Do you ground your kids for saying bad words?

I have a question for you,can you grounded your 4 year old if they keep on saying f word and not listening…my 4 year old daughter Kaylee just kept on saying f word and saying no about picking up her toys when we asked her to stop saying bad words and picking up her toys


I feel like screaming it from the top of my lungs right Now!:laughing::flushed:

I sit mine in time out he’s not even 4 yet

We did soap in the tongue when my grandson wouldn’t stop swearing. We only did it once and he stopped

At 4 years of age she won’t comprehend grounded. You will have to teach her like say “No we don’t say that word it’s a naughty word” everytime you hear her say it it’ll eventually sink in and she will stop saying it but you do literally have to figure out to where she is picking these words up from

Honestly I don’t ground them, I just say those are adult words and you can say them when you are an adult… they are just words

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We would get soap in our mouth and punished!

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There are so many parents who think this is okay, that it’s cute. It’s not. It’s horrible. It’s bad enough when adults do it. You’re a good mom & you will figure out what works best for your child :blush:


When my kids were younger I would replace swear words with other words like oh fudge, sugar foot I know it sounds silly but it worked for mine. If they did swear I would ask them not to say it again because if I told them not you say it I found they would say it more. That worked for mine hit everyone has different parenting techniques and no one way is the right way. It’s the way you find they works for your family. Good luck mama


I ground my kids for not helping to pick up their toys, I remind them that they are to young to use such strong words but give them words to express their stronger feelings that are not the worst. This kept them happy and they didn’t use the worst bad words. My son is 16 and it doesn’t work anymore and sometimes I have to get after him as you can tell he is purposely doing it. My daughter is 8 and stopped.

I got hot peppers for that🥺 now I don’t like spicy food

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Yes! Ground her and put her on the naughty chair!


My twins did when they were in the parrot stage . We just said it wasn’t cool to say it but we never really did anything about it . They are now 6 and never curse but we curse like sailors . Especially my husband .

Nope. It’s too late, all you can do is teach proper context and NOT directing it at anyone

The more power you give a word, the more power it has. If you ignore the behavior, it will go away.

The more attention you give it the more it’s going to happen, and of course the more you say it yourself it’s going to happen 

My five year old only learnt about the f word when she started school. She knows she’s not aloud to say it. Kids pick up things from the environment they are in. If it’s something you say often then she will think it’s OK to use that language. Try ignoring it and she may get over it :sweat_smile:


Do you cuss in front of her? I cuss, so I feel I have no right to ground my child for cussing. If he started to cuss I would probably just stop cussing in front of him. But he would be in trouble if he cussed at school.


We allow all our kids 10, 4, and now our 2 yr old can talk, lol, to swear/cuss
I have taught them all the words have a very basic meaning, what the meaning is, and taught them there is a time and place for using them. They know very well not to use them outside the house, directed at anyone, and not when we have other people over to show respect for the other people.
Never once has anyone come to me and said that they’ve heard any of them use these words away from me. I think it also teaches them a form of self control, knowing when and where they have to watch what they say and do.

Nope I just tell my kids those are grown up words and to use freak or heck naw ( you know the fake cuss words) as a substitute if absolutely need be. But I usually just walk away after telling them once again they can use them when they’re 18. My son was so bad at it for awhile. Now he just tell me mom I’m gonna cuss at you when I grow up. he means cuss with me :rofl: the bigger the deal you make it the harder it will be to break the behavior. Kids love attention even the negative kind.

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My daughter was saying the F word at the TV because it cut the end song short to go to the next episode :joy: so we talked about it, I agreed that it’s frustrating when a song you love gets cut short. Then I started calling it a “goofy TV” like “wow, what a goofy TV, that’s so frustrating!” So now she says “you goofy tv!” Instead of her first choice :joy: the bad words hold all the power you give them.


It’s preference really not everyone cares and we all parent differently. If you don’t want her cussing grounding is fine or you can find words to replace it but I try and use them same words until she’s old enough to fully understand.

She hears so she says it, the best thing you can do for her is ignore it bc she’s trying to get the attention from saying it. If you don’t make a big deal about it she’ll stop saying it.

My 4yr old picked up choice words from family I just ignore and not make a big deal out of it… now two months later I haven’t heard him say cuss words…

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They can’t get in trouble for what I taught them

Kids are like a little mirror, they reflect what they see
You need to acknowledge to he why it’s wrong even when grown ups do it and that you can make better choices with each others help

They can’t know what it is IF they don’t say it… however grounding a 4 year old is like trying to drink the ocean.

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Don’t make a big deal about it to her she knows she’s getting a reaction out of you just ignore her an she’ll eventually stop

We have 2 pug dogs… so when my kids were younger I had them replace the F word with the word Pug.
I don’t allow swearing by my my kids but I am a huge huge music fan…so I don’t hide songs with swears in them but I do sing it as Pug when they were little.

My daughter (now 13) has always been able to cuss at home. But, as soon as she does it in public or toward another person, she’ll be in extremely hot water. We don’t really care what she says at home because we (her parents) both cuss like sailors so it doesn’t bother us one bit.


I don’t care if they swear at home because I do it although in public it’s not tolerated by any means!

Ground a four old,? After about 10 mins they’ll forget why they were grounded,if you don’t want her swearing don’t swear ,and just keep reminding her that’s not how your family talks,

I took some good advice from a podcast called Childproof. “There are no bad words, just bad intentions”. So I tell my 4 year old that certain words are “grown up words” and only grown ups can use them because they know what they mean. I haven’t had her slip up with a word since telling her that.


No, Literally just ignore it

If you don’t want your child to swear don’t allow it even at home

Kids dont care if its good or bad attention
They just want it. So put a stop to telling her off
And focus on the good


Where ever she heard it is the problem. The child didn’t say oh i think ill cus they learned it from a person THAT PERSON needs to learn how to talk around small children

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If she’s not able to pick up her toys, it’s probably because she has too many I would thin them out that worked for us 

Ground the adult who taught her.


The f word is on whomever taught it to her. She’s 4yo she’s saying it bc its getting attention. And she refusing to pick up bc she’s learning that she can say no and push back. She still has to clean up the toys. It’s def an age typical behavior.


I’ll take away planned activities, but I don’t think a 4yr old has the capacity to understand being grounded


I’ve always allowed swearing with the understanding it’s st home only, it’s never at others, and is used in the correct context. like, toe stubbing, etc.
it’s absurd to me that we can teach them so much yet, we have some backwards thinking on teaching how to responsibly use the words.
I am very real with all things w my kids and want to prepare them for real world encounters they will have in there lives.

if I were you I’d stop having a huge reaction to your daughter’s use of the word, she getting a rise from you about and is enjoying it.
instead stay calm and talk to her about what the word is all about.

My 4 is allowed to cuss at home and not at anyone. It works in our house. Keeps from constantly getting on to him when he picks up words from the people around him.


Mine held the wall up at that age

I put white vinegar in my kids mouth if they cuss

No. It’s ridiculous to restric words that harm no one and that almost everyone uses (especially kids to adults). It’s a pointless battle. Pretty much every child uses them away from the parent so parent might miss it being said. I’ve never met a kid that didn’t cuss when in his/her room, in public if not close to the parent; etc.
If they are using derogatory or racist words toward/about someone, then, I would correct the kids.

My daughter tried using it, along with the ‘N’ word at the age of 3. She didn’t even realize they were bad words because they were never used in our household. We quickly put an end to it. Turns out she picked them up from her 5 year old cousin, who picked them up from the other kids in kindergarten. It’s not always the adults teaching the kids. You get to set the standards in your own home and enforce the rules. Don’t back down.

They learn by example…

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I havent but never had them cuss to a point it became a problem. And my husband and i are the ones that accidently slip so they copy especially our 3yr old right now. Yesterday dad was doing dishes and dropped something and some cuss words slipped and the 3 yr old made a song and we just didnt acknowledge it to her. Its fpr attention. Give ur child the attention they crave outside that and it didnt go any further and our older ones went through the same phase and dont copy anymore and dont acknowledge hearing it. Long term punishishments dont work for them.

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I honestly don’t know what I’d do but I know I wouldn’t allow it. It’s just trashy in my opinion.

She’s 4 you don’t ground a 4 year old just keep trying to correct the behavior

Where is she learning it in the first place think about it

Ground them? For a word? :joy: correct it, ignore it and move on. Wtf :rofl: They think it’s funny when they are little, they will stop when they dont get a reaction out of anyone. Make a game out of picking up her toys :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Nope. My kids are allowed to cuss at home and not at any body.

No absolutely not … got 2 adult children never ever did they swear until they were in late teens but that was only in things they would tell me now and then use the F word, got 4 young ones and NO they wouldn’t dare swear …

Try to ignore the word , if you make a big deal she will keep saying it .

Now , about not wanting to pick up her toys …. Start throwing them away … you know in the trash :wastebasket:

Is she learning it from you? That’s where it becomes tricky if they’ll actually listen

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Ground a 4 year old for saying cuss words she, I’m sure pick up at home from family? How about watching what comes out of your mouth . If you don’t make a deal about it, they will stop.

My son is 12 and he gets a small bit of soap in the mouth for 10 seconds or so then he can rinse his mouth out. There have been a couple of times the soap was worth it to say those bad words. He cussed no stop at school to his teachers. Some foul foul words but never at home. He gets close but always corrects himself.


No, at home swearing is ok. He know sthose words are for home which is a safe space. I swear and I don’t plan on stopping :joy: and when he doesn’t want to clean his toys I offer to help, then make a game out of it.

My kid isn’t allowed to curse (also 4). He’s told those are words adults say but not kids and give him an alternative word. He gets two warnings and after a 3rd time he gets a punishment whether it’s not going to grandma’s or playing the switch etc


No they get a swift pop of the bum. I’m not having that. My 10 year old tries and I’ll give him a stern warning if he tries again. Nope old school parenting usually does that trick simple and to the point. I also have a degree in early childhood development I’m not gonna listen to annual of that gentle nonsense.

I’m not judging anyone’s parenting but it’s a hell nah for my household :woozy_face:

My kids say bad words at home, they know not to say them at school

My daughter is 6 and has literally accidentally swore by rhyming words! :joy: she’s old enough though that we explained it’s ok at home, just not at school and be respectful not to say them in front of her grandparents! But, I feel if you normalize it they won’t do it as much because it’s not as much “fun” it’s worked for us, she still gives us a look like she’s in trouble when she does swear! But it’s very rare!

She’s rhymed itchy and bitchy

And bucket it with, well I think you get the picture! :joy:

It’s a phase almost every child goes thru. The less you react, the less your child will repeat it.

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Nope. They’re literally just words and if you make them forbidden then they’re more appealing and kids want to use them more. My son knows there’s a time and place for them and he has never abused the words so :woman_shrugging:t2:

Soap in mouth one time I guarentee it will stop. Yes 4 yr olds do know what good and bad are.


I have a rule about swearing. I don’t care if they swear. No saying it to hurt people and not to excess. Only at home.


I can’t believe how many people let their kids curse at home! Wow!!!


So, um, where did she learn to drop the F bomb?

Shes your child and you can “ground” her if you want, but she’s gonna forget what she did wrong after about 4 minutes.

Where is she learning the words? That’s your problem.


She wouldn’t talk for a week if it was old school parenting. Stop babying these kids.
Thinking it’s just a word… But getting mad if they say the n word. Make up my damn mind. Pop that mouth and I bet she won’t say it again.

nope. As long as she knows the definitions and isn’t cursing someone out (or calling someone a bitch, etc), we don’t care. They are words that she will hear all the time, and pretending they don’t exist or punishing them every time will just make them do it more. Just like kids saying ‘poop’ every time they want to be funny - even if you tell them it’s gross.
It’ll go the other direction. Also, it’ll just push them to hide when they do say it, just like when I was a kid. Learning how to code switch around my uber religious parents, simply b/c they were too strict and I couldn’t even say ‘i’m pissed off’.
We do tell her it’s house language, and that she might go into some places and they’ll get mad. Like school.

We personally put vinegar in their mouths. It doesn’t hurt them but leaves a gross taste in their mouths. It’s never taken more than a few times doing it for each of our kids to make better choices. And before anyone comes at me, I actually called child services to ask for legal and safe suggestions and that is what they suggested and it’s safe per our pediatrician as well.
Edit— I personally don’t give AF what y’all think is or isn’t okay regarding my parenting, my parenting works just fine for me and my kids and they’re pretty good kids as a result of my parenting. I’ll literally just block people that want to reply stupid things and personal opinions because “they could never” (good for you, I seriously do not care). I’m going to listen to the advice that child services gave me on this and then was agreed on by our pediatrician.


I threaten and say I’ll put soap in. :rofl: Normally I’d say you better not be swearing. My kid knows there is no swearing in my house. Lol. He says fudge, and what not. Lol

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Yes. Take her toys away if she won’t pick them up and make her earn them back by doing good things. Explain that it’s a bad word/grown up word and she isn’t allowed to say it. That worked with my oldest. My son is nonverbal so we don’t have that issue with him.

Do u or anyone around her u kno say the f word? If YOU taught it to her u can’t be mad she saying it

My sister’s first word was the f wrd :joy::joy: however I would suggest using a equally as fun word to substitute.

The child has to be hearing this word somewhere . I’d have to find out who says this word and my child would not be around them anymore until they clean up
Their potty mouth . Children are like sponges and soak it all
Up . Every heard of “
Monkey see monkey :speak_no_evil: do ?

One minute in time out for every year of the child’s age… 4 yo = 4 mins

How do you ground a four year old, where do they go? Preschool? And where did they learn it, if they picked it up at home, you have to change your behavior before they’re going to change theirs. I would probably just do time outs. The more they kept doing it the longer the time out.