Do you bring gifts to a gender reveal?

Do you bring presents to a gender reveal?


I have only been to one and nobody brought gifts. We did all bring food, though. When she had the baby we all had gifts for the baby.

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Some brought me diapers and wipes to mine. I didn’t ask for any. But I did have a wish piggy bank where people could put change in an makes wishes for the baby.


Not typically. I always think it’s sweet to maybe bring something for mama, if you can afford it. Like a mani gift certificate or something. Or food. But that’s just me, I like to bring something when I am a guest in anyone’s home.

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Not usually no sometimes people will take diapers if they want to take something but usually no that’s what the baby shower is for not a gender reveal

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I didn’t expect gifts at mine nor have I ever been to one where people expected gifts.

What about a prenatal massage?

Has anyone else ever have someone tell them to bring a gift to their gender reveal :joy:

I got diapers but I mean if you were to bring something I would bring a pack just bc I know how awesome it is to get diapers lol

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Completely the guests choice. Gifts I’m sure are always welcome, but not necessary!

I always have. Something small like an ultrasound picture frame or a book. It feels weird not to bring something.

If I were the trusted gender person, if not I would just give them a gift card where they are registered… nothing beats picking things out for a new little, but maybe that is just me :slight_smile:

No. I never have. Thats what the baby shower is for.


Bring some type of food. Finger snacks. The pregnant lady will thank you.