that was my choice because I didn’t want it.
I made our custody agreement for 2 different states in anticipation of him moving. For NC and SC. Bringing a lawyer into isn’t necessarily bad, it helps protect both of your rights.

Make sure you don’t lose everything

My ex and I used a paralegal. If you agree on everything down to how you split up your current debt and how your going to split visitation than yea you should be able to do it with out an attorney. We spent about $900 to make sure everything was done and filed correctly.

K. I haven’t been divorced. All I would say is that if you feel more comfortable with the help of a lawyer, then that’s fine. It can still be done without it getting nasty. But your going to be upfront with him and explain why you want to do it that way.

If you’re getting a divorce and your soon to be ex husband is helping w the kids, you are not a single mom…

Go to your local courthouse they have a legal library with all the forms you need. Be sure you file first. And remember whatever your divorce papers say is LAW . oh and start putting money away

also don’t you leave the house cuz then he can file abandonment you make him move out

I did it years ago with my 1st husband, we agreed on everything including custody, and child support, judge has to sign off on everything and then it becomes legally binding.

Who’s idea was it to not use lawyers? His or yours?

I’d get all of what y’all want in writing :writing_hand: in case if something backfires on you or him. Just to be safe.

Maybe it’s different from state to state, but you can get a dissolution. You get the paperwork from the courthouse, fill it out, and both get your copy notorized.

I was able to divorce my first husband without a lawyer but there were no kids involved so it was super easy and fast. You would just have to go talk to someone at your local courthouse and they could advise you on the best decision. I do think that as long as you both already agree on custody and everything else you shouldn’t need a lawyer and that will make things significantly easier/faster. Best wishes to you!

I used a lawyer for my divorce because well, I had never been through it before and I had a young child. That lawyer wanted me to really take my ex to the cleaners and I refused. It’s not who I am and he wasn’t rich or a jerk. I did all the paperwork for my current husband’s divorce from his 1st wife. His kids were teenagers at the time. We had to go to court for both divorces. The judge for my now husband called me up to tell me I did a better job filling out and filing the paperwork than most lawyers.

I’d get a lawyer, it is way more complicated than you both think and you’ll find yourselves in over your heads. You can both share the same one if it’s that amicable but trust me, it’s a LOT and you want this done right, with no surprises down the road.

When I went to get my divorce I wasn’t going to hire a lawyer and the lady at the court house told me I needed to because there were kids involved.

Check with the clerk of courts, assuming no children & if you agree on distribution of property, a no fault divorce before a judge is possible without incurring the cost of an attorney.

As long as u both agree on things, you can get the paperwork both of u go over it. If u agree take it and get it notarized with both of your signatures. Then take the paperwork to the court. There is a fee to do that. Where I’m from it’s $400. Good luck!

My ex and I did it all without a lawyer. I paid for an online service to write up the papers. Then went to a court date and whala. We agreed on everything though and had it all in papers… custody, child support, holidays, it was all in the template from online.


My ex and I wrote out our own agreement, we have 2 sons, we went to the courthouse the judge came out of his office and read it asked if we both agreed on it then signed it,we walked out of the courthouse together,we celebrate grandkids bday and other things together and get along with each others new spouses

3 years ago I did it without any lawyers or court dates. We have 2 kids and we’re agreeable on everything. An online search can give you all you need. I found a form that cost about $35 it covered custody, visitation, child support. You just enter the info, print it and both sign in front of a notary. Of course you also have to do the court paperwork as well.

You do not need lawyer, my ex and I got divorced without a lawyer. We filled out our paperwork together and filed together. It took 1 week.

I had 2 children, filed my divorce myself, no lawyer, ex agreed to everything and never even had a court date. Im in Michigan. Doing it yourself with kids is definitely possible

We didn’t use a lawyer. He filed and I was served. Just showed up at court and 10 minutes later no more married. We already knew our daughter was going to live with me

No-you can get the paperwork from the court system and it costs almost nothing to get divorced and then set down and right a list of all the things that are important, review that list everyday for a month and let those close to you review it as well, then I am sure you will have all bases covered

Just get one lawyer. Work it out for the best interest of the child. Easy and done.

Where I’m from u only need a lawyer if u want alimony or child support or both but here u also can go to dhs for child support. Also here u have to be separated a year before u can even file

I did my own divorce from my first husband, and it’s fairly simple. But you do have to involve the courts, can’t get around that.

You can keep it civil and desire things yourself but never not have a legal separation agreement filed with a lawyer and the court

Because you have a child it would be best to do it through the court so that you have everything in writing

You can use the same lawyer as long as you both agree. It is much cheaper that way

My ex-husband and I wrote our own divorce papers and filed them with the court. If it’s amicable, there’s no reason to get lawyers involved. They are the ones who make an amicable divorce ugly.

I got divorced in WV with no lawyer we had everything agreed upon and written out in court documents to be signed off by the judge and we do everything that way

my parents went to same lawyer. kept all the drama and expense down

if u have kids get a lawyer in ore no parent has the rights to kids either can take off and it’s legal so if u want custody /with visits get a lawyer

With a child involved you really should get a family lawyer…

Courts always involved in some capacity to be sure it is equitable. However yes, using Divorce for Dummies - your State edition, will have the forms in it. Then it’s just a matter of filing and following the steps.

We did a marriage settlement agreement. That way we decided everything not the courts.

How about counseling and try and work it out?

Don’t be scared. You will learn so much, how strong you really are and how happy you can be. :heart:

Look for a collaborative divorce team.

I am in NH and I got divorced without a lawyer and we have kids. It can be done.