Do you agree with this statement?

I seen a post saying “The man has to love the woman more in order for the relationship to last or work” I can agree with that but my husband does not. Can y’all share your opinion if you agree or disagree and tell me why


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Do you agree with this statement? - Mamas Uncut

Girls :girl: on Facebook when he stop lvu me says he can talk to them about everything when he lift in 03 tell me stop luv me

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Happy spouse happy house. One shouldn’t be giving more than the other. I’m with your husband on this one🤷


One partner shouldn’t have to love the other more for a relationship to work,thats saying the other partner loves you less and thats not right. A relationship should be equal and unconditional . I agree with the hubby for sure.


Definitely disagree. Thwy should both love and respect each other equally.

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No!!! You both should give each other the equal amount love. If I’m getting less I’m finding the problem

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I’m siding with hubby on this one. He shouldn’t have to love you harder or work harder to prove that love for any reason. It should be 50/50.

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One should not have to love more then the other I agree with your husband on this it’s 50/50

We are almost to 20 years and it’s 50/50. You won’t be fulfilled thinking like that.

Works both ways - we’re not in the 60s anymore

Love is an action more than a feeling. So… It hopefully is reciprocal in effort to help each other feel value for one another. That being said. Long-term relationships seem to sway this balance from one to another over time. Patience and communication are critical.


Uh, a relationship works both ways and it should be equal effort. It’s not a competition.


I know tons of men that says happy wife happy life. I say happy spouse happy house from both parties is the way to go.


One shouldn’t have to love the other more

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“The man has to love the woman more in order for the relationship to last or work.” More than what? In a true relationship there is no measurement of who loves the other more, but for a relationship to work a person has to love the other more than anyone else, even more than themselves (parent to child love is different than love between a couple.) There should be days where each person goes the extra mile for the other to show love and compassion and how much they care. It should not be on one person’s shoulders to do all of the work in a relationship. Ladies do you ever surprise your guys with flowers and candies and a surprise romantic dinner the way you expect him to do for you? If you want a relationship to last you have to work on it show love and appreciation for everything big and small. You have to communicate openly and honestly without anger, if there are problems with understanding what is being said try explaining it another way or ask them to explain it in a different way. Everyone thinks differently sometimes just changing wording can make a difference in what is understood. Another thing that makes relationships last is doing things together even if it is just sitting at home eating a meal together, playing a game, cleaning house, watching a sunset, anything you can do daily, together brings you closer.


It’s 50/50. It is nobody’s responsibility to love more/carry the relationship/etc etc etc.
I would never expect anybody to feel the need to put more effort in

No I disagree the relationship should be 50/50 there’s no one person loving the other more u both should be working together to make the relationship work!

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Uh I disagree but I feel like a lot of men don’t love their partners more. Obviously not true in all scenarios. I’ve felt I’ve always loved my partner more than they loved me (like in all the relationships I’ve been in). Ive gotten the vibe with quite a few friends the same is with them as well. I also feel like they didn’t love me enough to not be abusive or to cheat. Maybe if they loved me more than I loved them then they wouldn’t have crossed certain boundaries.


Sorry but that sounds like some toxic feminist crap to me. A healthy relationship is 50/50 equal give and take.
You also can’t force someone to love you.
You also can’t sit there and analyze every action to gage how much love he has for you.


How do you measure it anyway?

A relationship will only last of it’s 100/100. My husband tells me all the time he loves me more, and we bicker about it but in all reality we each love each other more in different ways


Disagree. You both need to love each other equally for the relationship to work.

Your so wrong love is equal, so your husband is 100% right

There is no possible way of knowing that he loves your more or less …


Impossible to know who loves more!!! :exploding_head:


What a stupid one sided statement


I disagree. Love is never 50/50 some days we are hard to love and some days it’s hard to give love. What’s important is to love your spouse the best you can everyday. You both should give all you can without taking from yourself. One day you may love your spouse more than they love you and the next they may love you more. You may need more at times and other times they need more. It’s a give and take and that’s what should be equal.


what?:joy::joy: i think it needs to be equal. your husband is 100% right.


Disagree that is such an old fashion belief. I guess in some relationships one may love the other more but it should be equal. You should love and care for each other the same

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Why should he feel insecure that she doesn’t love him as much as he loves her? Why is it all about the woman being the superior one? Why measure love like it’s a competition? You love someone as much as you can. You can’t measure that.


I believe a healthy relationship should be 100/100. Each party should aim at giving their all. Some days may be not so good and one gives 60% whereas other seasons may pleasantly be surprising with 120% (over and beyond ) delivery.


Only if you believe men cheat more than women and women are more apt to forgive.

Which would suggest if the man loved you more he would be less likely to cheat vs if you loved him more, he’d be more likely to cheat.

I have never heard of such. Both need to love God first and put him at the head of marriage.


Absolutely not. A relationship is 100/100. If you feel like he has to love you more just because you’re the women then what gives you the insensitive to be a great partner? What about his feelings and emotions, do they not matter just because he’s a man? Men need love too and in all honesty men might need more love then women because society has taught them that having emotions makes them weak. Men need to know that when they come home to their partner they love that it’s a safe place they can take their armor off and wash off the day. Not come come and be a servant of love.

If Men have to love women more simple because they are women then who loves the man? When does he feel unconditional love and safety? Who protects him? Who checks in on him? Men are humans with real emotions that matter, not love slaving cash machines.
Learn to love and stop being selfish or leave so he can find true love and happiness.


I absolutely disagree with you to tell someone they have to love you more in order for it to work is silly and unfair you should both be given equal love from each other men are already picked at enough and now there are actual woman out here telling them they deserve less and we deserve more…I hope this mindset doesn’t stick cause I’d hate to have to look at my four sons and tell them “well guys you deserve less but your sister deserves more” :roll_eyes:


Omg seriously??? So if it said the woman needs to love the man more would you agree ?? There’s no way this page is real!! The questions on this are just so ridiculous


Maybe to make a toxic relationship work.
I’ve seen/met/know some women who literally expect their partner to jump through hoops for them…and all they’re willing to give back is just being in the relationship.
This is all the time. Not just sometimes. Not just when they’re struggling with something but literally all the time. They’re so hung up on themselves…that they truly believe that just being there is all they should have to contribute.
They wouldn’t ever even consider doing the same for their partner.
In those cases, you bet the man has to love the woman more for the relationship to work. But those relationships aren’t exactly healthy.


It may seem that way, cause this is the impression I get from my parents. Its obvious my dad loves my mom. My mother though, she’s just more private about her feelings but that doesn’t mean she loves him any less…its a equal thing…:heart:


Never heard of that one so no dont agree

I think this is something the elders used to say. At least in my situation it is. My grandma used to say try to find you a man that loves you a little more than you love him. I think it was just their way of saying don’t fall in love with no pansy ass man that you do every thing for!! Fall in love with a man that loves and respects you and doesn’t expect the world from you without giving it in return.

It’s said like that because women are naturally more emotionally driven, and in turn the woman gives respect. Men feed off of power, women feed off of love.


“Has to love the woman more”???
We love the best we can or know how to.
No competition, no score keeping.
In my humble opinion.


Why should a man be loved any less than a woman simply because he was born with a penis? I’m genuinely grossed out by posts like this. Nah, you love each other equally or you split because NO ONE deserves to feel like they put in more work to a relationship than the other. If you expect that man to buy you flowers and gifts and crap you should be willingly doing things for him too; random massages after work, making sure he’s all set for a shower after work, packing a lunch with a sweet note. It takes work to be in a marriage or any kind of relationship and if you don’t put forth exactly what you expect to receive you should receive nothing. If you have kids, think about what you’d want for them in their future spouses… would you want your son to bend over backwards for a woman who expects him to “love her more” anyways… would you want your daughter to treat someone so disrespectfully?

I disagree. For a relationship/marriage to be happy and healthy, it cannot be 50/50 or geared towards one partner more than the other ALL THE TIME. There should be no 50/50. Each partner should always give it 100, or the best they can. There are days where I give more and my husband gives less. There are days where my husband gives more and I give less. That’s what a partnership is, give and take. Not to mention that every relationship is different. There is no blanket statement that covers every relationship. I’m sure there are relationships where one partner either has to love the other harder or automatically loves the other harder, but that shouldn’t be expected. If you truly love your partner, it all just comes naturally and you know the days/times when you need to love your partner harder. If you think your husband should love you more than you love him in order for your marriage to last/work, you got married for the wrong reasons and shouldn’t be married.

I don’t agree with that :joy: why should one have to “love more” than the other? That’s not how it works.

What? Really? Definitely not. Both should love eachother, respect eachother, honor eachother, do their best to make the other happy, I guess one could love the other more but it shouldn’t be like I am the woman so you should love me more type thing. Its not always going to be perfect, some dsys one partner may give 30% bc of whatever they are going through, u pick up the slack and do what u can, goes both ways. Everyone just wants to be happy, so just do ur best to make him happy, if he fees loved and cared for he will do the same for you, goes both ways

No I dont agree. Both people have to love each other enough to put in the effort and work to make a lasting relationship. Forgiveness, acceptance, kindness, and patience are all necessary to maintain strong healthy relationships.

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I see a lot of you don’t understand the difference between love and putting in work. There’s plenty of people that put the work in because society told them that’s what they’re suppose to do and really don’t love their partner. They just found a person they can settle for and live a comfort life with. I guess that’s the standard you choose to live by 🤷. Too many married single people out there for y’all not to understand it. One person will always love the other more, love isn’t an object that can be measured it’s an emotion that no 2 people feel the same. Most people don’t even have the same meaning of the word.

I bekieve that a hubby should always SHOW a woman more. A woman always will say" I love you " more to him. 50/50 is good too.

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Don’t agree. It’s a JOINT effort. If the woman isn’t showing love why would the man. That doesn’t make sense

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Please for the love of God don’t take Facebook inspirational quotes as serious relationship advice :woman_facepalming:


You agree that your husband should love you more than you love him?
Wow :joy::joy: the things I read on here.

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No, I don’t agree. You both have to love each other equally.

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I think it’s equal and when a woman is secure in the relationship it’s seems like he loves her more but she shows it in other ways. That not everyone will see.

How do you even decide who truly loves the other more? What a silly thing to say.


Why does it have to be a competition? Do you love each other? That’s all that matters.


What the fuck umm no it’s a two way street both need to love each other equally and equally put in the effort. Soley loving someone is not what makes your relationship work. Honesty, communication, trust, respect those are things that make a relationship work.

What kind of question is this :woman_facepalming:t3:


Love them more than what?


It’s not a competition but it’s never 50/50 because we all have bad days and we pick up the slack xx


I believe you have to love each other equally

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I’ve read and heard a lot of… odd things in my almost 40 years. This makes the list of odd things.


When you marry, you’re supposed to put God first, and you’re supposed to pursue your spouse second. Your spouse should be the most important earthly relationship you have and you should pursue them as such. And it goes both ways. Women are to put their husbands first. Husbands are supposed to love their wives as Christ loved the Church… the disciples. Completely and unselfishly. It should be a sacrificial love going both ways. It has to go both ways. Otherwise it won’t last. You won’t have a strong family unit. Love each other as Jesus loves you.


You both need to love each other enough to make it work. I don’t think you can measure love.

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That’s completely asinine.

I’ve never heard that saying.

:roll_eyes: who’s to say what loving someone more is?! In my opinion, we can love differently and have different love languages and our partner can act upon those etc but that’s not to say a man should love someone more in order for it to work. That’s a bit of a kick in the teeth for a man. Like if you want it to work, you’re not capable of being loved 100% … Bit like saying a real man doesn’t cry. No wonder there are so many damaged men.